false true nonzero evenodd inherit lr-tb rl-tb tb-rl lr rl tb inherit auto baseline before-edge text-before-edge middle central after-edge text-after-edge ideographic alphabetic hanging mathematical inherit ltr rtl inherit auto use-script no-change reset-size ideographic alphabetic hanging mathematical central middle text-after-edge text-before-edge inherit start middle end inherit normal embed bidi-override inherit normal wider narrower ultra-condensed extra-condensed condensed semi-condensed semi-expanded expanded extra-expanded ultra-expanded inherit normal italic oblique inherit normal small-caps inherit normal bold bolder lighter 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 inherit auto sRGB linearRGB inherit default preserve visible hidden scroll auto inherit butt round square inherit miter round bevel inherit auto sRGB linearRGB inherit auto optimizeSpeed optimizeQuality inherit inline block list-item run-in compact marker table inline-table table-row-group table-header-group table-footer-group table-row table-column-group table-column table-cell table-caption none inherit auto optimizeSpeed optimizeQuality inherit visiblePainted visibleFill visibleStroke visible painted fill stroke all none inherit auto optimizeSpeed crispEdges geometricPrecision inherit auto optimizeSpeed optimizeLegibility geometricPrecision inherit visible hidden inherit simple other onLoad simple other onLoad simple embed onLoad simple new replace onRequest disable magnify 1.1 preserve spacing spacingAndGlyphs spacing spacingAndGlyphs spacing spacingAndGlyphs spacing spacingAndGlyphs align stretch auto exact strokeWidth userSpaceOnUse auto perceptual relative-colorimetric saturation absolute-colorimetric userSpaceOnUse objectBoundingBox pad reflect repeat userSpaceOnUse objectBoundingBox pad reflect repeat userSpaceOnUse objectBoundingBox userSpaceOnUse objectBoundingBox userSpaceOnUse objectBoundingBox userSpaceOnUse objectBoundingBox userSpaceOnUse objectBoundingBox userSpaceOnUse objectBoundingBox userSpaceOnUse objectBoundingBox normal multiply screen darken lighten matrix saturate hueRotate luminanceToAlpha over in out atop xor arithmetic duplicate wrap none R G B A R G B A erode dilate stitch noStitch fractalNoise turbulence identity table discrete linear gamma identity table discrete linear gamma identity table discrete linear gamma identity table discrete linear gamma disable magnify always never whenNotActive remove freeze discrete linear paced spline replace sum none sum discrete linear paced spline translate scale rotate skewX skewY s sharp f flat ss double sharp (written as 2 sharps) x double sharp (written using croix) ff double flat xs triple sharp (written as croix and 2 sharps) ts triple sharp (written as 3 sharps) tf triple flat n natural nf natural + flat ns natural + sharp su sharp note raised by quarter tone sd sharp note lowered by quarter tone fu flat note raised by quarter tone fd flat note lowered by quarter tone nu natural note raised by quarter tone nd natural note lowered by quarter tone s sharp f flat ss double sharp ff double flat n natural su three quarter-tones sharp sd quarter-tone sharp fu quarter-tone flat fd three quarter-tones flat acc accent (Unicode 1D17B) stacc staccato (Unicode 1D17C) ten tenuto (Unicode 1D17D) stacciss staccatissimo (Unicode 1D17E) marc marcato (Unicode 1D17F) marc-stacc marcato + staccato (Unicode 1D180) spicc spiccato doit main note followed by short slide to higher, indeterminate pitch (Unicode 1D185) rip main note preceded by short slide from lower, indeterminate pitch (Unicode 1D186) plop main note preceded by "slide" from higher, indeterminate pitch fall main note followed by long "slide" to lower, indeterminate pitch bend "lip slur" to lower pitch, then return to written pitch flip main note followed by quick upward rise, then descent in pitch (Unicode 1D187) smear (Unicode 1D188) dnbow down bow (Unicode 1D1AA) upbow up bow (Unicode 1D1AB) harm harmonic (Unicode 1D1AC) snap snap pizzicato (Unicode 1D1AD) fingernail fingernail (Unicode 1D1B3) ten-stacc tenuto + staccato (Unicode 1D182) damp dampen harp string (Unicode 1D1B4) dampall dampen all harp strings (Unicode 1D1B5) open full (as opposed to stopped) tone stop "muffled" tone dbltongue double tongue (Unicode 1D18A) trpltongue triple tongue (Unicode 1D18B) heel use heel (organ pedal) toe use toe (organ pedal) tap percussive effect on guitar string(s) lhpizz left-hand pizzicato dot uninterpreted dot stroke uninterpreted stroke 4 mensur between staves only staff between and across staves as necessary takt short line above staff or through top line dashed dashed line (Unicode 1D104) dotted dotted line dbl (Unicode 1D101) dbldashed double dashed line dbldotted double dotted line end (Unicode 1D102) invis bar line not rendered rptstart repeat start (Unicode 1D106) rptboth repeat start and end rptend repeat end (Unicode 1D107) single (Unicode 1D100) [i|m|t][1-6] 0 4|8|16|32|64|128 mixed 1|\.25|\.5|\.75 full true false high medium low unknown G G clef (Unicode 1D11E) GG Double G clef F F clef (Unicode 1D122) C C clef (Unicode 1D121) perc Drum clef (Unicode 1D125 or Unicode 1D126) TAB tablature "clef"; i.e. usually "TAB" rendered vertically whbox unfilled box blbox filled box #[0-9A-Fa-f]{6,6} #[0-9A-Fa-f]{8,8} rgb\((\s*(([01]?[0-9]?[0-9])|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])\s*,\s*){2}([01]?[0-9]?[0-9]|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])\s*\) rgba\(\s*(([01]?[0-9]?[0-9]|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])\s*,\s*){3}(0(\.\d+)?|1(\.0+)?)\s*\)|rgba\(\s*(((\d{1,2})?%|100%)\s*,\s*){2}(\d{1,2}%|100%)\s*,\s*(0(\.\d+)?|1(\.0+)?)\s*\) hsl\(\s*((\d{1,2})|[12]\d{2}|3[0-5]\d|360)\s*,\s*(\d{1,2}%|100%)\s*,\s*(\d{1,2}%|100%)\s*\) hsla\(\s*(\d{1,2}|[12]\d{2}|3[0-5]\d|360)\s*,\s*(\d{1,2}%|100%)\s*,\s*(\d{1,2}%|100%)\s*,\s*(0(\.\d+)?|1(\.0+)?)\s*\) aqua black blue fuchsia gray green lime maroon navy olive purple red silver teal white yellow narrow default line width medium twice as wide as normal wide twice as wide as medium dashed dashed dotted dotted 360.0 -360.0 (long|breve|1|2|4|8|16|32|64|128|256|1024|2048)(\.)* [0-9]+(\.)*r [0-9]+((\.)*p|(\.[0-9]+)?(b|s)) paren parentheses brack square brackets 1 4 x|o|t \d+(\.\d+)?(pt)? italic text slants to right normal unadorned oblique text slants to the left bold normal 1 5 i first note/chord in glissando m note/chord that's neither first nor last in glissando t last note in glissando acc time "stolen" from following note unacc time "stolen" from previous note unknown no interpretation regarding performed value of grace note quarter filled oval (Unicode 1D158) half open oval (Unicode 1D157) whole open oval (Unicode 1D15D) dblwhole modern breve (Unicode 1D15C) filldiamond filled diamond (Unicode 1D1BA) diamond open diamond (Unicode 1D1B9) dwdiamond double whole diamond (Mup) fillisotriangle filled isosceles triangle (Unicode 1D149) isotriangle open isosceles triangle (Unicode 1D148) dwhisotriangle double whole open isosceles triangle (Unicode 1D14E) fillpiewedge filled downward-pointing wedge (Unicode 1D155) piewedge downward-pointing wedge (Unicode 1D154) dwhpiewedge double whole downward-pointing wedge (Mup) fillrectangle filled rectangle (Unicode 1D147) rectangle open rectangle (Unicode 1D146) dwhrectangle double whole open rectangle (Mup) fillrtriangle filled right triangle (Unicode 1D14B) rtriangle open right triangle (Unicode 1D14A) dwrtriangle double whole right triangle (Mup) fillurtriangle filled upper right triangle (Unicode 1D151) urtriangle open upper right triangle (Unicode 1D150) dwurtriangle double whole upper right triangle fillsemicircle filled semi-circle (Unicode 1D153) semicircle open semi-circle (Unicode 1D152) dwsemicircle double whole open semi-circle (Mup) fillslash filled slash (Mup) slash open slash (Mup) dwslash double whole open slash (Mup) x X (Unicode 1D143) blank note head not rendered (Unicode 1D159) circlex X within circle (Unicode 1D145) cross plus sign (Unicode 1D144) addslash added diagonal slash (/) through default note head addbackslash (MusicXML) added diagonal backslash (\) through default note head (MusicXML) u|d|s (\+|\-)?[AdMmP][0-9]+ [0-9.,DHMPRSTWYZ/:+\-]+ mixed|0|[1-7][f|s] 1 single layer 2o two layers with opposing stems 2f two layers with 'floating' stems 3o 3f narrow default line width medium twice as wide as narrow wide twice as wide as medium dashed dashed line dotted dotted line wavy undulating line ([0-9]+m\s*\+\s*)?[0-9]+(\.?[0-9]*)? (\+|-)?\d+(\.\d+)?(cm|mm|in|pt|pc|vu)? aln accented lower neighbor ant anticipation app appogiatura apt accented passing tone arp arpeggio tone (chordal tone) arp7 arpeggio tone (7th added to the chord) aun accented upper neighbor chg changing tone cln chromatic lower neighbor ct chord tone (i.e., not an embellishment) ct7 chord tone (7th added to the chord) cun chromatic upper neighbor cup chromatic unaccented passing tone et escape tone ln lower neighbor ped pedal tone rep repeated tone ret retardation 23ret 2-3 retardation 78ret 7-8 retardation sus suspension 43sus 4-3 suspension 98sus 9-8 suspension 76sus 7-6 suspension un upper neighbor un7 upper neighbor (7th added to the chord) upt unaccented passing tone upt7 unaccented passing tone (7th added to the chord) C tempus imperfectum O tempus perfectum common common time; i.e. 4/4 cut cut time; i.e. 2/2 major minor dorian phrygian lydian mixolydian aeolian locrian 9 8|15|22 above below 1 2 [0-9]+(\.?[0-9]*)?% 11 [a-g] [a-g]|none above below (\^|v)?[1-7](\+|\-)? normal default size cue reduced size 1 6 [i|m|t][1-6] above written above staff below written below staff within written on staff up stem points upward down stem points downward 1slash 1 slash through stem 2slash 2 slashes through stem 3slash 3 slashes through stem 4slash 4 slashes through stem 5slash 5 slashes through stem 6slash 6 slashes through stem sprech X placed on stem z Z placed on stem left stem attached to left side of note head right stem attached to right side of note head center stem is originates from center of note head equal equal or 12-tone temperament just just intonation mean meantone intonation pythagorean pythagorean tuning xx-small relative font size x-small relative font size small relative font size medium relative font size large relative font size x-large relative font size xx-large relative font size smaller relative font size larger relative font size italic italicized (slanted to right) small-caps superscript latintype latintype superscript superscript oblique oblique (slanted to left) smcaps small capitals bold relative font weight bolder relative font weight lighter relative font weight box enclosed in box circle enclosed in ellipse/circle dbox enclosed in diamond tbox enclosed in triangle bslash struck through by '\' (back slash) fslash struck through by '/' (forward slash) line-through struck through by '-'; may be qualified to indicate multiple lines, e.g. line-through(2) none not rendered, invisible overline line above the text; may be qualified to indicate multiple lines, e.g. overline(3) strike struck through by '-'; equivalent to line-through; may be qualified to indicate multiple lines, e.g. strike(3) sub subscript sup superscript underline underlined; may be qualified to indicate multiple lines, e.g. underline(2) ltr left-to-right (BIDI embed) rtl right-to-left (BIDI embed) lro eft-to-right (BIDI override) rlo right-to-left (BIDI override) (underline|overline|line-through|strike|letter-spacing|line-height)\(\d+\) (letter-spacing|line-height)\((\+|-)?\d+(\.\d+)?