

A Muſical Entertainment.

As it is Perform'd by His MAJESTY's Company of Comedians AT THE Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane.

The MUSIC Compos'd by Dr. BOYCE.

LONDON, Printed: And Sold by M. Cowper in Pater-Noſter-Row. M DCC LI.

[Price Six Pence.]



Nymphs, Shepherds, &c.

THE SHEPHERDS LOTTERY. A Muſical Entertainment.




THO' lawleſs War has quench'd her flaming Brand,
That long, too long, has thinn'd this frighted Land;
Tho' Ceres' heaps my loaded Gran'ries fill,
And my proud Oxen graze on ev'ry Hill;
Yet my fond Heart is fill'd with deepeſt Cares,
For Thyrſis loves, and while he dotes, deſpairs.
What Beauties does my Nymph diſcloſe!
Leſs fair the ſilver Lilly blows:
Such Bluſhes glow not on the Roſe,
As on the Cheeks of Phillis.
The other Day, upon the Green,
I ſaw a Nymph of heav'nly Mien;
I ran to greet the Cyprian Queen,
But found it was my Phillis.
By moſſy Grot with Ivy bound,
Where fragrant Woodbines curl around,
And Daiſies dapple o'er the Ground,
I ſit, and murmur Phillis:
And when the Lark with dewy Wings,
To hail the Morn exulting ſprings,
I riſe, and tune the trembling Strings,
To praiſe my deareſt Phillis.
When firſt I ſaw the lovely Maid,
I gaz'd, in-raptur'd and diſmay'd;
My faltring Tongue was quite afraid
To tell my Pangs to Phillis.
Then Cupid aim'd his ſharpeſt Dart;
At once I felt the pleaſing Smart,
That very Hour I loſt my Heart;
And now it dwells with Phillis.


Recit. What, ſtill in Tears? Caſt ev'ry Fear away,
To-morrow, Phillis, is the Firſt of May;
Then, as the Cuſtom of the Place demands,
Each vent'ring Shepherd in due Order ſtands,
And from the Urn draws forth his future Wife;
Phillis no more ſhall lead a maiden Life.
Ah Daphne, Daphne! hence my Sorrows riſe,
Thyrſis is he whom I alone can prize:
Shou'd any other draw my hapleſs Name,
My Death ſhall witneſs how ſincere my Flame.
Talk not ſo wild, whate'er his Face may be,
Or this, or that, 'tis all alike to me:
Or grant, One chiefly ſtruck my am'rous Eye;
Yet truſt me, Phillis, I for none would die.
Ah! where will gentle Love a Shelter find,
If he forſake the Breaſt of Womankind?
Oh, let me, unreſerv'd, declare
The Dictate of my Breaſt;
My Thyrſis reigns unrivall'd there,
An ever-welcome Gueſt.
No more our ſpritely Nymphs I meet,
But ſeek the lonely Grove;
There, ſighing to myſelf, repeat
Some tender Tale of Love.
When abſent from my longing Sight,
He is my conſtant Theme;
His ſhadowy Form appears by night,
And ſhapes the morning Dream.
Ye ſpotleſs Virgins of the Plain,
Deem not my Words too free,
For ere my Paſſion you arraign,
You muſt have lov'd like me.


Recit. Unhappy Girl! I know the Pangs of Love,
And often ſigh when in the ſilent Grove:
My faithleſs Traitor from my Paſſion fled,
And left me weeping in a lonely Bed.
Henceforth my Arts I'll on their Sex employ,
Their Vows my Laughter, and their Pangs my Joy.
My Pride is to hold all Mankind in my Chain;
The Conqueſt I prize, tho' the Slaves I diſdain:
I'll teaze them and vex them,
I'll plague and perplex them:
Since Men try all Arts our weak Sex to betray,
I'll ſhow them a Woman's as cunning as they.
Young Damon ador'd me, and Lycon the vain,
By turns I encourag'd each amorous Swain;
They knelt and they trembled,
I ſmil'd and diſſembled.
Since Men try all Arts our weak Sex to betray,
I'll ſhow them a Woman's as cunning as they.
Then hear me, ye Nymphs, and my Counſel believe,
Reſiſt all their Wiles, the Deceivers deceive:
Their Canting and Whining,
Their Sighing and Pining,
Are all meant as Baits our weak Sex to betray;
Then prove there are Women as cunning as they.


