[Price One Shilling.]
THE Paſſages printed in Italics are quota⯑tions from Mr. Wheatley's Remarks; and the re⯑ferences correſpond with the edition of Shakſpeare given by Johnſon and Stevens 1778.
PLAYS are deſigned, by the joint powers of precept and example, to have a good influence on the lives of men. Enquiries into the conduct of fable in the drama were uſe⯑leſs to this end: the regular, or irregular, diſpoſition of parts in a play is an artificial praiſe, or blame, that can contribute nothing to the improvement, or depravation, of the mind; for the cauſe of morality is promoted only, when, by a cataſtrophe reſulting from principles natural to the agents, who produce it, we are taught to love virtue, and abhor⯑vice.
Neglect of unity is the obvious fault of Shakſpeare's pieces, truth of manners their unrivalled excellence.
[4]This Eſſay does not profeſs to obſerve up⯑on any inconſiſtency in the conduct of the tragedy of Macbeth, it concerns itſelf only with the ſentiments of the hero of it, pre⯑ſuming they will more effectually ſerve ethicks, if, in analyſing his character, it ſhews that there is no diſtinction between him and king Richard, in the quality of perſonal courage. If Macbeth be what Mr. Wheatley deſcribes him, we muſt forego our virtuous ſatisfac⯑tion in his repugnance to guilt, for it ariſes from mere cowardice; and can gain no in⯑ſtruction from his remorſe, for it is only the effect of imbecility; we deſpiſe him; we cannot feel for him; and ſhall never be amended by a wretch, who is uniformly the object of our contempt.
The writer of theſe pages does not conſider, that his poſition will never be eſtabliſhed, till Mr. Wheatley's be overthrown, without per⯑ceiving how difficult, and apparently invidi⯑ous, a taſk he undertakes; he relies, how⯑ever, upon Shakſpeare to clear Macbeth from the imputation laid on his nature; and can truly ſay, the argument is not taken up in a ſpirit of controverſy, but out of a love for, what is believed to be, juſt criticiſm.
[5]Having given many judicious proofs of the difference, there certainly is, in the characters of Macbeth and Richard, Mr. Wheatley pro⯑ceeds to the article of courage, and ſays, In Richard it is intrepidity, and in Macbeth no more than reſolution: in him [Macbeth] it proceeds from exertion, not from nature; in enterprize he betrays a degree of fear, though he is able, when occaſion requires, to ſtifle and ſubdue it.
The attempt to controvert this doctrine na⯑turally reſolves itſelf into three heads; name⯑ly, a repetition of the ſimple character of Mac⯑beth, as it ſtands before any change is effected in it by the ſupernatural ſoliciting of the weird ſiſters; a conſideration of his conduct towards Banquo, and Macduff; and a review of his deportment, as oppoſed to Richard's in the "Remarks." This order will involve an inquiry into Mr. Wheatley's interpretation of the poet's text; into the appoſiteneſs of the facts adduced in ſupport of hi opinion; and into his philoſophy of the pec [...]liar paſſion of characters, when, facts not ſupplying teſti⯑mony, he can ſubſtantiate his hypotheſis only on the evidence of appropriated ſentiment.
An appeal for judgement on the nature of Macbeth's courage lies to the tribunal of [6] Shakſpeare himſelf. The circumſcribed na⯑ture of a drama renders it generally imprac⯑ticable for the principal perſonages in it gra⯑dually to unfold themſelves; it is, therefore, an allowed artifice with dramatic authors (and of which they commonly avail themſelves) by an impreſſive deſcription of their heroes to bring us, in a great meaſure, acquainted with them, before they are actually engaged in ſcenes, where, for want of ſuch previous in⯑telligence, their proceedings might appear, at beſt, confuſed, and generally, perhaps, inex⯑plicable. We are bound, then, to receive the introductory portrait our author has drawn of Macbeth as a true reſemblance; for a crea⯑ture of the poet's arbitrary creation may be aſſimilated only to thoſe features, which he has thought fit to give him. Here is the picture.
