[7]IN that ſoft Seaſon when deſcending Showers
Call forth the Greens, and wake the riſing Flowers;
When opening Buds ſalute the welcome Day,
And Earth relenting feels the Genial Ray;
[8] As balmy Sleep had charm'd my Cares to Reſt,
And Love it ſelf was baniſh'd from my Breaſt,
(What Time the Morn myſterious Viſions brings,
While purer Slumber ſpread their golden Wings)
A Train of Phantoms in wild Order roſe,
And, join'd, this Intellectual Scene compoſe.
I ſtood, methought, betwixt Earth, Seas, and Skies;
The whole Creation open to my Eyes:
In Air ſelf-balanc'd hung the Globe below,
Where Mountains riſe, and circling Oceans flow;
Here naked Rocks and empty Waſtes were ſeen,
There tow'ry Cities, and the Foreſts green:
Here ſailing Ships delight the wand'ring Eyes;
There Trees, and intermingl'd Temples riſe:
[9] Now a clear Sun the ſhining Scene diſplays,
The tranſient Landſcape now in Clouds decays.
O'er the wide Proſpect as I gaz'd around,
Sudden I heard a wild promiſcuous Sound,
Like broken Thunders that at diſtance roar,
Or Billows murm'ring on the hollow Shoar:
Then gazing up, a glorious Pile beheld,
Whoſe tow'ring Summit ambient Clouds conceal'd.
High on a Rock of Ice the Structure lay,
Steep its Aſcent, and ſlipp'ry was the Way;
The wond'rous Rock like Parian Marble ſhone,
And ſeem'd to diſtant Sight of ſolid Stone.
Inſcriptions here of various Names I view'd,
The greater Part by hoſtile Time ſubdu'd;
Yet wide was ſpread their Fame in Ages paſt,
And Poets once had promis'd they ſhould laſt.
[10] Some freſh engrav'd appear'd of Wits renown'd;
I look'd again, nor cou'd their Trace be found.
Criticks I ſaw, that others Names deface,
And fix their own with Labour in their place:
Their own like others ſoon their Place reſign'd,
Or diſappear'd, and left the firſt behind.
Nor was the Work impair'd by Storms alone,
But felt th' Approaches of too warm a Sun:
For Fame, impatient of Extreams, decays
Not more by Envy than Exceſs of Praiſe.
Yet Part no Injuries of Heav'n cou'd feel,
Like Cryſtal faithful to the graving Steel:
The Rock's high Summit, in the Temple's Shade,
Nor Heat could melt, nor beating Storm invade.
There Names inſcrib'd unnumber'd Ages paſt
From Time's firſt Birth, with Time it ſelf ſhall laſt;
[11] Theſe ever new, nor ſubject to Decays,
Spread, and grow brighter with the Length of Days.
So Zembla's Rocks (the beauteous Work of Froſt)
Riſe white in Air, and glitter o'er the Coaſt;
Pale Suns, unfelt, at diſtance roll away,
And on th' impaſſive Ice the Lightnings play:
Eternal Snows the growing Maſs ſupply,
Till the bright Mountains prop th' incumbent Sky:
As Atlas fix'd, each hoary Pile appears,
The gather'd Winter of a thouſand Years.
On this Foundation Fame's high Temple ſtands;
Stupendous Pile! not rear'd by mortal Hands.
Whate'er proud Rome, or artful Greece beheld,
Or elder Babylon, its Frame excell'd.
[12] Four Faces had the Dome, and ev'ry Face
Of various Structure, but of equal Grace:
Four brazen Gates, on Columns lifted high,
Salute the diff'rent Quarters of the Sky.
Here fabled Chiefs in darker Ages born,
Or Worthies old, whom Arms or Arts adorn,
Who Cities rais'd, or tam'd a monſtrous Race;
The fourfold Walls in breathing Statues grace:
Heroes in animated Marble frown,
And Legiſlators ſeem to think in Stone.
