A TOKEN FOR CHILDREN. BEING An Exact Account of the Conversion, Holy and Exemplary Lives, and Joyful Deaths of several Young Children. In TWO PARTS. By JAMES JANEWAY, Minister of the Gospel. — Suffer little Children to come unto me, and forbid them not; for of such is the Kingdom of God. Luke x. 14. LONDON: Printed for J. WARD, at the King's Arm in Cornhill. 1757. BOOKS Printed for JOHN WARD, At the KING'S-ARMS, in CORNHILL. Where may be had a Variety of other small Religious Tract with a considerable Allowance in the Price, to such Person as give them away. * 1. A COMPASSIONATE ADDRESS TO THE CHRISTIAN WORLD, Divided into SIX SECTIONS. Price 6 d. or 4 s. 6 d. per Dozen, to those who give them away and a further Allowance upon taking a larger Number. *⁎* This Book is written with such a tender and truly Christian Concern for the Souls of Mankind, and is so extremely well adapted to the Capacities and Circumsta of the poorer Part, that some particular Gentlemen at on. Time purchased Five Thousand of them to disperse among them: And many Thousands of them have been likewise given away by other pious disposed Persons. * 2. SERIOUS REFLECTIONS on Time and Eternity. By the late Rev. Mr. JOHN SHOWER. Price bound One Shilling and Sixpence. * 3. AN ALARM TO UNCONVERTED SINNERS: In a serious Treatise on CONVERSION. Whereunto are annexed divers practical Cases of Conscience judiciously resolved. By the late Rev. Mr. JOSEPH ALLEIN. Price bound One Shilling. * 4. A CALL to the Unconverted to Turn and Live And accept of Mercy, while Mercy may be had; as even they will find Mercy, in the Day of their Extremity, from the living God. By the late Rev. and Pious Mr. RICHARD BAXTER. Price bound One Shilling. N. B. Those Persons who buy Numbers of any of the above-mentioned Books to give away, shall be supplied at the very lowest Prices. To all Parents, School-Masters, and School-Mistresses, or any that are concerned in the EDUCATION of Children. Dear Friends, I Have often thought that Christ speaks to you, as Pharaoh 's daughter did to Moses 's mother, take this child, and nurse it for me. Consider what a precious jewel is committed to your charge, what an advantage you have to shew your love to Christ, to stock the next generation with noble plants, and what a joyful Account you may make, if you be faithful: Remember, souls, Christ and grace cannot be overvalued. I confess you have some disadvantages, but let that only excite your diligence; the salvation of souls, the commendation of your master, the greatness of your reward and everlasting glory, will pay for all. Remember the devil is at work hard, wicked ones are industrious, and a corrupt nature is a rugged, knotty piece to hew: But be not discouraged: I am almost as much afraid of your laziness and unfaithfulness, as any thing. Do but go to work in good earnest, and who knows but that rough stone may prove a pillar in the temple of God? In the name of the living God, as you will answer it shortly at his bar, I command you to be faithful in instructing and catechizing your young ones; if you think I am too peremptory, I pray read the command from my master himself, Deut. vi. 7. Is not the duty clear? and dare you neglect so direct a command! Are the souls of your children of no value? Are you willing that they should be brands of hell? Are you indifferent whether they be damned or saved? Shall the devil run away with them without controul? Will not you use your utmost endeavour to deliver them from the wrath to come? You see that they are not subjects uncapable of the grace of God; whatever you think of them, Christ doth not slight them; they are not too little to die, they are not too little to go to hell, they are not too little to serve their great master, too little to go to heaven; For of such is the kingdom of God; and will not a possibility of their conversion and salvation, put you upon the greatest diligence to teach them? Or are Christ and heaven, and salvation, small things with you? if they be, then indeed I have done with you: but if they be not, I beseech you lay about you with all your might; the devil knows your time is going apace, it will shortly be too late. O therefore what you do, do quickly, and do it I say, with all your might; O pray, pray, pray, and live holily before them, and take some time daily to speak a little to your children, one by one, about their miserable condition by nature; I knew a child that was converted by this sentence, from a godly school-mistress in the country, Every mother's child of you are by nature childdren of wrath. Put your children upon learning their catechism, and the scriptures, and getting to pray and weep by themselves after Christ: take heed of their company; take heed of pardoning a lye; take heed of letting them mis-spend the sabbath; put them, I beseech you, upon imitatating these sweet children; let them read this book over an hundred times, and observe how they are effected, and ask them what they think of those children, and whether they would not be such? and follow what you do with earnest cries to God, and be in travel to see Christ formed in their souls. I have prayed for you, I have oft prayed for your children and I love them dearly; and I have prayed over these papers, that God would strike in with them, and make them effectual to the good of their souls. Incourage your children to read this book, and lead them to improve it. What is presented, is faithfully taken from experienced, solid christians, some of them no way related to the children, who themselves were eye and ear witnesses of God's works of wonder; or from my own knowledge, or from reve end godly ministers, and from persons that are of unspotted reputation, for holiness, integrity, and wisdom; and several passages are taken verbatim in writing from their dying lips. I may add many other excellent examples, if I have any encouragement in this piece, which the author had done, in the Second Part. That the young generation may be far more excellent than this, is the prayer of one that dearly loves little children. JAMES JANEWAY. PREFACE, Containing DIRECTIONS TO CHILDREN. YOU may now hear (my dear lambs) what other good children have done, and remember how they wept and prayed by themselves? how earnestly they cried out for an interest in the Lord Jesus Christ; may you now read how dutiful they were to their parents? how diligent at their books? how ready to learn the scripture and their catechisms? Can you forget what questions they were wont to ask? How much they feared a lye, how much they abhorred naughty company, how holy they live, how dearly they were loved, how joyfully they died? But tell me, my dear children, and tell me truly, do you do as these children did? Did you ever see your miserable state by nature? Did you ever get by yourself and weep for sin and pray for grace and pardon? Did you ever go to your father and mother, master, or mistress, and beg of them to pity you, and pray for you, and to teach you what you shall do to be saved, what you shall do to get Christ, heaven and glory? Dost thou love to be taught good things? Come tell me truly, my dear child, for I would fain do what I can possibly to keep thee from falling into everlasting fire. I would fain have thee one of these little ones, which Christ will take into his arms and bless. How dost thou spend thy time? It is in play and idleness, and with wicked children? Dare you take God's name in vain, or swear, or tell a lye? Dare you do any thing which your parents forbid you, and neglect to do what they command you? Do you dare to run up and down upon the Lord's day? Or do you keep in to read your book, and to learn what your good parents command you? What do you say, child? Which of these two sorts are you of? Let me talk a little with you, and ask you a few questions. 1. Were not these children sweet children, which feared God, and were dutiful to their parents? Did not their fathers and mothers, and every body that fears God, love them and praise them? What do you think is become of them, now they are dead and gone? Why, they are gone to heaven, and are singing hallelujahs with the angels: they see glorious things, and having nothing but joy and pleasure, they shall never sin any more, they shall never beat any more, they shall never be sick, or in pain any more. 2. And would you not have your fathers love, your mothers commendation, your masters good word? Would you not have God and Christ love you? And would not you fain go to heaven when you die? And live with your godly parents in glory, and be happy for ever? 3. Whither, do you think, those children go when they die, that will not do what they are bid, but play the truant, and lie, and speak naughty words and break the sabbath? Whither do such children go, do you think? why, I will tell you, they which lie, must go to their father the devil into everlasting burning; they which never pray, God will p ur out his wrath upon them; and when they beg and pray in hell fire, God will not forgive them, but there they must lie for ever. 4. And are you willing to go to hell to be burned with the devil and his angels? Would you be in the same condition as naughty children? O hell is a terrible place, that's worse a thousand times than whipping, God's anger is worse than your father's anger; and are you willing to anger God? O child, this is most certainly true, that all that be wicked and die so, must be turned into hell; and if any be once there, there is no coming out again. 5. Would you not do any thing in the world rather than be thrown into hell fire? Would you not do any thing in the world to get Christ, grace and glory. 6. Well now, what will you do? will you read this book a little, because your good mother will make you do it, and because it is a little new book, but as soon as ever you have done, run away to play, and never think of it? 7. How art thou now affected, poor child, in the reading of this book? Have you shed ever a tear since you began reading? Have you been by yourself upon your knees; and begging, that God would make you like those blessed children? Or are you, as you used to be, as careless and foolish, and disobedient, and wicked as ever? 8. Did you never hear of a little child that died? And if other children die, why may not you be sick and die? And what will you do then, child, if you should have no grace in your heart, and be found like other naughty children? 9. How do you know but that you may be the next child that may die? And where are you then if you be not God's child? 10. Wilt thou tarry any longer, my dear child, before thou run into thy chamber, and beg of God to give thee Christ for thy soul, that thou mayst not be undone for ever? Wilt thou get presently into a corner to weep and pray? Methinks I see that pretty lamb begin to weep, and think of getting by himself, and will, as well as he can, cry unto the Lord, to make him one of those little ones that go into the kingdom of heaven; methinks there stands a sweet child, and there another, that are resolved for Christ and for heaven: methinks that little boy looks as if he had a mind to learn good things: methinks I hear one say, well, I will never tell a lye more, I will never keep any naughty boys company more, they will teach me to swear, and they will speak naughty words, they do not love God? I'll learn my catechism, and get my mother to teach me to pray, and will go weep and cry to Christ, and will not be quiet till the Lord hath given me grace. O that's my brave child indeed? 11. But will you not quickly forget your promise? Are you resolved, by the strength of Christ, to be a good child? Are you indeed? Nay, but are you indeed? Consider, dear child, God calls you to remember your Creator in the days of your youth; and he takes it kindly when little ones come to him, and loves them dearly, and godly people, especially parents, and masters and mistresses, they have no greater joy than to see their children walk in the way of truth. Now tell me, my pretty dear child, what will you do? Shall I make you a book? Shall I pray for you, and intreat you? Shall your good mother weep over you? And will not you make us all glad, by your turning quickly to the Lord? Shall Christ tell you that he will love you? And will not you love him? Will you strive to be like those children? I am persuaded that God intends to do good to the souls of some little children by these papers, because he hath laid it so much upon my heart to pray for them, and over these papers, and through mercy I have already experienced, that something of this nature hath not been in vain. I shall give a word of directions, and so leave you. 1. Take heed of what you know is naught, as lying; O that is a grievous fault indeed, and naughty words, and taking the Lord's name in vain, and playing upon the Lord's day, and keeping bad company, and playing with ungodly children: But if you go to school with such, tell them, that God will not love them, but thet the devil will have them, if they continue to be so naught. 2. Do what your father and mother bids you chearfully; and take heed of doing any thing that they forbid you. 3. Be diligent in reading the scripture, and learning your catechism; and what you do not understand, be sure ask the meaning of. 4. Think a little sometimes by yourself about God and heaven, and your soul, and what Christ came into the world for. 5. And if you have no great mind to do thus, but had rather be at play, then think, what it is that makes me that I do not care for good things; is this like one of God's dear children? I am afraid I am none of God's child, I feel I do not love to come unto him: O! What shall I do! Either I will be God's child or the devil's: O what shall I do? I would not be the devil's child for any thing in the world. 6. Then go to your father or mother, or some good person, and ask them what thou shalt do to be God's child; and tell them that thou art afraid, and that thou canst not be contented till thou hast got the love of God. 7. Get by thyself, into the chamber or garret, and fall upon thy knees, and weep and mourn, and tell Christ thou art afraid that he doth not love thee, but that thou would fain have his love; beg of him to give thee his grace and pardon for thy sins, and that he would make thee his child: tell God thou dost not care who don't love thee, if God will but love thee, say to him, father, hast thou not a blessing for me thy poor little child? Father, hast thou not a blessing for me, even for me? O give me an interest in Christ! O let me not be undone for ever! Thus beg, as for your lives, and be not contented till you have an answer; and do thus every day, with as much earnestness as you can, twice a-day at least. 8. Give yourself up to Christ, say dear Jesus, thou didst bid that little children should be suffered to come unto thee, and Lord, I am come as well as I can, would fain be thy child; take my heart, and make it humble, and meek, and sensible, and obedient. I give myself unto thee, dear Jesus, do what thou wilt with me, so that thou will but love me, and give me thy grace and glory. 9. Get acquainted with godly people, and ask them good questions, and endeavour to love their talk. 10. Labour to get a dear love for Christ; read the history of Christ's sufferings, and ask the reason of his sufferings, and never be content till you see your eed of Christ, and the excellency and use of Christ. 11. Hear the most powerful ministers, and read the most searching book, and get your father to buy you such as are serious and instructive. 12. Resolve to continue in well-doing all your days; then thou shalt be one of those sweet little ones that Christ will take into his arms, and bless, and give kingdom, crown and glory to. And now dear children I have done, I have written to you, I have prayed for you; but what you will do, I can't tell. O children, if you love me, if you love your parents, if you love your souls, if you would escape hell fire, and if you would live in heaven when you die, do you go and do as these good children. And that you may be your parents joy, your country's honour, and live in God's fear, and die in his love, is the prayer of your dear friend, J. Janeway. A TOKEN FOR CHILDREN. The First Part. EXAMPLE I. Of one eminently converted, between eight and nine years old, with an account of her life and death. MRS. Sarah Howley, when she was between eight and nine years old, was carried by her friends to hear a sermon, where the minister preached upon Mat. xi. 13. My yoke is easy, and my burden is light: in the applying of which scripture, this child was mightily awakened, and made deeply sensible of the condition of her soul, and her need of Christ; she wept bitterly to think what a case she was in; and went home and got by herself into a chamber, and upon her knees she wept and cried to the Lord as well as she could, which might easily be perceived by her eyes and countenance. 2. She was not contented at this, but she got her little brother and sister into a chamber with her, and told them of their condition by nature, and wept over them, and prayed with them and for them. 3. After this she heard another sermon upon Prov. xxix. 1. He that, being often reproved, hardneth his heart, shall suddenly be destroyed, and that without remedy: at which she was more affected than before, and was so exceeding sollicitous about her soul, that she spent a great part of the night in weeping and praying, and could scarce take any rest day or night for some time together, desiring with all her soul to escape from everlasting flames, and to get an interest in the Lord Jesus; O what should she do for Christ! what should she do to be saved? 4. She gave herself much to attending upon the word preached, and still continued very tender under it, greatly favouring what she heard. 5. She was very much in secret prayer, as might easily be perceived by those who listened at the chamber door, and was usually very importunate, full of tears. 6. She could scarce speak of sin, or be spoke to, but her heart was ready to melt. 7. She spent much time in reading the scripture, and a book called The best friend in the worst of times; by which the work of God was much promoted upon her soul, and was much directed by it how to get acquaintance with God, especially toward the end of that book. Another book that she was much delighted with, was Mr. Swinnock 's Christian Man's Calling, and by this she was taught in this measure to make religion her business. The Spiritual Bee was a great companion of hers. 8. She was exceeding dutiful to her parents, very loath to grieve them in the least: and if she had at any time (which was very rare) offended them she would weep bitterly. 