Could Shakſpeare call a man brave, and inſiſt upon his well deſerving that appel⯑lation; could he grace a man with the title of valour's minion, and deem him, as he does in a ſubſequent paſſage, worthy to be match⯑ed even with the goddeſs of war;—could he do this, and not deſign to impreſs a full idea of the dignity of his courage? Macbeth's great heart pants to meet the mercileſs leader of the rebels; his executing ſword, all dyed in reek⯑ing gore, hews out a paſſage to him; he main⯑tains the combat, 'till the death of his anta⯑goniſt crowns his perſiſtive valour with the victory he burned for.
It is ſaid, Macbeth has reſolution, not intre⯑pidity. What is the ſoldier's intrepidity, but diſdaining fortune?
It is objected, though with ſome qualifi⯑cation, that Macbeth's courage proceeds from exertion, not from nature; and that in enterprize he betrays a deal of fear. Let us turn to the portrait once more.
The Thane of Roſſe takes up the narrative;—
Is it to betray fear in enterprize, already worn with the fatigues of a hard-fought field, to ruſh, at diſadvantage, on freſh ſupplies and terrible numbers, unconcerned as eagles, when they ſwoop on ſparrows, and lions, when they ſtrike a hare? It cannot be the laboured effect of exertion, it is the ſpontaneous im⯑pulſe of a dauntleſs nature, that again hurries Bellona's bridegroom, through all the horrors of a diſmal conflict, to ſingle out and hold the royal invader point againſt point, till his re⯑ſiſtleſs [9] arm has curbed his laviſh ſpirit, and raiſed on his diſcomfiture the trophies of a ſecond conqueſt.
Macbeth now enters in the ſcene, and a deputation from the ſovereign meets him, with theſe gracious acknowledgements to his tri⯑umphant valour.
The king congratulates Macbeth on his ſucceſs; and profeſſes, that the praiſe, due to his perſonal venture in the firſt battle, is loſt in ſilent wonder at the ſublimity of his daring. How inexpreſſible, then, are Dun⯑can's feelings, when he finds him once more engaged, the ſelf-ſame day, in the ſtout [10] Norweyan ranks, careleſs of meeting that death, which he was ſo terribly dealing on the ſquadrons that ſurrounded him! The king confers the forfeited honours of the diſloyal Cawdor upon his general, only as a token of thoſe higher dignities, which all conſpire to think his atchievements in the kingdom's great defence have juſtly merited.
Such is the character Shakſpeare attributes to Macbeth, while yet the pureneſs of his conſcience is uncontaminated by guilt. The impetuoſity of Glamis is the deciſion of in⯑trepidity; the feats of his own hand aſſure to him the renown of gallantry; and the whole tenour of his conduct, throughout this peril⯑ous adventure, unequivocally diſplays a ſoul, that, with Othello's, may
We come now to the ſecond part of this queſtion. The "Remarks" affirm, that Macbeth is perſonally afraid of Banquo, and that his fear is founded on the ſuperior courage of the other.
The evidence, which is given in, of Ban⯑quo's ſuperior courage may, perhaps, on ex⯑amination, [11] ſeem but of little weight. Whence are the proofs of Macbeth's cowardice to be brought? Not from his behaviour in battle. It does not appear, that, upon the firſt meet⯑ing of the witches, Macbeth is agitated much more than Banquo; Banquo's deſcription of their figures, and his ſeveral pertinent queſtions to them (amounting, though, to no more than two) are not expreſſive of mere curioſity, but of the ſurpriſe, with which himſelf and his partner are equally affected, on their un⯑expectedly encountering three objects of ſo groteſque an appearance,
If Macbeth only repeats the ſame inquiry, it is not from timidity, but from a wiſh for the ſame information; and when he does it ſhortly, he indicates his impatience for an anſwer.