Weſtward, a ſumptuous Frontiſpiece appear'd,
On Dorick Pillars of white Marble rear'd,
Crown'd with an Architrave of antique Mold,
And Sculpture riſing on the roughen'd Gold.
[13] In ſhaggy Spoils here Theſeus was beheld,
And Perſeus dreadful with Minerva's Shield:
There great Alcides ſtooping with his Toil,
Reſts on his Club, and holds th' Heſperian Spoil.
Here Orpheus ſings; Trees moving to the Sound
Start from their Roots, and form a Shade around:
Amphion there the loud creating Lyre
Strikes, and beholds a ſudden Thebes aſpire;
Cythaeron's Ecchoes anſwer'd to his Call,
And half the Mountain roll'd into a Wall:
There might you ſee the length'ning Spires aſcend,
The Domes ſwell up, the widening Arches bend,
The growing Tow'rs like Exhalations riſe,
And the huge Columns heave into the Skies.
[14]The Eaſtern Front was glorious to behold,
With Diamond flaming, and Barbarick Gold.
There Ninus ſhone, who ſpread th' Aſſyrian Fame,
And the great Founder of the Perſian Name:
There in long Robes the Royal Magi ſtand,
Grave Zoroaſter waves the circling Wand:
The ſage Chaldaeans rob'd in White appear'd,
And Brachmans deep in deſert Woods rever'd.
Theſe ſtop'd the Moon, and call'd th' unbody'd Shades
To Midnight Banquets in the glimm'ring Glades;
Made viſionary Fabricks round them riſe,
And airy Spectres skim before their Eyes;
Of Taliſmans and Sigils knew the Pow'r,
And careful watch'd the Planetary Hour.
Superior, and alone, Confucius ſtood,
Who taught that uſeful Science, to be good.
[15]But on the South a long Majeſtick Race
Of Aegypt's Prieſts the gilded Niches grace,
Who meaſur'd Earth, deſcrib'd the ſtarry Spheres,
And trac'd the long Records of Lunar Years.
High on his Car Seſoſtris ſtruck my View,
Whom ſcepter'd Slaves in golden Harneſs drew:
His Hands a Bow and pointed Jav'lin hold,
His Giant Limbs are arm'd in Scales of Gold.
Between the Statues Obelisks were plac'd,
And the learn'd Walls with Hieroglyphicks grac'd.
Of Gothick Structure was the Northern Side,
O'erwrought with Ornaments of barb'rous Pride.
There huge Coloſſes roſe, with Trophies crown'd,
And Runick Characters were grav'd around:
[16] There ſate Zamolxis with erected Eyes,
And Odin here in mimick Trances dies.
There, on rude Iron Columns ſmear'd with Blood,
The horrid Forms of Scythian Heroes ſtood,
Druids and Bards (their once loud Harps unſtrung)
And Youths that dy'd to be by Poets ſung.
Theſe and a thouſand more of doubtful Fame,
To whom old Fables gave a laſting Name,
In Ranks adorn'd the Temple's outward Face;
The Wall in Luſtre and Effect like Glaſs,
Which o'er each Object caſting various Dies,
Enlarges ſome, and others multiplies.
Nor void of Emblem was the myſtick Wall,
For thus Romantick Fame increaſes all.
[17]The Temple ſhakes, the ſounding Gates unfold,
Wide Vaults appear, and Roofs of fretted Gold,
Rais'd on a thouſand Pillars, wreath'd around
With Lawrel-Foliage, and with Eagles crown'd:
Of bright, tranſparent Beryl were the Walls,
The Freezes Gold, and Gold the Capitals:
As Heaven with Stars, the Roof with Jewels glows,
And ever living Lamps depend in Rows.
Full in the Paſſage of each ſpacious Gate
The ſage Hiſtorians in white Garments wait;
Grav'd o'er their Seats the Form of Time was found,
His Scythe revers'd, and both his Pinions bound.
Within, ſtood Heroes who thro' loud Alarms
In bloody Fields purſu'd Renown in Arms.