\) [i|m|t] [i|m|t][1-6] long quadruple whole note breve double whole note 1 whole note 2 half note 4 quarter note 8 8th note 16 16th note 32 32nd note 64 64th note 128 128th note 256 256th note 512 512th note 1024 1024th note 2048 2048th note [A|a|b|I|i|K|k|M|m|N|n|S|s|T|t|O]|(A|a|S|s|K|k)?(T|t|M|m)(I|i|S|s)? records the function of an accidental. caution cautionary accidental. edit editorial accidental. captures a written accidental. records the performed pitch inflection when it differs from the written accidental. provides a way of pointing to a user-defined symbol. It must contain an ID of a element elsewhere in the document. encodes the written articulation(s). Articulations are normally encoded in order from the note head outward; that is, away from the stem. See additional notes at att.vis.note. Only articulations should be encoded in the artic attribute; fingerings should be encoded using the element. records performed articulation that differs from the written value. records the number of augmentation dots required by a dotted duration. An element with a dots attribute must also have a dur attribute. a name or label associated with the controlled vocabulary from which the value is taken. the web-accessible location of the controlled vocabulary from which the value is taken. records the appearance and usually the function of the bar line. records the location of a bar line. If takt bar lines are to be used, then the taktplace attribute may be used to denote the staff location of the shortened bar line. The location may include staff lines, spaces, and the spaces directly above and below the staff. The value ranges between 0 (just below the staff) to 2 * number of staff lines (directly above the staff). For example, on a 5-line staff the lines would be numbered 1,3,5,7, and 9 while the spaces would be numbered 0,2,4,6,8,10. For example, a value of '9' puts the bar line through the top line of a 5-line staff. Color of beams, including those associated with tuplets. encodes whether a beam is "feathered" and in which direction. acc beams lines grow farther apart from left to right. rit beam lines grow closer together from left to right. norm beam lines are equally-spaced over the entire length of the beam. captures beam slope. contains a reference to a field or element in another descriptive encoding system to which this MEI element is comparable. indicates the calendar system to which a date belongs, for example, Gregorian, Julian, Roman, Mosaic, Revolutionary, Islamic, etc. used to record a value which serves as a primary key in an external database. indicates a single alternative note head should be displayed instead of individual note heads. See Read, p. 320-321, re: tone clusters. records the function of the clef. A "cautionary" clef does not change the following pitches. encodes a value for the clef symbol. contains a default value for the position of the clef. The value must be in the range between 1 and the number of lines on the staff. The numbering of lines starts with the lowest line of the staff. records the amount of octave displacement to be applied to the clef. records the direction of octave displacement to be applied to the clef. describes the color of the clef. determines whether the clef is to be displayed. describes a clef's shape. captures one or more coded values for the textual content of this element. used to indicate visual appearance. Do not confuse this with the musical term 'color' as used in pre-CMN notation. indicates this feature is 'colored'; that is, it is a participant in a change in rhythmic values. In mensural notation, coloration is indicated by colored notes (red, black, etc.) where void notes would otherwise occur. In CMN, coloration is indicated by an inverse color; that is, the note head is void when it would otherwise be filled and vice versa. provides a label for an element. The value may be any string. provides a name or number designation for an element. While the value need not be unique, it is required to be a single token. provides a base URI reference with which applications can resolve relative URI references into absolute URI references. indicates the upper-left corner x coordinate. indicates the upper-left corner y coordinate. indicates the lower-right corner x coordinate. indicates the lower-left corner x coordinate. records the placement of Bezier control points as a series of space-separated xy coordinates, e.g., 19 45 -32 118. describes a curve as a set of distance values above or below an imaginary line connecting the endpoints of the curve. The bulge attribute must contain one or more decimal values expressed in inter-line units. describes a curve with a generic term indicating the direction of curvature. above upward curve. below downward curve. describes the line style of the curve. encodes the target note when its pitch differs from the pitch at which the custos appears. contains the end point of a date range in standard ISO form. provides the value of a textual date in standard ISO form. contains an upper boundary for an uncertain date in standard ISO form. contains a lower boundary, in standard ISO form, for an uncertain date. contains the starting point of a date range in standard ISO form. used to link metadata elements to one or more data-containing elements. identifies one or more metadata elements within the header, which are understood to apply to the element bearing this attribute and its content. records the default distance from the staff for dynamic marks. records the default distance from the staff of harmonic indications, such as guitar chord grids or functional labels. determines how far from the staff to render text elements. records the function of the dot. aug augmentation dot. div dot of division. records duration using ident dotted, relative durational values provided by the data.DURATION datatype. When the duration is "irrational", as is sometimes the case with tuplets, multiple space-separated values that add up to the total duration may be used. When dotted values are present, the dots attribute must be ignored. An element with a dur attribute that contains dotted values must not have a dots attribute. contains a default duration in those situations when the first note, rest, chord, etc. in a measure does not have a duration specified. along with numbase.default, describes the default duration as a ratio. num.default is the first value in the ratio. along with num.default, describes the default duration as a ratio. numbase.default is the second value in the ratio. records the duration of a feature using the relative durational values provided by the data.DURATION datatype. records performed duration information that differs from the written duration. Its value may be expressed in several forms; that is, ppq (MIDI clicks and MusicXML 'divisions'), Humdrum **recip values, beats, seconds, or mensural duration values. along with numbase, describes duration as a ratio. num is the first value in the ratio, while numbase is the second. along with num, describes duration as a ratio. num is the first value in the ratio, while numbase is the second. records the characters often used to mark accidentals, articulations, and sometimes notes as having a cautionary or editorial function. For an example of cautionary accidentals enclosed in parentheses, see Read, p. 131, ex. 9-14. indicates the attachment of a fermata to this element. If visual information about the fermata needs to be recorded, then a element should be employed instead. signifies the hand responsible for an action. The value must be the ID of a element declared in the header. records horizontal alignment. left left aligned. right right aligned. center centered. justify left and right aligned. regularizes the naming of an element and thus facilitates building links between it and other resources. Each id attribute within a document must have a unique value. provides a way of pointing to a MIDI instrument definition. It must contain the ID of an element elsewhere in the document. specifies the applicable MIME (multimedia internet mail extension) type. The value should be a valid MIME media type defined by the Internet Engineering Task Force in RFC 2046. used for linking visually separate entities that form a single logical entity, for example, multiple slurs broken across a system break that form a single musical phrase. Also used to indicate a measure which metrically completes the current one. Record the identifiers of the separately encoded components, excluding the one carrying the attribute. indicates major, minor, or other tonality. contains an accidental for the tonic key, if one is required, e.g., if key.pname equals 'c' and key.accid equals 's', then a tonic of C# is indicated. indicates major, minor, or other tonality. holds the pitch name of the tonic key, e.g. 'c' for the key of C. indicates where the key lies in the circle of fifths. Mixed key signatures, e.g. those consisting of a mixture of flats and sharps (Read, p. 143, ex. 9-39), and key signatures with unorthodox placement of the accidentals (Read, p. 141) must be indicated by setting the key.sig attribute to 'mixed' and providing explicit key signature information in the key.sig.mixed attribute or in the element. It is intended that key.sig.mixed contain a series of tokens with each token containing pitch name, accidental, and octave, such as 'A4 Cs5 Ef5' that indicate what key accidentals should be rendered and where they should be placed. [a-g][0-9](\-{1,3}|f{1,3}|#{1,3}|s{1,3}|x) indicates whether the key signature should be displayed. determines whether cautionary accidentals should be displayed at a key change. provides a label for a group of staves on pages after the first page. Usually, this label takes an abbreviated form. identifies the language of the element's content. The values for this attribute are language 'tags' as defined in BCP 47. All language tags that make use of private use sub-tags must be documented in a corresponding language element in the MEI header whose id attribute is the same as the language tag's value. provides a mechanism for linking the layer to a layerDef element. identifies the layer to which a feature applies. indicates the line upon which a feature stands. The value must be in the range between 1 and the number of lines on the staff. The numbering of lines starts with the lowest line of the staff. records the appearance of a line. describes the alignment of lyric syllables associated with a note or chord. sets the font family default value for lyrics. sets the font name default value for lyrics. sets the default font size value for lyrics. sets the default font style value for lyrics. sets the default font weight value for lyrics. indicates the visual rendition of the left bar line. It is present here only for facilitation of translation from legacy encodings which use it. Usually, it can be safely ignored. indicates the function of the right bar line and is structurally important. indicates the unit used for a measurement of size. Suggested values include: 1] cm; 2] mm; 3] in; 4] issue; 5] page; 6] px; 7] pt; 8] pc; 9] vu; 10] vol cm centimeter. mm millimeter. in inch. issue serial issue. page page. px pixel. pt point. pc pica. vu MEI virtual unit. vol serial volume. specifies a point where the relevant content begins. A numerical value must be less and a time value must be earlier than that in the end attribute. specifies a point where the relevant content ends. If not specified, the end of the content is assumed to be the end point. A numerical value must be greater and a time value must be later than that in the begin attribute. type of values used in the begin/end attributes. The begin and end attributes can only be interpreted meaningfully in conjunction with this attribute. time a modified ISO time format (HH:MM:SS.ss) where 'HH' should be interpreted as any number of hours and '.ss' should be interpreted as any number of fractional parts of a second. describes the writing medium. specifies a generic MEI version label. 