9. She abhorred lying, and allowed herself in no known sin. 10. She was very conscientious in spending of time, and hated idleness, and spent her whole time either in praying, reading, instructing at her needle, at which she was very ingenious. 11. When she was at school, she was eminent for her diligence, teachableness, meekness and modesty, speaking little; but when she did speak, it was usually spiritual. 12. She continued in this course of religious duties for some years together. 13. When she was about fourteen years old, she brake a vein in her lungs (as is supposed) and oft did spit blood, yet did a little recover again, but had several dangerous relapses. 14. At the beginning of January last she was taken very bad again, in which sickness she was in great distress of soul. When she was first taken she said, O mother, pray, pray, pray for me, for Satan is so busy that I cannot pray for myself; I see I am undone without Christ, and a pardon! O, I am undone unto all eternity! 15. Her mother knowing how serious she had been formerly, did a little wonder that she should be in such agonies: upon which her mother asked her what sin it was that was so burthensome to her spirits: O mother, said she, it is not any particular sin of omission or commission, that sticks so close to my conscience, as the sin of my nature; without the blood of Christ, that will damn me. 16. Her mother asked her, what she should pray for, for her; she answered, That I may have a saving knowledge of sin and Christ: and that I may have an assurance of God's love to my soul. Her mother asked her why she did speak so little to the minister that came to her? She answered, that it was her duty with patience and silence to learn of them: and it was exceeding painful to her to speak to any. 17. One time when she fell into a fit she cried out, O I am going, I am going: but what shall I do to be saved? Sweet Lord Jesus I will lye at thy feet, and if I perish it shall be at the fountain of thy mercy. 18. She was much afraid of presumption, and dreaded a mistake in the matters of her soul, and would be often putting up ejaculations to God, to deliver her from deceiving herself. To instance in one: Great and mighty God, give me faith and true faith, Lord, that I may not be a foolish virgin, having a lamp and no oyl. 19. She would many times be laying hold upon the promises, and plead them in prayer. That in Mat. xi. 28.29. was much on her tongue, and no small relief to her spirit. How many times would she cry out, Lord, hast thou not said, Come unto me all ye that are weary and heavy laden, and I will give you rest. 20. Another time her father bid her be of good cheer, because she was going to a better father; at which she was much affected, and said, but how do I know that? I am a poor sinner that wants assurance; O for assurance! It was still her note, O for assurance. This was her great, earnest and constant request, to all that came to her, to beg assurance for her; and, poor heart, she would look with so much eagerness upon them, as if she desired nothing in the world so much as that they would pity her, and help her with their prayers; never was poor creature more earnest for any thing, than she was for an assurance, and the light of God's countenance; O the piteous moan that she would make! O the agonies that her soul was in! 21. Her mother asked her, if God should spare her life, how she would live? Truly mother, said she, we have such base hearts, that I cannot tell; we are apt to promise great things when we are sick, but when we are recovered, we are as ready to forget our selves, and turn again unto folly; but I hope I shall be more careful of my time, and my soul, than I have been. 22. She was full of natural affection to her parents, and very careful lest her mother should be tired out with much watching: her mother said, how shall I bear parting with thee, when I have scarce dryed my eyes for thy brother? She answered, the God of love support and comfort you: it is but a little while, and we shall meet in glory, I hope. She being very weak, could speak but little, therefore her mother said, child, if thou hast any comfort, lift up thy hand; which she did. 23. The Lord's day before that in which she died, a kinsman of hers came to see her, and asking of her, whether she knew him; she answered, yea, I know you, and I desire you would learn to know Christ; you are young, but you know not how soon you may die; and O to die without Christ it is a fearful thing: O redeem time! O time, time, time, precious time! Being requested by him not to spend herself, she said, she would fain do all the good she could while she lived, and when she was dead too, if possible; upon which account, she desired that a sermon might be preached at the funeral concerning the preciousness of time. O that young ones would now remember their creator! 24. Some ministers that came to her, did with earnestness beg that the Lord would please to give her some token for good, that she might go off triumphing, and bills of the same nature were sent to several churches. 25. After she had long waited for an answer of their prayers, she said, Well, I will venture my soul upon Christ. 26. She carried it with wonderful patience, and yet would often pray that the Lord would give her more patience, which the Lord answered to astonishment; for considering the pains and agonies that she was in, her patience was next to a wonder: Lord, Lord, give me patience, said she, that I may not dishonour thee. 27. Upon Thursday, after long waiting, great fears, and many prayers, when all her friends thought she had been past speaking, to the astonishment of her friends she broke forth thus, with a very audible voice, and chearful countenance: Lord, thou hast promised, that whosoever comes unto thee, thou wilt in no ways cast out; Lord, I come unto thee, and surely thou wilt in no ways cast me out. O so sweet! O so glorious is Jesus! O, I have the sweet and glorious Jesus; he is sweet, he is sweet, he is sweet! O the admirable love of God in sending Christ! O free grace to a poor lost creature! And thus she ran on repeating many of these things an hundred times over; but her friends were so astonished to see her in this divine rapture, and to hear such gracious words, and her prayers and desires satisfied, that they could not write a quarter of what she spoke. 28. When her soul was thus ravished with the love of Christ, and her tongue so highly ingaged in the magnifying of God, her father, brethren and sisters, with others of the family, were called to whom she spake particularly, as her strength would give leave. She gave her bible as a legacy to one of her brothers, and desired him to use hat well for her sake; and added, to him and he rest, O make use of time to get Christ for our souls; spend no time in running up and own in playing; O get Christ for your souls while you are young; remember now your creator before you come to a sick bed; put not off this great work till then, for then you will find it a ard work indeed. I know by experience, the evil will tell you it is time enough, and ye are oung, what need you to be in such haste? You ill have time enough when you are old. But here stands one (meaning her grandmother) that ays behind, and I that am but young, am going efore her. O therefore make your calling and election sure, while you are in health. But I am fraid this will be but one night's trouble to your thoughts; but remember, these are the words of dying sister. O if you knew how good Christ as! O if you had but one taste of his sweetness, ou would rather go to him a thousand times than ay in this wicked world. I would not for ten housand, and ten thousand worlds, part with my nterest in Christ, O how happy am I, that I am going to everlasting joys! I would not go back again for twenty thousand worlds, and will you not trive to get an interest in Christ. 29. After this, looking upon one of her father's servants, she said, what shall I do? what shall I do at the great day, when Christ shall say to me, Come thou blessed of my father, inherit the kingdom prepared for thee: and shall say to the wicked, Go thou cursed into the lake that burns for ever? What a grief is it for me to think, that I shall see any of my friends, that I knew upon earth, turned into that lake that burns for ever! O that word fo ever, remember that for ever! I speak these words to you, but they are nothing, except God speak to you too; O pray, pray, pray that God would give you grace! and then she prayed, O Lord, finish thy work upon their fouls; it will be my comfort to see you in glory, but it will be your everlasting happiness. 30. Her grandmother told her she spent herself too much; she said, I care not for that, if I could do any soul good. O with what vehemence did she speak, as if her heart were in every word she spoke. 31. She was full of divine sentences, and almost all her discourse, from the first to the last, in the time of her sickness, was about her soul, Christ's sweetness, and the souls of others, in a word, like a continued sermon. 32. Upon Friday, after she had had such lively discoveries of God's love, she was exceeding desirous to die, and cried out, Come Lord Jesus, come quickly, conduct me to thy tabernacle, I am a poor creature without thee; but Lord Jesus, my soul longs to be with thee; O when shall it be Why not now, dear Jesus? Come Lord Jesus, come quickly; but why do I speak thus? Thy time, dear Lord, is the best; O give me patience! 33. Upon Saturday she spoke very little (being very drowsy) yet now and then she dropt these words. How long sweet Jesus? Finish thy work, come away sweet dear Lord Jesus, come quickly; sweet Lord help, come away, now, now, dear Jesus come quickly; good Lord give patience to me to wait thy appointed time, Lord Jesus help me, help me, help me. Thus at several times (when out of her sleep) for she was asleep the eatest part of the day. 34. Upon the Lord's Day she scarce spoke any ing, but much desired that bills of thanksgiving ight be sent to those who had formerly been raying for her, that they might help her to praise God for that full assurance that he had given her of is love; and seemed to be much swallowed up ith the thoughts of God's free love to her soul. he oft commended her spirit into the Lord's hands; nd the last words which she was heard to speak, ere these, Lord help, Lord Jesus help, dear Jesus, essed Jesus.—And thus upon the Lord's day, between nine and ten of the clock in the forenoon, e slept sweetly in Jesus, and began an everlasting bbath, February 19, 1670. EXAMPLE II. Of a child that was admirably affected with the things of God, when he was between two and three years old; with a brief account of his life and death. A Certain little child, when he could not speak plain, would be crying after God, nd was greatly desirous to be taught good ings. 2. He could not endure to be put to bed with ut family duty, but would put his parents upon uty, and would with much devotion kneel down, and with great patience and delight continue duty was at an end, without the least expression of being weary; and he seemed never so well pleased, as when he was ingaged in duty. 3. He could not be satisfied with family duty but he would be oft upon his knees, by himself, i one corner or other. 4. He was much delighted to hear the word God either read or preached. 5. He loved to go to school, that he migh learn something of God, and would observe an take great notice of what he had read, and com home and speak of it with much affection; and h would rejoice in his book, and say to his mother O mother! I have had a sweet lesson to day, wi you please to give me leave to fetch my book tha you may hear it? 6. As he grew up he was more and more affected with the things of another world; so that we had not received our information from on that is of undoubted fidelity, it would seem incredible. 7. He quickly learned to read the scriptures, an would, with great reverence, tenderness and groa read till tears and sobs were ready to hinder him. 8. When he was at secret prayer, he would wee bitterly. 9. He was wont oftentimes to complain of th naughtiness of his heart, and seemed to be mu grieved for the corruption of his nature, and fo actual sin. 10. He had a vast understanding in the things o God, even to a wonder, for one of his age. 11. He was much troubled for the wandering his thoughts in duty, and that he could not kee his heart always fixed upon God, and the work he was about, and his affections constantly raised. 12. He kept a watch over his heart, and observed the workings of his soul, and would complain that they were so vain and foolish, and so ttle busied about spiritual things. 13. As he grew up, he grew daily in knowledge nd experience, and his carriage was so heavenly, nd his discourse so excellent and experimental, hat it made those which heard it, even astonished. 14. He was exceeding importunate with God in uty; and would so plead with him, and use such arguments in prayer, that one would think it were impossible it should enter into the heart of a child; e would beg, and expostulate, and weep, so that ometimes it could not be kept from the ears of eighbours; one of the next house was forced to cry ut, the prayers and tears of that child will sink me o hell, because by it he condemns my neglect of rayer, and my slight performance of it. 15. He was very fearful of wicked company, nd would oft beg of God to keep him from it, nd that he might never be pleased in them that ook delight in displeasing of God; and when e was at any time in hearing of their wicked words, taking the Lord's name in vain, or swear ng, or any filthy words, it would even make him emble, and ready to go home and weep. 16. He abhorred lying, with his soul. 17. When he had committed any fault, he was asily convinced of it, and would get in some corner nd secret place, and with tears beg pardon of God, nd strength against such a sin. He had a friend hat oft watched him, and listned at his chamber oor, from whom I received this narrative. 18. When he had been asked, whether he would commit such a sin again, he would never promise absolutely, because he said his heart was naught but he would weep, and say, he hoped by the grace of God he should not. 19. When he was left at home alone upon th Sabbath days, he would be sure not to spend any part of the day in idleness and play, but be busied in praying, reading in the bible, and getting o his catechism. 20. When other children were playing, he would many a time and oft be praying. 21. One day a certain person was discoursing with him about the nature, offices, and excellency of Christ, and that he alone can satisfy for ou sins, and merit everlasting life for us, and abou other of the great mysteries of redemption; h seemed savingly to understand them, and was greatly delighted with the discourse. 22. One speaking concerning the resurrection o the body, he did acknowledge it, but that th same weak body that was buried in the churchyard, should be raised again, he thought very strange, but with admiration yielded, that nothing was impossible to God; and that very day he wa taken sick unto death. 23. A friend of his asked him whether he wer willing to die, when he was first taken sick; he answered no; because he was afraid of his state as another world: Why child, said the other, tho didst pray for a new heart, for an humble, and sincere heart, and I have heard thee; didst tho not pray with thy heart? I hope I did, said he. 24. Not long after, the same person asked him again, whether he were willing to die? He answered, now I am willing, for I shall go to Christ. 25. One asked him what should become of his sister, if he should die and leave her? He answered, the will of the Lord must be done. 26. He still grew weaker and weaker, but carried it with a great deal of sweetness and patience, waiting for his change, and at last did chearfully commit his spirit unto the Lord; calling upon his name, and saying, Lord Jesus, Lord Jesus, — in whose bosom he sweetly slept, dying, as I remember, when he was about six years old. EXAMPLE III. Of a little Girl that was wrought upon when she was between four and five years old, with some account of her holy life and triumphant death. 1. MARY A. when she was between four and five years old, was greatly affected in hearing the word of God, and became very sollicitous about her soul and everlasting condition, weeping bitterly to think what would become of her in another world, asking many questions concerning God and Christ, and her own soul. So that this little Mary, before she was full five years old, seemed to mind the one thing needful, and to choose the better part, and sate at the feet of Christ many a time and oft with tears. 2. She was wont to be much in secret duty, and many times come off from her knees with tears. 3. She would choose such times and places for secret duty, as might render her less observed by others, and did endeavour what she possibly could to conceal what she was doing, when she was engaged in secret duty. 4. She was greatly afraid of hypocrisy, and o doing any thing to be seen of men, and to get commendation and praise; and when she had heard on of her brothers saying, that he had been by himself at prayer, she rebuked him sharply, and told him how little such prayers were like to profit him, an that it was little to his praise to pray like a hypocrite, and to be glad that any should know what h had been doing 5. Her mother being full of sorrow after the death of her husband, this child came to her mother, and asked her why she wept so exceedingly Her mother answered, she had cause enough weep, because her father was dead: No, dear m ther, said the child, you have no occasion to w so much, for God is a good God still to you. 6. She was a dear lover of faithful ministers. On time, after she had been hearing of Mr. Whitaker she said, I love that man dearly, for the swee words that he speaks concerning Christ. 7. Her book was her delight, and what she di read, she loved to make her own, and cared not fo passing over what she learned, without extraordinary observations and understanding and man times she was so strangely affected in reading of th scriptures, that she would burst out into tears, an would hardly be pacified; so greatly was she take with Christ's sufferings, the zeal of God's servant the danger of a natural state. 