Was first produced at the Bijou Theatre, Boston, by Mr. Henry Woodruff, on March 25, 1897. Mr. Woodruff appeared as " Royall Hartwynd "; Mr. Eugene Ormonde as " Sir John Hartwynd "; Miss Maude Banks as " Queen Elizabeth "; Miss Minnie Dupree as " Phyllida "; Mr. Ira Hards as "Lord Farthorne "; and Mr. William B. Smith as " Sir Edward Avis ."

Mr. Woodruff produced the play later, at the Lyceum Theatre, New York, on April 22, 1898. On this occasion he again appeared as " Royall "; Miss Mary Shaw was the " Queen "; and Miss Mary Young, the " Phyllida ."

The period is 1580. The place is England. The scene is an audience-chamber of the palace. The time is noon of an April day.

The scene is an audience-chamber, with carved fireplace, L.3. Mullioned windows back,L. and R. Large entrance-door, back, centre covered with tapestried hangings. A throne-like chair, on a dais, R. 3. A carved table, L. C. with chairs on either side. Curtain-music, any Elizabethan air. As the curtain rises, Elizabeth stands upon the dais, having apparently arisen from the throne in haste and anger. Phyllida stands a little to L. of dais with face hidden in her hands. Royall Hartwynd stands back in shadow of curtains of window L. back. Avis, Farthorne and John Hartwynd stand grouped by door back, centre, as if about to leave the chamber .
Elizabeth .

Note: Contains 48 words in 5 sentences using 240 chars.

Avis .

Note: Contains 9 words in 1 sentence using 62 chars.

Elizabeth .

Note: Contains 120 words in 13 sentences using 645 chars.

Sir John .

Note: Contains 25 words in 3 sentences using 131 chars.

Elizabeth .

Note: Contains 29 words in 6 sentences using 158 chars.

( Sir John crosses to window L. back, and summons Royall from its curtained recess .)
Sir John .

Note: Contains 12 words in 1 sentence using 63 chars.

Elizabeth .

Note: Contains 29 words in 4 sentences using 167 chars.

( Royall advances to C. and makes profound obeisance .)

Note: Contains 26 words in 2 sentences using 155 chars.

( Phyllida gives a choking, hysterical sob .)

Note: Contains 15 words in 2 sentences using 83 chars.

Royall .

Note: Contains 26 words in 2 sentences using 127 chars.

Elizabeth .
( Descending from dais .)

Note: Contains 36 words in 2 sentences using 205 chars.

( She extends her hand, which Royall, kneeling, kisses. She then passes towards doors, back, centre. Turning, she addresses Phyllida .)
Elizabeth .

Note: Contains 36 words in 4 sentences using 192 chars.

( To the men .)

Note: Contains 18 words in 2 sentences using 96 chars.

( Exit Elizabeth, through door back centre, all making profound reverences. As the doors close after Elizabeth, Phyllida bursts into low hysterical sobbing, and rushes across room to window L. back, where she throws herself on her knees by its cushions, with face hidden. As the men come forward, Royall goes quietly back and draws the curtains before her .)
Farthorne .

Note: Contains 22 words in 3 sentences using 101 chars.

Avis .

Note: Contains 32 words in 3 sentences using 170 chars.

Sir John .

Note: Contains 37 words in 2 sentences using 178 chars.

Avis .

Note: Contains 34 words in 3 sentences using 177 chars.

Farthorne .

Note: Contains 30 words in 5 sentences using 166 chars.

( Royall comes down to C. )
Avis .

Note: Contains 23 words in 4 sentences using 150 chars.

( Avis and Farthorne laugh .)
Royall .

Note: Contains 41 words in 2 sentences using 205 chars.

( Avis and Farthorne clap their hands to their swords .)
Sir John .

Note: Contains 22 words in 2 sentences using 115 chars.

Farthorne .

Note: Contains 23 words in 2 sentences using 129 chars.

Avis .

Note: Contains 36 words in 4 sentences using 196 chars.

( Avis and Farthorne take up their plumed hats and move backward toward doors .)
Farthorne .

Note: Contains 7 words in 2 sentences using 41 chars.

Avis .

Note: Contains 6 words in 2 sentences using 41 chars.

Farthorne .

Note: Contains 7 words in 2 sentences using 37 chars.

Avis .

Note: Contains 8 words in 2 sentences using 42 chars.

Farthorne .

Note: Contains 14 words in 2 sentences using 82 chars.

Royall .

Note: Contains 17 words in 3 sentences using 86 chars.

Farthorne .

Note: Contains 4 words in 2 sentences using 20 chars.