High on a Throne with Trophies charg'd, I view'd
The Youth that all things but himſelf ſubdu'd;
[18] His Feet on Sceptres and Tiara's trod,
And his horn'd Head expreſs'd the Libyan God.
There Caeſar, grac'd with both Minerva's, ſhone;
Caeſar, the World's great Maſter, and his own;
Unmov'd, ſuperior ſtill in every State;
And ſcarce deteſted in his Country's Fate.
But chief were thoſe who not for Empire fought,
But with their Toils their People's Safety bought:
High o'er the reſt Epaminondas ſtood;
Timoleon, glorious in his Brother's Blood;
And Scipio, Saviour of the Roman State,
Great in his Triumphs, in Retirement great.
Here too the Wiſe and Good their Honours claim,
Much-ſuff'ring Heroes, of leſs noiſy Fame,
[19] Fair Virtue's ſilent Train: Supreme of theſe
Here ever ſhines the Godlike Socrates.
Here triumphs He whom Athens did expel,
In all things Juſt, but when he ſign'd the Shell.
Here his Abode the martyr'd Phocion claims,
With Agis, not the laſt of Spartan Names:
Unconquer'd Cato ſhews the Wound he tore,
And Brutus his ill Genius meets no more.
But in the Centre of the hallow'd Quire
Six pompous Column's o'er the reſt aſpire;
Around the Shrine it ſelf of Fame they ſtand,
Hold the chief Honours, and the Fane command.
High on the firſt, the mighty Homer ſhone;
Eternal Adamant compos'd his Throne;
[20] Father of Verſe! in holy Fillets dreſt,
His Silver Beard wav'd gently o'er his Breaſt;
Tho' blind, a Boldneſs in his Looks appears,
In Years he ſeem'd, but not impair'd by Years.
The Wars of Troy were round the Pillar ſeen:
Here fierce Tydides wounds the Cyprian Queen:
Here Hector glorious from Patroclus Fall,
Here dragg'd in Triumph round the Trojan Wall,
Motion and Life did ev'ry Part inſpire,
Bold was the Work, and prov'd the Maſter's Fire;
A ſtrong Expreſſion moſt he ſeem'd t'affect,
And here and there diſclos'd a brave Neglect.
A Golden Column next in Rank appear'd,
On which a Shrine of pureſt Gold was rear'd;
[21] Finiſh'd the whole, and labour'd ev'ry Part,
With patient Touches of unweary'd Art:
The Mantuan there in ſober Triumph ſate,
Compos'd his Poſture, and his Look ſedate;
On Homer ſtill he fix'd a reverend Eye,
Great without Pride, in modeſt Majeſty.
In living Sculpture on the Sides were ſpread
The Latian Wars, and haughty Turnus dead;
Eliza ſtretch'd upon the fun'ral Pyre,
Aeneas bending with his aged Sire:
Troy flam'd in burniſh'd Gold, and o'er the Throne
Arms and the Man in Golden Cyphers ſhone.
Four Swans ſuſtain a Carr of Silver bright,
With Heads advanc'd, and Pinions ſtretch'd for Flight:
[22] Here, like ſome furious Prophet, Pindar rode,
And ſeem'd to labour with th' inſpiring God.
A-croſs the Harp a careleſs Hand he flings,
And boldly ſinks into the ſounding Strings.
The figur'd Games of Greece the Column grace,
Neptune and Jove ſurvey the rapid Race:
The Youth's hang o'er their Chariots as they run
The fiery Steeds ſeem ſtarting from the Stone;
The Champions in diſtorted Poſtures threat,
And all appear'd Irregularly great.
Here happy Horace tun'd th' Auſonian Lyre
To ſweeter Sounds, and temper'd Pindar's Fire:
Pleas'd with Alcaeus manly Rage t'infuſe
The ſofter Spirit of the Sapphick Muſe.
[23] The poliſh'd Pillar different Sculptures grace;
A Work outlaſting Monumental Braſs.
Here ſmiling Loves and Bacchanals appear,
The Julian Star and Great Auguſtus here.