Why ſhould the ſpeeches of Macbeth and Banquo, in this ſcene, appear to be injudiciouſly diſtributed? And how will the difference in their characters account for ſuch a diſtribution? Ban⯑quo addreſſes the witches firſt: Banquo is [12] made to ſee them firſt; not in token of ſu⯑periority, but merely, perhaps, that their ceremonious ſilence to him,
may heighten the ſolemnity of the pro⯑phetic greeting, with which they are about to hail Macbeth. Yet, the diſtribution of the parts is of ſo little moment, that it might have happened fortuitouſly: to have done, however, with conjecture, the context evinces, that it is not produced for the purpoſe of ſhew⯑ing Banquo's ſuperiority, in being perfectly calm under an occurrence, that has ruffled Macbeth.
If Macbeth is amazed, when he ſees the witches are vaniſhed, and likens their diſap⯑pearance to the melting of breath into the wind; Banquo is ſtruck too, and compares them, in their ſudden evaneſcence, to the burſting bubbles of the water.—(P. 464. v.4.)
Banquo cannot be ſaid to treat the witches with contempt; he adjures them,— ‘I' the name of truth;— (P. 462. v. 4.)’ and, with Macbeth, gives them, in ſome ſort, credit for
This is the language of manly firmneſs, not of contempt. He does not mean to ridicule their prophecy by anſwering to Macbeth's queſtion,
This is a grave, and preciſe, reply to a par⯑ticular, and intereſting, demand. It has been obſerved, from the higheſt critical authority, that Malcolm confirms the ſerious import of the ſpeech in queſtion, when he calls the effuſions of Macduff's grief and rage a manly "tune."—P. 586. v. 4.) It is plain, that Banquo's exclamation—, ‘What, can the devil ſpeak true?— (P. 465. v. 4.)’ on hearing part of the prophecy fulfilled, is dictated by wonder, not diſregard; for, when Macbeth takes occaſion, from that very event, to queſtion him on the hope, he now might [14]reaſonably entertain, of his family's advance⯑ment, he ſolemnly replies,
Now let us advert to the ſubſequent effect, which the declarations of the ſiſters have upon Banquo's mind: he prays to be delivered from their temptations;
Mr. Stevens, to whom every admirer of Shakſpeare muſt feel himſelf under high obli⯑gations, obſerves upon this paſſage, ‘it is ap⯑parent from what Banquo ſays afterwards’—[to Macbeth, "I dreamt laſt night of the three weird ſiſters,"]—‘that he had been ſolicited in a dream to attempt ſomething, in conſequence of the prophecy of the witches, that his waking ſenſes were ſhock'd at.’—(P. 492. v. 4.) —Theſe horrible emotions could never have been [15] cauſed in him by declarations, which he had contemned, ridiculed, or diſregarded. The adventure on the heath, therefore, does not prove Banquo's ſpirit greater than Macbeth's.
The "Remarks" proceed thus, in proof of Macbeth's perſonal fear of Banquo; his principal object is the death of the father; and the ſecuring of his crown againſt Banquo's iſſue, who alone were pointed out to his jealouſy by the witches, is no more than a ſecondary conſideration.
Macbeth, when he confeſſes to Lady Mac⯑beth, that his mind is full of ſcorpions, ſhews Banquo not to be the ſole cauſe of his un⯑eaſineſs, by adding, "Thou know'ſt, that Banquo, and his Fleance, lives:" Moreover; directing the aſſaſſins, he tells them, the ſon's abſence is "no leſs material" to him, than the father's; he urges the death of Fleance on a motive diſtinct from cowardice; for, allowing, one moment, that he perſonally fear'd Banquo, it is impoſſible to conceive he could have felt the ſame dread of a boy: again; had his fears been perſonal they muſt have ended with the removal of the object of them; but finding the ſon has not fallen with the father, he is again involv'd in all his former apprehenſions.