8. She would complain oftentimes of the corruption of her nature, of the hardness of he heart, that she could repent no more thoroughly and be no more humble and grieved for her si against a good God, and when she did thus com lain, it was with abundance of tears. 9. She was greatly concerned for the souls of thers, and grieved to think of the miserable con tion that they were in upon this account; when e could handsomely, she would be putting in something concerning Christ; but above all, she would o what she could to draw the hearts of her bre ren and sisters after Christ: and there was no hall hopes, that her example and good counsel did evail with some of them when they were very oung, to get into corners to pray, and to ask very acious questions about the things of God. 10. She was very conscientious in keeping the bbath, spending the whole time either in reading praying, or learning her catechism, or teaching r brethren and sisters. One time when she was ft at home upon the Lord's day, she got some her little children together, with her brothers and ters, and instead of playing (as other naughty ildren use to do) she told them, that that was the ord's day, and that they ought to remember that y to keep it holy; and then she told them, how was to be spent in religious exercises all the day ng, except so much as was to be taken up in the rks of necessity and mercy; then she prayed with em herself, and, among other things, begged at the Lord would give grace and wisdom to those le children, that they might know how to serve m: as one of those little ones in the company th her told afterwards. 11. She was a child of great tenderness and mpassion to all, full of bowels of pity; whom e could not be p, she would be ready to weep er; especially if she saw her mother at any time troubled, she would quickly make her sorrows he own, and weep for her, and with her. 12. When her mother had been somewhat sollicitious about any worldly thing, she would, if sh could possibly, put her off from her care one wa or other. One time she told her, O mother, th grace of God is better than that (meaning something her mother wanted) I had rather have the gra and love of Christ, than any thing in the world. 13. This child was often musing and busied the thoughts of her everlasting work; witness th strange question, O what are they doing which a already in heaven? And she seemed to be great des ous to be among them that were praisi loving, delighting in God, and serving of hi without sin. Her language about spiritual matter made many excellent christians to stand amazed, judging it scarce to be paralleled. 14. She took great delight in reading of t scripture, and some part of it was more sweet her than her appointed food; she would get seve choice scriptures by heart, and discourse of the savourily, and apply them suitably. 15. She was not altogether a stranger to ot good books, but would be reading of them w much affection; and where she might, she noted books particularly, observing what in the read did most warm her heart, and she was ready up occasion to improve it. 16. One time a woman coming into the house a great passion, spoke of her condition, as if i were like hers, and it would never be otherwi the child said, it were a strange thing to say w it is night, it will never be day again. 17. At another time a near relation of hers be in some streights made some complaint, to wh she said, I have heard Mr. Carter say, a man may go to heaven without a penny in his purse, but not without grace in his heart. 18. She had an extraordinary love to the people of God; and when she saw any that she thought seared the Lord, her heart would even leap for oy. 19. She loved to be much by herself, and would be greatly grieved if she were at any time depr ved of a conveniency for secret duty; she could not live without constant address to God in secret; and was not a little pleased when she could go into a corner to pray and weep. 20. She was much in praising God, and seldom or never complained of any thing but sin. 21. She continued in this course of praying and praising of God, and great dutifulness and sweetness to her parents, and those that taught her any thing. She did greatly encourage her mother while she was a widow, and desired that the absence of a husband might in some measure be made up y the dutifulness and holiness of a child. She studied all the ways that could be to make her mother's life comfortable. 22. When she was between eleven and twelve years old, she sickened, in which time she carried t with admirable patience, and did what she could with scripture arguments to support and encourage her relations to part with her, as she was going to glory, and to prepare themselves to meet her in a blessed eternity. 23. She was not many days sick before she became dangerous, of which she was sensible and rejoiced that she was now going apace to Christ. She called to her friends, and said be not troubled, for I know I am one of the Lord's own. One asked her, how she knew that? She answered, the Lord hath told me, that I am one of his dear children. And thus she spoke with a holy confidence in the Lord's love to her soul, and was not in the least daunted when she spake of her death; but seemed greatly delighted in the apprehension of her nearness to her father's house. And it was not long before she was filled with joy unspeakable in believing. 24. When she just lay a dying, her mother came to her, and told her, she was sorry that she had reproved and corrected so good a child so oft. O mother, said she, speak not thus, I bless God, now I am dying, for your reproofs and corrections too for, it may be, I might have gone to hell, if it had not been for your reproofs and corrections. 25. Some of her neighbours coming to visit her, asked her, if she would leave them? She answered them, if you serve the Lord, you shall come after me to glory. 26. A little before she dyed, she had a great conflict with Satan, and cryed out, I am none of his her mother seeing her in trouble, asked her what was the matter? She answered, Satan did trouble me, but now I thank God all is well, I know, I am none his, but Christs. 27. After this she had a sense of God's love and a glorious sight as if she had seen the very heavens open, and the angels come to receive her by which her heart was filled with joy, and he tongue with praise. 28. Being desired by the standers by, to give them a particular account of what she saw. She answered, you shall know herea ter; and so in an extasy of joy and holy triumph, she went to heaven when she was about twelve years old. Hallelujah. EXAMPLE IV. Of a child that began to look towards heaven when she was about four years old, with some observable passages in her life and at her death. 1. A Certain little child, when she was about four years old, had a conscientious sense of her duty towards her parents, because the commandment faith, Honour thy father and thy ther. And though she had little advantage of education, she carried it with the greatest reverence to her parents imaginable, so that she was no small credit as well as comfort to them. 2. It was a usual thing for her to weep if she saw her parents troubled, though herself had not been the occasion of it. 3. When she came from school, she would with grief and abhorrence say, that other children had dinned against God by speaking grievous words, which were so bad, that she durst not speak them again. 4. She would be oftentimes admiring of God's mercy for such goodness to her rather than to others; that she saw some begging, others blind, some crooked, and that she wanted nothing that was good for her. 5. She was many a time, and often, in one place or another, in tears upon her knees. 6. This poor little thing would be ready to counsel other little children, how they ought to serve God; and putting them upon getting by themselves to pray; and hath been known, when her friends have been abroad, to have been teaching children to pray, especially upon the Lord's day. 7. She very seriously begged the prayers of others, that they would remember her, that the Lord would give her grace. 8. When this child saw some that were laughing, who she judged to be very wicked; she told them that she feared that they had little reason to be merry. They asked whether one might not laugh? She answered, No indeed, till you have grace; they who are wicked have more need to cry than to laugh. 9. She would say, that it was the duty of parents, masters and mistresses, to reprove those under their charge for sin, or else God will meet with them. 10. She would be very attentive when she read the scriptures, and be much affected with them. 11. She would by no means be persuaded to prophane the Lord's day, but would spend it in some good duties. 12. When she went to school it was willingly and joyfully, and she was very teachable and exemplary to other children. 13. When she was taken sick, one asked her, Whether she were willing to die? She answered, Yes, if God would pardon her sins. Being asked how her sins should be pardoned? She answered, through the blood of Christ. 14. She said, she did believe in Christ, and desired and longed to be with him, and did with a great deal of chearfulness give up her soul to him. There were very many observable passages in the life and death of this child, but the hurry and grief that her friends were in buried them. EXAMPLE V. Of the Pious Life and Joyful Death of a Child, which died when he was about twelve Years old. 1. CHarles Bridgman had no sooner learned to speak, but he betook himself to prayer. 2. He was very prone to learn the things of God. 3. He would be sometimes teaching them their duty that waited upon him. 4. He learned by heart many good things before e was well fit to go to school: and when he was ent to school, he carried it so, that all that ob erved him, either did or might admire him. O he sweet nature, the good disposition, the sincere eligion which was in this child! 5. When he was at school, what was it that he esired to learn, but Christ, and him crucified? 6. So religious and savoury were his words, his ctions so upright, his devotion so hearty, his fear f God so great, that many were ready to say as hey did of John, What manner of child shall this be. 7. He would be much in reading the holy scrip res. 8. He was desirous of more spiritual knowledge, and would be oft asking very serious and admirable questions. 9. He would not stir out of doors before he had poured out his soul to the Lord. 10. When he eat any thing, he would be sure to lift up his heart unto the Lord for a blessing upon it; and when he had moderately refreshed himself by eating, he would not forget to acknowledge God's goodness in feeding of him. 11. He would not lie down in his bed till he had been upon his knees; and when sometimes he had forgotten his duty, he would quickly get out of his bed, and kneeling down upon his bare knees, would ask God forgiveness for that sin. 12. He would rebuke his brethren if they were at any time too hasty at their meals, and did eat without asking a blessing; his check was usually this, Dare you do thus? God be merciful to us, thi bit of bread might choak us. 13. His sentences were wise and weighty, and might well become some ancient christian. 14. His sickness was a lingering disease, against which, to comfort him, one tells him of possession that must fall to his portion; And what are they? said he, I had rather have the kingdom of heaven than a thousand such inheritances. 15. When he was sick, he seemed much taken up with heaven, and asked very serious question about the nature of his soul. 16. After he was pretty well satisfied about that he enquired how his soul might be saved; the answer being made, by the applying of Christ's merits by faith; he was pleased with the answer, and was ready to give any one that should desire it, a account of his hope. 17. Being asked, whether he had rather live or die? he answered, I desire to die, that I may go to my saviour. 18. His pains increasing upon him, one asked him, whether he would rather still endure those pains, or forsake Chr st? Alas, said he, I know not what to say, being a child; for these pains may stagger a strong man, but I will stri e to endure the best that I can. Upon this he called to mind that martyr Thomas Binley, who being in prison, the night before his burning, put his finger into the candle, to know how he could endure the fire. O (said the child) had I lived then I would have run through the fire to have gone to Christ. 19. His sickness lasted long, and at least three days before his death he prophesied his departure, and not only that he must die, but the very day. On the Lord's day, said he, look to me: neither was this a word of course, which you may guess by his often repetition, every day asking till the day came indeed, What is Sunday c me? At last the looked for day came on; and no sooner had the sun beautified that morning with its light, but he falls into a trance, his eyes were fixed, his face chearful, his lips smiling, his hands and face clasped in a bow, as if he would have received some blessed angel that were at hand to receive his soul. But he comes to himself, and tells them how he saw the sweetest body that ever eyes beheld, who bid him be of good cheer, for he must presently go with him. 20. One that stood near him, as now suspecting the time of his dissolution nigh, bid him say, Lord, into thy hands I commend my spirit, which is thy due; for why, thou has redeemed it, O Lord my God, most true. 21. The last words which he spake, were exactly these: Pray, pray, pray, nay, yet pray; and the more prayers, the better all prospers: God is the best physician; into thy hands I commend my spirit. O Lord Jesus receive my soul: now close mine eyes: forgive me father, mother, brother, sister, all the world. Now I am well, my pain is almost gone, my joy is at hand. Lord have mercy on me. O Lord receive my soul unto thee. And thus he yielded his spirit up unto the Lord, when he was about twelve years old. This Narrative was taken out of Mr. Ambrose his Life's Lease. EXAMPLE VI. Of a poor Child that was awakened when he was about five Years old. 1. A Certain very poor child, that had a very bad father, but it was to be hoped a very good mother, was, by the providence of God, brought to the sight of a godly friend of mine, who upon the first sight of the child had a great pity for him, and took an affection to him, and had a mind to bring him up for Christ. 2. At the first he did with great sweetness and kindness allure the child, by which means it was not long before he got a deep interest in the heart of the child, and he began to obey him with more readiness than children usually do their parents. 3. By this a door was opened for a farther work, and he had a greater advantage to instill spiritual principles into the soul of the child, which he was not wanting in, as the Lord gave opportunity, and the child was capable of. 4. It was not long before the Lord was pleased to strike in with the spiritual exhortations of this good man, so that the child was brought to a liking of the things of God. 5. He quickly learned great part of the assembly's catechism by heart, and that before he could read his primmer within book; and he took a great delight in learning his catechism. 6. He was not only able to give a very good account of his catechism, but he would answer such questions as are not in the catechism, with greater understanding than could be expected from one of his age. 7. He took great delight in discoursing about the things of God; and when my friend had been either praying or reading, expounding or repeating of sermons, he seemed very attentive, and ready to receive the truths of God, and would with incredible gravity, diligence and affection wait till duties were ended, to the no small joy and admiration of them which observed him. 8. He would ask very excellent questions, and discourse about the condition of his soul and heavenly things, and seemed mightily concerned what should become of his soul when he should dye: so that his discourse made some christians even to stand astonished. 9. He was greatly taken with the great kindness of Christ in dying for sinners, and would be in tears at the mention of them; and seemed at a strange rate to be affected with the unspeakable love of Christ. 10. When no body had been speaking to him, he would burst out into tears, and being asked the reason, he would say, that the very thoughts of Christ's love to sinners in suffering for them, made him that he could not but cry. 11. Before he was six years old, he made conscience of secret duty; and when he prayed, it was with such extraordinary meltings, that his eyes have looked red and sore with weeping by himself for his sins. 12. He would be putting of Christians upon spiritual discourse when he saw them, and seemed little satisfied unless they were talking of good things. 13. It is evident, that this poor child's thoughts were very much busied about the things of another world, for he would oftentimes be speaking to his bed-follow at mid-night about the matters of his soul; and when he could not sleep, he would take heavenly conference to be sweeter than his appointed rest. This was his usual custom, and thus he would provoke and put forward an experienced christian to spend waking hours in talk of God, and the everlasting rest. 14. Not long after this, his good mother dyed, which went very near his heart, for he greatly honoured his mother. 15. After the death of his mother, he would often repeat some of the promises that are made unto fatherless children, especially that in Exod. xxii. 22. Ye shall not afflict any widow, or the fatherless child; if thou afflict them in any wise, and they cry at all unto me, I will surely hear their cry. —These words he would often repeat with tears, and say, I am fatherless and motherless upon earth, yet if any wrong me, I have a father in heaven who will take my part; to him I commit myself, and in him is all my trust. 