2013 this version of MEI. records a detailed MEI version number. 2.1.0 this version of MEI. specifies whether a dot is to be added to the base symbol. the base symbol in the mensuration sign/time signature of mensural notation. indicates the relationship between the content of a staff or layer and the prevailing meter. c conformant with the prevailing meter. i incomplete; i.e., not enough beats. o overfull; i.e., too many beats. indicates the relationship between the content of a measure and the prevailing meter. indicates whether or not a bar line is "controlling"; that is, if it indicates a point of alignment across all the parts. Bar lines within a score are usually controlling; that is, they "line up". Bar lines within parts may or may not be controlling. When applied to , this attribute indicates the nature of the right barline but not the left. captures the number of beats in a measure, that is, the top number of the meter signature. It must contain a decimal number or an additive expression that evaluates to a decimal number, such as 2+3. \d+(\.\d+)?(\s*\+\s*\d+(\.\d+)?)* indicates the use of a meter symbol instead of a numeric meter signature, that is, 'C' for common time or 'C' with a slash for cut time. contains the number indicating the beat unit, that is, the bottom number of the meter signature. contains an indication of how the meter signature should be rendered. num show only the number of beats. denomsym the lower number in the meter signature is replaced by a note symbol. norm meter signature rendered using traditional numeric values. invis meter signature not rendered. captures the number of beats in a measure, that is, the top number of the meter signature. It must contain a decimal number or an additive expression that evaluates to a decimal number, such as 2+3. \d+(\.\d+)?(\s*\+\s*\d+(\.\d+)?)* contains the number indicating the beat unit, that is, the bottom number of the meter signature. contains an indication of how the meter signature should be rendered. num show only the number of beats. denomsym the lower number in the meter signature is replaced by a note symbol. norm meter signature rendered using traditional numeric values. invis meter signature not rendered. determines whether a new meter signature should be displayed when the meter signature changes. indicates the use of a meter symbol instead of a numeric meter signature, that is, 'C' for common time or 'C' with a slash for cut time. used to describe tempo in terms of beats (often the meter signature denominator) per minute, ala M.M. (Maezel's Metronome). captures the metronomic unit. records the number of augmentation dots required by a dotted metronome unit. indicates whether programmatically calculated counts of multiple measures of rest (mRest) and whole measure repeats (mRpt) in parts should be rendered. used to record a pointer to the regularized form of the name elsewhere in the document. used to specify further information about the entity referenced by this name, for example, the occupation of a person or the status of a place. records performed octave information that differs from the written value. contains a performed pitch name that differs from the written value. holds a pitch-to-number mapping, a base-40 or MIDI note number, for example. used to override the head shape normally used for the given duration. captures written octave information. contains a default octave specification for use when the first note, rest, chord, etc. in a measure does not have an octave value specified. records the amount of octave displacement. records the direction of octave displacement. determines the placement of notes on a 1-line staff. A value of 'true' places all notes on the line, while a value of 'false' places stems-up notes above the line and stems-down notes below the line. amount of "padding" to be added, in interline units; that is, in units of 1/2 the distance between adjacent staff lines. states the side of a leaf (as in a manuscript) on which the content following the element occurs. verso recto contains a written pitch name. captures the placement of the item with respect to the staff with which it is associated. contains a space separated list of references that identify logical events that participate in a collection, such as notes under a phrase mark. specifies the intended meaning when the target of a pointer is itself a pointer. all if the element pointed to is itself a pointer, then the target of that pointer will be taken, and so on, until an element is found which is not a pointer. one if the element pointed to is itself a pointer, then its target (whether a pointer or not) is taken as the target of this pointer. none no further evaluation of targets is carried out beyond that needed to find the element specified in the pointer's target. defines whether a link occurs automatically or must be requested by the user. onLoad load the target resource immediately. onRequest load the target resource upon user request. none do not permit loading of the target resource. other behavior other than allowed by the other values of this attribute. indicates a property of the entire link. The value of the role attribute must be a URI. defines how a remote resource is rendered. new open in a new window. replace load the referenced resource in the same window. embed embed the referenced resource at the point of the link. none do not permit traversal to the referenced resource. other behavior other than permitted by the other values of this attribute. allows the use of one or more previously-undeclared URIs to identify an external electronic object. in contrast with the role attribute, allows the target resource to be characterized using any convenient classification scheme or typology. contains a human-readable description of the entire link. describes the relative size of a feature. captures information regarding responsibility for some aspect of the text's creation, transcription, editing, or encoding. Its value must point to one or more identifiers declared in the document header. indicates whether hash marks should be rendered between systems. See Read, p. 436, ex. 26-3. hash display hash marks between systems. scale factor to be applied to the feature to make it the desired display size. holds the pitch name of a tuning reference pitch. holds a value for cycles per second, i.e., Hertz, for a tuning reference pitch. provides an indication of the tuning system, 'just', for example. describes where ending marks should be displayed. top ending rendered only above top staff. barred ending rendered above staves that have bar lines drawn across them. grouped endings rendered above staff groups. indicates whether measure numbers should be displayed. sets the default music font name. sets the default music font size. indicates whether staves without notes, rests, etc. should be displayed. When the value is 'true', empty staves are displayed. specifies the height of the page; may be expressed in real-world units or staff steps. describes the width of the page; may be expressed in real-world units or staff steps. indicates the amount of whitespace at the top of a page. indicates the amount of whitespace at the bottom of a page. indicates the amount of whitespace at the left side of a page. indicates the amount of whitespace at the right side of a page. indicates the number of logical pages to be rendered on a single physical page. indicates how the page should be scaled when rendered. describes a note's spacing relative to its time value. describes the note spacing of output. specifies the minimum amount of space between adjacent staves in the same system; measured from the bottom line of the staff above to the top line of the staff below. describes the space between adjacent systems; a pair of space-separated values (minimum and maximum, respectively) provides a range between which a rendering system-supplied value may fall, while a single value indicates a fixed amount of space; that is, the minimum and maximum values are equal. describes the amount of whitespace at the left system margin relative to page.leftmar. describes the amount of whitespace at the right system margin relative to page.rightmar. describes the distance from page's top edge to the first system; used for first page only. defines the height of a "virtual unit" (vu) in terms of real-world units. A single vu is half the distance between the vertical center point of a staff line and that of an adjacent staff line. \d+(\.\d+)?(cm|mm|in|pt|pc) indicates that staves begin again with this section. used to assign a sequence number related to the order in which the encoded features carrying this attribute are believed to have occurred. indicates the number of slashes present. indicates that this element participates in a slur. If visual information about the slur needs to be recorded, then a element should be employed. indicates whether a space is 'compressible', i.e., if it may be removed at the discretion of processing software. provides a mechanism for linking the staff to a staffDef element. determines whether to display guitar chord grids. indicates the number of layers and their stem directions. indicates the number of staff lines. captures the colors of the staff lines. The value is structured; that is, it should have the same number of space-separated RGB values as the number of lines indicated by the lines attribute. A line can be made invisible by assigning it the same RGB value as the background, usually white. records whether all staff lines are visible. records the absolute distance (as opposed to the relative distances recorded in elements) between this staff and the preceding one in the same system. This value is meaningless for the first staff in a system since the spacing.system attribute indicates the spacing between systems. specifies the symbol used to group a set of staves. brace curved symbol, i.e., {. bracket square symbol, i.e., [. line line symbol, i.e., |. none grouping symbol missing. indicates whether bar lines go across the space between staves (true) or are only drawn across the lines of each staff (false). signifies the staff on which a notated event occurs or to which a control event applies. Mandatory when applicable. holds the staff location of the feature. captures staff location in terms of written pitch name. records staff location in terms of written octave. indicates the final element in a sequence of events to which the feature applies. holds a reference to the first element in a sequence of events to which the feature applies. describes the direction of a stem. encodes the stem length. records the position of the stem in relation to the note head(s). records the output x coordinate of the stem's attachment point. records the output y coordinate of the stem's attachment point. describes the symbols typically used to indicate breaks between syllables and their functions. s space (word separator). d dash (syllable separator). u underscore (syllable extension). t tilde (syllable elision). c circumflex [angled line above] (syllable elision). v caron [angled line below] (syllable elision). i inverted breve [curved line above] (syllable elision). b breve [curved line below] (syllable elision). records the position of a syllable within a word. i (initial) first syllable. m (medial) neither