The Doves that round the Infant Poet ſpread
Myrtles and Bays, hung hov'ring o'er his Head.
Here in a Shrine that caſt a dazling Light,
Sate fix'd in Thought the mighty Stagyrite;
His Sacred Head a radiant Zodiack crown'd,
And various Animals his Sides ſurround;
His piercing Eyes, erect, appear to view
Superior Worlds, and look all Nature thro'.
With equal Rays immortal Tully ſhone,
The Roman Roſtra deck'd the Conſul's Throne:
[24] Gath'ring his flowing Robe, he ſeem'd to ſtand,
In Act to ſpeak, and graceful, ſtretch'd his Hand:
Behind, Rome's Genius waits with Civick Crowns,
And the Great Father of his Country owns.
Theſe maſſie Columns in a Circle riſe,
O'er which a pompous Dome invades the Skies:
Scarce to the Top I ſtretch'd my aking Sight,
So large it ſpread, and ſwell'd to ſuch a Height.
Full in the midſt, proud Fame's Imperial Seat
With Jewels blaz'd, magnificently great;
The vivid Em'ralds there revive the Eye;
The flaming Rubies ſhew their ſanguine Dye;
Bright azure Rays from lively Saphirs ſtream,
And lucid Amber caſts a Golden Gleam.
[25] With various-colour'd Lights the Pavement ſhone,
And all on fire appear'd the glowing Throne;
The Dome's high Arch reflects the mingled Blaze,
And forms a Rainbow of alternate Rays.
When on the Goddeſs firſt I caſt my Sight,
Scarce ſeem'd her Stature of a Cubit's height,
But ſwell'd to larger Size, the more I gaz'd,
Till to the Roof her tow'ring Front ſhe rais'd.
With her, the Temple ev'ry Moment grew,
And ampler Viſta's open'd to my View,
Upward the Columns ſhoot, the Roofs aſcend,
And Arches widen, and long Iles extend.
Such was her Form, as antient Bards have told,
Wings raiſe her Arms, and Wings her Feet infold;
A Thouſand buſy Tongues the Goddeſs bears,
And Thouſand open Eyes, and Thouſand liſt'ning Ears.
[26] Beneath, in Order rang'd, the tuneful Nine
(Her Virgin Handmaids) ſtill attend the Shrine:
With Eyes on Fame for ever fix'd, they ſing;
For Fame they raiſe the Voice, and tune the String.
With Time's firſt Birth began the Heav'nly Lays,
And laſt Eternal thro' the Length of Days.
Around theſe Wonders as I caſt a Look,
The Trumpet ſounded, and the Temple ſhook,
And all the Nations, ſummon'd at the Call,
From diff'rent Quarters fill the crowded Hall:
Of various Tongues the mingled Sounds were heard;
In various Garbs promiſcuous Throngs appear'd;
Thick as the Bees, that with the Spring renew
Their flow'ry Toils, and ſip the fragrant Dew,
[27] When the wing'd Colonies firſt tempt the Sky,
O'er dusky Fields and ſhaded Waters fly,
Or ſettling, ſeize the Sweets the Bloſſoms yield,
And a low Murmur runs along the Field.
Millions of ſuppliant Crowds the Shrine attend,
And all Degrees before the Goddeſs bend;
The Poor, the Rich, the Valiant, and the Sage,
And boaſting Youth, and Narrative old Age.
Their Pleas were diff'rent, their Requeſt the ſame,
For Good and Bad alike are fond of Fame.
Some ſhe diſgrac'd, and ſome with Honours crown'd;
Unlike Succeſſes equal Merits found.
Thus her blind Siſter, fickle Fortune reigns,
And undiſcerning, ſcatters Crowns and Chains.
[28]Firſt at the Shrine the Learned World appear,
And to the Goddeſs thus prefer their Prayer:
Long have we ſought t'inſtruct and pleaſe Mankind,
With Studies pale, with Midnight Vigils blind;
But thank'd by few, rewarded yet by none,
We here appeal to thy ſuperior Throne:
On Wit and Learning the juſt Prize beſtow,
For Fame is all we muſt expect below.
