Enter a Chorus of Country Lads and Laſſes.
AIR V. Under the Greeenwood Tree.
1ſt Lad.
Let envious Faction call me Slave,
I know and feel I'm free.
1ſt Laſs.
'Tis well, briſk Sir, that you're ſo brave;
I thought you bound to me.
1ſt Lad.
Such lovely Eyes,
1ſt Laſs.
Muſt tyrannize,
And you their Captive be.
1ſt Lad.
Love's Chains alone,
True Britons own,
Nor wou'd from them be free.
Love's Chains alone, &c.
Dancing ſuitable to the Occaſion. Exeunt.
[9]SCENE A Palace.
Britannia on a Couch in a Poſture expreſſive of Diſ⯑treſs. On her Right Hand, Tyranny attended with Slavery and Want; on her Left, Superſtition at⯑tended with Cruelty and Pride. Ithuriel at a Di⯑ſtance weeping.
Surpriz'd! betray'd! no Help, no Succour near!
O moſt undone! O ruin'd, loſt Britannia!
Stubborn, ungrateful Fair,
Blinded by Error will you ever ſcorn
The friendly Hand that offers at your Cure?
Behold thy Soul's Phyſician.
Taſte of this Cup, and be enlighten'd:
Thou haſt loſt no Freedom,
Except the fatal Liberty to err;
And Riches are but Snares;
Thoſe we'll remove:
But in return the Church
Shall pour forth all her Benedictions on thee:
Thou ſhalt abound in Grace.
Deteſted Superſtition! Bloated Monſter!—
Drunk with the Blood of Nations,—from my Sight.
I'll have no more to do with thy Inchantments,
Hence, Sorcerer, hence, and let me die in Peace.
Conſult not Reaſon, cloſe the Eye of Senſe;
So ſhall you judge aright, and ſee the better.
We are your Friends.
I know and I abhor you.
Poor wand'ring Soul!
She muſt be driven back into the Fold:
Wholeſom Severities may ſet her right,
And ſave her from Deſtruction.
I truſt your pious Skill.
Whips, Chains and Racks,
Thoſe gentler Methods,
May firſt be tried;
If theſe ſhou'd ſeem too mild,
You muſt impute it to our tender Mercy.
Now, Batavia, if thou haſt Gratitude,
Aſſert it now, and ſave diſtreſt Britannia.
Aſide and Exit.
Hereſy is indeed a rank Diſeaſe,
But then the Fire's a never failing Cure.
Take your own Way.
Nay, nay, I but adviſe;
The Church expects that you ſhou'd do her Juſtice:
She but condemns—She never deals in Blood—
She damns, 'tis true, the Wretch who ſpares her Foes;
But begs, by me, your Mercy
For this poor Heretick relapſed.
Touch not her Life, ſinge not a ſingle Hair,
Nor ſhed one Drop of Blood.
I underſtand the Church, and know my Duty.
To his Attendants.
Seize her, and bind her ſtrait.
Juſt Heaven! if e'er
The Wretched's Prayer
I hear'd, and eas'd his Pain;
[11] Now in return,
Let me not mourn,
Nor aſk Relief in vain.
Loud Shouts without, mixt with martial Muſick, Cries of Liberty, &c. Scene changes to the Proſpect of a calm Sea with a Fleet of Ships at Anchor. Enter Ithuriel, Eliphas, and Batavia, uſhering in Liberto, richly habited and attended. At whoſe Appearance, Tyranny, Superſtition, and their Followers run off in Confuſion. Liberto unbinds Britannia.
Grateful Batavia! generous Liberto!
Bounteous Heaven! O how ſhall I expreſs
My Wonder, or my Thanks?
Fair Queen of Iſles,
Guardian of Liberty and ſacred Truth,
In ſaving you we have preſerv'd ourſelves;
Our Intereſt is the ſame.
Moſt Godlike Prince! O how ſhall Lreward thee!
To ſerve Britannia is its own Reward.
—It ſhall be ſo—
Prudence and Gratitude demand it of me—
He beſt can guard the Freedom he reſtor'd,
And well deſerves to wear the Crown he ſav'd.
What think'ſt thou of me Prince?
All muſt confeſs your Charms:
Fair and majeſtick, happy in your Offspring.
Europe ſees few ſo great, and none ſo bleſt:
Freedom, and Wealth and Power are in your Hand.
Then here I place them all.
Giving her Hand.
And I with Joy accept 'em.
Kiſſing it.
'Twere Folly to refuſe ſo great a Bleſſing.
Whether Ambition, or the Love of Virtue,
Sway moſt with me, my Actions muſt declare.
By me you are not doubted, brave Liberto:
And let inveterate Malice do her worſt,
Grateful Poſterity ſhall clear your Fame.
O happy Change! O glorious Revolution!
To conquer without Blood;
To reign for others Good;
Loſt Freedom to reſtore;
This is the Hero's Praiſe:
For this we Temples raiſe,
And juſtly Heav'n adore.
All three.
To conquer, &c.
End of the ſecond ſerious Interlude.