first nor last syllable. t (terminal) last syllable. holds an associated sung text syllable. provides a default value for the font family name of text (other than lyrics) when this information is not provided on the individual elements. provides a default value for the font name of text (other than lyrics) when this information is not provided on the individual elements. provides a default value for the font size of text (other than lyrics) when this information is not provided on the individual elements. provides a default value for the font style of text (other than lyrics) when this information is not provided on the individual elements. provides a default value for the font weight for text (other than lyrics) when this information is not provided on the individual elements. indicates that this element participates in a tie. If visual information about the tie needs to be recorded, then a element should be employed. encodes the onset time in terms of musical time, i.e., beats[.fractional_beat_part]. used to record the onset time in pulses per quarter note (ppq, MusicXML divisions, or MIDI clicks) since the start of the file. used to record the onset time in terms of ISO time since the start of the file. encodes the ending point of an event in terms of musical time, i.e., a count of measures plus a beat location. records the amount of diatonic pitch shift, e.g., C to C♯ = 0, C to D♭ = 1, necessary to calculate the sounded pitch from the written one. records the amount of pitch shift in semitones, e.g., C to C♯ = 1, C to D♭ = 1, necessary to calculate the sounded pitch from the written one. indicates that this feature participates in a tuplet. If visual information about the tuplet needs to be recorded, then a element should be employed. characterizes the element in some sense, using any convenient classification scheme or typology. provide any sub-classification for the element, additional to that given by its type attribute. An element with a subtype attribute must have a type attribute. contains the name of a font-family. holds the name of a font. indicates the size of a font in printers' points, i.e., 1/72nd of an inch. records the style of a font, i.e, italic, oblique, or normal. used to indicate bold type. indicates if a feature should be rendered when the notation is presented graphically or sounded when it is presented in an aural form. records a horizontal adjustment to a feature's programmatically-determined location in terms of staff interline distance; that is, in units of 1/2 the distance between adjacent staff lines. records a timestamp adjustment of a feature's programmatically-determined location in terms of musical time; that is, beats. records the vertical adjustment of a feature's programmatically-determined location in terms of staff interline distance; that is, in units of 1/2 the distance between adjacent staff lines. records the horizontal adjustment of a feature's programmatically-determined start point. records the horizontal adjustment of a feature's programmatically-determined end point. records a timestamp adjustment of a feature's programmatically-determined start point. records a timestamp adjustment of a feature's programmatically-determined end point. records a vertical adjustment of a feature's programmatically-determined start point. records a vertical adjustment of a feature's programmatically-determined end point. allows one to signal to an application whether an element's white space is "significant". The behavior of xml:space cascades to all descendant elements, but it can be turned off locally by setting the xml:space attribute to the value "default". default allows the application to handle white space as necessary. Not including an xml:space attribute produces the same result as using the default value. preserve instructs the application to maintain white space "as-is", suggesting that it might have meaning. measurement of the horizontal dimension of an entity. The width attribute may be used to capture measure width data for interchange with music printing systems that utilize this information for printing. On the width attribute captures the width of the preceding measure. encodes an x coordinate for a feature in an output coordinate system. When it is necessary to record the placement of a feature in a facsimile image, use the facs attribute. encodes an y coordinate for a feature in an output coordinate system. When it is necessary to record the placement of a feature in a facsimile image, use the facs attribute. encodes the optional 2nd x coordinate. encodes the optional 2nd y coordinate. (accidental) – Records a temporary alteration to the pitch of a note. Name of an actor appearing within a cast list. Contains a postal address, for example of a publisher, an organization, or an individual. (address line) – Single line of a postal address. (annotation) – Provides a short statement explaining the text or indicating the basis for an assertion. A person or organization who transcribes a musical composition, usually for a different medium from that of the original; in an arrangement the musical substance remains essentially unchanged. (articulation) – An indication of how to play a note or chord. The name of the creator of the intellectual content of a non-musical, literary work. Vertical line drawn through one or more staves that divides musical notation into metrical units. (bibliographic reference) – Provides a loosely-structured bibliographic citation in which the sub-components may or may not be explicitly marked. List of bibliographic references. (scope of citation) – Defines the scope of a bibliographic reference, for example as a list of page numbers, or a named subdivision of a larger work. Contains the whole of a single musical text, excluding any front or back matter. A label which accompanies an illustration or a table. (cast group) – Groups one or more individual castItem elements within a cast list. Contains a single entry within a cast list, describing either a single role or a list of non-speaking roles. Contains a single cast list or dramatis personae. A simultaneous sounding of two or more notes in the same layer *with the same duration*. Indication of the exact location of a particular note on the staff and, therefore, the other notes as well. The clef position must be less than or equal to the number of lines on the staff. The clef position must be less than or equal to the number of lines on the staff. (clef group) – A set of simultaneously-occurring clefs. The name of the creator of the intellectual content of a musical work. Non-bibliographic details of the creation of an intellectual entity, in narrative form, such as the date, place, and circumstances of its composition. Symbol placed at the end of a line of music to indicate the first note of the next line. Sometimes called a "direct". A string identifying a point in time or the time period between two such points. (directive) – A text expression that is on the score (typically above, below, or between staves, but not on the staff) not encoded elsewhere in more specific elements, such as or . Must have one of the attributes: startid, tstamp, tstamp.ges or tstamp.real Name of a person or other agency responsible for the distribution of a bibliographic item. Dot of augmentation or division. (dynamic) – Indication of the volume of a note, phrase, or section of music. Must have one of the attributes: startid, tstamp, tstamp.ges or tstamp.real (edition designation) – A word or text phrase that indicates a difference in either content or form between the item being described and a related item previously issued by the same publisher/distributor (e.g. 2nd edition, version 2.0, etc.), or simultaneously issued by either the same publisher/distributor or another publisher/distributor (e.g. large print edition, British edition, etc.). The name of the individual(s), institution(s) or organization(s) acting in an editorial capacity. Alternative ending for a repeated passage of music; i.e., prima volta, seconda volta, etc. Indicates how a section may be programmatically expanded into its 'through-composed' form. Used to express size in terms other than physical dimensions, such as number of pages, number of records in file, number of bytes, performance duration for music, audio recordings and visual projections, etc. Names of individuals, institutions, or organizations responsible for funding. Funders provide financial support for a project; they are distinct from sponsors, who provide intellectual support and authority. (forme work) – This element is intended for capture of header/footer material that is non-repeating; that is, occuring on isolated pages. For recurring headers and footers use pgHead* and pgFoot* elements. Term or terms that designate a category characterizing a particular style, form, or content. Contains a composite musical text, grouping together a sequence of distinct musical texts (or groups of such musical texts) which are regarded as a unit for some purpose, for example, the collected works of a composer. (group symbol) – A brace or bracket used to group two or more staves of a score or part. An alpha-numeric string that establishes the identity of the described material. Information relating to the publication or distribution of a bibliographic item. (incipit) – The opening music and/or words of a composition. (key accidental) – Accidental in a key signature. specifies whether enharmonic (written) values or implicit ("perform-able") values are allowed. implicit only performed values (sharp, flat, natural) allowed. explicit all enharmonic (written) values allowed. (key signature) – Written key signature. A container for text that identifies the feature to which it is attached. An independent stream of events on a staff. If there is a mRest child, no other elements are allowed. If there is a multiRest child, no other elements are allowed. The n attribute must be a single integer. (layer definition) – Container for layer meta-information. An n attribute with a single integer value must be present. (line break) – An empty formatting element that forces text to begin on a new line. states whether the line break follows a single line or a line group. line group Person or organization who is a writer of the text of an opera, oratorio, etc. Person or organization who is a writer of the text of a song. (musical division) – contains a subdivision of the body of a musical text. Every mdiv needs an xml:id. Every mdiv needs a label with a length of at least one character. Contains a single MEI-conformant document, consisting of an MEI header and a musical text, either in isolation or as part of an meiCorpus element. Every document needs to have an xml:id. The values in @staff must correspond to @n attribute of a staffDef element. Contains a single musical text of any kind, whether unitary or composite, for example, an etude, opera, song cycle, symphony, or anthology of piano solos. In Edirom, music may not contain groups. Proper noun or noun phrase. A single pitched event. (number) – Numeric information in any form. (paragraph) – One or more text phrases that form a logical prose passage. (padding) – An indication of extra visual space between notational elements. An alternative visual rendition of the score from the point of view of a particular performer (or group of performers). Provides a container for performers' parts. (page break) – An empty formatting element that forces text to begin on a new page. (page description) – Contains a brief prose description of the appearance or description of the content of a physical page. (page footer) – A running