The Goddeſs heard, and bade the Muſes raiſe
The Golden Trumpet of eternal Praiſe:
From Pole to Pole the Winds diffuſe the Sound,
That fills the Circuit of the World around;
Not all at once, as Thunder breaks the Cloud;
The Notes at firſt were rather ſweet than loud:
[29] By juſt degrees they ev'ry moment riſe,
Fill the wide Earth, and gain upon the Skies.
At ev'ry Breath were balmy Odours ſhed,
Which ſtill grew ſweeter as they wider ſpread:
Leſs fragrant Scents th' unfolding Roſe exhales,
Or Spices breathing in Arabian Gales.
Next theſe the Good and Juſt, an awful Train,
Thus on their Knees addreſs'd the ſacred Fane.
Since living Virtue is with Envy curſt,
And the beſt Men are treated like the worſt,
Do thou, juſt Goddeſs, call our Merits forth,
And give each Deed th' exact intrinſic Worth.
Not with bare Juſtice ſhall your Act be crown'd,
(Said Fame) but high above Deſert renown'd:
[30] Let fuller Notes th' applauding World amaze,
And the loud Clarion labour in your Praiſe.
This Band diſmiſs'd, behold another Crowd
Prefer'd the ſame Requeſt, and lowly bow'd,
The conſtant Tenour of whoſe well ſpent Days
No leſs deſerv'd a juſt Return of Praiſe.
But ſtrait the direful Trump of Slander ſounds,
Thro' the big Dome the doubling Thunder bounds:
Loud as the Burſt of Cannon rends the Skies,
The dire Report thro' ev'ry Region flies:
In ev'ry Ear inceſſant Rumours rung,
And gath'ring Scandals grew on ev'ry Tongue.
From the black Trumpet's ruſty Concave broke
Sulphureous Flames, and Clouds of rolling Smoke:
[31] The pois'nous Vapor blots the purple Skies,
And withers all before it as it flies.
A Troop came next, who Crowns and Armour wore,
And proud Defiance in their Looks they bore:
For thee (they cry'd) amidſt Alarms and Strife,
We ſail'd in Tempeſts down the Stream of Life;
For thee whole Nations fill'd with Flames and Blood,
And ſwam to Empire thro' the purple Flood.
Thoſe Ills we dar'd thy Inſpiration own,
And all that Virtue ſeem'd was done for thee alone.
Ambitious Fools! (the Queen reply'd, and frown'd)
Be all your Acts in dark Oblivion crown'd;
There ſleep forgot, with mighty Tyrants gone,
Your Statues moulder'd, and your Names unknown.
[32] A ſudden Cloud ſtrait ſnatch'd them from my Sight,
And each Majeſtick Phantom ſunk in Night.
Then came the ſmalleſt Tribe I yet had ſeen,
Plain was their Dreſs, and modeſt was their Mein.
Great Idol of Mankind! we neither claim
The Praiſe of Merit, nor aſpire to Fame;
But ſafe in Deſerts from the Applauſe of Men,
Would die unheard of, as we liv'd unſeen.
'Tis all we beg thee, to conceal from Sight
Thoſe Acts of Goodneſs, which themſelves requite.
O let us ſtill the ſecret Joy partake,
To follow Virtue ev'n for Virtue's ſake.
And live there Men who ſlight immortal Fame?
Who then with Incenſe ſhall adore our Name?
[33] But, Mortals know, 'tis ſtill our greateſt Pride,
To blaze thoſe Virtues which the Good would hide.
Riſe! Muſes, riſe! add all your tuneful Breath,
Theſe muſt not ſleep in Darkneſs and in Death.
She ſaid: in Air the trembling Muſick floats,
And up the Winds triumphant ſwell the Notes;
So ſoft, tho' high, ſo loud, and yet ſo clear,
Ev'n liſt'ning Angels lean'd from Heaven to hear:
To fartheſt Shores th' Ambroſial Spirit flies,
Sweet to the World, and grateful to the Skies.