16. Thus he continued in a course of holy duties, living in the fear of God, and shewed wonderful grace for a child, and died sweetly in the faith of Jesus. My friend is a judicious Christian of many years experience, who was no ways related to him, but a constant eye and ear witness of his godly life, honourable and chearful death, from whom I received this information. EXAMPLE VII. Of a notorious wicked Child, that was taken up from begging, and admirably converted; with an account of his Holy Life and Joyful Death, when he was nine Years old. 1. A Very poor child of the parish of Newington-Butts, came begging to the door of a dear christian friend of mine, in a most lamentable condition; but it pleased God to raise in the heart of my friend a great pity and tenderness towards this poor child, so that in charity he took him out of the streets, whose parents were unknown, who had nothing at all in him to commend him to any one's charity but his misery. My friend eyeing the glory of God, and the good of the immortal soul of this wretched creature, discharged the parish of the child, and took him as his own, designing to bring him up in the fear of the Lord. A noble piece of charity! And that which did make the kindness far the greater was, that there seemed to be very little hopes of doing any good upon this child, for he was a very monster of wickedness, and a thousand times more miserable and vile by his sin, than by his poverty. He was running to hell as soon as he could go, and was old in naughtiness when he was young in years; and one shall scarce hear of one so like the devil in his infancy, as this poor child was. What sin was there (that his age was capable of) that he did not commit? What by the corruption of his nature, and the abominable example of little beggar-boys, he was arrived to a strange pitch of impiety. He would call filthy names, take God's name in vain, curse and swear, and do almost all kind of mischief, and as to any thing of God worse than an heathen. 2. But this sin and misery was but a stronger motive to that gracious man to pity him, and to do all that possibly he could to pluck this fire-brand out of the fire; and it was not long before the Lord was pleased to let him understand that he had a design of everlasting kindness upon the soul of this poor child; for no sooner had this good man taken this creature into his house, but he prays for him. and labours with all his might to convince him of his miserable condition by nature, and to teach him something of God, the worth of his soul, and that eternity of glory or misery that he was born to; and blessed be free grace, it was not long before the Lord was pleased to shew-him that it was himself which did put it into his heart to take in this child, that he might bring him up for Christ. The Lord soon struck in with his godly instructions; so that an amazing change was seen in the child, in a few weeks space he was soon convinced of the evil of his ways; no more news now of his calling of names, swearing, or cursing, no more taking of the Lord's name in vain; now he is civil and respective; and such a strange alteration was wrought in the child, that all the parish that ung of his villainy before, was now ready to talk of his reformation; his company, his talk, his imployment is now changed, and he is like another creature; so that the glory of God's free grace began already to shine in him. 3. And this change was not only an external one, and to be discerned abroad, but he would get by himself, and weep and mourn bitterly for his horrible wicked life, as might easily be perceived by them that lived in the house with him. 4. It was the great care of his godly master to strike in with those convictions which the Lord had made, and to improve them all he could; and he was not a little glad to see his labour was not in vain in the Lord; he still experiences that the Lord oth carry on his own work mightily upon the heart of the child; he is still more and more broken under a sense of his undone state by nature; e is often in tears, and bemoaning his lost and miserable condition. When his master did speak of he things of God, he listened earnestly, and took n with much delight and affection what he was aught. Seldom was there any discourse about soul matters in his hearing, but he heard as if it were or his life, and would weep greatly. 5. He would, after his master had been speaking o him, or others, of the things of God, go to him nd question with him about them, and beg of him o instruct and teach him further, and to tell him hose things again, that he might remember and understand them better. 6. Thus he continued seeking after the knowledge was, that there seemed to be very little hopes of doing any good upon this child, for he was a very monster of wickedness, and a thousand times more miserable and vile by his sin, than by his poverty. He was running to hell as soon as he could go, and was old in naughtiness when he was young in years; and one shall scarce hear of one so like the devil in his infancy, as this poor child was. What sin was there (that his age was capable of) that he did not commit? What by the corruption of his nature, and the abominable example of little beggar-boys, he was arrived to a strange pitch of impiety. He would call filthy names, take God's name in vain, curse and swear, and do almost all kind of mischief, and as to any thing of God worse than an heathen. 2. But this sin and misery was but a stronger motive to that gracious man to pity him, and to do all that possibly he could to pluck this fire-brand out of the fire; and it was not long before the Lord was pleased to let him understand that he had a design of everlasting kindness upon the soul of this poor child; for no sooner had this good man taken this creature into his house, but he prays for him. and labours with all his might to convince him of his miserable condition by nature, and to teach him something of God, the worth of his soul, and that eternity of glory or misery that he was born to; and blessed be free grace, it was not long before the Lord was pleased to shew him that it was himself which did put it into his heart to take in this child, that he might bring him up for Christ. The Lord soon struck in with his godly instructions; so that an amazing change was seen in the child, in a few weeks space he was soon convinced of the evil of his ways; no more news now of his calling of names, swearing, or cursing, no more taking of the Lord's name in vain; now he is civil and respective; and such a strange alteration was wrought in the child, that all the parish that ung of his villainy before, was now ready to talk of his reformation; his company, his talk, his imployment is now changed, and he is like another creature; so that the glory of God's free grace began already to shine in him. 3. And this change was not only an external one, and to be discerned abroad, but he would get by himself, and weep and mourn bitterly for his horrible wicked life, as might easily be perceived by them that lived in the house with him. 4. It was the great care of his godly master to trike in with those convictions which the Lord had made, and to improve them all he could; and he was not a little glad to see his labour was not in ain in the Lord; he still experiences that the Lord oth carry on his own work mightily upon the heart of the child; he is still more and more broken under a sense of his undone state by nature; he is often in tears, and bemoaning his lost and mi erable condition. When his master did speak of the things of God, he listened earnestly, and took n with much delight and affection what he was aught. Seldom was there any discourse about soul matters in his hearing, but he heard as if it were for his life, and would weep greatly. 5. He would, after his master had been speaking o him, or others, of the things of God, go to him nd question with him about them, and beg of him o instruct and teach him further, and to tell him hose things again, that he might remember and un erstand them better. 6. Thus he continued seeking after the knowledge of God and Christ, and practising holy duties, till the sickness came into the house, with which the child was smitten; at his first sickening the poor child was greatly amazed and afraid, and, though his pains were great, and his distemper very tedious, yet the sense of his sin, and the thought of the miserable condition that he feared his soul was still in, made his trouble ten times greater; he was in grievous agonies of spirit, and his former sins stared him in the face, and made him tremble; the poison of God's arrows did even drink up his spirit; the sense of sin and wrath was so great, that he could not tell what in the world to do; the weight of God's displeasure, and the thoughts of lying under it to all e ernity, did even break him to pieces, and he did cry out very bitterly, what should he do? he was a miserable sinner, and he feared that he should go to hell; his sins had been so great and so many, that there were no hopes for him. He was not by far so much concerned for his life, as for his soul, what would become of that for ever. Now the plague upon his body seemed nothing to that which was in his soul. 7. But in this great distress, the Lord was pleased to send one to take care of his soul, who urged to him the great and precious promises which were made to one in his condition, telling him, that there was enough in Christ for the chiefest of sinners, and that he came to seek and save such a lost creature as he was. But this poor child found it a very difficult thing for him to believe that there was any mercy for such a dreadful sinner as he had been. 8. He was made to cry out of himself, not only for his swearing and lying, and other outwardly notorious sins; but he was in great horror for the sin of his nature, for the vileness of his heart, and original corruption under it; he was in so great anguish, that the trouble of his spirit made him in a great measure to forget the pains of his body. 9. He did very particularly confess and bewail his sins with tears; and some sins so secret, that none in the world could charge him with. 10. He would condemn himself for sin, as deserving to have no mercy, thought that there was not a greater sinner in all London than himself, and he abhorred himself as the vilest creature he knew. 11. He did not only pray much, with strong cries and tears himself, but he begged the prayers of Christians for him. 12. He would ask christians, whether they thought there were any hopes for him, and would beg of them to deal plainly with him, for he was greatly afraid of being deceived. 13. Being informed how willing and ready the Lord Jesus was to accept of poor sinners, upon their repentance and turning, and being counselled to venture himself upon Christ for mercy and salvation, he said he would fain cast himself upon Christ, but he could not but wonder how Christ should be willing to die for such a vile wretch as he was, and he found it one of the hardest things in the world to believe. 14. But at last it pleased the Lord to give him some small hopes that there might be mercy for him, for he had been the chiefest of sinners; and, he was made to lay a little hold upon such promises, as that, Come unto me all ye that are weary and avy laden, and I will give you rest. But O how did this poor boy admire and bless God for the east hopes! How highly did he advance free and rich grace, that should pity and pardon him! and at ast he was full of praise, and admiring of God, so that (to speak in the words of a good man, that was an eye and an ear-witness) to the praise and glory of God be it spoken, the house at that day, for all the sickness in it, was a little lower heaven, so full of joy and praise. 15. The child grew exceedingly in knowledge, experience, patience, humility, and self-abhorrence; and he thought he could never speak bad enough of himself, the name that he would call himself by, was a toad. 16. And though he prayed before, yet now the Lord poured out upon him the spirit of prayer in an extraordinary manner, for one of his age; so that now he prayed more frequently, more earnestly, more spiritually than ever. O how eagerly would he beg to be washed in the blood of Jesus! and that the King of Kings, and Lord of Lords, that was over heaven and earth, and sea, would pardon and forgive him all his sins, and receive his soul into his kingdom. And what he spoke, it was with so much life and fervour of spirit, as that it filled the hearers with astonishment and joy. 17. He had no small sense of the use and excellency of Christ, and such longings and breathings of his soul after him, that when mention had been made of Christ, he hath been ready almost to leap out of his bed for joy. 18. When he was told, that if he should recover, he must not live as he list; but he must give up himself to Christ, and be his child and servant, bear his yoke, and be obedient unto his laws, and live a holy life, and take his cross, and suffer mocking and reproach, it may be persecution for his name sake. Now, child (said one to him) are you willing to have Christ upon such terms? He signified his willingness by the earnestness of his looks and words, and the casting up of his eyes to heaven, saying, yes, with all my soul, the Lord helping me, I will do this. 19. Yet he had many doubts, and fears, and was ever and anon harping upon that, that though he were willing, yet Christ he feared was not willing to accept him, because of the greatness of his sin; yet his hopes were greater than his fears. 20. The Wednesday before he died, the child lay as it were in a trance for about half an hour, in which time he thought he saw a vision of angels: when he was out of his trance, he was a little uneasy, and asked his nurse, why she did not let him go? Go whither, child, said she? Why along with those brave gentlemen, said he; but they told me, they would come and fetch me away for all you upon Friday next. And he doubled his words many times, upon Friday next those brave gentlemen will come for me; and upon that day the child died joyfully. 21. He was very thankful to his master, and very sensible of his great kindness in taking him up out of the streets when he was a begging, and he admired at the goodness of God, which put it into the mind of a stranger to look upon, and to take such fatherly care of such a pitiful sorry creature as he was. O my dear master, (said he) I hope to see you in heaven, for I am sure you will go thither. O blessed, blessed be God that made you to take pity upon me, for I might have died, and have gone to the devil, and have been damned for ever, if it had not been for you. 22. The Thursday before he died, he asked a very godly friend of mine what he thought of his condition, and whither his soul was now going? for he said he could not still but fear, lest he should deceive dimself with false hopes; at which my friend spoke to him thus: child, for all that I have endeavoured to hold forth the grace of God in Christ to thy soul, and given you a warrant from the word of God, that Christ is as freely offered to you, as to any sinner in the world; if thou art but willing to accept of him, thou mayest have Christ and all that thou dost want, with him; and yet thou givest way to these thy doubtings and fears, as though I told thee nothing but lyes; thou sayest, thou fearest that Christ will not accept of thee, I fear thou art not heartily willing to accept of him. The child answered, indeed I am: why then child, if thou art unfeignedly willing to have Christ, I tell thee, he is a thousand times more willing to have thee, and wash thee, and save thee, than thou art to desire it. And now at this time Christ offers himself freely to thee again, therefore receive him humbly by saith into thy heart, and bid him welcome, for he deserveth it: upon which words the Lord discovered his love to the child; and he gave a kind of leap in his bed, and snapped his fingers and thumb together with abundance of joy, as much as to say, well, yea, all is well, the match is made, Christ is willing, and I am willing too; and now Christ is mine, and I am his for ever. And from that time forward, in full joy and assurance of God's love, he continued earnestly praising God, with desiring to die, and be with Christ. And on Friday morning he sweetly went to rest, using that very expression, Into thy hands, Lord, I commit my spirit. He died punctually at that time which he had spoke of, and in which he expected those angels to come to him; he was not much above nine years old when he died. This narrative I had from a judicious holy man, unrelated to him, who was an eye and ear-witness to all these things. The End of the First Part. A TOKEN FOR CHILDREN. The Second Part. BEING A farther Account of the Conversion, Holy and Exemplary Lives, and Joyful Deaths of several other Young Children, not Published in the First Part. By JAMES JANEWAY, Minister of the Gospel. ut of the mouths of Babes and Sucklings hast thou ordained strength. Psalm viii. 2. LONDON: inted for J. WARD, at the King's-Arms in Cornhill. 1757. BOOK Printed for JOHN WARD, At the KING'S-ARMS, in CORNHILL Where may be had a Variety of other small Religious Tract with a considerable Allowance in the Price, to such Person as give them away. * 1. The PROTESTANT's RESOLUTION: Shewing his Reasons why he will not be a PAPIS Digested into so plain a Method of Question and Answer, th an ordinary Capacity may be able to defend the Protesta Religion against the most cunning Jesuit or Popish Priest. The 27th Edition. Price 2 d. or 18 d. per Dozen. The Three following by SAMUEL WRIGHT, D. D. 2. A Treatise of THAT being BORN AGA without which NO MAN can be SAVED. To which is added, a Discourse on the Duty and Advantage Singular Piety. And some EXTRACTS from a late Writ suited to the DESIGN of this Treatise. The 16th Edition. Price bound 1 s. 6 d. or 15 s. per Do . 3. THREE DISCOURSES on SELF POSSESSION As it is the Happiness only of a True Christian. Price 1 s. or 10 s. per Dozen. 4. The NECESSITY and ADVANTAGES of CLOS RELIGION. By a private Christian. The fourth Editio with Additions. Price 3 d. or 16 s. per Hundred. 