Avis .

Note: Contains 27 words in 4 sentences using 141 chars.

( Farthorne and Avis exeunt. Doors close behind them .)
Royall .

Note: Contains 21 words in 3 sentences using 109 chars.

Sir John .

Note: Contains 13 words in 4 sentences using 72 chars.

Royall .

Note: Contains 16 words in 1 sentence using 88 chars.

Sir John .

Note: Contains 44 words in 3 sentences using 230 chars.

Royall .

Note: Contains 15 words in 1 sentence using 81 chars.

Sir John .

Note: Contains 57 words in 3 sentences using 287 chars.

Royall .

Note: Contains 12 words in 1 sentence using 70 chars.

Sir John .

Note: Contains 18 words in 3 sentences using 101 chars.

Royall .

Note: Contains 31 words in 1 sentence using 158 chars.

Sir John .

Note: Contains 4 words in 1 sentence using 23 chars.

Royall .

Note: Contains 89 words in 6 sentences using 432 chars.

Sir John .
( Gasping with rage .)

Note: Contains 39 words in 4 sentences using 202 chars.

Royall .

Note: Contains 29 words in 3 sentences using 154 chars.

Sir John .

Note: Contains 9 words in 3 sentences using 54 chars.

Royall .

Note: Contains 36 words in 5 sentences using 191 chars.

Sir John .
( Moving toward door .)

Note: Contains 49 words in 3 sentences using 248 chars.

( Exit, in haste and wrath .)
Royall .
( Laughing .)

Note: Contains 50 words in 5 sentences using 259 chars.

( He crosses to the closed curtains of window, L. back .)
Royall .

Note: Contains 17 words in 4 sentences using 106 chars.

( Phyllida comes forth from curtains, arranging her hair and coif, which are in some disorder; she draws long sighing breaths as she speaks, and from time to time dries her eyes .)
Phyllida .

Note: Contains 12 words in 2 sentences using 66 chars.

Royall .

Note: Contains 17 words in 2 sentences using 91 chars.

Phyllida .

Note: Contains 5 words in 1 sentence using 21 chars.

Royall .

Note: Contains 19 words in 2 sentences using 93 chars.

( He kisses her hand .)
Phyllida .

Note: Contains 40 words in 8 sentences using 224 chars.

Royall .

Note: Contains 49 words in 5 sentences using 251 chars.

Phyllida .
( Rubbing her cheek .)

Note: Contains 26 words in 3 sentences using 142 chars.

Royall .

Note: Contains 52 words in 3 sentences using 256 chars.

Phyllida .
( Nestling to him .)

Note: Contains 4 words in 1 sentence using 27 chars.

Royall .

Note: Contains 14 words in 1 sentence using 78 chars.

( Lifts her face and kisses her lingeringly on the lips .)
Phyllida .
( Releasing herself .)

Note: Contains 8 words in 1 sentence using 39 chars.

Royall .

Note: Contains 22 words in 4 sentences using 116 chars.

Phyllida .

Note: Contains 59 words in 6 sentences using 295 chars.

Royall .

Note: Contains 26 words in 4 sentences using 135 chars.

Phyllida .

Note: Contains 10 words in 1 sentence using 47 chars.

Royall .

Note: Contains 14 words in 1 sentence using 71 chars.

Phyllida .
( Sobs .)

Note: Contains 42 words in 3 sentences using 177 chars.

Royall .

Note: Contains 35 words in 4 sentences using 185 chars.

Phyllida .

Note: Contains 33 words in 7 sentences using 174 chars.

Royall .

Note: Contains 3 words in 1 sentence using 18 chars.

Phyllida .

Note: Contains 30 words in 5 sentences using 132 chars.

Royall .

Note: Contains 8 words in 2 sentences using 35 chars.

Phyllida .

Note: Contains 71 words in 5 sentences using 360 chars.

Royall .
( Takes her in his arms .)

Note: Contains 2 words in 1 sentence using 9 chars.

Phyllida .

Note: Contains 4 words in 2 sentences using 23 chars.

Royall .

Note: Contains 35 words in 3 sentences using 167 chars.

Phyllida .

Note: Contains 14 words in 1 sentence using 70 chars.

Royall .

Note: Contains 56 words in 6 sentences using 268 chars.

Phyllida .

Note: Contains 6 words in 2 sentences using 28 chars.

Royall .

Note: Contains 53 words in 3 sentences using 281 chars.

Phyllida .

Note: Contains 2 words in 1 sentence using 9 chars.

Royall .

Note: Contains 63 words in 10 sentences using 322 chars.