Next theſe a youthful Train their Vows expreſt,
With Feathers crown'd, with gay Embroid'ry dreſt:
Hither, they cry'd, direct your Eyes, and ſee
The Men of Pleaſure, Dreſs, and Gallantry:
[34] Ours is the Place at Banquets, Balls and Plays;
Sprightly our Nights, polite are all our Days;
Courts we frequent, where 'tis our pleaſing Care
To pay due Viſits, and addreſs the Fair:
In fact, 'tis true, no Nymph we cou'd perſuade,
But ſtill in Fancy vanquiſh'd ev'ry Maid;
Of unknown Dutcheſſes leud Tales we tell,
Yet would the World believe us, all were well.
The Joy let others have, and we the Name,
And what we want in Pleaſure, grant in Fame.
The Queen aſſents, the Trumpet rends the Skies,
And at each Blaſt a Lady's Honour dies.
Pleas'd with the ſtrange Succeſs, vaſt Numbers preſt
Around the Shrine, and made the ſame Requeſt:
[35] What you (ſhe cry'd) unlearn'd in Arts to pleaſe,
Slaves to your ſelves, and ev'n fatigu'd with Eaſe,
Who loſe a Length of undeſerving Days;
Wou'd you uſurp the Lover's dear-bought Praiſe?
To juſt Contempt, ye vain Pretenders, fall,
The Peoples Fable, and the Scorn of all.
Strait the black Clarion ſends a horrid Sound,
Loud Laughs burſt out, and bitter Scoffs fly round,
Whiſpers were heard, with Taunts reviling loud,
And ſcornful Hiſſes ran thro' all the Croud.
Laſt, thoſe who boaſt of mighty Miſchiefs done,
Enſlave their Country, or uſurp a Throne;
Or who their Glory's dire Foundation laid,
On Sovereigns ruin'd, or on Friends betray'd,
[36] Calm, thinking Villains, whom no Faith can fix,
Of crooked Counſels and dark Politicks;
Of theſe a gloomy Tribe ſurround the Throne,
And beg to make th' immortal Treaſons known.
The Trumpet roars, long flaky Flames expire,
With Sparks, that ſeem'd to ſet the World on fire.
At the dread Sound, pale Mortals ſtood aghaſt,
And ſtartled Nature trembled with the Blaſt.
This having heard and ſeen, ſome Pow'r un⯑known
Strait chang'd the Scene, and ſnatch'd me from the Throne.
Before my View appear'd a Structure fair,
Its Site uncertain, if in Earth or Air;
[37] With rapid Motion turn'd the Manſion round;
With ceaſeleſs Noiſe the ringing Walls reſound:
Not leſs in Number were the ſpacious Doors,
Than Leaves on Trees, or Sands upon the Shores;
Which ſtill unfolded ſtand, by Night, by Day,
Pervious to Winds, and open ev'ry way.
As Flames by Nature to the Skies aſcend,
As weighty Bodies to the Center tend,
As to the Sea returning Rivers roll,
And the touch'd Needle trembles to the Pole:
Hither, as to their proper Place, ariſe
All various Sounds from Earth, and Seas, and Skies.
Or ſpoke aloud, or whiſper'd in the Ear;
Nor ever Silence, Reſt or Peace is here.
As on the ſmooth Expanſe of Cryſtal Lakes,
The ſinking Stone at firſt a Circle makes;
[38] The trembling Surface, by the Motion ſtir'd,
Spreads in a ſecond Circle, then a third;
Wide, and more wide, the floating Rings advance,
Fill all the wat'ry Plain, and to the Margin dance.
Thus ev'ry Voice and Sound, when firſt they break,
On neighb'ring Air a ſoft Impreſſion make;
Another ambient Circle then they move.
That, in its turn, impels the next above;
Thro' undulating Air the Sounds are ſent,
And ſpread o'er all the fluid Element.
