
REASONS For not Replying to Mr. WALTON's FULL ANSWER IN A LETTER to P. T. P.

By the Author of the MINUTE PHILOSOPHER.

Ex Fumo Lucem.

DUBLIN: Printed by M. RHAMES, for R. GUNNE, Bookſeller in Capel-ſtreet, M.DCC.XXXV.

REASONS For not Replying to Mr. WALTON's FULL ANSWER, &c.


I. THERE are ſome Men that can neither give nor take an Anſwer, but writing merely for the ſake of writing multiply words to no purpoſe. There are alſo certain careleſs Writers, that in defiance of common ſenſe publiſh ſuch things as, though they are not aſham'd to utter, yet, other men may well be aſham'd to anſwer. Whether there be [4] any thing in Mr. Walton's method of vindicating Fluxions, that might juſtify my taking no further notice of him on the abovementioned conſiderations, I leave you and every other Reader to judge. But thoſe, Sir, are not the reaſons I ſhall aſſign for not replying to Mr. Walton's full Anſwer. The true reaſon is, that he ſeems at bottom a facetious man, who under the colour of an opponent writes on my ſide of the Queſtion, and really believes no more than I do of Sir Iſaac Newton's Doctrine about Fluxions, which he expoſes, contradicts, and confutes with great skill and humour, under the maſque of a grave vindication.

II. AT firſt I conſider'd him in another light, as one who had good reaſon for keeping to the beaten Track, who had been uſed to dictate, who had terms of art at will, but was indeed, at ſmall trouble about putting them together, and perfectly eaſy about his Reader's underſtanding them. It muſt be owned, in an Age of ſo much ludicrous humour, it is not every one can at firſt ſight diſcern a Writer's real deſign. But, be a man's Aſſertions ever ſo ſtrong in favour of a Doctrine, yet if his Reaſonings [5] are directly levelled againſt it, whatever Queſtion there may be about the matter in Diſpute, there can be none about the Intention of the Writer. Should a Perſon, ſo knowing and diſcreet as Mr. Walton, thwart and contradict Sir Iſaac Newton under pretence of defending his Fluxions, and ſhould he at every turn ſay ſuch uncouth things of theſe ſame Fluxions, and place them in ſuch odd lights, as muſt ſet all men in their Wits againſt them, could I hope for a better ſecond in this Cauſe? or could there remain any doubt of his being a diſguiſed Freethinker in Mathematics, who defended Fluxions juſt as a certain Freethinker in Religion did the Rights of the Chriſtian Church.

III. MR. Walton indeed after his free manner calls my Analyſt a Libel. * But this ingenious Gentleman well knows a bad Vindication is the bittereſt Libel. Had you a mind, Sir, to betray and ridicule any Cauſe under the Notion of vindicating it, would you not think it the right way to be very ſtrong and dogmatical [6] in the Affirmative, and very weak and puzzled in the argumentative Parts of your Performance? To utter Contradictions and Paradoxes without Remorſe, and to be at no pains about reconciling or explaining them? And with great good humour to be at perpetual variance with yourſelf and the Author you pretend to vindicate? How ſucceſsfully Mr. Walton hath practiſed theſe Arts, and how much to the honour of the great Client he would ſeem to take under his protection, I ſhall particularly examine throughout every Article of his full Anſwer.

IV. FIRST then, ſaith Mr. Walton, ‘I am to be asked, whether I can conceive Velocity without Motion, or Motion without Extenſion, or Extenſion without Magnitude?’ To which he anſwereth in poſitive Terms, that he can conceive Velocity and Motion in a Point (P. 7). And to make out this, he undertakes to demonſtrate, ‘that if a thing be moved by an Agent operating continually with the ſame force, the Velocity will not be the ſame in any two different Points of the deſcribed Space. But that it muſt vary [7] upon the leaſt change of Space.’ Now admitting thus much to be demonſtrated, yet I am ſtill at a loſs to perceive, how Mr. Walton's Concluſion will follow, to wit, ‘that I am greatly miſtaken in imagining there can be no Motion, no Velocity in a Point of Space’ (P. 10). Pray, Sir, conſider his Reaſoning. The ſame Velocity cannot be in two Points of Space; therefore Velocity can be in a Point of Space. Would it not be juſt as good Reaſoning to ſay, the ſame man cannot be in two Nutſhels; therefore a Man can be in a Nutſhel? Again, Velocity muſt vary upon the leaſt change of Space; therefore there may be Velocity without Space. Make Senſe of this if you can. What have theſe Conſequences to do with their Premiſes? Who but Mr. Walton could have inferred them? Or how could even he have inferred them, had it not been in jeſt.