5. SACRAMENTAL EXERCISES. BY JABEZ EARL, D. D. The 5th Edition. Price bound 1 s. or 10 s. per Dozen. N. B. Those Persons who buy Numbers of any of the abo mentioned Books to give away, shall be supplied at the lowest Prices. A PREFACE TO THE READER. CHRISTIAN READER, IN the former part of my Token for Children, I did in part promise, that if that piece met with kind entertainment, it might be followed with a second of the same nature. If it did not eem a little to savour of vanity, I might tell the world what encouragement I have met with in this work; but this I will only say, that I have met with so much as hath made me give this little book eave to go abroad into the world. I am not also gnorant what discouragement I may meet with fro me; but as long as I am sure I shall not mee t with this, that it is improbable, if not impossibl e, that it should save a soul; I think the rest may e ily be answered, or warrantably slighted. But because I am persuaded by some, that one example in the former, ( viz. that of a child that began to be serious between two and three years old) was scarce credible, and they did fear might somewhat prejudice the authority of the rest, I shall say something to answer that. They who make this objection are either good or bad; if bad, I expect never to satisfy them, except I should tell them of a Romance or play, or somewhat that might suit a carnal mind; it is like holiness in older persons, it is a matter of contempt and scorn to them, much more in such a these I mention. The truth of it is, it is no wonder at all to me that the subjects of Satan should not b very well pleased with that, whose design is to undermine the interest of their great masters: nothing will satisfy some, except Christ and holiness may be degraded and vilified. But hold sinner, hold never hope it, heaven shall never be turned into bell for thy sake; and as for all thy atheistical objections, scoffs, and jeers, they shall e'er long be fully answered; and the hosannahs and hallelujahs of th s babes shall condemn thy oaths, blasphemies, an jeers, and then thou wilt be silenced: and excep converting grace turn thy heart quickly, thou wil for ever rue thy madness and folly, when it is t late to remedy it. But if the persons that make this objection be godly I question not but that I may give them reasonable satisfaction. First, consider who it is that I had that exampl from. It was one Mrs. Jeofries in Long-Lane i Mary Magdelen Bermondsey Parish, in the County o S urry, a woman of that fame in the church of Chris fo her exemplary piety, wisdom, experience, and sin gu lar watchfulness over every punctilio that s sp aks, that I question not but that her name is pr cious to most of the ministers of London, at least in the Borough; and as a reverend divine said, such a mother in Israel, that her single testimony about London, is of as much authority almost as any single minister's: and having since discoursed this matter with her, she calls God to witness, that she hath spoken nothing but truth; only in this she failed, in that she spake not by far so much as she might have done concerning that sweet babe. I might add, that I have since that seen a godly gentleman out of the country, that did protest to me, that he had seen as much as that in a little one of the same age, who since that time I hear went sweetly to heaven. Doth not the reverend Mr. Clarke, in his works, quote a child of two years old that looked towards heaven? Doth not credible history acquaint us with a martyr at seven years old, that was whipped almost to death, and never shed one tear, nor complained; and, at last had his head struck off? I do not speak of these as common matters, but record them amongst those stupendous acts of him that can as easily work wonders as not. What is too hard for the almighty? Hath God said he will work no more wonders? I think most of God's works in the business of conversion call for admiration: and I believe that silence, or rather praise, would better become saints, than questioning the truth of such things; especially, where an apparent Injury is thereby done to the interest of Christ, the honour of God's grace, and the reputation of so eminent a saint. I judge this sufficient to satisfy most; as for others I trouble not myself; if I may but promote the interest of Christ, and the good of souls, and give up my account with joy, it is enough. That the Lord would bless my endeavours to these ends, I beg the prayers of all saints, and yours also, sweet children that fear the Lord. And that parents and masters would assist me with their warm application of these things, and that children may be their crown and their Joy, is the prayer of one that desires to love Christ and little children dearly, James Janeway. A TOKEN FOR CHILDREN. The Second Part. EXAMPLE VIII. Of a child that was very serious at four years old, with an account of his comfortable death when he was twelve years and three weeks old. 1. JOHN SUDLOW was born of religious parents in the county of Middles x, whose great care was to instil spiritual principles into him as soon as he was capable of understanding of them: whose endeavours the Lord was pleased to crown with the desired success: so that (to use the expression of a holy man concerning him) scarce-more could be expected or desired from so little a one. 2. When he was scarce able to speak plain, he seemed to have a very great awe and reverence of God upon his spirit, and a strange sense of the things of another world, as might easily be perceived by those serious and admirable questions which he would be oft asking of those christians that he thought he might be bold with. 3. The first thing that did most affect him, and make him endeavour to escape from the wrath to come, and to enquire what he should do to be saved, was the death of a little brother; when he saw him without breath, and not able to speak or stir, and when carried out of doors, and put into a pit-hole, he was greatly concerned, and asked surprising questions about him; but that which was most affecting of himself and others, was whether he must die too, which being answered, it made such a deep impression upon him, that from that time forward he was exceeding serious, and this was when he was about four years old. 4. Now he was desirous to know what he might do that he might live in another world, and what he must avoid, that he might not die for ever, and being instructed by his godly parents, he soon labours to avoid whatsoever might displease God; now tell him that any thing was sinful, and that God would not have him to do it, and he is easily kept from it, and even at this time of day, the apprehensions of God, and death, and eternity, laid such a restraint upon him, that he would not, for a world, have told a lye. 5. He quickly learned to read exactly, and took such pleasure in reading of the scriptures and his catechism, and other good books, that it is scarce to be paralleled; he would naturally run to his book without bidding: when he came home from school, and when other children of his age and acquaintance were playing, he reckoned it his recreation to being that which is good. 6. When he was in coats he would be asking his maid serious questions, and praying her to teach him his catechism, or scriptures, or some good thing; common discourse he took no delight in, but did most eagerly desire to be sucking in of the knowledge of the things of God, Christ, his soul, and another world. 7. He was greatly taken with the reading of the book of Martyrs, and would be ready to leave his dinner to go to his book. 8. He was exceeding careful of redceming and improving of time; scarce a moment of it but he would give an excellent account of the expence of it; so that this child might have taught elder persons, and will questionless condemn their idle and unaccountable wasting of those precious hours in which they should, as this sweet child, have been laying in provision for eternity. 9. He could not endure to read any thing over slightly, but whatsoever he read, he dwelt upon it, laboured to understand it thoroughly, and remember it; and what he could not understand, he would oft ask his father or mother the meaning of it. 10. When any christian friends have been discoursing with his Father, if they began to talk any thing about religion, to be sure they should have his company, and of his own accord he would leave all to hear any thing of Christ, and crept as close to them as he could, and listen as affectionately, though it were for an hour or two. He was scarce ever known to express the least token of weariness while he was hearing any thing that was good, and sometimes when neighbours children would come and call him out, and entice him, and beg of him to go with them, he could by no means be persuaded, though he might have had the leave of his parents, if he had any hopes that any good boy would come into his father's house. 11. He was very modest whilst any stranger was present, and was loth to ask them any questions: but as soon as they were gone, he would let his father know, that there was little said or done but he observed it, and would reflect upon what was past in their discourse, and desire satisfaction in what he could not understand at present. 12. He was a boy of most prodigious parts for his age, as will appear from his solid and rational questions; I shall mention but two of many 13. The first was this, when he was reading by himself in Draiton 's poems about Noah 's flood and the ark, he asked who built the ark? It being answered it was likely that Noah hired men to help him to build it: and would they (said he) build an ark to save another, and not go into it themselves? 14. Another question he put was this: whether had a greater glory, saints or angels? It being answered, that angels were the most excellent of creatures, and 'tis to be thought their nature is made capable of greater glory than man's, he said he was of another mind, and his reason was, because angels were servants, and saints are children; and that Christ never took upon him the nature of angels, but he took upon him the nature of saints, and by being man, he hath advanced human nature above the nature of angels. 15. By this you may perceive the greatness of his parts, and the bent of his thoughts, and thus he continued for several years together, labouring to get more and more spiritual knowledge, and to prepare for an endless life. 16. He was a child of an excellent sweet temper, wonderful dutiful to his parents, ready and joyful to do what he was bid, and by no means would do any thing to displease them, and if they were at any time seemingly angry, he would not stir from them till they were thoroughly reconciled to him. 17. He was not only good himself, but would do what he could to make others so too, especially those that were nearest to him; he was very watchful over his brethren and sisters, and would not suffer them to use any unhandsome words, or to do any unhandsome action; but he would be putting them upon that which was good, and when he did at any time rebuke them, it was not childishly and slightly, but with great gravity and seriousness, as one that was not a little concerned for God's honour, and the eternal welfare of their souls. 18. He would go to his father and mother with great tenderness and compassion (being far from telling of tales) and beg of them to take more care of the souls of his brethren and sisters, and to take heed lest they should go on in a sinful Christless state, and prove their sorrow and shame, and go to hell when they die, and be ruined for ever. 19. He was exceedingly affected with hearing of the word of God preached, and could not be satisfied except he could carry home much of the substance of what he heard; to this end he quickly got to learn short-hand, and would give a very pretty account of any sermon that he heard. 20. He was much engaged in secret duty, and in reading the scriptures; to be sure morning and evening he would be by himself, and was, no question, wrestling with God. 21. He would get choice scriptures by heart, and was very perfect at his catechism. 22. The providences of God were not passed by without considerable observation by him. 23. In the time of the plague he was exceedingly concerned about his soul and everlasting state; very much by himself upon his knees. This prayer was found written in short-hand after his death. O Lord God and merciful Father, take pity upon me a miserable sinner, and strengthen me, O Lord, in thy faith, and make me one of thy glorious saints in heaven. O Lord keep me from this poisonous infection; however, not my will but thy will be done, O Lord, on earth, as it is in heaven; but, O Lord, if thou hast appointed me to die by it, O Lord, fit me for death, and give me a good heart to bear up under my afflictions: O Lord God and merciful father, take pity on me thy child, teach me O Lord thy word, make me strong in faith. O Lord, I have sinned against thee, Lord pardon my sins; I had been in hell long ago if it had not been for thy mercy; O Lord, I pray thee to keep my parents in thy truth, and save them from this infection, if it be thy will, that they may live to bring me up in thy truth: O Lord I pray thee stay this infection that rageth in this city, and pardon their sins, and try them once more, and see if they will turn unto thee. Save me O Lord from this infection, that I may live to praise and glorify thy name; but, O Lord, if thou hast appointed me to die of it, fit me for death, that I may die with comfort; and O Lord I pray thee to help me to bear up under all afflictions for Christ his sake. Amen. 24. He was not a little concerned for the whole nation, and begged that God would pardon the sins of this land, and bring it nearer to himself. 25. About the beginning of November 1665, this sweet child was smote with the distemper, but he carried it with admirable patience under the hand of God. 26. These are some of his dying expressions, —The Lord shall be my physician, for he will cure both soul and body—Heaven is the best hospital —It is the Lord, let him do what seemeth good in his eyes. Again— It is the Lord that taketh away my health, but I will say as Job did, Blessed be the name of the Lord. If I should live longer, I shall but sin against God. Looking upon his father, he said, if the Lord would but lend the least finger of his hand to lead me through the dark entry of death I will rejoice in him. 27. When a minister came to him, among other things he spake somewhat of life. He said, this is a wicked world, yet it is good to live with my parents, but it is better to live in heaven. — 28. An hour and an half before his death, the same minister came again to visit him, and asked him, art thou not afraid to die? He answered; no, if the Lord will but comfort me in that hour. But, said the minister, how canst thou expect comfort, seeing we deserve none? He answered, no, if I had my deserts I had been in hell long ago. But, replied the minister, which way dost thou expect comfort and salvation seeing thou art a sinner? He answered, in Christ alone —In whom, about an hour and an half after, he fell asleep, saying, he would take a long sleep charging them that were about him not to wake him. He died when he was twelve years, three weeks, and a day old. EXAMPLE IX. Of a child that was very eminent when she was between five and six years old, with some memorable passages of her life. 1. ANN DANE was born at Colebrook in the county of Bucks, who was no sooner able to speak plain, and express any thing considerable of reason, but she began to act as if she was sanctified from the very womb. 2. She was very sollicitous about her soul, what would become of it when she should die, and where she should live for ever, and what she should do to be saved, when she was about five years old. 3. She was wont to be oft engaged in secret prayer, and pouring out of her soul in such a manner as is rarely to be heard of from one of her years. 4. I having occasion to lie at Colebrook, sent for her father, an old disciple, an Israelite indeed, and desired him to give me some account of his experiences, and how the Lord first wrought upon him. 5. He gave me this answer, that he was from a child somewhat civil, honest, and, as to man, harmless, but was little acquainted with the power of religion, till this sweet child put him upon a thorough inquiry into the state of his soul, and would still be begging of him, and pleading with him to redeem his time, and to act with life and vigour in the things of God, which was no small demonstration to him of the reality of invisibles, that a very babe and suckling should speak so feelingly about the things of God, and be so greatly concerned not only about her own soul, but about her father's too, which was the occasion of his conversion; and the very thought of it was a quickening to him for thirty years, and he hopes never to wear off the impressions of it from his spirit. 6. After this she (as I remember) put her father upon family duties, and if at any time he was long absent from his shop, she would find him out, and with much sweetness and humility beg of him to come home, and to remember the preciousness of time, for which we must all give an account. 7. She was grieved if she saw any that conversed with her father, if they were unprofitable, unsavory, or long in their discouse of common things. 8. Her own language was the language of Canean. How solidly, profitably, and spiritually would she talk? So that she made good people take great delight in her company, and justly drew the admiration of all that knew her. 9. She could not endure the company of common children, nor play, but was quite above all those hings which most children are taken with; her bu ness was to be reading, praying, discoursing about he things of God, and any kind of business that er age and strength was capable of, idle she would ot be by any means. 10. It was the greatest recreation to her, to hear ny good people talking about God, Christ, their uls, the scriptures, or any thing that concerned nother life. 11. She had a strange contempt of the world, nd scorned those things which most are too much leased with. She could not be brought to wear ny laces, or any thing that she thought super uous. 12. She would be complaining to her parents, she saw any thing in them that she judged would ot be for the honour of religion, or suitable to that ndition which the providence of God had set them the world. 13. The child was the joy and delight of all e christians there-abouts in those times, who was ll quickening and raising of the spirits of those at talked with her. This poor babe was a great elp to both father and mother, and her memory is eet to this day. 14. She continued thus to walk as a stranger in e world, and one that was making haste to a bet place. And after she had done a great deal of ork for God and her own soul, and others too, she was called home to rest, and received into the arms of Jesus before she was ten years old. EXAMPLE X. Of a child that was awakened when she was between seven and eight years old, with some account of her last hours, and triumphant death. 