COLIN diſcover'd playing on his Pipe.
The Drum is unbrac'd, and the Trumpet no more
Shall rouſe the fierce Soldier to fight;
Our Meads ſhall no longer be floated with Gore,
Nor Terror diſturb the calm Night.
Once more o'er the Fields golden Harveſts ſhall ſhine,
The Olive her Flowrets increaſe;
Again purple Cluſters ſhall bluſh on the Vine;
Theſe, theſe are the Bleſſings of Peace.
The Shepherd ſecurely now roams thro' the Glade,
Or merrily pipes in the Vale:
The Youth in ſoft Numbers attempts his coy Maid:
The Virgins dance blithe in the Dale.
[9]The Flow'rs, with gay Colours, embroider the Ground,
Unpreſs'd by an Enemy's Feet;
The Bleatings of Sheep from the Hillocks reſound,
And the Birds their trim Sonnets repeat.

SCENE V. To him Thyrſis.

Recit. Thrice happy Colin! you the whole Day long
Teach ev'ry Hill to catch your jocund Song:
So the blithe throſtle carols thro' the Grove,
His Breaſt unwounded by the Thorns of Love.
True, Thyrſis, true; I ne'er could ſigh and pine,
And call a proud denying Fair divine:
Each Nymph, I ſee, has got ſome Charm to ſtrike,
And thoſe who yield the ſooneſt, beſt I like.
As verdant Fields the blaſted Heath ſurpaſs,
As gen'rous Corn exceeds the meaner Graſs,
As Palms are nobler than the Shrubs they ſhade,
So Phillis triumphs o'er each other Maid.
I like young Doris in her ruſſet Gown,
Ripe as the Pear, and as the Berry brown:
Her ruddy Cheeks the Cherry's Hue diſplay,
And warm, and buxom as a Summer's Day.
To-morrow is the Period of my Fate,
My Hopes, my Fears do on To-morrow wait;
Then Fortune gives me Phillis for a Wife,
Or ends my ev'ry Suff'ring with my Life.
Ye Lovers much profeſs, and yet I'm told,
Ye ſeldom long the ſame Opinion hold:
You knew young Strephon, he who on the Ring—
But hearken, Thyrſis, I'll the Story ſing.
To dear Amaryllis young Strephon had long
Declar'd his fix'd Paſſion, and dy'd for in Song;
He went one May-Morning to meet in the Grove,
By her own dear Appointment this Goddeſs of Love;
Mean-while in his Mind all her Charms he ran o'er,
And doted on each; can a Lover do more?
He waited, and waited, then changing his Strain,
'Twas Fury, and Rage, and Deſpair, and Diſdain:
The Sun was commanded to hide his dull Light,
And the whole courſe of Nature was alter'd downright.
'Twas his hapleſs Fortune to die and adore,
But never to change; can a Lover do more?
Cleora, it hap'd, was by Accident there;
No Roſe-bud ſo tempting, no Lilly ſo fair
[11]He preſs'd her white Hand, next her Lips he eſſay'd,
Nor would ſhe deny him, ſo civil the Maid!
Her kindly Compliance his Peace did reſtore;
And dear Amaryllis was thought of no more.


Recit. Unhappy State of theſe offending Plains
For Guilt long ſince the Puniſhment remains:
Not free to chooſe, our youngeſt Virgins ſtand
The Sport of Chance, for ſuch is Pan's Command.
O Fortune! to my Pangs propitious prove,
And crown with due Succeſs my conſtant Love.


