HAve you any pots or pans?
Or any broken chandlers?
I am tinkler to my trade.
And newly come frae Fanders.
As ſcant of ſilver as of grace,
Diſbanded we've a bad run;
Gar tell the lady of the place,
I'm come to clout her caldron,
Fa adri, didle, didle, &c.
Madam, if you have any wark for me
I'll do't to your contentment,
And dinna care a ſingle flea,
for any man's reſentment;
For lady fair tho' I appear
To every one a tinker,
Yet to yourſelf I'm bold to tell,
I am a gentle jinker,
Fa adri, didle, &c.
Love Jupiter into a ſwan
turn'd for his lovely Leda;
He like a bull o'er meadows ran,
to carry aff Europa:
Then may not I as well as he,
to hear your Argos blinker,
And win your love like mighty Jove
Thus hide me in a tinker?
Fa adri, didle, &c.
Sir you appear a cunning man,
But this fine plot you'll fail in,
For there is neither pot nor pan,
of mine you'll drive a nail in:
then bind your budget on your back,
and nails up in your apron;
For I've a tinker under tack,
that uſed to clout my caldron,
Fa adri, didle, &c.