footer on the first page. (page footer 2) – A running footer on the pages following the first. (page header) – A running header on the first page. (page header 2) – A running header on the pages following the first. Indication of 1) a "unified melodic idea" or 2) performance technique. Must have one of the attributes: startid, tstamp, tstamp.ges or tstamp.real Must have one of the attributes: dur, dur.ges, endid, or tstamp2 (physical location) – Groups information about the physical location of a bibliographic item, such as the repository in which it is located and its shelf mark. Name of the organization responsible for the publication of a bibliographic item. (publication place) – Name of the place where a bibliographic item was published. The name of the individual(s), institution(s) or organization(s) receiving correspondence. (related item) – Contains or references another bibliographic item which is related to the present one. describes the relationship between the and the resource described in the parent element, i.e., , or . The values are based on MODS version 3.4. The subject of these relations is always the , and the object is always the parent of the . "preceding" and "succeeding" indicate temporal order. preceding predecessor of the resource succeeding successor to the resource original original form of the resource host parent containing the resource constituent intellectual or physical component of the resource otherVersion version of the resource's intellectual content not changed enough to be a different work otherFormat version of the resource in a different physical format isReferencedBy published bibliographic description, review, abstract, or index of the resource's content references cited or referred to in the resource (render) – A formatting element indicating special visual rendering, e.g., bold or italicized, of a text word or phrase. used to extend the values of the rend attribute. captures the appearance of the element's contents using MEI-defined descriptors. A positive value for rotation rotates the text in a counter-clockwise fashion, while negative values produce clockwise rotation. specifies the vertical position of the element content relative to the surrounding text. top aligns the top of the content with the top of the surrounding text. middle aligns the middle of the content with the middle of the surrounding text. bottom aligns the bottom of the content with the bottom of the surrounding text. baseline aligns the baseline of the content with the baseline of the surrounding text. Institution, agency, or individual which holds a bibliographic item. (responsibility) – A phrase describing the nature of intellectual responsibility. (responsibility statement) – Names one or more individuals, groups, or in rare cases, mechanical processes, responsible for creation or realization of the intellectual or artistic content. A non-sounding event found in the source being transcribed. The value of @line must be less than or equal to the number of lines on the staff. Name of a dramatic role, as given in a cast list. (role description) – Describes a character's role in a drama. (system break) – An empty formatting element that forces musical notation to begin on a new line. Full score view of the musical content. (score definition) – Container for score meta-information. Segment of music data. Must have descendant section, ending, or rdg elements that can be pointed to. Contains information about the serial publication in which a bibliographic item has appeared. A placeholder used to fill an incomplete measure, layer, etc. most often so that the combined duration of the events equals the number of beats in the measure. Names of sponsoring individuals, organizations or institutions. Sponsors give their intellectual authority to a project; they are to be distinguished from funders, who provide the funding but do not necessarily take intellectual responsibility. (stacked text) – An inline table with a single column. indicates the delimiter used to mark the portions of text that are to be stacked. specifies how the stacked text components should be aligned. left left justified. right right justified. center centered. rightdigit aligned on right-most digit. A group of equidistant horizontal lines on which notes are placed in order to represent pitch or a grouping element for individual 'strands' of notes, rests, etc. that may or may not actually be rendered on staff lines; that is, both diastematic and non-diastematic signs. Every space-separated value in @facs must point to a zone of type staff. The n attribute must be a single integer. (staff definition) – Container for staff meta-information. A staffDef must have an n attribute. The first occurrence of a staff must declare the number of staff lines. Only one clef or clefGrp is permitted. If a staffDef appears in a staff, it must bear the same @n than this staff. The clef position must be less than or equal to the number of lines on the staff. The clef position must be less than or equal to the number of lines on the staff. The tab.strings attribute must have the same number of values as there are staff lines. The tab.strings attribute must have the same number of values as there are staff lines. The lines.color attribute must have either 1) a single value or 2) the same number of values as there are staff lines. The lines.color attribute must have either 1) a single value or 2) the same number of values as there are staff lines. The value of ppq must be a factor of the value of ppq on an ancestor scoreDef. The value of ppq must be a factor of the value of ppq on a preceding scoreDef. (staff group) – A group of bracketed or braced staves. Each staffDef must have a unique value for the n attribute. (syllable) – Individual lyric syllable. Text and symbols descriptive of tempo, mood, or style, e.g., "allarg.", "a tempo", "cantabile", "Moderato", "♩=60", "Moderato ♩ =60"). Only label, n, xml:base, xml:id, and xml:lang attributes allowed when this element occurs in the header. Must have one of the attributes: startid, tstamp, tstamp.ges or tstamp.real (text language) – Identifies the languages and writing systems within the work described by a bibliographic description, not the language of the description. (main language) supplies a code which identifies the chief language used in the bibliographic work. (other languages) one or more codes identifying any other languages used in the bibliographic work. Title of a bibliographic entity. indicates the bibliographic level for a title. a article. m monograph. j journal. s series. u unpublished (including theses and dissertations unless published by a commercial press). Contains a transcription of the title page of a text. indicates the method employed to mark corrections and normalizations. silent corrections and normalizations made silently. tags corrections and normalizations indicated using elements. (access restriction) – Describes the conditions that affect the accessibility of material. (acquisition source) – Post-publication source, such as a vendor or distributor, from which access to a bibliographic item may be obtained, including electronic access. (alternative identifier) – May contain a bibliographic identifier that does not fit within the meiHead element's id attribute, for example because the id does not fit the definition of an XML id or because multiple identifiers are needed. (application information) – Groups information about applications which have acted upon the MEI file. Provides information about an application which has acted upon the current document. supplies a version number for an application, independent of its identifier or display name. Defines the class of user for which the work is intended, as defined by age group (e.g., children, young adults, adults, etc.), educational level (e.g., primary, secondary, etc.), or other categorization. Groups elements that describe the availability of and access to a bibliographic item, including an MEI-encoded document. (capture mode) – The means used to record notation, sound, or images in the production of a source/manifestation (e.g., analogue, acoustic, electric, digital, optical etc.). (carrier form) – The specific class of material to which the physical carrier of the source/manifestation belongs (e.g., sound cassette, videodisc, microfilm cartridge, transparency, etc.). The carrier for a manifestation comprising multiple physical components may include more than one form (e.g., a filmstrip with an accompanying booklet, a separate sound disc carrying the sound track for a film, etc.). Individual change within the revision description. The date of the change must be recorded in an isodate attribute or date element. The person responsible for the change must be recorded in a resp attribute or respStmt element. (change description) – Description of a revision of the MEI file. (classification code) – Holds a citation to the source of controlled-vocabulary terms used in the element; for example, Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH), Library of Congress Classification (LCC), Library of Congress Name Authority File (LCNAF), or other thesaurus or ontology. Groups information which describes the nature or topic of an entity. The physical condition of an item, particularly any variances between the physical makeup of the item and that of other copies of the same item (e.g., missing pages, plates, etc.). Contains a single entry within a content description element. Description of the material contained within a resource. The historical, social, intellectual, artistic, or other context within which the work was originally conceived (e.g., the 17th century restoration of the monarchy in England, the aesthetic movement of the late 19th century, etc.) or the historical, social, intellectual, artistic, or other context within which the expression was realized. States how and under what circumstances corrections have been made in the text. indicates the degree of correction applied to the text. high the text has been thoroughly checked and proofread. medium the text has been checked at least once. low the text has not been checked. unknown the correction status of the text is unknown. Information about the physical size of a bibliographic source; usually includes numerical data. (edition statement) – Container for meta-data pertaining to a particular edition of the material being described. (editorial declaration) – Used to provide details of editorial principles and practices applied during the encoding of musical text. (encoding description) – Documents the relationship between an electronic file and the source or sources from which it was derived as well as applications used in the encoding/editing process. The name of a standard instrumental or vocal grouping, such as 'orchestra' or 'marching band'. Contains a description of an event, including the dates and locations of its occurrence and prominent participants. Contains historical information given as a sequence of significant past events. (exhibition history) – A record of public exhibitions, including dates, venues, etc. (file characteristics) – Standards or schemes used to encode the file (e.g., ASCII, SGML, etc.), physical characteristics of the file (e.g., recording density, parity, blocking, etc.), and other characteristics that have a bearing on how the file can be processed. (file description) – Contains a full bibliographic description of the MEI file. Contains a string that uniquely identifies an item, such as those constructed by combining groups of characters transcribed from specified pages of a printed item or a