Ye Nymphs of the Plain who once ſaw me ſo gay,
You ask why in Sorrow I ſpend the whole Day:
'Tis Love, cruel Love, that my Peace did betray:
Then crown your poor Phillis with Willow.
The Bloom which once grac'd, has deſerted this Cheek;
My eyes no more ſparkle, my Tongue can ſcarce ſpeak;
My Heart too ſo flutters I fear it will break:
Then crown your poor Phillis with Willow.
[12]Ye Lovers ſo true, that attend on my Bier,
And think that my Fortune has prov'd too ſevere;
Ah! curb not the Sigh, nor refuſe the kind Tear;
Then ſtrew all the Place round with Willow.
Erect me a Tomb, and engrave on its Side,
"Here lies a poor Maiden, whoſe Love was deny'd;
"She ſtrove to endure it, but could not, and dy'd:"
Then ſhade it with Cypreſs and Willow.

SCENE VIII. To her Thyrſis.

Recit. O lovely Maiden, dearer to my Sight
Than the gay Fires that gild the Gloom of Night;
Here at your Feet let me tranſported own,
How much I Phillis love, and her alone.
When Fairies dance round on the Graſs,
And revel to Night's awful Noon;
O ſay, will you meet me, ſweet Laſs,
All by the clear Light of the Moon?
My Paſſion I ſeek not to ſcreen;
Then can I refuſe you your Boon?
I'll meet you at Twelve on the Green,
All by the clear Light of the Moon.
[13]The Nightingale perch'd on a Thorn,
Then charms all the Plains with her Tune;
And glad of the Abſence of Morn,
Salutes the pale Light of the Moon.
How ſweet is the Jeſſamin Grove!
And ſweet are the Roſes of June;
But ſweeter's the Language of Love,
Breath'd forth by the Light of the Moon.
Too ſlow rolls the Chariot of Day,
Unwilling to grant me my Boon:
Away, envious Sun-ſhine, away,
Give place to the Light of the Moon.
But ſay, will you never deceive
The Laſs whom you conquer'd too ſoon?
And leave a loſt Maiden to grieve
Alone, by the Light of the Moon.
The Planets ſhall ſtart from their Spheres,
Ere I prove ſo fickle a Loon;
Believe me, I'll baniſh thy Fears,
Dear Maid, by the Light of the Moon.
Our Loves when the Shepherds ſhall view,
To us they their Pipes ſhall attune;
While we our ſoft Pleaſures renew,
Each Night by the Light of the Moon.



Recit. SWEET Nymph, this Token of my Love receive,
Tho' mean's the Preſent that a Swain can give;
Yet ſhould a Smile the trifling Gift repay,
My Heart will dance with Pleaſure all the Day.
I take the Crook in Earneſt of your Love;
At Eight, preciſely, in the Cheſnut Grove;
To Faunus' Spring, good Dorylas, repair,
'Tis very likely—my warm Bluſhes ſpare,
'Tis very likely—
I ſhall not be there.
Thrice happy Dorylas! kind Maid, Adieu;
At Eight, preciſely, I'll my Suit renew.


Farewel, deluded Swain, if Smiles can gain
Such pretty Preſents, I'll ne'er frown again.
As ſoon hope for Peace 'twixt the Hawk and the Dove,
As to find it with Woman and Man;
Or prompted by Hate, or incited by Love,
They both will deceive when they can.
The Shepherd, forgetful of Oaths and of Vows,
Will run to a Face that's more new;
And often the Women, or Maiden or Spouſe,
The very ſame Method purſue.
The Youth to obtain the dear Nymph he admires,
By Falſhood expreſſes his Flame:
To gain the lov'd Boy who her Boſom inſpires;
Does not Cloe exactly the ſame?
How juſt's the Diviſion? Man's born to perſuade;
We liſten, and think him ſincere:
But then, has not Nature been kind to the Maid?
She gave her the Smile and the Tear.
Intrepid as Heroes, Men ſnatch at their Joy,
And force us by Storm to comply:
We, helpleſs poor Creatures, by Faſhion made coy,
Conſent when we feebly deny.
Like Armies drawn out into martial Array,
The Sexes call forth all their Pow'rs;
And if for the Men goes the Battle to-day,
To-morrow the Triumph is ours.
Recit. But ſee, young Colin caſts this way his Look,
Perhaps he means to bring another Crook.
Fain would I force him to receive my Yoke,
And own that Cupid's Laws are more than Joke.