Phyllida .

Note: Contains 4 words in 1 sentence using 16 chars.

Royall .

Note: Contains 16 words in 5 sentences using 81 chars.

( He leads her to fireplace, and moves several paces away from her. She runs toward him .)
Phyllida .

Note: Contains 5 words in 2 sentences using 24 chars.

Royall .

Note: Contains 6 words in 2 sentences using 38 chars.

( She hesitatingly and apparently much bewildered and woe-begone, moves back to the opposite side of the fireplace. He gives a quick leap across and snatches a kiss, leaping back .)
Royall .

Note: Contains 19 words in 4 sentences using 98 chars.

( The doors are flung open, and Elizabeth enters. She does not for the moment see Royall and Phyllida at the fireplace .)
Elizabeth .

Note: Contains 20 words in 4 sentences using 90 chars.

( Sees Royall and Phyllida .)

Note: Contains 16 words in 4 sentences using 85 chars.

( Passes, moving quietly to seat on dais .)
Royall .

Note: Contains 21 words in 4 sentences using 127 chars.

( Phyllida weeps .)
Elizabeth .

Note: Contains 9 words in 3 sentences using 45 chars.

Royall .

Note: Contains 39 words in 2 sentences using 196 chars.

Elizabeth .

Note: Contains 19 words in 4 sentences using 96 chars.

Royall .

Note: Contains 71 words in 5 sentences using 354 chars.

Elizabeth .

Note: Contains 10 words in 3 sentences using 54 chars.

Phyllida .

Note: Contains 9 words in 1 sentence using 48 chars.

Royall .

Note: Contains 30 words in 4 sentences using 173 chars.

Elizabeth .

Note: Contains 3 words in 2 sentences using 16 chars.

Royall .

Note: Contains 71 words in 3 sentences using 336 chars.

( Dashes his hand across his eyes, as though to stanch tears .)
Phyllida .

Note: Contains 7 words in 2 sentences using 34 chars.

Royall .

Note: Contains 6 words in 2 sentences using 37 chars.

Elizabeth .
( Rising .)

Note: Contains 14 words in 2 sentences using 75 chars.

Royall .
( Turning and falling on his knee .)

Note: Contains 9 words in 4 sentences using 50 chars.

Phyllida .

Note: Contains 9 words in 2 sentences using 44 chars.

( He turns over his shoulder at her a glare of desperate appeal. She falls to weeping again .)
Elizabeth .

Note: Contains 119 words in 12 sentences using 572 chars.

Royall .
( Approaching nearer, again kneels .)

Note: Contains 27 words in 3 sentences using 145 chars.

Phyllida .

Note: Contains 4 words in 2 sentences using 21 chars.

( Rushes madly to Royall. He rises and with manly dignity stands before her, as if to protect her from the Queen's wrath. She falls on her knees, catching and weeping over his hand .)

Note: Contains 21 words in 4 sentences using 105 chars.

Royall .

Note: Contains 13 words in 3 sentences using 72 chars.

Elizabeth .

Note: Contains 14 words in 4 sentences using 81 chars.

Royall .

Note: Contains 32 words in 3 sentences using 177 chars.

Elizabeth .

Note: Contains 4 words in 2 sentences using 23 chars.

Royall .

Note: Contains 55 words in 5 sentences using 303 chars.

Elizabeth .
( After a pause, in which she has studied his immovable face; faintly and sardonically smiling .)

Note: Contains 115 words in 11 sentences using 598 chars.

Royall .

Note: Contains 27 words in 2 sentences using 127 chars.

Elizabeth .

Note: Contains 24 words in 5 sentences using 128 chars.

( Comes down from dais, holding out her hand imperatively .)
Royall .

Note: Contains 40 words in 9 sentences using 215 chars.

Elizabeth .

Note: Contains 15 words in 5 sentences using 73 chars.

Phyllida .

Note: Contains 3 words in 3 sentences using 19 chars.

( Royall hands her his sword, first kissing its blade. She motions him to kneel. He obeys. She strikes him lightly on the shoulder with the sword .)
Elizabeth .

Note: Contains 47 words in 4 sentences using 252 chars.

Royall .

Note: Contains 28 words in 8 sentences using 155 chars.

( Elizabeth permits him to kiss her hand, looking down upon him with a wistful smile. Then she motions Phyllida to approach. She gives Phyllida to Royall's arms. Elizabeth moves slowly down the room toward the doors, looking back, she says, with a light sigh .)
Elizabeth .

Note: Contains 17 words in 3 sentences using 93 chars.

( Curtian .)