file's checksum. Defines a distinct scribe or handwriting style. marks this hand as the first one of the document. Container for one or more hand elements. Provides a container for information about the creation and history of a resource. Incipit coded in a non-XML, plain text format, such as Plaine & Easie Code. incipCode must have a form or mimetype attribute. form of the encoded incipit. Suggested values include: 1] plaineAndEasie; 2] humdrumKern; 3] parsons plaineAndEasie Plaine & Easie Code. humdrumKern Humdrum Kern format. parsons Parsons code. Opening words of a musical composition. An inscription added to an item, such as a bookplate, a note designating the item as a gift, and/or the author's signature. Instrumental and non-dramatic vocal resources. (instrument or voice) – Name of an instrument on which a performer plays or a performer's voice range. indicates the number of performers. marks this instrument or vocal part as a soloist. Do not use this attribute for a solo instrument which is not accompanied. Several instrumental or vocal resources treated as a group. Describes the scope of any analytic or interpretive information added to the transcription of the music. Key captures information about tonal center and mode. Description of a language used in the document. (language usage) – Groups elements describing the languages, sub-languages, dialects, etc., represented within the encoded resource. (MEI header) – Supplies the descriptive and declarative metadata prefixed to every MEI-conformant text. specifies the kind of document to which the header is attached, for example whether it is a corpus or individual text. music header is attached to a music document. corpus header is attached to a corpus. Captures information about mensuration within bibliographic descriptions. Captures information about the time signature within bibliographic descriptions. Indicates the extent of normalization or regularization of the original source carried out in converting it to electronic form. (notes statement)– Collects any notes providing information about a text additional to that recorded in other parts of the bibliographic description. (other distinguishing characteristic) – Any characteristic that serves to differentiate a work or expression from another. (performance medium) – Indicates the number and character of the performing forces used in a musical composition. (physical description) – Container for information about the appearance, construction, or handling of physical materials, such as their dimension, quantity, color, style, and technique of creation. (physical medium) – Records the physical materials used in the source, such as ink and paper. (plate number) – Designation assigned to a resource by a music publisher, usually printed at the bottom of each page, and sometimes appearing also on the title page. Playing speed for a sound recording is the speed at which the carrier must be operated to produce the sound intended (e.g., 33 1/3 rpm, 19 cm/s, etc.) The cost of access to a bibliographic item. (project description) – Project-level meta-data describing the aim or purpose for which the electronic file was encoded, funding agencies, etc. together with any other relevant information concerning the process by which it was assembled or collected. The record of ownership or custodianship of an item. (publication statement) – Container for information regarding the publication or distribution of a bibliographic item, including the publisher's name and address, the date of publication, and other relevant details. (revision description) – Container for information about alterations that have been made to an MEI file. (sampling declaration) – Contains a prose description of the rationale and methods used in sampling texts in the creation of a corpus or collection. Describes the type of score used to represent a musical composition (e.g., short score, full score, condensed score, close score, etc.). Describes the principles according to which the musical text has been segmented, for example into movements, sections, etc. (series statement) – Groups information about the series, if any, to which a publication belongs. (sound channels) – Reflects the number of sound channels used to make a recording (monaural, stereophonic, quadraphonic, etc.). A bibliographic description of a source used in the creation of the electronic file. (source description) – A container for the descriptions of the source(s) used in the creation of the electronic file. (special reproduction characteristic) – The equalization system, noise reduction system, etc. used in making the recording (e.g., NAB, DBX, Dolby, etc.). (standard values) – Specifies the format used when standardized date or number values are supplied. (system requirements) – System requirements for using the electronic item. (tape configuration) – Number of tracks on a sound tape (e.g., eight track, twelve track). Keyword or phrase which describes a resource. contains a reference to the controlled vocabulary from which the term is drawn. The value must match the value of an ID attribute on a classCode element given elsewhere in the document. Collection of text phrases which describe a resource. contains a reference to the controlled vocabulary from which the terms are drawn. The value must match the value of an ID attribute on a classCode element given elsewhere in the document. (title statement) – Container for title and responsibility meta-data. (treatment history) – A record of the treatment the item has undergone (e.g., de-acidification, restoration, etc.). (treatment scheduled) – Scheduled treatment, e.g. de-acidification, restoration, etc., for an item. (unpublished) – Used to explicitly indicate that a bibliographic resource is unpublished. (usage restrictions) – Container for information about the conditions that affect use of a bibliographic item after access has been granted. Contains a description of a watermark or similar device. Provides a detailed description of a work, specifically its history, language use, and high-level musical attributes: key, tempo, meter, and medium of performance. (work description) – Grouping mechanism for information describing non-bibliographic aspects of a text. describes the direction in which an arpeggio is to be performed. up lowest to highest pitch. down highest to lowest pitch. nonarp non-arpeggiated style (usually rendered with a preceding bracket instead of a wavy line). indicates if an arrowhead is to be drawn as part of the arpeggiation symbol. indicates that this event is "under a beam". In the case of cross-staff beams, the beam.with attribute is used to indicate which staff the beam is connected to; that is, the staff above or the staff below. provides an example of how automated beaming (including secondary beams) is to be performed. indicates whether automatically-drawn beams should include rests shorter than a quarter note duration. captures whether a beam is "feathered" and in which direction. acc (accelerando) indicates that the secondary beams get progressively closer together toward the end of the beam. mixed (mixed acc and rit) for beams that are "feathered" in both directions. rit (ritardando) means that the secondary beams become progressively more distance toward the end of the beam. norm (normal) indicates that the secondary beams are equidistant along the course of the beam. records the slope of the beam. presence of this attribute indicates that the secondary beam should be broken following this note/chord. The value of the attribute records the number of beams which should remain unbroken. indicates the number of slashes required to render the appropriate beat repeat symbol. When a single beat is repeated, consisting of a single note or chord, it is indicated by a single thick, slanting slash; therefore, the value '1' should be used. The following values should be used when the beat is divided into even notes: 4ths or 8ths=1, 16ths=2, 32nds=3, 64ths=4, 128ths=5. When the beat is comprised of mixed duration values, the symbol is always rendered as 2 slashes and 2 dots. records the amount of detuning. The decimal values should be rendered as a fraction (or an integer plus a fraction) along with the bend symbol. describes the style of the tremolo. meas measured tremolo. unmeas unmeasured tremolo. "Cut-out" style indicated for this measure. cutout the staff lines should not be drawn. indicates whether to render a repeat symbol or the source material to which it refers. A value of 'true' renders the source material, while 'false' displays the repeat symbol. describes the visual appearance of the fermata; that is, whether it occurs as upright or inverted. inv inverted, i.e., curve or bracket below the dot. norm upright; i.e., curve or bracket above the dot. describes the visual appearance of the fermata; that is, whether it has a curved or square shape. curved a curve above or below the dot. square a bracket above or below the dot. describes the style of the tremolo. meas measured tremolo. unmeas unmeasured tremolo. records a text string, such as 'gliss', that accompanies the glissando mark. marks a note or chord as a "grace" (without a definitive written duration) and records from which other note/chord it should "steal" time. records the amount of time to be "stolen" from a non-grace note/chord. captures the visual rendition and function of the hairpin; that is, whether it indicates an increase or a decrease in volume. cres crescendo; i.e., louder. dim diminuendo; i.e., softer. specifies the distance between the points of the open end of a hairpin dynamic mark. indicates the pedal setting for the harp's C strings. f flat. n natural. s sharp. indicates the pedal setting for the harp's D strings. f flat. n natural. s sharp. indicates the pedal setting for the harp's E strings. f flat. n natural. s sharp. indicates the pedal setting for the harp's F strings. f flat. n natural. s sharp. indicates the pedal setting for the harp's G strings. f flat. n natural. s sharp. indicates the pedal setting for the harp's A strings. f flat. n natural. s sharp. indicates the pedal setting for the harp's B strings. f flat. n natural. s sharp. indicates the attachment of an l.v. (laissez vibrer) sign to this element. When the block attribute is used, combinations of the 1, 2, and 4 measure rest forms (Read, p. 104) should be rendered instead of the modern form or an alternative symbol. indicates that this element participates in a glissando. records a number or count accompanying a notational feature. states where the tuplet number will be placed in relation to the note heads. determines if the tuplet number is visible. indicates whether the octave displacement should be performed simultaneously with the written notes, i.e., "coll' ottava". Unlike other octave signs which are indicated by broken lines, coll' ottava typically uses an unbroken line or a series of longer broken lines, ending with a short vertical stroke. See Read, p. 47-48. coll coll' ottava (with the octave). records the position of the piano damper pedal. down depress the pedal. up release the pedal. half half pedal. bounce release then immediately depress the pedal. determines whether piano pedal marks should be rendered as lines or as terms. line continuous line with start and end positions rendered by vertical bars and bounces shown by upward-pointing "blips". pedstar pedal down and half pedal rendered with "Ped.", pedal up rendered by "*", pedal "bounce" rendered with "* Ped.". altpedstar pedal up and down indications same as with "pedstar", but bounce is rendered with "Ped." only. determines whether piano pedal marks