1. TAbitha Alder was the daughter of a holy and reverend minister in Kent, who lived near Gravesend. She was much instructed in the holy scriptures and her catechism, by her fathe and mother, but there appeared nothing extraordinary in her till she was between seven and eight years old. 2. About which time, when she was sick, or asked her, What she thought would become of he if she should die? She answered, that she was great ly afraid that she should go to hell. 3. Being asked why she was afraid of going t hell? She answered, because she feared she did no love God. 4. Again, being asked how she did know she di not love God, she replied, What have I done fo God ever since I was born? And besides this, I hav been taught, that he that loves God keeps his com mandments, but I have kept none of them at all. 5. Being farther demanded if she would not fai love God? She answered, yes, with all her hear if she could, but she found it a hard thing to lo one she did not see. 6. She was advised to beg of God a heart to love him: She answered, she was afraid it was too late. 7. Being asked again whether she was not sorry that she could not love God? She answered yes, but was still afraid it was too late. 8. Upon this, seeing her in such a desponding condition, a dear friend of hers spent the next day in fasting and prayer for her. 9. After this, that christian friend asked her how she did now? She answered with a great deal of joy, that now she blessed the Lord, she loved the Lord Jesus dearly, she felt she did love him. O, said she, I love him dearly. 10. Why, said her friend, did you not say yesterday, that you did not love the Lord, and that you could not? What did you mean to speak so strangely? Sure (said she) it was Satan that did put it into my mind: but now I love him. O blessed be God for the Lord Jesus Christ. 11. After this, she had a discovery of her approaching dissolution, which was no small comfort to her; Anon (said she, with a holy triumph) I shall be with Jesus, I am married to him, he is my husband, I am his bride; I have given myself to him, and he hath given himself to me, and I shall live with him for ever. 12. This strange language made the hearers even stand astonished: but thus she continued for some little time, in a kind of extasy of joy, admiring the excellency of Christ, rejoicing in her interest in him, and longing to be with him. 13. After a while some of her friends standing by her, observed a more than ordinary earnestness and fixedness in her countenance; they said one to another, Look how earnestly she looks, sure she seeth something. 14. One asked what it was she fixed her eyes upon so eagerly? I warrant (saith one that was by) she seeth death a coming. 15. No (said she) it is glory that I see, it is that I fix my eye upon. 16. One asked her what was glory like? She answered, I can't speak what, but I am going to it; will you go with me? I am going to glory, O that all of you were to go with me to that glory! With which words her soul took wing. and went to the possession of that glory which she had some believing sight of before. She died when she was between eight and nine years old. EXAMPLE XI. Of a child that was greatly affected with the things of God, when she was very young; with an exact account of her admirable carriage upon her Death-bed. 1. SUsannah Bicks was born at Leyden in Holland, Jan. 24, 1650, of very religious parents, whose great care was to instruct and catechise this their child, and to present her to the ministers of the place, to be publickly instructed and catechised. 2. It pleased the Lord to bless the holy education and good example of her parents, and catechising to the good of her soul, so that she soon had a true savour and relish of what she was taught, and made an admirable use of it in a time of need, as you shall hear afterwards. 3. She was a child of great dutifulness to her parents, and of a very sweet, humble, spiritual nature, and not only the truth, but the power and eminency of religion did shine in her so clearly, that she did not only comfort the hearts of her parents, but drew the admiration of all that were witnesses of God's works of love upon her, and may well be proposed as a pattern, not only to children, but o persons of riper years. 4. She continued in a course of religious duties or some considerable time, so that her life was more excellent than most christians, but in her last ickness she excelled herself, and her deportment was so admirable, that partly through wonder and stonishment, and partly through sorrow, many observable things were passed by without commit ing to paper, which deserved to have been written n letters of gold: but take these which follow, as some of many which were taken from her dying ps, and first published by religious and judicious shristians in Dutch, afterwards translated, and with little alteration of the stile (for the benefit of English children) brought into this form by me. 4. In the month of August 1664, when the pesti ence raged so much in Holland, this sweet child was smitten, and as soon as she felt herself very l, she was said to break forth with abundance of ense and feeling, in these following words: If by law were not my delight, I should perish in my af iction. 6. Her father coming to her to encourage her in er sickness, said to her, be of good comfort my ild, for the Lord will be near to thee and us, un er this heavy and fore trial, he will not forsake us ough he chasten us. Yea father (said she) our eavenly father doth chasten us for our prosit, that e may be partakers of his holiness; no chastise ent seemeth for the present to be joyous, but grieous, but afterwards it yieldeth the peaceable fruit of righteousness to them which are exercised thereby. The Lord is now chastening of me upon this sick bed, but I hope he will bless it so to me, as to cause it to yield to me that blessed fruit, according to the riches of his mercies which fail not. 7. After this, she spake to God with her eyes lift up to heaven, saying, Be merciful to me, O father, be mercisul to me a sinner, according to thy word. 8. Then looking upon her sorrowful parents she said, It is said, Cast thy burthen upon the Lord and he shall sustain thee, and he will never suffer the righteous to be moved. Therefore, my dear father and mother, cast all your care upon him who causes all things to go well that do concern you. 9. Her mother said unto her, O my dear child I have no small comfort from the Lord in thee, and the fruit of his grace, whereby thou hast been much exercised unto godliness in reading the word in prayer and gracious discourse, to the edification of thyself and us. The Lord himself who gav thee to us, make up this loss, if it be his pleasun to take thee away from us. 10. Dear mother (said she) though I leave you and you me, yet God will never leave us; for it; said, Can a woman forget her sucking child, that s should not have compassion on the fruit of her wom yet will not I forget thee, behold I have graven the upon the palms of my hands. O comsortable word both for mother and children! Mark, dear mother how fast the Lord keeps and holdeth his people that he doth even grave them upon the palms of h hands. Though I must part with you, and yo with me, yet, blessed be God, he will never pa either from you or me. 11. Being weary with much speaking, she desirest a while, but after a little time awaking ain, her father asked her how it was with her? e made no direct answer, but asked what day it as? her father said, it was the Lord's day. Well en, said she, have you given up my name to be membered in the publick prayers of the church? er father told her he had. I have learnt, said she, at the effectual fervent prayer of the righteous aileth much. 12. She had a very high esteem for the faithful nisters of Christ, and much desired their company here she was, but knowing the hazard that such visit might expose them and the church to, she uld by no means suffer that the ministers should me near her person, but chose rather to throw rself upon the arms of the Lord, and to improve at knowledge she had in the word, and her former perience, and the visits of private christians, and ose which the church had appointed in such cases visit and comfort the sick. 13. One of those which came to visit her, was of ry great use to her to comfort her, and lift her , in some measure, above the fears of death. 14. Though young, she was very much concerned the interest of God and religion, for gospel mi ters, and for the sins, and the decay of the power godliness in her own country, which will further pear by what may follow. 15. Her father coming in to her, found her in extraordinary passion of weeping, and asked her at was the cause of her great sorrow? She an ered, Have I not cause to weep, when I hear that . de Wit was taken sick this day in his pulpit, went home very ill; is not this a sad sign of d's displeasure to our country, when God teth such a faithful pastor? 16. She had a high valuation of God, and could speak in David 's language, Whom have I in heave but thee, and there is none upon earth I can desire comparison of thee. She was much lifted up abo the fears of death. What else was the meaning such expressions as these, O how do I long! even the hart panteth after the water-brooks, so my so panteth after thee, O God, for God, the living Go When shall I come and appear before God? 17. She was a great hater of sin, and did, wi much grief and self abhorrence reflect upon it: b that which lay most upon her heart, was the co ruption of her nature, and original sin. How oft would she cry out in the words of the psalmist, E hold I was shapen in iniquity, and in sin did my moth conceive me, and I was altogether born in sin. S could never lay herself low enough under a sense that original sin which she brought with her into t world. 18. She spake many things very judiciously the old man, and putting it off, and of the n man and putting it on; which shewed that she w no stranger to conversion, and that she, in sor measure, understood what mortification, self-deni and taking up of her cross, and following of Chr meant. That scripture was much in her mouth, sacrifices of God are a contrite heart, a broken and contrite spirit, O God, thou wilt not despise. Th brokenness of heart (said she) which is built up and flows from faith, and that faith which is bu upon Christ, who is the proper and alone sacri for sin. These are her own words. 19. Afterwards she desired to rest, and when had slumbered a while she said, O dear father a mother, how weak do I feel myself! My dear ch (said her father) God will, in his tender men strengthen thee in thy weakness. Yea father (s she) that is my confidence: for it is said, The bri he will not break, and the smoaking flax he will quench. 20. Then she discoursed excellently of the nature faith, and desired that the eleventh of the Hebrews ould be read unto her; at the reading of which, cryed out, O what a stedsast faith was that of aham, which made him willing to offer up his n and only son! Faith is the substance of things ed for, the evidence of things not seen. 21. Her father and mother hearing her excellent course, and seeing her admirable carriage, burst into abundance of tears: upon which, she plead with them to be patient, and content with the hand God. O (said she) why do you weep at this e over me, seeing I hope, you have no reason to estion, but if the Lord take me out of this misera world, it shall be well with me to all eternity. u ought to be well satisfied, seeing it is said, God in heaven, and doth whatsoever pleaseth him: d do you not pray every day, that the will of God y be done upon earth, as it is in heaven? Now her, this is God's will, that I should lie upon this bed, and of this disease: shall we not be con t when our prayers are answered? Would not r extream sorrow be murmuring against God, hout whose good pleasure nothing comes to pass. though I am struck with this sad disease, yet be se it is the will of God, that doth silence me, I will, as long as I live, pray that God's will y be done, and not mine. 22. Seeing her parents still very much moved, she her argued with them from the providence of d, which had a special hand in every common g, much more in the disposal of the lives of men women: Are not two sparrows sold for a far g, and not one of them falls to the ground with our heavenly father? Yea, the hairs of our head are all numbered; therefore fear not, you are of m value than many sparrows. Adversity and prosperi they are both good. Some things seem evil in o eyes, but the Lord turns all to the good of the which are his. 23. She came then to speak particularly concerning the plague: Doth not (said she) the pestilen come from God? Why else doth the Scripture fa Shall there be evil in the city which I have not sen What do those people mean, which say, the pe lence comes from the air? Is not the Lord the cre tor and ruler of the air, and are not the eleme under his government? Or if they say it comes fro the earth, Hath he not the same power and influen upon that too? What talk they of a ship that ca from Africa? Have ye not read long ago togeth out of Lev. xxvi. 25? I shall bring a sword you, and avenge the quarrel of my covenant, when you are assembled in the cities, then will I br the pestilence in the midst of you. 24. After this, having taken some little rest, said, O now is the day for opening the first questi of the catechism, and if we were there, we sho hear, that whether in death or life a believer Christ's, who hath redeemed us by his own preck blood from the power of the devil; and then quoted Rom. xiv. 7.8. For none of us liveth unto h self and none of us dieth unto himself. For whether live, we live unto the Lord; and whether we die, die unto the Lord, whether then we live or die, are the Lord's. Then be comforted, for whether live or die, I am the Lord's. O why do you a yourselves thus! But what shall I say? with we ing I came into the world, and with weeping I go out again. O my dear parents, better is the of my death, than the day of my birth. 25. When she had thus encouraged her father mother, she desired her father to pray with her, and o request of the Lord that she might have a quiet nd peaceable passage into another world. 26. After her father had prayed for her, he ask d her, whether he should send for the physician; he answered by no means, for I am now beyond the help of doctors. But, said he, my child, we are to se the ordinary means appointed by the Lord for our elp, as long as we live, and let the Lord do as seemeth good in his eyes. But, said she, give me the eavenly physician, he is the only helper. Doth ot he say, Come unto me all ye that are weary and eavy laden, and I will give you rest? and doth not e bid us call upon him in the day of distress, and e will deliver us, and we shall glorify him: Therefore, dear father, call upon him yet again for me. 27. About this time a christian friend came in to isit her, who was not a little comforted when he eard and saw so much of the grace of God, living n a poor young thing, which could not but so far ffect him as to draw tears of joy and admiration from him, and her deportment was so teaching, that e could not but acknowledge himself greatly edified nd improved by her carriage and language. 28. That which was not the least observable in her, was the ardent affection she had for the holy scriptures and her catechism; in which she was thorough y instructed by the godly divines of the place where he lived, which she could not but own as one of the greatest mercies next the Lord Christ. O how did he bless God for her catechism, and beg of her father to go particularly to those ministers that had taken so much pains with her to instruct her in her atechism, and to thank them from her, a dying child, or their good instructions, and to let them understand or their encouragement to go on in that work of ca echising, how refreshing those truths were now to her in the hour of her distress. O that sweet catechising, said she, unto which I did always reson with gladness, and attended without weariness. 29. She was much above the vanities of the world and took no pleasure at all in those things which usually take up the heart and time of young ones. Sh would say that she was grieved and ashamed both for young and old, to see how mad they were upon vanity, and how foolishly they spent their time. 30. She was not forgetful of the care and love o her master and mistress, which taught her to read and work, but she desired that thanks might also b particularly given to them. Indeed she thought sh could never be thankful enough both to God and mar for that kindness that she had experience of: But again and again she desired to be sure to thank the minister that instructed her, either by catechising o preaching. 31. After some rest, her father asked her again how she did, and began to express somewhat of the satisfaction and joy that he had taken in her former diligence in her reading the scriptures, and writing and her dutifulness, and that great progress that she had made in the things of God, upon which she humbly and sweetly desired to own God and his kindness in her godly education, and said, that she esteemed her holy education under such parents and ministers as a greater portion than ten thousand gilders, for thereby I have learned to comfort myself out of the word of God, which the world besides could never have afforded. 32. Her father perceiving her to grow very weak said, I perceive child thou art very weak: It is true Sir (said she) I feel my weakness increasing, and I see your sorrow increasing too, which is a piece of my affliction; be content I pray you, it is the Lord which doth it, and let you and I say with David, Let us fall into the Lord's hands, for his mercies are great. 33. She had laid a great charge upon her parents not to be over-grieved for her after her death, urging that of David upon them, while the child was sick, he fasted and wept, but when it died, he washed his face, and sate up and eat, and said, Can I bring him back again from death, I shall go to him but he shall not return to me. So ought you to say after my death, our child is well, for we know it shall be well with them that trust in the Lord. She did lay a more particular and strict charge upon her mother, saying to her, Dear mother, who have done so much for me, you must promise me one thing before I die; and that is, that you will not sorrow over-much for me: I speak thus to you, because I am afraid of your great affliction: consider others losses, what they have been; remember Job; forget not what Christ foretold, In the world you shall have tribulation, but be of good cheer, in me you shall have peace: and must the apostles suffer so great tribulation, and must we suffer none? Did not Jesus Christ, my only life and saviour, sweat drops of blood? Was he not in a bitter agony, mocked, spit at, nailed to the cross, and a spear thrust through his blessed side, and all this for my sake, and on the account of my sins? Did not he cry out, My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me? Did not Christ hang naked upon the cross, to purchase for me the garments of salvation, and to cloath me with his righteousness, for there is salvation in no other name. 34. Being very feeble and weak, she said, O if I might quietly sleep in the bosom of Jesus! and that till then he would strengthen me! O that he would take me into his arms, as he did those little ones, when he said, Suffer little children to come unto me, for of such is the kingdom of heaven; and he took them into his arms, and laid his lands on them and blessed them. I lie here as a child, O Lord, I am thy child, receive me into thy gracious arms. O Lord, Grace! Grace! and not Justice! for if thou shouldst enter into judgment with me, I cannot stand, yea, none living should be just in thy sight. 