There various News I heard, of Love and Strife,
Of Peace and War, Health, Sickneſs, Death, and Life;
Of Loſs and Gain, of Famine and of Store,
Of Storms at Sea, and Travels on the Shore,
[39] Of Prodigies, and Portents ſeen in Air,
Of Fires and Plagues, and Stars with blazing Hair,
Of Turns of Fortune, Changes in the State,
The Falls of Fav'rites, Projects of the Great,
Of old Miſmanagements, Taxations new;—
All neither wholly falſe, nor wholly true.
Above, below, without, within, around,
Confus'd, unnumber'd Multitudes are found,
Who paſs, repaſs, advance, and glide away;
Hoſts rais'd by Fear, and Phantoms of a Day.
Aſtrologers, that future Fates foreſhew,
Projectors, Quacks, and Lawyers not a few;
And Prieſts and Party-Zealots, num'rous Bands
With home-born Lyes, or Tales from foreign Lands;
[40] Each talk'd aloud, or in ſome ſecret Place,
And wild Impatience ſtar'd in ev'ry Face:
The flying Rumours gather'd as they roll'd,
Scarce any Tale was ſooner heard than told;
And all who told it, added ſomething new,
And all who heard it, made Enlargements too,
In ev'ry Ear it ſpread, on ev'ry Tongue it grew.
Thus flying Eaſt and Weſt, and North and South,
News travel'd with Increaſe from Mouth to Mouth;
So from a Spark, that kindled firſt by Chance,
With gath'ring Force the quick'ning Flames ad⯑vance;
Till to the Clouds their curling Heads aſpire,
And Tow'rs and Temples ſink in Floods of Fire.
[41]When thus ripe Lyes are to perfection ſprung,
Full grown, and fit to grace a mortal Tongue,
Thro' thouſand Vents, impatient forth they flow,
And ruſh in Millions on the World below.
Fame ſits aloft, and points them out their Courſe,
Their Date determines, and preſcribes their Force:
Some to remain, and ſome to periſh ſoon,
Or wane and wax alternate like the Moon.
Around a thouſand winged Wonders fly,
Born by the Trumpet's Blaſt, and ſcatter'd thro' the Sky.
There, at one Paſſage, oft you might ſurvey
A Lye and Truth contending for the way;
And long 'twas doubtful, both ſo cloſely pent,
Which firſt ſhould iſſue thro' the narrow Vent:
[42] At laſt agreed, together out they fly,
Inſeparable now, the Truth and Lye;
The ſtrict Companions are for ever join'd,
And this or that unmix'd, no Mortal e'er ſhall find.
While thus I ſtood, intent to ſee and hear,
One came, methought, and whiſper'd in my Ear;
What cou'd thus high thy raſh Ambition raiſe?
Art thou, fond Youth, a Candidate for Praiſe?
'Tis true, ſaid I, not void of Hopes I came,
For who ſo fond as youthful Bards of Fame?
But few, alas! the caſual Bleſſing boaſt,
So hard to gain, ſo eaſy to be loſt:
How vain that ſecond Life in others Breath,
Th' Eſtate which Wits inherit after Death!
[43] Eaſe, Health, and Life, for this we muſt reſign,
(Unſure the Tenure, but how vaſt the Fine!)
The Great Man's Curſe without the Gains endure,
Be envy'd, wretched, and be flatter'd poor;
All luckleſs Wits our Enemies profeſt,
And all ſucceſsful, jealous Friends at beſt.
Nor Fame I ſlight, nor for her Favours call;
She comes unlook'd for, if ſhe comes at all:
But if the Purchaſe coſts ſo dear a Price,
As ſoothing Folly, or exalting Vice:
Oh! if the Muſe muſt flatter lawleſs Sway,
And follow ſtill where Fortune leads the way;
Or if no Baſis bear my riſing Name,
But the fall'n Ruins of Another's Fame:
Then teach me, Heaven! to ſcorn the guilty Bays;
Drive from my Breaſt that wretched Luſt of Praiſe;
[44] Unblemiſh'd let me live, or die unknown,
Oh grant an honeſt Fame, or grant me none!