SCENE III. To her Colin.

Sweet Lady, tell me: Did you ſee this way
Two milk-white Lambs with roſy Collars ſtray?
No, gentle Youth: But pr'ythee tell me, why
You greet a Village Maid in Terms ſo high?
I am no Lady, courteous Swain, not I.
Since you my lov'd Companions have not ſeen,
Perhaps they've wander'd to yon diſtant Green:
I'll ſee.—
Stay, Shepherd, ſtay—Was ever ſuch a ſtupid Swain!
He ſeems to eye me with a cold Diſdain.
[To him.]
Some time, methinks with Colin I could waſte.
Diſpatch then, quickly; I'm, in truth, in haſte.
Has the Arrow of Cupid ne'er lodg'd in your Breaſt?
Have you wept for whole Months, nor been able to reſt,
'Till the Fair One took pity, and bid you be bleſs'd?
Speak boldly the Truth, my good Shepherd.
No, that I can't brag of; but all the Day long
Some Miſtreſs or other has place in my Song;
My Paſſion's not laſting, but 'tis very ſtrong.
I ſpeak the plain Truth, my good Lady.
I doubt you're a Rover; if ſo, a young Maid
May fear to be with you, within this thick Shade.
Such Beauties as yours need be never afraid.
I ſpeak the plain Truth, my good Lady.
Suppoſe a young Shepherdeſs, juſt of my Size,
An Air too like mine, and a pair of ſuch Eyes,
Should like you, ſay, would you your Conqueſt deſpiſe?
Speak boldly the Truth, my good Shepherd.
Plain-Dealing's a Jewel, you very well know;
And therefore permit me to own ere I go,
Such a Miſtreſs as you, is at beſt, but ſo ſo.
I ſpeak the plain Truth, my good Lady.
Farewel, gentle Maiden.
Farewel, thou dull Swain.
Go ſeek thy Companions that brouze on the Plain.
And I care not if e'er I behold thee again.
I ſpeak the plain Truth, &c.
Exeunt ſeverally.

SCENE IV. Diſcovers a Statue of Pan, near which is placed an Urn. Many Shepherds are diſcovered who have drawn, ſtanding with the Women who have fallen to their Lot.

Recit. Arcadian Pan! whoſe happy Influence yields
Health to our Flocks, and Plenty to our Fields:
[19]If ere the Thoughts of Syrinx warm'd your Soul,
Or when to kinder Dryope you ſtole,
Suſpend your Rage, aſſiſt my amorous Pray'r,
And to her Thyrſis give the matchleſs Fair.
Advances to draw.
Goddeſs of the dimp'ling Smile,
Quit, ah! quit thy fav'rite Iſle;
Crown'd with Myrtle Wreath, advance;
From the Hand of giddy Chance
Snatch the Pow'r to make me bleſs'd,
Be it thine to eaſe my Breaſt.
In her Ivory Car the fair Queen I behold,
Her Cygnets in Trappings of Purple and Gold;
Diſplaying their Pinions I ſee the young Loves,
All brighter than Sun-ſhine, all ſoft as her Doves.
With Raptures, O Venus, I bow at thy Shrine:
She whiſpers me ſoftly, Young Thyrſis is thine.
Recit. O happy Thyrſis! let the Hills around,
And every Valley, catch the pleaſing Sound:
Waft it, ye Breezes, to the Cyprian Shore;
Thyrſis is bleſt, and asks of Fate no more.
Embraces Phillis.