V. SUPPOSE the Center of a falling Body to deſcribe a Line, divide the time of its Fall into equal Parts, for inſtance into minutes. The Spaces deſcribed in thoſe equal parts of Time will be unequal. That is, from whatſoever [8] Points of the deſcribed Line you meaſure a minute's deſcent, you will ſtill find it a different Space. This is true. But how or why from this plain truth a Man ſhould infer, that Motion can be conceived in a Point, is to me as obſcure as any the moſt obſcure myſteries that occur in this profound Author. Let the Reader make the beſt of it. For my Part, I can as eaſily conceive Mr. Walton ſhould walk without ſtirring, as I can his Idea of Motion without Space. After all, the Queſtion was not whether Motion could be proved to exiſt in a Point, but only whether it could be conceived in a Point. For, as to the proof of things impoſſible, ſome men have a way of proving that may equally prove any thing. But I much queſtion whether any Reader of common Senſe will undertake to conceive what this pleaſant Man at Inference undertakes to prove.

VI. IF Mr. Walton really meant to defend the Author of the Fluxionary Method, would he not have done it in a Way conſiſtent with this illuſtrious Author's own Principles? Let us now ſee what may be Sir Iſaac's Notion, [9] about this matter. He diſtinguiſheth two ſorts of motion, abſolute and relative. The former he defineth to be a Tranſlation from abſolute place to abſolute place, the latter from one relative place to another. * Mr. Walton's is plainly neither of theſe ſorts of Motion, but ſome third kind, which what it is, I am at a loſs to comprehend. But I can clearly comprehend that, if we admit Motion without Space, then Sir Iſaac Newton's Account of it muſt be wrong: For place by which he defines Motion is, according to him, a part of Space. And if ſo, then this notable Defender hath cut out new Work for himſelf to defend and explain. But about this, if I miſtake not, he will be very eaſy. For, as I ſaid before, he ſeems at bottom a back Friend to that great Man; which Opinion you will ſee further confirmed in the Sequel.

VII. I SHALL no more ask Mr. Walton to explain any thing. For I can honeſtly ſay, the more he explains, the more I am puzzled. But I will ask his Readers to explain, by what Art a Man may conceive Motion without [10] Space. And ſuppoſing this to be done, in the ſecond place to explain, how it conſiſts with Sir Iſaac Newton's Account of Motion. Is it not evident, that Mr. Walton hath deſerted from his old Maſter, and been at ſome pains to expoſe him, while he defends one Part of his Principles by overturning another? Let any Reader tell me, what Mr. Walton means by Motion, or if he can gueſs, what this third kind is, which is neither abſolute nor relative, which exiſts in a Point, which may be conceiv'd without Space. This learned Profeſſor ſaith, ‘I have no clear Conception of the Principles of Motion’ (P. 24). And in another place (P. 7.) he ſaith, ‘I might have conceived Velocity in a Point, if I had underſtood and conſidered the nature of Motion.’ I believe I am not alone in not underſtanding his Principles. For myſelf, I freely confeſs the Caſe to be deſperate. I neither underſtand them, nor have any hopes of being ever able to underſtand them.

VIII. BEING now ſatisfied, that Mr. Walton's aim is not to clear up or defend Sir Iſaac's Principles, but rather to contradict and expoſe [11] them, you will not, I ſuppoſe, think it ſtrange, if inſtead of putting Queſtions to this intrepid Anſwerer, who is never at a loſs, how often ſoever his Readers may, I entreat you, or any other Man of plain Senſe, to read the following Paſſage cited from the thirty firſt Section of the Analyſt, and then try to apply Mr. Walton's Anſwer to it: Whereby you will clearly perceive what a vein of Raillery that Gentleman is Maſter of. ‘Velocity neceſſarily implies both Time and Space, and cannot be conceived without them. And if the Velocities of naſcent and evaneſcent Quantities, i. e. abſtracted from time and ſpace, may not be comprehended, how can we comprehend and demonſtrate their Proportions? or conſider their rationes primae & ultimae. For to conſider the Proportion or Ratio of Things implieth that ſuch Things have Magnitude: That ſuch their Magnitudes may be meaſured, and their Relations to each other known. But, as there is no meaſure of Velocity except Time and Space, the proportion of Velocities being only compounded of the direct proportion of the Spaces and the reciprocal Proportion of the Times; doth it not follow, [12] that to talk of inveſtigating, obtaining, and conſidering the proportions of Velocities, excluſively of Time and Space, is to talk unintelligibly?’ Apply now, as I ſaid, Mr. Walton's full Anſwer and you will ſoon find how fully you are enlightened about the Nature of Fluxions.

IX. IN the following Article of Mr. Walton's full Anſwer, he ſaith divers curious things, which, being derived from this ſame Principle, that motion may be conceived in a point, are altogether as incomprehenſible as the Origine from whence they flow. It is obvious and natural to ſuppoſe Ab and Ba * to be Rectangles produced from finite lines multiplied by Increments. Mr. Walton indeed ſuppoſeth that when the Increments vaniſh or become nothing, the Velocities remain, which being multiplied by finite lines produce thoſe Rectangles (P. 13.) But admitting the Velocities to remain, yet how can any one conceive a Rectangular [13] Surface to be produced from a line multiplied by Velocity, otherwiſe than by ſuppoſing ſuch line multiplied by a line or Increment, which ſhall be exponent of or proportional to ſuch Velocity? You may try to conceive it otherwiſe. I muſt own I cannot. Is not the Increment of a Rectangle it ſelf a Rectangle? muſt not then Ab and Ba be Rectangles? and muſt not the Coefficients or Sides of Rectangles be lines? conſequently are not b and a lines or (which is the ſame thing) Increments of lines? theſe Increments may indeed be conſidered as proportional to and exponents of Velocity. But excluſive of ſuch exponents to talk of Rectangles under lines and velocities is, I conceive, to talk unintelligibly. And yet this is what Mr. Walton doth, when he maketh b and a in the Rectangles Ab and Ba to denote mere Velocities.

X. As to the Queſtion, whether nothing be not the Product of nothing multiplied by ſomething, Mr. Walton is pleaſed to anſwer in the affirmative. And nevertheleſs when ab is nothing, that is, when a and b are nothing, he denies that Ab + Ba is nothing. This is one [14] of theſe many Inconſiſtencies which I leave the Reader to reconcile. But, ſaith Mr. Walton, the Sides of the given Rectangle ſtill remain, which two Sides according to him muſt form the Increment of the flowing Rectangle. But in this he directly contradicts Sir Iſaac Newton, who aſſerts that Ab + Ba and not A + B is the Increment of the Rectangle AB. And, indeed, how is it poſſible, a line ſhould be the Increment of a Surface? Laterum Incrementis totis a et b generatur Rectanguli incrementum Ab + Ba are the Words of Sir Iſaac *. which words ſeem utterly inconſiſtent with Mr. Walton's Doctrine. But, no wonder that Gentleman ſhould not agree with Sir Iſaac, ſince he cannot agree even with himſelf; but contradicts what he ſaith elſewhere as the Reader may ſee, even before he gets to the End of that ſame Section, wherein he hath told us that ‘the Gnomon and the Sum of the two Rectangles are turned into thoſe two Sides by a retroverted Motion’ (P. 11 & 12). which [15] propoſition if you or any other Perſon ſhall try to make Senſe of, you may poſſibly be convinced, that this profound Author is as much at variance with common Senſe, as he is with himſelf and Sir Iſaac Newton.

XI. MR. Walton in the ninth Page of his Vindication, in order to explain the Nature of Fluxions, ſaith that ‘to obtain the laſt ratio of ſynchronal Increments, the magnitude of thoſe Increments muſt be infinitely diminiſhed.’ Notwithſtanding which, in the twenty third Page of his full Anſwer he chargeth me as greatly miſtaken, in ſuppoſing that he explained the Doctrine of Fluxions by the ratio of Magnitudes infinitely diminiſhed. It is an eaſy matter, for any Author to write ſo, as to betray his Readers into Miſtakes about his meaning. But then it is not eaſy to conceive, what right he hath to upbraid them with ſuch their Miſtakes. If I have miſtaken his Senſe, let any one judge if he did not fairly lead me into the Miſtake. When a Man puzzleth his Reader, ſaith and unſaith, uſeth ambiguous Terms and obſcure Terms, and putteth them together in ſo perverſe a Manner, that it is [16] odds you can make out no ſenſe at all, or if any, a wrong ſenſe, pray who is in fault but the Writer himſelf? let any one conſider Mr. Walton's own words, and then ſay whether I am not juſtified in making this Remark.

XII. IN the twentieth Page of his full Anſwer Mr. Walton tells us, that ‘Fluxions are meaſured by the firſt or laſt proportions of iſochronal Increments generated or deſtroyed by motion.’ A little after he ſaith theſe Ratios ſubſiſt when iſochronal Increments have no Magnitude. Now, I would fain know whether the iſochronal Increments themſelves ſubſiſt when they have no Magnitude? whether by iſochronal Increments we are not to underſtand Increments generated in equal times? whether there can be an Increment where there is no increaſe, or increaſe where there is no Magnitude? whether if Magnitudes are not generated in thoſe equal times, what elſe is generated therein, or what elſe is it that Mr. Walton calls iſochronal? I ask the Reader theſe Queſtions. I dare not ask Mr. Walton. For, as I hinted before, the Subject grows ſtill [17] more obſcure in proportion as this able Writer attempts to illuſtrate it.

XIII. We are told (P. 22.) ‘that the firſt or laſt ratio of the iſochronal Spaces hath a real exiſtence, foraſmuch as it is equal to the ratio of the two motions of two points; which motions, ſubſiſting when the iſochronal Spaces are nothing; preſerve the exiſtence of the firſt or laſt ratio of theſe Spaces, or keep it from being a ratio of nothings.’ In order to aſſiſt your underſtanding, it muſt not be omitted that the ſaid two points are ſuppoſed to exiſt at the ſame time in one point, and to be moved different ways without ſtirring from that point. Mr. Walton hath the Conſcience to call this Riddle a full and clear Anſwer: to make ſenſe of which you muſt ſuppoſe it one of his Ironies. In the next and laſt Article of his performance, you ſtill find him proceed in the ſame Vein of Raillery upon Fluxions.

XIV. It will be allowed, that who ever ſeriouſly undertook to explain the ſecond, third, and fourth Fluxions of Sir Iſaac Newton, would [18] have done it in a way agreeable to that great Man's own Doctrine. What Sir Iſaac's preciſe notion is I will not petend to ſay. And yet I will venture to ſay, it is ſomething that cannot be explained by the three dimenſions of a Cube I frankly own, I do not underſtand Sir Iſaac's Doctrine ſo far as to frame a poſitive Idea of his Fluxions. I have, nevertheleſs, a negative conception thereof, ſo far as to ſee that Mr. Walton is in jeſt, or (if in earneſt) that he underſtands it no more than I do.

XV. Sir Iſaac tells us that he conſiders indeterminate quantities as flowing, or in other words, as increaſing or decreaſing by a perpetual motion. Which quantities he denotes by the latter Letters of the Alphabet, and their Fluxions or Celerities of increaſing by the ſame Letters pointed over head, and the Fluxions of Fluxions or ſecond Fluxions, i. e. the Mutations more or leſs ſwift of the firſt Celerities by the ſame Letters pointed with double points; and the Mutations of thoſe Mutations of the firſt Mutations or Fluxions or Celerities of increaſing, which he calls Fluxions of Fluxions of Fluxions or third Fluxions, by three [19] points; the fourth Fluxions by four points; the fifth by five; and ſo on *. Sir Iſaac, you ſee, ſpeaks of quantity in general. And in the Analyſt the Doctrine is exemplified and the Caſe is put in lines. Now in lines, where there is only one Dimenſion, how are we enabled to conceive ſecond, third or fourth Fluxions by conceiving the generation of three dimenſions in a Cube? Let any one but read what Sir Iſaac Newton or what I have ſaid, and then apply what Mr. Walton hath written about the three dimenſions of a Cube, and ſee whether the difficulties are ſolved or the Doctrine made one whit the clearer by this Explication.

XVI. That you may the better judge of the merit of this Part of Mr. Walton's performance, I ſhall beg leave to ſet down a Paſſage or two from the Analyſt. ‘As it is impoſſible to conceive Velocity without time or ſpace, without either finite length or finite duration, it muſt ſeem above the Power of Man to comprehend even the firſt Fluxions. And if the firſt are incomprehenſible, what ſhall [20] we ſay of the ſecond and third Fluxions, &c. He who can conceive the beginning of a beginning or the end of an end, ſomewhat before the firſt or after the laſt, may perhaps be ſharpſighted enough to conceive theſe things. But moſt Men, I believe, will find it impoſſible to underſtand them in any ſenſe whatſoever. One would think that Men could not ſpeak too exactly on ſo nice a ſubject. And yet we may often obſerve, that the exponents of Fluxions or notes repreſenting Fluxions are confounded with the Fluxions themſelves. Is not this the Caſe, when juſt after the Fluxions of flowing quantities, were ſaid to be celerities of their increaſing and the ſecond Fluxions to be the Mutations of the firſt Fluxions or celerities, we are told that [...] repreſents a ſeries of quantities whereof each ſubſequent quantity is the Fluxion of the preceding; and each foregoing is a fluent quantity having the following one for it's Fluxion. Divers ſeries of quantities and expreſſions Geometrical and Algebraical may be eaſily conceived in lines, in ſurfaces, in ſpecies, to be continued without end or limit. But it will not be [21] found ſo eaſy to conceive a ſeries, either of mere Velocities or of mere naſcent Increments, diſtinct therefrom and correſponding thereunto.’ * Compare what is here ſaid with Mr. Walton's Geneſis of a Cube, and you will then clearly ſee how far this anſwerer is from explaining the nature of ſecond, third and fourth Fluxions: And how juſtly I might repay that Gentleman in kind, and tell him in his own language, that all his Skill is vain and impertinent, (vind. p. 36).

XVII. BUT it doth not become me to find fault with this learned Profeſſor, who at bottom militates on my Side, and in this very Section, makes it his buſineſs directly to overthrow Sir Iſaac Newton's Doctrine. For he ſaith in plain Terms, that there can be no fourth Fluxion of a Cube (P. 25.) that is, there can be no ſecond Fluxion of a line, and a fortiori, no third, fourth, fifth, &c. Inſomuch that with one ſingle daſh of his Pen Mr. Walton deſtroys, to the great relief of the learned World, an indefinite rank of Fluxions [22] of different Orders that might have reached from Pole to Pole. I had diſtinctly pointed out the difficulties in ſeveral Parts both of my Analyſt and Defence, and I leave you to judge whether he explains or even attempts to explain one of them. Inſtead thereof he tells us of the true Dimenſion of a Cube generated by Motion: Whence he takes occaſion, as hath been obſerved, to explode Sir Iſaac's own Doctrine, which is utterly inconſiſtent with Mr. Walton's And can you now doubt the real deſign of this egregious Vindicator.

XVIII. BEFORE ever Sir Iſaac Newton thought of his Fluxions, every body knew there were three Dimenſions in a Cube, and that a Solid might be generated by the motion of a Surface, a Surface by the motion of a Line, and a Line by the motion of a Point. And this in effect is all we know from Mr. Walton's Explication. As for his dwelling ſo minutely on the Geneſis of the ſolid Parts of a Cube, a thing ſo foreign from the Purpoſe, the only rational Account I can give of it is, that Mr. Walton, by puzzling the Imagination of his vulgar Readers, hoped the better to diſguiſe [23] his betraying the Doctrine of his great Client, which to a diſcerning eye he manifeſtly gives up; and inſtead thereof humourouſly ſubſtitutes, what all the World knew before Sir Iſaac was born, to wit, the three Dimenſions of a Cube and the geneſis thereof by Motion.

XIX. UPON the whole I appeal to you and every intelligent Reader, whether this thing, which Walton is pleaſed ironically to call a full Anſwer, doth not carry throughout a fly Inſinuation, that the profound Science of Fluxions cannot be maintained but by the help of moſt unintelligible Paradoxes and Inconſiſtencies. So far, indeed, as Affirmations go he ſheweth himſelf an able Support of Sir Iſaac Newton. But then in his Reaſonings he drops that great man upon the moſt important Points, to wit, his Doctrine of Motion and his Doctrine of Fluxions, not regarding how far the demonſtration of his famous Principia is intereſted therein. To convince you ſtill more and more of the Truth hereof, do but reflect a little on Mr. Walton's Conduct. Can you think it probable, that ſo learned and [24] clear-headed a Writer would have laid down ſuch a direct repugnancy to common Senſe, as his Idea of Motion in a Point, for the ground work of his Explanation, had it been his real Intention to explain? Or can you ſuppoſe, he would have been abſolutely ſilent, on ſo many Points urged home, both in the Analyſt and Defence, which it concerned a Vindicator of Sir Iſaac not to have overlooked? Can you imagine, that if he meant ſeriouſly to defend the Doctrine of Fluxions, he would have contented himſelf with barely aſſerting that ‘Sir Iſaac Newton in the Introduction to his Quadrature of Curves, in the ſecond Lemma of the ſecond Book, and in the Scholium to the firſt Section of the firſt Book of his Principles of Philoſophy, hath delivered his Doctrine of Fluxions in ſo clear and diſtinct a manner, without the leaſt Inconſiſtency in terms or Arguments, that one would have thought it impoſſible for any Perſon not to have underſtood him’ (P. 30).

XX. IS it poſſible, I ſay, that Mr. Walton could in earneſt hope we ſhould take his bare Word, as ſo much more credible that Sir Iſaac's, [25] and not rather have endeavoured to anſwer the Queſtions and reconcile the Difficulties ſet forth in my Defence of Free-thinking, for inſtance, in Sect xxxvi. Wherein I intreat my Antagoniſt to explain ‘whether Sir Iſaac's Momentum be a finite Quantity or an Infiniteſimal or a mere Limit, adding, if you ſay a finite Quantity, be pleaſed to reconcile this with what he ſaith in the Scholium of the ſecond Lemma of the firſt Section of the firſt Book of his Principles: Cave intelligas quantitates magnitudine determinatas, ſed cogita ſemper diminuendas ſine limite. If you ſay an Infiniteſimal: Reconcile this with what is ſaid in the Introduction to his Quadratures: Volui oſtendere quod in methodo Fluxionum non opus ſit figuras infinite parvas in Geometriam introducere. If you ſhould ſay it is a mere Limit, be pleaſed to reconcile this with what we find in the firſt Caſe of the ſecond Lemma in the ſecond Book of his Principles: Ubi de lateribus A & B deerant momentorum dimidia, &c. where the Moments are ſuppoſed to be divided.’ I ſhall ſcarce think it worth my while to beſtow a ſerious thought on any Writer who ſhall pretend [26] to maintain Sir Iſaac's Doctrine, and yet leave this Paſſage without a Reply. And the Reader, I believe, will think with me that, in anſwer to difficulties diſtinctly propoſed and inſiſted on, to offer nothing but a magiſterial Aſſertion is a mere grimace of one who made merry with Fluxions, under the Notion of defending them. And he will be further confirmed in this way of thinking, when he obſerves that Mr. Walton hath not ſaid one Syllable, in Reply to thoſe ſeveral Sections of my Defence, which I had particularly referred to, as containing a full anſwer to his Vindication. But it is no wonder if, with Sir Iſaac's Doctrine, he ſhould drop alſo his own Arguments in favour thereof.

