Every document needs to have an xml:id. Every surface needs to have an xml:id. Every graphic needs to have an xml:id. Every graphic needs a reference to an image. Every zone needs to have an xml:id. Every zone needs an upper left x (@ulx) value. Every zone needs an upper left y (@uly) value. Every zone needs a lower right x (@lrx) value. Every zone needs a lower right y (@lry) value. The reference to the data element seems broken, as its local-name() doesn't match the @type of the zone. Every mdiv needs an xml:id. Every mdiv needs a label with a length of at least one character. A measure needs an xml:id. Every space-separated value in @facs must point to a zone of type measure. Every space-separated value in @facs must point to a zone of type staff. If there is a mRest child, no other elements are allowed. If there is a multiRest child, no other elements are allowed. In Edirom, music may not contain groups.