should be rendered as lines or as terms. line continuous line with start and end positions rendered by vertical bars and bounces shown by upward-pointing "blips". pedstar pedal down and half pedal rendered with "Ped.", pedal up rendered by "*", pedal "bounce" rendered with "* Ped.". altpedstar pedal up and down indications same as with "pedstar", but bounce is rendered with "Ped." only. describes the enclosing shape for rehearsal marks. box enclosed by box. circle enclosed by circle. none no enclosing shape. determines whether to display guitar chord grids. describes the line style of the slur. encodes any stem "modifiers"; that is, symbols rendered on the stem, such as tremolo or Sprechstimme indicators. contains an indication of which staff a note or chord that logically belongs to the current staff should be visually placed on; that is, the one above or the one below. describes the line style of the tie. the performed duration of an individual note in a measured tremolo. used to state where a tuplet bracket will be placed in relation to the note heads. states whether a bracket should be rendered with a tuplet. determines if the tuplet duration is visible. controls how the num:numbase ratio is to be displayed. count only the num attribute is displayed, e.g., '7'. ratio both the num and numbase attributes are displayed, e.g., '7:4'. (arpeggiation) – Indicates that the notes of a chord are to be performed successively rather than simultaneously, usually from lowest to highest. Sometimes called a "roll". A container for a series of explicitly beamed events that begins and ends entirely within a measure. A beam without a copyof attribute must have at least 2 note, rest, chord, or space descendants. (beam span) – Alternative element for explicitly encoding beams, particularly those which extend across bar lines. Must have one of the attributes: startid, tstamp, tstamp.ges or tstamp.real Must have one of the attributes: dur, dur.ges, endid, or tstamp2 (beat repeat) – An indication that material on a preceding beat should be repeated. A variation in pitch (often micro-tonal) upwards or downwards during the course of a note. Must have one of the attributes: startid, tstamp, tstamp.ges or tstamp.real Must have one of the attributes: dur, dur.ges, endid, or tstamp2 (breath mark) – A indication of a point at which the performer on an instrument requiring breath (including the voice) may breathe. Must have one of the attributes: startid, tstamp, tstamp.ges or tstamp.real (bowed tremolo) – A rapid alternation on a single pitch or chord. An indication placed over a note or rest to indicate that it should be held longer than its written value. May also occur over a bar line to indicate the end of a phrase or section. Sometimes called a 'hold' or 'pause'. Must have one of the attributes: startid, tstamp, tstamp.ges or tstamp.real (fingered tremolo) – A rapid alternation between a pair of notes (or chords or perhaps between a note and a chord) that are (usually) farther apart than a major second. (glissando) – A continuous or sliding movement from one pitch to another, usually indicated by a straight or wavy line. Must have one of the attributes: startid, tstamp, tstamp.ges or tstamp.real Must have one of the attributes: dur, dur.ges, endid, or tstamp2 Indicates continuous dynamics expressed on the score as wedge-shaped graphics, e.g. < and >. Must have one of the attributes: startid, tstamp, tstamp.ges or tstamp.real Must have one of the attributes: dur, dur.ges, endid, or tstamp2 (half-measure repeat) – A half-measure repeat in any meter. (harp pedal) – Harp pedal diagram. Must have one of the attributes: startid, tstamp, tstamp.ges or tstamp.real Unit of musical time consisting of a fixed number of note-values of a given type, as determined by the prevailing meter, and delimited in musical notation by two bar lines. A measure needs an xml:id. Every space-separated value in @facs must point to a zone of type measure. (meter signature) – Written meter signature. (meter signature group) – Used to capture alternating, interchanging, and mixed meter signatures. Function of the meter signature group. alternating Meter signatures appear in alternating measures. interchanging Meter signatures are interchangable, e.g. 3/4 and 6/8. mixed Meter signatures with different unit values are used to express a complex metrical pattern that is not expressable using traditional means, such as 2/4+1/8. (measure rest) – Complete measure rest in any meter. (measure repeat) – An indication that the previous measure should be repeated. (2-measure repeat) – An indication that the previous two measures should be repeated. (measure space) – A measure containing only empty space in any meter. (multiple rest) – Multiple measures of rest compressed into a single symbol, frequently found in performer parts. (multiple repeat) – Multiple repeated measures. An indication that a passage should be performed one or more octaves above or below its written pitch. Must have one of the attributes: startid, tstamp, tstamp.ges or tstamp.real Must have one of the attributes: dur, dur.ges, endid, or tstamp2 An alternate notational version *present in the source being transcribed*. Ossia may contain only staff elements in this context. Ossia may contain only layer elements in this context. Piano pedal mark. Must have one of the attributes: startid, tstamp, tstamp.ges or tstamp.real (rehearsal mark) – In an orchestral score and its corresponding parts, a mark indicating a convenient point from which to resume rehearsal after a break. Indication of 1) a "unified melodic idea" or 2) performance technique. Must have one of the attributes: startid, tstamp, tstamp.ges or tstamp.real Must have one of the attributes: dur, dur.ges, endid, or tstamp2 An indication that two notes of the same pitch form a single note with their combined rhythmic values. Must have one of the attributes: startid, tstamp, tstamp.ges or tstamp.real Must have one of the attributes: dur, dur.ges, endid, or tstamp2 A group of notes with "irregular" (sometimes called "irrational") rhythmic values, for example, three notes in the time normally occupied by two or nine in the time of five. A tuplet without a copyof attribute must have at least 2 note, rest, or chord descendants. (tuplet span) – Alternative element for encoding tuplets, especially useful for tuplets that extend across bar lines. Must have one of the attributes: startid, tstamp, tstamp.ges or tstamp.real Must have one of the attributes: dur, dur.ges, endid, or tstamp2 points to an element of which the current element is a copy. An element with a copyof attribute cannot have content. used to point to other elements that correspond to this one in a generic fashion. used to point to the next event(s) in a user-defined collection. points to the previous event(s) in a user-defined collection. points to an element that is the same as the current element but is not a literal copy of the current element. points to elements that are synchronous with the current element. captures relative scale degree information using Humdrum **deg syntax -- an optional indicator of melodic approach (^ = ascending approach, v = descending approach), a scale degree value (1 = tonic ... 7 = leading tone), and an optional indication of chromatic alteration. The amount of chromatic alternation is not indicated. encodes the harmonic interval between this note and other pitches occurring at the same time. encodes the melodic interval from the previous pitch. The value may be a general directional indication (u, d, s), an indication of diatonic interval direction, quality, and size, or a precise numeric value in half steps. describes melodic function using Humdrum **embel syntax. holds pitch class information. contains sol-fa designation, e.g., do, re, mi, etc., in either a fixed or movable Do system. Traditionally, the 'normal' mordent is written as a short wavy line with a vertical line through it and the inverted mordent is written without the vertical line. However, the meaning of these signs is sometimes reversed. See Read, p. 245-246. Another attribute in the visual domain would be necessary in order to be completely explicit about which visual symbol is actually to be rendered. inv inverted mordent, e.g., performed as the principal note, followed by its upper neighbor, with a return to the principal note. norm "normal" mordent, e.g., performed as the written note, followed by its lower neighbor, with a return to the written note. When the long attribute is set to 'yes', a double or long mordent, consisting of 5 notes, is indicated. indicates that this element has an attached ornament. If visual information about the ornament is needed, then one of the elements that represents an ornament (mordent, trill, or turn) should be employed. records the written accidental associated with an upper neighboring note. records the written accidental associated with a lower neighboring note. When the delayed attribute is set to 'true', the turn begins on the second half of the beat. See Read, p. 246. indicates the style of the turn. inv inverted turn, e.g., begins on the note below the written note. norm "normal" turn, e.g., begins on the note above the written note. An ornament indicating rapid alternation of the main note with a secondary note, usually a step below, but sometimes a step above. Must have one of the attributes: startid, tstamp, tstamp.ges or tstamp.real Rapid alternation of a note with one (usually at the interval of a second) above. Must have one of the attributes: startid, tstamp, tstamp.ges or tstamp.real An ornament consisting of four notes — the upper neighbor of the written note, the written note, the lower neighbor, and the written note. Must have one of the attributes: startid, tstamp, tstamp.ges or tstamp.real classifies the cause for the variant reading, according to any appropriate typology of possible origins. contains a list of one or more pointers indicating the sources which attest to a given reading. Each value should correspond to the ID of a element located in the document header. (apparatus) – Contains one or more alternative encodings. (lemma) – Contains the lemma, or base text, of a textual variation. (reading) – Contains a single reading within a textual variation. signifies the causative agent of damage, illegibility, or other loss of original text. signifies the degree of certainty or precision associated with a feature. indicates the nature of the evidence supporting the reliability or accuracy of the intervention or interpretation. Suggested values include: 'internal', 'external', 'conjecture'. indicates the extent of damage or omission. holds a short phrase describing the reason for missing textual material (gap), why material is supplied (supplied), or why transcription is difficult (unclear). (abbreviation) – A generic element for 1) a shortened form of a word, including an acronym or 2) a shorthand notation. records the expansion of a text abbreviation. (addition) – Marks an addition to the text. Groups a number of alternative encodings for the same point in a text. (correction) – Contains the correct form of an apparent erroneous passage. Contains an area of damage to the physical medium. records the degree of damage. (deletion) – Contains information deleted, marked as deleted, or otherwise indicated as superfluous or spurious in the copy text by an author, scribe, annotator, or corrector. contains an indication of how the deletion should be rendered. (expansion) – Contains the expansion of an abbreviation. captures the unabbreviated form of the text. Indicates a point where material has been