Resolving TextGrid URIs and PIDs

TextGrid URIs

A TextGrid URI is associated with a single TextGrid object and looks like


TextGrid URIs are persistent IDs in the TextGrid scope and are used to access the different parts of a TextGrid Object: The data part, the metadata part (descriptive metadata), and the technical metadata part.

Public TextGrid Objects

Every public TextGrid object can be accessed directly by the TG-crud service by everyone. The main URL to access the object (for HTTP RESTful API use) would be the resource:

The three parts of the textGrid object can be accessed as follows (data, descriptive metadata, and technical metadata):

Non-Public TextGrid Objects

TextGrid objects that are not yet published (non-public) can also be accessed adding the RBAC Session ID (see TextGridLab Authentication) as a parameter as following:

Technical metadata are extracted automatically during the publishing process, so no technical metadata are available for non-public TextGrid objects.

Persistent Identifiers

Each published Textgrid object gets an ePIC Handle PID during the publishing process that looks like:


Publicly available TextGrid Objects can so be addressed via their PID and a PID resolver, such as or The TextGrid object’s PID you can find in the metadata of every public TextGrid object in the

<pid pidType="handle">hdl:11858/00-1734-0000-0005-1424-B</pid>

tag and can be accessed using every Handle Resolver Service (the “hdl:” prefix may be omitted here):

Each PID is resolved directly to its TextGrid URI and resolver. You can also access every published object with its Handle PID using TG-crud:


Resolving of TextGrid URIs

Every TextGrid object can be addressed via the Textgrid Resolver and its TextGrid URI. The resolver will always point to the correct TG-crud instance:

Non-public TextGrid objects can be resolved via:

Resolving of TextGrid ePIC Handle PIDs

Every public TextGrid object can also be addressed via the Textgrid Resolver and its TextGrid Handle PID. The resolver will always point to the correct TG-crud instance (the hdl: namespace prefix may NOT be omitted here!):

Content Negotiation

Both the URLs


are resolving (i) to the HTML representation of the object (the TextGrid Repository Portal) if accessed via browser (and/or HTTP Acceppt header: text/html):

and (ii) to the data object directly if accessed otherwise: