By which ALL, or MOST, of the Principal Texts of Scrip⯑ture may be eaſily found out.
BY JOHN BROWN. Miniſter Of the Goſpel at Haddington.
EDINBURGH: Printed by and for GAVIN ALSTON. Sold by J. MATTHEWS, Strand, London. M.DCC.LXXXIII.
[Entered in STATIONER'S HALL.]
(1.) THAT this Concordance doth not pretend to comprehend more than any other larger ones, but to contain the principal ſubſtance of the ſmall in little room. (2.) By obſerving what is One or More principal words of any remembered text, and what are the three firſt letters of them, and ſearching under anſwerable words in the Concordance, the ſentence will be found. (3.) The original words, whether Nouns or Verbs, are marked in CAPITAL or double letters, and theſe derived from them come after in Italics. (4.) Where words are found in ma⯑ny places, the plural is diſtinguiſhed from the ſingular, and the parts of verbs ending in —ed, —eſt, —eth, from their original. But when the examples are few, no ſuch di⯑ſtinction is made, but may be eaſily obſerved. (5.) The Concordant words, except the firſt are marked by the firſt letter a. b. c. &c. and the names of the — mark ſtands for ſeveral words above marked in Italics, divine Perſons by anſwerable capitals. (6.) Even other words, eſpe⯑cially names of divine Perſons, are often marked by one or more of their firſt letters, that the ſenſe of the line might be more complete. (7.) Notwithſtanding conſiderable care, both in writing and printing, ſometimes one figure of a number is omitted, as in 4. for 14, or one like figure is put for another as 16. for 26. &c. But by remembering this, the place of the text may be eaſily found.