The witches, it is true, only point out Ban⯑quo's iſſue to Macbeth's jealouſy; but acual is not poſſible progeny, and the loſs of one child does not prevent a man from begetting others: thus, the ſecuring of his crown againſt Banquo's iſſue is ſo far from being a ſecondary, that it is the tyrant's only, inſtigation to this double murder.
The original idea of Macbeth's perſonally fearing Banquo ſeems founded on theſe words;
It will be eſſentially neceſſary, towards ex⯑plaining the ſenſe of theſe ſtrong lines, to fol⯑low the train of reaſoning through the context of the ſpeech, from which they are taken.
In this ſoliloquy the uſurper reflects, that, after all he has done to obtain the crown, he is in great danger of loſing it; weighs the cauſes of that danger; and reſolves, by re⯑moving them, to take effectual meaſures for the firmly eſtabliſhing of his ſupremacy. In other words;—
I have poſſeſs'd myſelf of the ſovereignty; but to what avail, when, in a moment, it [18] may be wreſted from me? Banquo's eye is fix'd upon it; and there reigns in his very nature a royalty, that ſeems to realize his ex⯑pectations: he is not only a ſoldier of uncom⯑mon bravery, but ſo conſummate a politician, that, ſhould he revolt againſt my govern⯑ment, he would infallibly carry his deſigns ſucceſsfully into execution. He is the only man alive, whoſe attempts I dread: and he holds as high an aſcendant over my good ge⯑nius, as, it is ſaid, Caeſar did over Mark An⯑tony's. His hopes are not only ſtrengthen'd by his natural endowments, but embolden'd too by the aſſurances of prophecy: hearing me ſaluted king by the ſiſters, he bade them ſpeak to him; they obey'd; and hail'd him father to a line of kings; they plac'd a crown upon my head, and put a ſceptre in my hand, not to be tranſmitted to my own, but to be wrench'd away by the unlineal inheritance of his, children. If ſo, I ſhall have perpetrated ſuch crimes, as muſt embitter every moment of my life in this world, and forbid every hope of happineſs in the world to come, only to make the ſeed of Banquo kings! It muſt not be—I here oppoſe myſelf to the predic⯑tion, and reſolve by extirpating his family, to elude the decrees of fate itſelf.
[19]The uſurper, then, does not plunge into freſh crimes to get rid of perſonal fear—ambi⯑tion impels him to the murder of Duncan; and the ſame ambition urges him on the de⯑ſtruction of Banquo and Fleance, who ſeem deſtin'd to degrade him and his houſe from the ſplendors of monarchy to the obſcurity of vaſſalage.
The "Remarks" find additional proofs of Macbeth's cowardice in his conduct towards Macduff—"The ſame motives of perſonal fear, and thoſe unmix'd with any other, impel him to ſeek the deſtruction of Macduff."
Macbeth is not wrought by perſonal fear, to deſtroy Macduff, but by the knowledge of his diſaffection,
The diſcontented Thane of Fife is a man, whoſe parts and popularity are not to be de⯑ſpis'd; he is deſcribed, ‘—Noble, wiſe, judicious,— (P. 567. v. 4.)’ And Roſſe, ſpeaking of the misfortune that had befallen him in the loſs of his wife and children, ſays,
If Macbeth thanks the apparition, that had "harped his fears aright,"—it is becauſe, its caution juſtifying his ſuſpicions, he ſhall now provide more ſtrenuouſly againſt the machina⯑tions of his enemy.
If, when told that,
he ſays, ‘Then live, Macduff;—’ yet, repreſſing the feelings of confidence, in⯑ſtantly adds,
the quality of that fear is decided, when (being aſſur'd, that he
he exclaims,
[21]When the Thane of Fife encounters Mac⯑beth in battle, the tyrant does not uſe the power upon his life, which he believes him⯑ſelf poſſeſs'd of, as inſtantly he would, had he fear'd him; but, yielding to compunc⯑tion for the inhuman wrongs he had done him, wiſhes to avoid the neceſſity of adding Macduff's blood to that, already ſpilt in the ſlaughter of his deareſt connections.