35. After this, she cried out, O how faint am I! but fearing lest she should dishearten her mother, she said, While there is life, there is hope: if it should please the Lord to recover me, how careful would I be to please you in my work and learning, and whatsoever you should require of me! 36. After this, the Lord did again send her strength, and she laboured to spend it all for Christ, in the awakening, edifying and comforting of those that were about her; but her chiefest endeavour was to support her dear parents from extraordinary sorrow, and to comfort them out of the scriptures, telling them that she knew that all things did work together for the good of them that did love God, even to those which are called according to his purpose. O God, establish me with thy free spirit! Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? I am persuaded that neither life, nor death, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor heighth, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall separate us from the love of God, which is towards us in Christ Jesus our Lord. My sheep (saith Christ) hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me, and I give unto them eternal life, and they shall never perish, and no man shall pluck them out of my hands. My father who gave them me is greater than all, and none shall pluck them out of my father's hands. Thus she seemed to attain a holy confidence in God, and an assurance of her state as to another world. 37. When she had a little refreshed herself with rest, she burst forth with abundance of joy and gladness of heart, with a holy triumph of faith, saying, Death is swallowed up in victory, O death where is thy sting? O grave where is thy victory? the sting of death is sin, and the strength of sin is the law; but thanks be to God, who hath given us the victory through our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. 38. That she might the better support her friends, she still insisted upon that which might take off some of their burthen, by urging the necessity of death: We are from the earth, and to the earth we must return: dust is the mother of us all, the dust shall turn to dust, from whence it is; and the spirit to God who gave it. 39. Then she discoursed of the shortness of man's life. O what is the life of man! The days of man upon the earth are as the grass, and the flowers of the field, so he flourisheth; the wind passeth over it, and it is gone, and his place knows him no more. 40. She further urged the sin and sorrow that did attend us in this life, and the longer we live, the more we sin; now the Lord will free me from that sin and sorrow. We know not the thoughts of God, yet do we know so much, that they are mercy and peace, and do give an expected end. But what shall I say, my life shall not continue long, I feel much weakness. O Lord, look upon me graciously, have pity upon my weak distressed heart. I am oppressed, undertake for me, that I may stand fast and overcome. 41. She was very frequent in spiritual ejaculations, and it was no small comfort to her, that the Lord Christ did pray for her, and promise to send his spirit to comfort her. It is said (said she) I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another comforter. O let him not leave me! O Lord continue with me till thy work be finished. 42. She had very low and undervaluing thoughts of herself, and her own righteousness; or else what meant her crying out in such language as that, none but Christ! without thee I can do nothing? Christ is the true vine! O let me be a branch of that vine: what poor worms are we! O dear father, how lame and halting do we go in the ways of God and salvation? We know but in part, but when that which is perfect is come, then that which is imperfect shall be done away. O that I had attained to that now: But, what are we ourselves? not only weakness and nothingness, but wickedness. For all the thoughts and imaginations of man's heart are only evil, and that continually: we are, by nature, children of wrath, and are conceived and born in sin and unrighteousness. Oh! this wretched and vile thing sin! but thanks to God, who hath redeemed me from it. 43. She comforted herself and her father in that excellent scripture, Rom. viii 15, 16, 17. Ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear, but ye have received the spirit of adoption, by which ye cry Abba Father. It is the spirit that witnesseth with our spirits, that we are the children of God; and if children, then we are heirs, heirs of God, and joint heirs with Christ. You see thence, father, that I shall be a fellow-heir with Christ, who hath said, in my Father's house are many mansions, if it were not so, I would have told you, I go to prepare a place for you, I will come again and take you to myself, that where I am there ye may be also. O Lord, take me to thyself. Behold, dear mother, he hath prepared a place and dwelling for me. 44. Yea, my dear child, said her mother, he shall strengthen you with his holy spirit, until he hath fitted and prepared you fully for that place which he hath provided for you. 45. Yea, mother, it is said in Psalm lxxxiv. How lovely are thy tabernacles, O Lord of hosts, my sould doth thirst for the courts of the Lord: one day in thy courts is better than a thousand; yea, I had rather be a door-keeper in the house of God, than dwell in the tents of the wicked. Read that psalm, dear mother, wherewith we may comfort one another. As for me, I am more and more spent, and draw near my last hour. 46. Then she desired to be prayed with, and begged that the Lord would give her an easy passage. 47. After this she turned to her mother, and, with much affection, she said, ah my dear and loving mother, that which cometh from the heart, doth ordinarily go to the heart, once more come and kiss me before I leave you. 48. She was not a little concerned about the souls of the rest of her relations, and did particularly charge it upon her father to do what he could possibly to bring them up in the ways of God. O let my sister be trained up in the scriptures, and catechising, as I have been. 49. I formerly wept for my sister, thinking that she would die before me, and now she weepeth for me, and then she kissed her weeping sister; also she took her young little sister in her arms, a child of six months old, and she kissed it with much affection, as if her very bowels had moved within her, and spoke with many heart-breaking words, both to her parents and the children. 50. Her father spake to one that was by, to take the poor little child away from her, from the hazard of that fiery distemper, and bid his daughter to give her to them, for he had already too much to bear. Well father, said she, did not God preserve the three children in the fiery furnace; and did you not teach me that scripture? when thou passest through the fire, thou shalt not be burnt, neither shall the flame kindle upon thee. 51. She had a very strong faith in the doctrine of the resurrection, and did greatly solace her soul with excellent scriptures, which do speak the happy state of believers, as soon as their souls are separated from their bodies, and what she quoted out of the scripture, she did excellently and suitably apply to her own use, incomparably above the common reach of her sex and age. That in 1 Cor. xv. 42. was a good support to her, The body is sown in corruption, but it shall be raised incorruptible; it is sown in dishonour, it shall be raised in glory; it is sown in weakness, but it shall be raised in power. And then she sweetly applies it, and takes in this cordial. Behold, thus it is, and thus it shall be with my mortal flesh, Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord, because they rest from their labours, and their works do follow them. The righteous perish, and no man layeth it to heart; and the upright are taken away, and no man regardeth it, that they are taken away from the evil to come, they shall enter into peace, they shall rest in their beds every one who walked in their uprightness. Behold, now father, I shall rest and sleep in that bed-chamber. 52. Then she quoted Job xix. 25, 26, 27. I know that my redeemer liveth, and that he shall stand at the latter end upon the earth; and though after my skin, worms destroy this body, yet in my flesh shall I see God; whom I shall see for myself, and my eyes shall behold, and not another's, though my reins be consumed within me. Behold now, father, this very skin which you see, and this very flesh which you see, shall be raised up again; and these very eyes which now are so dim, shall, on that day, see and behold my dear and precious redeemer albeit the worms eat up my flesh, yet with these eyes shall I behold God, even I myself, and not another for me. 53. Then she quoted John v. 28. Marvel not at this, for the hour is coming in which all that are in their graves shall hear his voice, and come forth; those that have done good unto the resurrection of life. See, father, I shall rise in that day, and then I shall behold my redeemer; then shall he say, Come ye blessed of my father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you before the beginning of the world. 54. Behold now I live, yet not I, but Christ liveth in me, and the life that I now live in the flesh is by the faith of the son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me. I am saved, and that not of myself, it is the gift of God, not of works, least any man should boast. 55. My dear parents, now we must shortly part, my speech faileth me, pray to the Lord for a quiet close to my combat. 56. Her parents replied, ah our dear child! How sad is that to us, that we must part? she answered, I go to heaven, and there we shall find one another again; I go to Jesus Christ. 57. Then she comforted herself to think of her seeing her precious brother and sister again in glory. I go to my brother Jacob, who did so much cry and call upon God to the last moment of his breath: and to my little sister, who was but three years old when she died: who, when we asked her, whether she would die? answered yes, if it be the Lord's will. I will go to my little brother if it be the Lord's will, or I will stay with my mother, if it be the Lord's will. But I know that I shall die, and go to heaven and to God. O see, how so small a babe had so much given it, to be have itself every way, and in all things so submissively to the will of God, as if it had no will of its own; but if it be the will of God, if it please God; nothing for her, but what was the will and pleasure of God; and therefore dear father and mother, give the Lord thanks for this his free and rich grace, and then I shall the more gladly be gone. Be gracious then, O Lord unto me also, be gracious to me, wash me throughly from my unrighteousness, and cleanse me from my sin. 58. After this, her spirit was refreshed with the sense of the pardon of her sins, which made her to cry out, behold, God hath washed away my sins, O how do I long to die! The apostle said, in this body we earnestly sigh and groan, longing for our house which is in heaven, that we may be cloathed therewith. Now I also lie here sighing and longing for that dwelling which is above. In the last sermon which I heard, or ever shall hear, I heard this, which is matter of great comfort unto me. 59. Then she repeated several notable scriptures which were quoted in that sermon, afterward she desired to be prayed with, and put petitions into their mouths, viz. That all her sins might be forgiven, that she might have more abundant faith, and the assurance of it; and the comfort of that assurance, and the continuation and strength of that comfort, according as her necessity should require. Afterwards she prayed herself, and continued some time. 60. When prayers were ended, she called to her father and mother, and demanded of them, whether she had at any time angred or grieved them, or done any thing that did not become her? And begged of them to forgive her. 61. They answered her, that if all children had carried themselves so to their parents as she had done, there would be less grief and sorrow on all hands than there is; and if any such thing had escaped thee, we would forgive it with all our hearts, you have done as became a good child. 62. Her heart being comforted with her peace with God and he parents, she began to dispose of her books; particularly she intreated her mother to keep Mr. De Wit 's catechise lectures, as long as she lived, for her sake, and let my little sister have my other books, in remembrance of me. 63. Then, she said, she felt her breast exceedingly pained, by which she knew that her end was very nigh. Her father spake to her as he was able, telling her, the Lord would be her strength in the hour of her necessity. 64. Yea, (said she) The Lord is my shepherd, although I pass through the valley of the shadow of death, I will not fear, for thou art with me, thy rod and thy staff, they comfort me: And it is said, the sufferings of this present life are not worthy to be compared with the glory that shall be revealed in us. Shall I not suffer and endure, seeing my glorious redeemer was pleased to suffer so much for me? O how was he mocked and crowned with thorns, that he might purchase a crown of righteousness for us: And that is the crown of which Paul spoke, when he said, I have fought the good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith, henceforth is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge shall give unto me in that day; and not only to me, but to all who love his appearing. 65. Ye are bought with a price, therefore glorify God with your souls and bodies, which are his. Must I not then exalt and bless him while I have a being, who hath bought me with his blood? Surely he hath born our griefs, and took our infirmities, and we esteemed him smitten and stricken of God; But he was wounded for our transgressions, and bruised for our sins: The chastisement of our peace was upon him, and by his stripes are we healed, and the Lord laid upon him the iniquity of us all. Behold the lamb of God that taketh away the sins of the world: that lamb is Jesus Christ who hath satisfied for my sins. So saith Paul, Ye are washed, ye are sanctified, ye are justified in the name of our Lord Jesus, and through the spirit of our God. 66. My end is now very near, now I shall put on white raiment, and be cloathed before the lamb, that spotless lamb, and with his spotless righteousness. Now are the angels making ready to carry my soul before the throne of God. These are they who are come out of great tribulation, who have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the lamb. 67. She spoke this with a dying voice, but full of spirit, and of the power of faith. 68. Her lively assurance she further uttered in the words of the apostle; We know that if this earthly house of our tabernacle be dissolved, we have one which is built of God, which is eternal in the heavens; for in this we sight for our house, which is in heaven, that we may be cloathed therewith. 69. There father, you see that my body is this tabernacle, which now shall be broken down; my soul shall now part from it, and shall be taken up into the heavenly paradise, into that heavenly Jerusalem. There shall I dwell and go no more out, but sit and sing, Holy, holy, holy, is the Lord God of hosts, the Lord of Sabbath! Her last words were these; O Lord God, into thy hands I commit my spirit, O Lord be gracious, be merciful to me a poor sinner.—And here she fell asleep. 70. She died the first of September 1664, betwixt seven and eight in the evening, in the fourteenth year of her age; having obtained that which she so oft intreated of the Lord, a quiet and easy departure, and the end of her faith the salvation of her soul. EXAMPLE XII. Of the excellent carriage of a Child upon his death-bed, when but seven years old. 1. JAcob Bicks, the brother of Susanna Bicks, was born in Leiden; and had a religious education under his godly parents, the which the Lord was pleased to sanctify to his conversion, and by it lay in excellent provisions to live upon in an hour of distress. 2. This sweet little child was visited of the Lord of a very sore sickness three or four weeks before his sister, of whose life and death we have given you some account already: in his distemper he was for the most part very sleepy and drowsy, till near his death, but when he did awake, he was wont to be much engaged in prayer. 3. Once when his parents had been praying with him, they asked him again if they should send for the physician? No (said he) I will have the doctor no more; the Lord will help me: I know he will take me to himself, and then he shall help all. 4. Ah my dear child, said his father, that grieveth my heart: Well (said the child) father, let us pray, and the Lord shall be near for my helper. 5. When his parents had prayed with him again, he said, come now dear father and mother, and kiss me, I know that I shall die. 6. Farewell, dear father and mother, farewell dear sister, farewell all. Now shall I go to heaven unto God and Jesus Christ, and the holy angels: Father, know you not what is said by Jeremiah: Blessed is he who trusteth in the Lord? Now I trust in him, and he will bless me. And in 1 John 2. it is said, Little children love not the world, for the world passeth away. 7. Away then all that is in the world, away with all my pleasant things in the world: away with my dagger, for where I go, there is nothing to do with daggers and swords: men shall not fight there, but praise God. Away with all my books; there shall I know sufficiently, and be learned in all things of true wisdom, without books. 