omitted in a transcription, whether as part of sampling practice or for editorial reasons described in the MEI header. Marks the beginning of a passage written in a new hand, or of a change in the scribe, writing style, ink or character of the document hand. describes the character of the new hand. identifies the new hand. The value must contain the ID of a hand element given elsewhere in the document. identifies the old hand. The value must contain the ID of a hand element given elsewhere in the document. (original) – Contains material which is marked as following the original, rather than being normalized or corrected. (regularization) – Contains material which has been regularized or normalized in some sense. Indicates restoration of material to an earlier state by cancellation of an editorial or authorial marking or instruction. provides a description of the means of restoration. Contains apparently incorrect or inaccurate material. (substitution) – Groups transcriptional elements when the combination is to be regarded as a single intervention in the text. Contains material supplied by the transcriber or editor in place of text which cannot be read, either because of physical damage or loss in the original or because it is illegible for any reason. Contains material that cannot be transcribed with certainty because it is illegible or inaudible in the source. permits the current element to reference a facsimile image or image zone which corresponds to it. Contains a representation of some written source in the form of a set of images rather than as transcribed or encoded text. Defines a writing surface in terms of a rectangular coordinate space, optionally grouping one or more graphic representations of that space, and rectangular zones of interest within it. Every surface needs to have an xml:id. Defines an area of interest within a surface or graphic file. Every zone needs to have an xml:id. Every zone needs an upper left x (@ulx) value. Every zone needs an upper left y (@uly) value. Every zone needs a lower right x (@lrx) value. Every zone needs a lower right y (@lry) value. The reference to the data element seems broken, as its local-name() doesn't match the @type of the zone. the number of columns spanned by this cell. the number of rows spanned by this cell. (figure) – groups elements representing or containing graphic information such as an illustration or figure. (figure description) – Contains a brief prose description of the appearance or content of a graphic figure, for use when documenting an image without displaying it. Indicates the location of an inline graphic, illustration, or figure. Every graphic needs to have an xml:id. Every graphic needs a reference to an image. graphic child of zone cannot have children measurement of the vertical dimension of an image. Contains text displayed in tabular form. (table data) – Designates a table cell that contains data as opposed to a cell that contains column or row heading information. (table header) – Designates a table cell containing column or row heading information as opposed to one containing data. (table row) – A formatting element that contains one or more cells (intersection of a row and a column) in a . Describes the relationship between the element's parent (subject) and the object pointed at. The values follow FRBR (see http://www.ifla.org/files/cataloguing/frbr/frbr_2008.pdf). hasSuccessor isSuccessorOf hasSupplement isSupplementOf hasComplement isComplementOf hasSummarization isSummarizationOf hasAdaptation isAdaptationOf hasTransformation isTransformationOf hasImitation isImitationOf hasPart isPartOf hasReproduction isReproductionOf hasAbridgement isAbridgementOf hasRevision isRevisionOf hasTranslation isTranslationOf hasArrangement isArrangementOf hasAlternate isAlternateOf hasReconfiguration isReconfigurationOf hasRealization isRealizationOf hasEmbodiment isEmbodimentOf hasExemplar isExemplarOf (component group) – The child elements of this element are treated as parts of the elements header. Although this is an implicit way of expressing FRBR's hasPart / isPartOf -relationships, it avoids this terminology in order to prevent confusion with musical terminology. All children of a component must be the same type as its parent: works within work, items in item, etc. Only child elements of the same name as the parent of the componentGrp-element are allowed. Intellectual or artistic realization of a work. Gathers bibliographic expression entities. Single instance or exemplar of a source/manifestation. Gathers bibliographic item entities. A relation element describes the relationship between its parent and the object referenced by the relation element's target attribute. Gathers bibliographic relation elements. records the location at which a string should be stopped against a fret. contains a reference to a element elsewhere in the document. indicates the presence of an extension symbol, typically a dash or underscore, drawn from the end of the harmonic indication to the point indicated by the dur attribute. describes how the harmonic indication should be rendered. grid chord tablature grid. gridtext chord tablature grid and the element's textual content. text textual content of the element. An indication of fingering in a chord tablature grid. (chord definition) – Chord tablature definition. records the fret position at which the chord tablature is to be played. An individual pitch in a chord defined by a element. indicates which finger, if any, should be used to play an individual string. The index, middle, ring, and little fingers are represented by the values 1-4, while 't' is for the thumb. The values 'x' and 'o' indicate muffled and open strings, respectively. Chord/tablature look-up table. (figure) – Single element of a figured bass indication. indicates the presence of an extension symbol, typically a dash or underscore, drawn from the end of the harmonic indication to the point indicated by the dur attribute. (figured bass) – Symbols added to a bass line that indicate harmony. Used to improvise a chordal accompaniment. Sometimes called Generalbass, thoroughbass, or basso continuo. (harmony) – An indication of harmony, e.g., chord names, tablature grids, harmonic analysis, figured bass. Must have one of the attributes: startid, tstamp, tstamp.ges or tstamp.real indicates the point of occurrence of this feature along a time line. Its value must be the ID of a element. Provides a set of ordered points in time to which musical elements can be linked in order to create a temporal alignment of those elements. holds the identifier of an element that references an external digital media file. designates the origin of the timeline, i.e. the element associated with the beginning of the timeline. Indicates a point in time either absolutely (using the absolute attribute), or relative to other elements in the same timeline element (using the interval and since attributes). provides an absolute value for the time associated with a point on a timeline. This attribute is required for the element designated as the origin by the parent timeline. specifies the time interval between this time point and the one designated by the since attribute. This attribute can only be interpreted meaningfully in conjunction with the inttype attribute. specifies the kind of values used in the interval attribute. byte byte value. smil Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language. midi MIDI time code. smpte-25 SMPTE 25 EBU. smpte-24 SMPTE 24 Film Sync. smpte-df30 SMPTE 30 Drop. smpte-ndf30 SMPTE 30 Non-Drop. smpte-df29.97 SMPTE 29.97 Drop. smpte-ndf29.97 SMPTE 29.97 Non-Drop. tcf AES Time-code character format. time ISO 24-hour time format: HH:MM:SS.ss. identifies the reference point for determining the time of the current when element, which is obtained by adding the interval to the time of the reference point. The value should be the ID of another when element in the same timeline. If the since attribute is omitted and the absolute attribute is not specified, then the reference point is understood to be the immediately preceding when element. used to indicate a common, usually centered, refrain (Mup User's Guide, p. 44). used to specify a rhythm for the lyric syllables that differs from that of the notes on the staff, e.g. '4,4,4,4' when the rhythm of the notes is '4.,8,4.,8'. Vocally performed 'text' of a musical composition, such as a song or opera. Lyric verse. (corporate name) – Identifies an organization or group of people that acts as a single entity. (geographic name) – The proper noun designation for a place, natural feature, or political jurisdiction. (period name) – A label that describes a period of time, such as 'Baroque' or '3rd Style period'. (personal name) – Designation for an individual, including any or all of that individual's forenames, surnames, honorific titles, and added names (style name) – A label for a characteristic style of writing or performance, such as 'bebop' or 'rock-n-roll'. (audio/video file) – References an external digital audio or video file. avFile child of clip cannot have children Defines a time segment of interest within a recording or within a digital audio or video file. A presentation of one or more musical works. A recorded performance. (pointer) – Defines a pointer to another location, using only attributes to describe the destination. (reference) – Defines a reference to another location that may contain text and sub-elements to describe the destination. (back matter) – Contains any appendixes, advertisements, indexes, etc. following the main body of a musical text. (division) – Major structural division of text, such as a preface, chapter or section. (front matter) – Bundles prefatory text found before the start of the musical text. (heading) – Contains any heading, for example, the title of a section of text, or the heading of a list. (line of text) – Contains a single line of text within a line group. (line group) – May be used for any section of text that is organized as a group of lines; however, it is most often used for a group of verse lines functioning as a formal unit, e.g. a stanza, refrain, verse paragraph, etc. (list item) – Single item in a . A formatting element that contains a series of items separated from one another and arranged in a linear, often vertical, sequence. used to identify and format a list. In a "simple" list, s are not numbered or bulleted. In a "marked" list, the sequence of the list items is not critical, and a bullet, box, dash, or other character is displayed at the start of each . In an "ordered" list, the sequence of the items is important, and each is lettered or numbered. Style sheet functions should be used to specify the mark or numeration system for each . simple items are not numbered or bulleted marked bullet, box, dash, or other character is displayed before each item ordered each item is numbered or lettered (block quote) – A formatting element that designates an extended quotation; that is, a passage attributed to a source external to the text and normally set off from the text by spacing or other typographic distinction. Container for text that is fixed to a particular location, regardless of changes made to the layout of the measures around it. A curved line that cannot be represented by a more specific element, such as a . A line that cannot be represented by a more specific element. A reference to a previously defined symbol. contains a reference to a previously-declared user-defined symbol. (symbol definition) – Declaration of an individual symbol in a symbolTable. Contains individual, user-defined symbols.