Unmov'd by Macduff's taunts and furious attack, Macbeth adviſes him to employ his valour where ſucceſs may follow it, and gene⯑rouſly warns him againſt perſiſting to urge an unequal combat with one, whom deſtiny had, pronounced invincible.—
The "Remarks" would now condemn Macbeth from his own confeſſion of the truth [22] of the accuſations brought againſt him—
The comment on theſe paſſages, which Cibber puts into the mouth of king Richard, is remarkable, and juſtly explains their mean⯑ing.
‘Crowns got with blood muſt be with blood main⯑tain'd. (Act 3.)’ and,
In a word, Macbeth does not meditate the deaths of Banquo and Macduff through ‘per⯑ſonal fear’ of them; but becauſe his am⯑bition renders the former obnoxious to his envy, and the latter to his hatred.
[23]It muſt now be ſhewn, that the proofs of Richard's ſuperior courage are not conclu⯑ſive againſt Macbeth. Equal firmneſs in equal trials will invalidate ſome of them; ſome are to be refuted by ſhewing that what is objected to Macbeth as timidity will as ſtrongly affect Richard himſelf; and ſome may, perhaps, be founded on miſapprehea⯑ſion of fact, or ſentiment.
If it is a mark of reſolution in Richard that, when Tyrrel informs him the princes are diſ⯑patched,
Macbeth muſt be allowed to diſplay preciſely the ſame quality, when he ſays to the mur⯑derer, who has related to him the proceſs of Banquo's death,
The "Remarks" proceed—‘Macbeth's ſuſpicions extend to all his great lords—’
[24] and, "he tells the phyſician,"— ‘The Thanes fly from me.— (P. 596. v. 4.)’ Does not Richard betray as much ſuſpicion when he dares not truſt Stanley, till he has taken the young lord Strange as a ſurety for his fidelity?—and is he not as anxious from a mere doubt of his followers, as Macbeth is on finding himſelf really deſerted?
Mr. W. ſays, ‘His going round the camp, juſt before the battle, to liſten if any meant to ſhrink from him, is proper on that particular oc⯑caſion’—Agreed—But why think the ſame action proper conduct in Richard, and cow⯑ardice in. Macbeth?—
[25] The "Remarks," bent upon exalting Richard at Macbeth's expence, ſay, ‘The ſame determined ſpirit carries him through the bloody buſineſs of murdering his nephews: and when Buckingham ſhews a reluctance to be concern'd in it, he immediately looks out for another—Had Macbeth been thus diſappointed in the perſon to whom he had open'd himſelf, it would have diſconcerted any deſign he had form'd.’
It appears, however, that the perſons Macbeth open'd himſelf to, were not wrought to his purpoſe on their firſt interview; yet it does not diſconcert his deſigns; he ſends for them again, repeats his former converſation, and prevails with them by ſtrong arguments, and large promiſes, to undertake a murder, the execution whereof he ſteadily perſiſts in. P. 325. v. 4.
Again, ‘All the crimes Richard commits are for his advancement, not for his ſecurity.’
Richard removes Clarence and Haſtings, as Macbeth does Duncan, for his advancement; but he murders his nephews and his wife, as Macbeth does Banquo, to ſecure himſelf in that advancement.
[26] Why ſhould it be ſuppoſed Macbeth ‘catches the terrors he ſees expreſs'd in the coun⯑tenance of the meſſenger, who informs him of numbers of the enemy?’
From the contemptuous manner in which he treats the intelligence, he ſeems rather to imagine what effect ſuch looks might have upon the garriſon, than to acknowledge any they have produc'd upon himſelf—What is Richard's compoſure in a ſimilar ſituation? The information he receives of inſurrections in Devonſhire and Kent being followed by news of Buckingham's army, ſtriking the meſſenger, he exclaims,
Macbeth's courage is impeach'd, becauſe ‘he calls for his armour, notwithſtanding Sey⯑ton's remonſtrance, that ‘It is not needed yet—’ [27]perſiſts in putting it on; calls for it again eagerly afterwards; bids. the perſon who is aſſiſting him ‘Diſpatch—’ then, the moment it is on, pulls it off again, and directs his attendants to, ‘Bring it after.—(P. 597. v. 4.)’’