8. His father being touched to hear his child speak at this rate, could not well tell what to say; but, my dear child, the Lord will be near thee, and uphold thee. 9. Yea, father (said he) the Apostle Peter said, God resisteth the proud, but he giveth grace to the humble. I shall humble myself under the mighty hand of God, and he shall help me and lift me up. 10. O my dear child, said his father, hast thou so strong a faith? 11. Yes, said the child, God hath given me so strong a faith upon himself, through Jesus Christ, that the devil himself shall flee from me, for it is said, He who believeth in the Son hath everlasting life, and he hath overcome the wicked one. Now I believe in Jesus Christ my redeemer, and he will not leave or forsake me, but shall give unto me eternal life, and then shall I sing Holy, holy, holy, is the Lord of Sabbath. 12. Then with a short word of prayer, Lord be merciful to me a poor sinner, he quietly breathed out his soul, and sweetly slept in Jesus, when he was about seven years old. EXAMPLE XIII. Of one that began to look towards heaven, when he was very young; with many eminent passages of his life, and joyful death, when he was eleven years and three quarters old. 1. JOhn Harvey was born in London, in the year 1654, his father was a Dutch merchant; he was piously educated under his virtuous mother, and soon began to suck in divine things with no small delight. 2. The first thing very observable in him was, that when he was two years and eight months old, he could speak as well as other children do usually at five years old. 3. His parents judging, that he was then a little too young to send out to school, let him have his liberty to play a little about home. But instead of playing, he found out a school of his own accord hard by, and went to the school mistress, own accord hard by, and went to the school mistress, and intreated her to teach him to read: and so he went for some time to school without the knowledge of his parents, and made a very great progress in his learning, and was able to read distinctly, before most children are able to know their letters. 4. He was wont to ask many serious and weighty questions, about matters which concerned his soul and eternity. 5. His mother being greatly troubled upon the death of one of his uncles, this child came to his mother, and said, mother, though my uncle be dead, doth not the scriptures say, he must rise again; yea, and I must die, and so must every body, and it will not be long before Christ will come to judge the world, and then we shall see one another again, I pray mother, do not weep so much. This grave counsel he gave his mother, when he was not quite five years old, by which her sorrow for her brother was turned into admiration at her child, and she was made to sit silent and quiet under that smarting stroke. 6. After this, his parents removed to Aberdeen in Scotland, and settled their child under an able school-master there, whose custom was upon the Lord's day in the morning, to examine his scholars concerning the sermons that they had heard the former Lord's day, and to add some other questions which might try the understanding and knowledge of his scholars. His master was often amazed at this child's answers, and took an opportunity to go to his mother, to thank her for instructing her son so well; but she replied, that he improved in his understanding, not only by her instructions, but by his own reading and observation. 7. He was a child that was extraordinary inquisitive, and full of good questions, and very careful to observe and remember what he heard. 8. He had a great hatred of whatsoever he knew to be displeasing to God, and he was so greatly concerned for the honour of God, that he would be much displeased, if any gross sins were committed before him. And he had a deep sense of the worth of souls, and was not a little grieved when he saw any do that which he knew was dangerous to their souls. 9. One day seeing one of his near relations come into his Father's house distempered with drink, as he thought, he quickly went very seriously to him, and wept over him, that he should so offend God and hazard his soul, and begged of him to spend his time better than in drinking and gaming; and this he did, without any instruction from his parents, but from an inward principle of grace, and love to God and souls, as it is verily believed. 10. When he was at play with other children, he would be oftentimes putting in some word to keep them from naughty talk, or wicked actions; and if any did take the Lord's name in vain, or do any thing unbecoming of a good child, they should soon hear of it from him; nay, once hearing a boy speak very profanely, and that after two or three admonitions he would not forbear, nor go out of his company neither, he was so transported with zeal, that he could not forbear falling upon him, to beat him, but his mother chiding of him for it, he said, that he could not endure to hear the name of God so abused by a wretched boy. This is observed not to vindicate the act, but to take notice of his zeal. 11. He was a child that took great delight in the company of good men, and especially ministers and scholars; and if he had any leisure time, he would improve it by visiting of such, whose discourse might make him wiser and better; and when he was in their society, to be sure his talk was more like a christian and a scholar than a child. 12. One day after school-time was over, he paid Mr. Andrew Kent (one of the ministers of Aberdeen ) a visit, and asked him several solid questions; but the good man asked him some questions out of his catechism: and finding him not so ready in the answers as he should have been, did a little reprove him, and told him, that he must be sure to get his catechism perfectly by heart: the child took the reproof very well, and went home and set very close to his catechism, and never lest it till he got it by heart; and not only so, but he would be enquiring into the sense and meaning of it. 13. He was so greatly taken with his catechism, that he was not content to learn it himself, but he would be putting others upon learning it also, especially those that were nearest to him; he could not be satisfied till he had persuaded the servants to learn it, and when they were at work, he would be still following them with some good question or other; so that the child seemed to be taken up with the thoughts of his soul, God's honour, and the good of others. 14. He was a conscientious observer of the Lord's day, spending all the time either in secret prayer, or reading the scriptures, and good books; learning of his catechism, and hearing of the word of God, and publick duties; and was not only careful in the performance of those duties himself, but was ready to put all that he knew upon a strict observation of the Lord's day, and was exceedingly grieved at the profanation of it. One Lord's day a servant of his father's going out of the house upon an extraordinary occasion, to fetch something that was wanted, he took on so bitterly, that he could scarce be pacified, because that holy day was so abused (as he judged) in his father's house. 15. When he was between six and seven years old, it pleased God to afflict him with sore eyes, which was no mall grief to him, because it kept him from school, which he loved as well as many boys do their play; and that which was worse, he was commanded by the doctor not to read any book whatsoever at home. But O how was this poor child grieved, that he might not have liberty to read the holy scriptures! and for all their charge he would get by himself, and stand by the window and read the bible and other good books; yea, he was so greedy of reading the scriptures, and took so much delight in them, that he would scarce allow himself time to dress himself; for reading the word of God was his great delight. Yea, though he had been beat for studying so much, yet judging it God's command that he should give himself up to reading, he could not be beat off from it, till he was so bad that he had like never to have recovered his sight more. 16. It was his practice to be much by himself in secret prayer; and he was careful to manage that work, so as that it might be as secret as possibly it could be, but his frequency and constancy made it to be easily observed! upon which, one time one having a great mind to know what this sweet babe prayed for, got into a place near him, and heard him very earnestly praying for the church of God, desiring that the kingdom of the gospel might be spread over the whole world, and that the kingdom of grace might more and more come into the hearts of God's people, and that the kingdom of glory might be hastened. He was wont to continue half an hour, sometimes an hour, upon his knees together. 17. He was much above the vanities that most children are taken with, and was indeed too much above this world to live long in it. 18. He was very humble and modest, and did by no means affect fineness in apparel, but hated anything more than necessaries either in cloaths or diet. 19. When he perceived either his brother or sister pleased with their new cloaths, he would, with a great deal of gravity, reprove their folly, and when his reproof signified little, he would bewai their vanity. 20. Once he had a new suit brought him, which, when he looked on, he found some ribbons at the knees, at which he was grieved, asking his mother, Whether those things would keep him warm? No, child, said his mother: Why then said he, do you suffer them to be put here? you are mistaken, if you think such things please me: and, I doubt, some that are better than us, may wan the money that this cost you, to buy them bread. 21. He would intreat his mother to have a care of gratifying a proud humour in his brother and Esters, he did tell them of the danger of pride, and ow little reason they had to be proud of that which was their shame: for, said he, if it had not been or sin, we should have had no need of cloaths. 22. At leisure times he would be talking to his chool-fellows about the things of God, and urge he necessity of a holy life. This text he much spoke bout to them; the axe is laid to the root of the tree, nd every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit, is ewn down and cast into the fire. Every mother's hild of us, that doth not bring forth the fruit of ood works, shall shortly be cut down with the axe f God's wrath, and cast down into the fire of hell, nd this he spake like one that believed and felt the ower of what he spake, and not with the least vi ibility of a childish levity of spirit. This was when he was between seven and eight years old, nd if he perceived any children unconcerned about heir souls, he would be greatly troubled at it. 23. After this his parents removed not far from London, where he continued till that dreadful year ixty-five; he was then sent to the Latin school, where he soon made a very considerable progress, nd was greatly beloved of his master; the school was his beloved place, and learning his recreation. He was never taught to write, but took it of his wn ingenuity. 24. He was exceeding dutiful to his parents, and ever did in the least dispute their commands, except when he thought they might cross the command of God) as in the forementioned business of eading the scriptures when his eyes were so bad. 25. He was exceedingly contented with any ean diet, and to be sure he would not touch a bit of any thing till he had begged God's Blessing upon it. 26. He would put his brother and sister upon their duties, and observed them whether they performed them or no, and when he saw any neglect, he would soon warn them; if he saw any of them take a spoon into their hands before he had craved a blessing, he said, that is just like a hog indeed. 27. His sister was afraid of the darkness, and would sometimes cry upon this account; he told her she must fear God more, and she need then be afraid of nothing. 28. He would humbly put his near relations upon their duty, and minding the concerns of their souls and eternity, with more seriousness and life, and to have a care of doing that which was for the dishonour of God, and the hazard of the soul. 29. He was of a compassionate and charitable disposition, and very pitiful to the poor, or any tha were in distress, but his greatest pity was to poo souls; and as well as he could he would be putting children, play-fellows, servants, and neighbours upon minding their precious souls. 30. One notable instance of his true charity, I cannot omit. A certain Turk was by the providence of God cast into the place where he lived which this sweet child hearing of, had a great pity to his soul, and studied how he might be any way instrumental to do it good; at last finding a man tha understood the language of the Turk, he used mean to get them together, which he at last procured; the first thing that he did, was to put his friend upon discoursing with the Turk about his principles, whether he acknowledged a Deity, which the Turk owning; the next thing he enquired was, Wha he thought of the Lord Jesus Christ? at which th Turk was troubled, and put off the discourse, and said, he was thirsty and hungry; which the child eing informed of, by the interpreter, immediately vent to a brew-house near at hand (his own bouse being far off) and did intreat the master of it to give him some beer for the Turk, and the argument he used was this, Sir, here is a poor stranger that s a-thirst, we know not where we may be cast be ore we die: he then went to another place, and egged food for him, using the same argument as efore; but his friends hearing of it, were angry ith him, but he told them he did it for a poor ranger that was far from home, and he did it that e might think the better of the christians, and the ristian religion. 31. He would have a savoury word to say to very one that he conversed with, to put them in ind of the worth of Christ, and their souls; and heir nearness to eternity. Insomuch that good eople took no small pleasure in his company. The ylor that made his cloaths, would keep them the nger before he brought them home, that he might ave the benefit of his spiritual and christian society, d more frequent visits. 32. He bewailed the miserable condition of the nerality of mankind (when he was about ten years d) that were utterly estranged from God, though ey called him father, yet they were his children ly by creation, and not by any likeness they had God, or interest in him. 33. Thus he continued walking in the ways of od, ingaged in reading, praying, hearing the ord of God, and spiritual discourse, discovering ereby his serious thoughts of eternity. 34. He had an earnest desire, if it might be the ord's good pleasure, to give himself up to the Lord in the work of the ministry, if he should live and this out of a dear love to Christ, and souls. 35. He was (next to the bible) most taken with reading of the reverend Mr. Baxter 's works, especially his Saints Everlasting Rest; and truly the thoughts of that rest, and eternity, seemed to swallow up all other thoughts; and he lived in a constant preparation for it, and looked more like one that was ripe for glory, than an inhabitant of thi lower world. 36. When he was about eleven years and thre quarters old, his mother's house was visited with th plague; his eldest sister was the first that was visited with this distemper, and when they were praying for her, he would sob and weep bitterly. 37. As soon as he perceived that his sister wa dead, he said, the will of the Lord be done; blessed be the Lord; dear mother, said he, you mus do as David did, after the child was dead, he wen and refreshed himself, and quietly submitted to th will of God. 38. The rest of the family held well for abou fourteen days, which time he spent in religious duties, and preparing for his death; but still his favourite book was The Saints Rest, which he rea with great attention, gathering many observation out of it in writing, for his own use. He wrote several divine mediations of his own, upon severa subjects; but that which seemed most admirabl , was, A meditation on the excellency of Christ. H was never well but when he was more immediately engaged in the service of God. 39. At fourteen days end he was taken sick, a which he seemed very patient and chearful; ye sometimes he would say that his pain was great. 40. His mother looking upon his brother, shook er head, at which he asked if his brother were dangerous? She answered, yea child; be asked again whether she thought him so: she answered nothing; well, said he, I pray let me have Mr. Baxter 's book, that I may read a little more of eternity, before I go into it. His mother told him that he was not able to read, he said that he was; however, then pray by me, and for me; his mother answered, that she was so full of grief, that she could not pray now, but she desired to hear him pray his last prayer. 41. His mother asked him, whether he were willing to die and leave her? He answered, yes, I am willing to leave you and go to my heavenly father. His mother answered, child, if thou hadst but an assurance of God's love, I should not be so much troubled. 42. He answered and said to his mother, I am assured, dear mother, that my sins are forgiven, and that I shall go to heaven, for, said he, here stood an angel by me, that told me I should quickly be in glory. 43. At this his mother burst forth into tears. O mother, said he, did you but know what joy I feel, you would not weep, but rejoice. I tell you I am so full of comfort, that I can't tell you how I am; O mother, I shall presently have my head in my father's bosom, and I shall be there, where the four and twenty elders cast down their crowns and sing hallelujah, glory and praise, to him that sits upon the throne, and unto the lamb for ever. 44. Upon this his speech began to fail him, but his soul seemed still to be taken up with glory, and nothing now grieved him but the sorrow that he saw his mother to be in for his death; a little to divert his mother, he asked her what she had to supper, but presently, in a kind of divine rapture, cried out, O what sweet supper have I making ready for me in glory. 45. But seeing all this did rather increase, than allay his mother's grief, he was more troubled and asked her what she meant thus to offend God know you not that it is the hand of the almighty? Humble yourself unto the mighty hand of God, lay yourself in the dust, and kiss the rod of God, and let me see you do it in token of your submission to the will of God, and bow before him. Upon which, raising himself up a little, he gave a lowly bow, and spoke no more, but went chearfully and triumphantly to rest, in the bosom of Jesus. The END.