XXI. I HAVE been at the Pains once for all to write this ſhort Comment on Mr. Walton, as the only way I could think of for making him intelligible, which will alſo ſerve as a Key to his future Writings on this Subject. And I was the rather inclined to take this trouble, becauſe it ſeemeth to me, there is no part of Learning that wants to be clear'd up more than this ſame Doctrine of Fluxions, which hath hitherto [27] walked about in a miſt to the Stupefaction of the Literati of the preſent Age. To conclude, I accept this Profeſſor's Recantation, nor am at all diſpleaſed at the ingenious method he takes to diſguiſe it. Some zealous Fluxioniſt may perhaps anſwer him.


Appendix A BOOKS Printed for Richard Gunne, Bookſeller in Capel-ſtreet.

LEtters from a Perſian in England to his Friend at Iſpahan. Price022
Practice of Farming and Husbandry, recommended by the Dublin Society.033
Parnell's Poems, with Additions.026
Practical Farmer, Part 1ſt.011
Ditto, Part 2d.007
Miller's Gardener's Dictionary, Folio.150
Lawrence's Agriculture, Folio.0140
Fides's Body of Divinity, Folio, 2 Parts.100
Burnet's Hiſtory of the Reformation, 3 Vol. in Folio.2160
Ditto—Hiſtory of his own Times, 2 Vol. Folio1130
Ditto—Paſtoral Care, 8vo.026
Bolton's Iriſh Statutes to the end of King Charles the ſecond.130
Tull's Horſe-Hoeing Husbandry, recommended by the Dublin-Society.055
Treatiſe on Hops, by the Dublin-Society.007
Treatiſe on Bees, by Ditto.007
Treatiſe on Flax, by Ditto.003
Treatiſe on Saffron, by Ditto.003
Switzer's Method of burning Clay.007
Gordon's Tranſlation of Tacitus, 4 Vol.0180
Rapin's Hiſtory of England, 15 Vol.390
La Belle Aſſemblee, 4 Vol.0100
Devil on two Sticks.022
Dunclad Variorum.029
Memoirs of Eutopia.029
Echard's Hiſtory of the Revolution.036
[] Temple's Iriſh Rebellion, 4to.036
Validity of Engliſh Ordination.046
Moſs's Collection of Poems, 2 Volumes.033
Bible Large, 8vo. with Common Prayer, Apocripha and Singing Pſalms.066
Bible, Large 12o.036
Common Prayer, 8vo Gilt.050
Common Prayer, 12o Gilt.033
Ditto, 24o Gilt.026
Nelſon's Feſtivals and Faſts.050
Dutton's Juſtice of Peace.060
Liſt of the Abſentees of Ireland.0010
Original Draught of the Primitive Church.033
Halifax's Advice to a Daugher.006
Wake's Catechiſm.022
Iriſh Hiſtorical Library.026
Patrick's Witneſſes.050
Great Importance of a Religious Life.0010
Iriſh and Engliſh Common Prayer.029
Syng's Catechiſm.003
Lewis's Catechiſm.003
Addiſon's Manual.012
Laws of the Church of Rome againſt Hereticks.010
Whitenhall's Greek Grammar.008
Ditto Latin Grammar.008
Cambden's Greek Grammer.0010
Meditations on Mortality.006
Soldier's Monitor.008
Companion to the Communion.008
Guide to Juries.007
Allan's Alarm.0010
Baxter's Call.008
Swift's Poems.022
[] Hool's Purilis Confabula.006
Anſwer to all Excuſes.003
Gardeners Kalendar.011
Davis's Examples.008
Tillotſon's Sermon againſt Popery.002
Abridgments of 2 Acts of Parliament for keeping Churches in Repair.002
Pſalter, large Print.010
Thoughts on the Woollen Manufacture of Ireland.002
Vindication, p. 1.
See Schol. def. viii. Philoſ. Nat. Princip. Math.
See Nat. Phil. Princip. Math. l. 2. lem. 2.
See Nat. Phil. Princip. Math. l. 2. lem. 2.
See his Treatiſe de quadratura curvarum.
Analyſt Sect. 44, 45, 46.
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