Is there more confuſion and inconſiſtency in this, than in the following, ſcene?
Arguing principally from the recited in⯑ſtances of it, the "Remarks" ſay, ‘Theſe are all ſymptoms of timidity, which he confeſſes to have been natural to him, when he owns that’ ‘The time has been my ſenſes wou'd have cool'd To hear a night-ſhriek, and my fell of hair Wou'd at a diſmal treatiſe rouſe and ſtir, As life were in't.—I have ſupt full of horrors; Direneſs, familiar to my ſlaught'rous thoughts, Cannot once ſtart me.—(P. 599. v. 4.)’
Here Mr. W. refutes his own poſition; for, if his interpretation of theſe lines be ad⯑mitted, he muſt allow that Macbeth, what⯑ever his former feelings were, has no timidity [29] in his diſpoſition now. But the paſſage refers neither to fear or courage—it is a pathetic reflection on the dreadful change produced in his humane habits, during a ſeventeen years uſurpation, the records whereof are crouded with practices ſo oppreſſive and bloody, as have hardened his once eaſily yielding temper againſt all impreſſions of ſenſibility, and the charities of nature.
P. 76. When Richard "aſks" ‘My lord of Surry, why look you ſo ſad?— (P. 144. v. 7.)’ and afterwards "enquires," ‘Saw'ſt thou the melancholy lord Northumberland? (P. 147. v. 7.)’ he is not ‘ſatisfied upon being told, that he and Surry were buſied in’ ‘Chearing up the foldiers.—’ He would, indeed, fain perſuade himſelf to be ſatisfied; but, in reality, he is far from being at eaſe.
[30] The nature of Richard's queſtion on Surry's ſadneſs, and obſervation of Northumberland's melancholy, may be exemplify'd from Mr. W's judicious reflection on Macbeth's inter⯑rogatories to the phyſician— ‘Canſt thou not miniſter to a mind diſeas'd; Pluck from the memory, &c. &c.—(P. 596. v. 4.)’ ‘Though it is the diſorder of Lady Macbeth that gives occaſion to theſe queſtions, yet,— in his own mind, he is all the while making application to himſelf. Richard repreſents the enemy as a troop of banditti; A ſort of vagabonds, raſcals, and run-aways, A ſcum of Brittains, and baſe lackey peaſants, &c. (P. 165. v. 7.)’
This harangue to his army ſhou'd not have been quoted as an inſtance of Richard's in⯑trepidity; for it does not contain his real ſentiments of Richmond's friends: the in⯑feriority of the foe is a topic which generals, to encourage their own troops, have com⯑monly affected; and Richard never cou'd have ſeriouſly held in contempt ſuch enemies as
When lady Macbeth, finding her huſband will proceed no further in the bloody buſineſs of his ſovereign's death, reproaches him thus;
his reply, ‘I dare do all that may become a man—’ is ſo far being an aſſertion of mere ‘manlineſs of character,’ in Mr. W's ſenſe, that it ſublimely expreſſes an entire contempt of danger, and reverence for virtue.
To compare Macbeth and Richard under the influence of viſions—Macbeth addreſſes Banquo thus, ‘Why, what care I? If thou can'ſt nod, ſpeak too. If charnel-houſes, and our graves, muſt ſend Thoſe that we bury, back; our monuments Shall be the maws of kites.—(P. 541. v. 6.)’