To them Colin and Daphne.
You come, my Daphne, in an happy Hour;
Each Cloud's diſpell'd, and Tempeſts ceaſe to lour.
Joy to my dear, but unexperienc'd Friend!
Who thinks that Love and Raptures know no end.
Joy to my Thyrſis! and to thee, my Fair!
The Yoke is laſting that you're doom'd to wear.
May Love and Hymen never be at odds!
For both are young, and wond'rous teſty Gods.
Haſte to the Urn, there, there your Fortune try.
I humbly thank you, but indeed, not I;
This kind of Lott'ry does not hit my Taſte;
A Wife is no ſuch mighty Prize, at laſt.
How giddy is Youth! yet above all Advice:
You counſel, and counſel in vain:
I've try'd what is Wedlock, and like it ſo well
That I'll never be marry'd again.
The Spouſe that I pitch'd on was comely and young,
And ſweet as the Flow'rs of the Plain:
She was wiſe, as they tell me; perhaps it might be;
But I'll never be marry'd again.
I ſaw the poor Creature laid deep in the Grave;
My Tears they came pouring like Rain:
But as Sun-ſhine, you know, will foul Weather ſucceed,
I quickly recover'd again.
Like the Caſtles of Fairies, it ſeems to the Sight;
And Fancy indulges the Rein:
But alas! when you try it, 'tis all a mere Cheat,
And the ſame dull Tale over again.
Recit. Once more, well met, polite engaging Swain;
What Maid but muſt adore thy ſoothing Strain!
O ſay! muſt I ſigh and pine, my Love?
O ſay, muſt I ſigh, and pine?
You're cruel, I ſwear,
As a Tiger, or Bear,
If you don't to my Wiſh incline, my Love;
If you don't to my Wiſh incline.
So much I delight in thee, my Dear;
So much I delight in thee;
[22]Thou may'ſt ſigh, pine, and moan,
Or may'ſt let it alone;
'Tis all the ſame to me, my Dear;
'Tis all the ſame to me.
But ſay, ſhould I break my Heart, my Love?
But ſay, ſhould I break my Heart?
Would you not be diſmay'd
To have murder'd a Maid
With Cupid's keeneſt Dart, my Love?
With Cupid's keeneſt Dart.
I ſhould not be much diſmay'd, my Dear;
I ſhould not be much diſmay'd:
If you think that I lye,
You had better go try,
I am not much afraid, my Dear;
I am not much afraid.
Since nothing, I find, will do, my Love;
Since nothing I find will do;
My Heart I'll break—
No, I'll live for your ſake;
And I'll live to laugh at you, my Love;
And live to laugh at you.
Recit. Ceaſe all your Jars, while we, my gentle Maid,
Purſue true Pleaſure in the roſy Shade:
[23]But haſten, Swains, your annual Homage pay,
And hail with jolly Sounds the youthful May.
Now the Snow-drop lifts her Head;
Cowflips riſe from golden Bed;
Silver Lillies paint the Grove:
Welcome May, and welcome Love.
Hark! the merry Finches ſing,
Heralds of the blooming Spring;
And the artleſs Turtle-dove
Coes at once to May and Love.
Long the clay-cold Maid denies,
Nor regards her Shepherd's Sighs:
Now your fond Petitions move,
May's the Seaſon form'd for Love.
While adown the ſlopy Hill
Tinkles ſoft the guſhing Rill,
Balmy Scents perfume the Grove,
May unbends the Soul to Love.
Now the Bee, on ſilv'ry Wings,
Flow'ry Spoils unweary'd brings;
Spoils that Nymphs and Swains approve,
Soft as May, and ſweet as Love.
[24]And the Swallow's chirping Brood,
Skim around the cryſtal Flood:
Then in wanton Circlets rove,
Playful as the God of Love.
On the Fair that deck our Iſle,
May each Grace and Virtue ſmile!
And our happy Shepherds prove
Days of Eaſe, and Nights of Love.
Exeunt omnes.
A Dance of Shepherds, &c.

This Song is ſung by Dorylas, in the Firſt Scene of the Second Part, after the Words—At Eight, preciſely, I'll my Suit renew; and was by miſtake omitted.

How happy's the Lover whoſe Cares are no more;
Who bids an Adieu to all Sorrow!
My Griefs are all huſht, and my Torments are o'er,
For I ſhall be happy to-morrow.
Each flow'ret of Spring that enamels the Ground,
From you ev'ry Charm ſeems to borrow;
Then who will ſo bleſt or ſo happy be found,
As I with my Daphne to-morrow.
I never am happy but when in your Sight;
Your Smiles are the Cure of all Sorrow:
Remember, dear Daphne, your Promiſe to-night;
And I ſhall be happy to-morrow.
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