Notwithſtanding the firmneſs of this defiance, it cannot be ſuppos'd but Macbeth is as much terrify'd while he utters it, as Richard is, when, ſtarting out of a dream in which the ſouls of thoſe he had murder'd had appear'd to him, he cries,
Superſtition may be a ſign of timidity— Macbeth's ſuperſtition is founded on the ſtrong aſſurances of preternatural agents, whoſe firſt promiſes to him had been made good—Rich⯑ard condeſcends to be affected by omens,
It will be ſaid, and it will be granted, that Richard preſently ſtifles theſe emotions: it is only aſſerted that he feels them, like Mac⯑beth; and that Macbeth, like him, can over⯑come them.—The wood of Birnam moves to⯑wards Dunſinane—The tyrant ‘Doubts the equivocation of the fiend.—’ and, believing the laws of nature invented to his ruin, ‘Pulls in reſolution.—’ Inſtantly, however, he ſhakes off this mo⯑mentary diſmay,
He ruſhes upon the enemy—encounters Mac⯑duff —The ſiſters have palter'd with him; he has done with belief in the juggling fiends, and can rely upon himſelf—
This conduct in Macbeth is ſtigmatized with the name of deſpair.—It certainly is of the ſame nature with Richard's determination:
The reſolution of both tyrants in the battles, that decided their fate, is that mix'd effuſion of grief, ſhame, and pride, which cannot be denominated leſs than the deſpair of innate bravery.
If Macbeth's behaviour is to be called cow⯑ardly, when, overpowered by the completion of the prophecies, he, for a moment, declines the combat with Macduff; ſo muſt Richard's, when he flies with Haſtings before Warwick and Somerſet, leaving Edward to the mercy of the Lancaſtrians.—P. 52 [...]. v. 6.
From the review of the characters of the uſurpers, it appears not to be true of Richard, that ‘upon no occaſion, however tremendous, end at no moment of his life, however un⯑guarded, [35] does he betray the leaſt ſymptom of fear;’—or of Macbeth, that he ‘is always ſhaken upon great, and frequently upon trivial occaſions.’
Macbeth and Richard are each of them as intrepid as man can be: yet, it may be ſaid of each, without any derogation from that character, that he is, at times, agitated with apprehenſions. The Earl of Peterborough has left it upon record, that intrepidity and ſenſe of danger are by no means incompatible.
Having endeavour'd to prove, that Macbeth has a juſt right to the reputation of intre⯑pidity; that he feels no perſonal dread of Ban⯑quo and Macduff; and that he meets equal, not to ſay ſuperior, trials, as boldly as Rich⯑ard; it may be expected this eſſay ſhould at⯑tempt to ſhew in what the eſſential difference between theſe great bad men conſiſts.
Ambition is the impulſe that governs every action of Richard's life; he attains the crown by diſſimulation, that owns no reſpect for virtue; and by cruelty, which entails no re⯑morſe on the va [...]our, that wou'd maintain his ill-acquir'd dignity. Ambition is the predo⯑minant vice of Macbeth's nature; but he gra⯑tifies it by hypocriſy, that reveres virtue too highly to be perfectly itſelf; and by murders, [36] the recollection whereof, at times, renders his valour, uſeleſs by depriving him of all fenſe, but that of his enormous wickedneſs. Richard's character is ſimple, Macbeth's mix'd. Richard is only intrepid, Macbeth intrepid, and feeling. Richard's mind not being diverted by reflection from the exigen⯑cies of his ſituation, he is always at full leiſure to diſplay his valour; Macbeth, diſ⯑tracted by remorſe, loſes all apprehenſion of danger in the contemplation of his guilt; and never recurs to his valour for ſupport, till the enemy's approach rouzes his whole ſoul, and conſcience is repell'd by the neceſſity for ex⯑ertion.
The writer of the above pages cannot con⯑clude without ſaying, he read the ‘Remarks on ſome of Shakſpeare's Characters’ with ſo much general pleaſure and conviction, that he wiſhes his approbation were conſiderable enough to increaſe the celebrity which Mr. Wheatley's memory has acquir'd from a work, ſo uſefully intended, and ſo elegantly perform'd.