THE NEWCASTLE AND GATESHEAD DIRECTORY, For 1782, 83, and 84. CONTAINING The Names, Trades, and Situation of the Warehouses, Shops, &c. of the people in Trade in the Town and County of Newcastle upon Tyne, and Gateshead, in the County of Durham,—Halls of the several Companies in the Town and County of Newcastle,—Lodges of Free Masons,—Charity Schools,—Rates of Carriage of Goods, as settled by the Magistrates,—Regulations of the Post at Newcastle,—Abstract of an Act what Inn-holders may allow Soldiers quartered on them, instead of Meat,—The Coaches and Flys, where they set out from, and at what hour,—A List of all the Carriers,—Likewise a Travelling Table between London and Edinburgh, &c. ALPHABETICALLY ARRANGED. NEWCASTLE: Printed by T. LAWSON, Vine Entry, Flesh-market, and Sold by the Booksellers, in Newcastle, Durham, Sunderland, North Shields, and Morpeth. (To be continued every two Years.) TO SIR M. WHITE RIDLEY, BART. One of the REPRESENTATIVES in Parliament for, and ALDERMAN of, the Town and County of NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE, THIS DIRECTORY IS INSCRIBED, By his most obedient and humble Servant, W. WHITEHEAD. Whitehead's Newcastle and Gateshead DIRECTORY. FOR 1782. WM. WHITEHEAD, MUSICAL INSTRUMENT-MAKER and TURNER, On the Middle of the High Bridge, NEWCASTLE; REpairs Musical Instruments in the neatest manner, and Turning work in Metals, Ivory, Bone, Horn, and Hard Woods in every Branch; Walking Canes mounted in Silver, Metal or or any other manner; Book-binders Fillets turned; Fishing Rods made; Ladies' Fansticks made and mended; Screw and plain Bows for Violins and Violincellos; Tailpieces, Bridges, and P s for ditto; sold wholesale or retail at the lowest prices: With many other articles executed in Metal. Ivory and Wood on the shortest notice; Bows haired, &c. N. B. His new invented Swell for the Piano Forte, which has been so greatly approved of, at the usual price OFFICERS Of the TOWN and COUNTY of NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE. 1782. THE Right Worshipful EDWARD MOSLEY, Esq Mayor, Mansion-house, Close, m. Christopher Fawcett, Esq Recorder, Westg.-st. m. Aldermen. Sir Matt. W. Ridley, Bart. Westgate-street, h. John Simpson, Esq Pilgrim-street, m. Matt. Bell, Esq Westgate-street, m. Aubone Surtees, Esq near White-cross. John Eras. Blackett, Esq Pilgrim-street, h. John Baker, Esq Westgate-street, m. Francis Forster, Esq near Nun-gate. Charles Atkinson, Esq foot of Side. John Hedley, Esq Northumberland-street, h. Hugh Hornby, Esq Pilgrim-str. m. Geo. Colpits, Esq SHERIFF, Pilgrim-str. m. Common Councilmen. George Colpits, Esq as above. Mr James Liddle, Pilgrim-street, f. Mr Christopher Wilkinson, Westgate-street, f. Mr William Yielder, Low-friar-chair, m. Note —For the ready finding of any person's residence in the several streets, observe, that (h) refers to the head of the street, or near the head; (m) middle of the street, or near the middle; (f( foot of the street or near the foot. Mr Frances Johnson, Westgate-street, m. Mr Wm. Cramlington, St Ann's-street. Mr James Tho. Loraine, Westgate-street, f. Mr Robert Clayton, foot of Side. Mr James Wilkinson, Saville-row, m. Mr Isaac Cookson, Hanover-square. Mr William Surtees, Charlotte-square. Mr Ogle Wallis, east side Sandhill. Mr. Snow Clayton, Pilgrim-street, m. Mr. Shaftoe Coulter, Westgate-street, m. Mr Joseph Saint, Pilgrim-street, f. Mr Wm. Bacon, Rose-mary-lane. Mr Alex. Adams, Northumberland-street, f. Mr George Stephenson, east end of Close. Mr Richard Chambers, Pilgrim street, m. Mr Thomas Bullman, Middle-street, m. Mr Henry Scott, Pilgrim-street, f. Mr Robert Hedley, west end, Saville row. Mr Thomas Harbottle, Westgate-street, h. Coroners. William Maxwell, Esq Pilgrim-street. f. William Stalker, Esq foot of Side. Town Clerk. William Gibson, Esq Westgate-street, m. Quay Master. George Stephenson, Esq east end Close. Clerk of the Chamber. Mr Henry Shadforth, foot of Silver-street. Sword Bearer. Mr Nath. Bayles, St Nicholas' church-yard. Water Bailiff. Mr William Watson, near Barras-bridge. Gaoler. Mr Thomas Harle, Newgate-street, h. Town Marshall. Mr Richard Owen, Denton-chair, m. Chamberlains. Mr Isaac Busfield. Fenkell-street, h. Mr William Cox, Castle-yard, m. Mr Hawdon Brumell, Garth-heads. Mr Thomas Cooper, near Black horse pant. Mr George Codling, White-cross. Mr Jos. Curry, foot of Butcher-bank. Mr Robert Scott, Fleshmarket, h. Mr Thomas Jackson, Flesh-market, f. Serjeants at Mace. Mr John Finley, Sheriff's Serjeant, Pilgr.-str. f. Mr Edward Manners, New Bridewell, foot Manor Chair. Mr John Patterson, Close, m. Mr Thomas Gill, foot of Tuthill-stairs, Close. Mr John Finley, Magdalene's, near Bar. bridge. Mr Stephen Parkinson, without Pilgrim-gate. Mr John Young, near Close-gate. Alphabetical LIST of the people in Trade, &c. in Newcastle. Abbs Rich. Bryan, Surgeon, Pudding-chair, m. Adams Alex. fitter-office, Stoney-hill, br -chair. Adams Geo. spirit-dealer and publican, grey-horse, Quayside, m. Adams Andrew, publican, ship, North Shore. Addison and Davidson, glaziers and painters, Side, f. Alder Thomas, butcher, Vine-lane Alder Josh. cheese-mong. & bacon-deal. Side, m. Alder George, butcher, Gallowgate, h. Allon John, gun-smith, Painter-heugh, m. Allies Grand, office, Close, m. Allen Thomas, merch. office, Quayside, m. Allen James, stay-maker, head of Side. Allen Mrs, publican, Turk's head, without Pilgrim-gate. Allen John, grocer and tea-dealer, Broad-ch. h. Ainsley William, taylor, Bailiff-gate, m. Ainsley Jacob, woolen-draper, Castle-yard, m. Air Thomas, publican, three tuns, Pilgrim-str. f. Airey, Cookson, & Co. glass-warehouse, without Close-gate. Airey William, woollen-draper, Biggmarket, f. Alexander Thomas, publican; eastend Bailiff-gate, Duke Cumberland's head. Alexander Thomas, glass-cutter and engraver, without Close-gate. Allcock Sam. publican, cannon, Fleshmark. f. Alderson William, cheese-monger, and grocer, middle-street, h. Allinson William, attorney at law, and notary publick, Side, f. Ameers John, publican, griffin, Pilgrim-str. m. Anderson Wm. merchant and broker, Side, f. Anderson and Son, peruke-makers, Middle-st. f. Anderson Edward, merchant, Side, f. Anderson George, builder, Westgate-str. m. Anderson Bart. builder, ditto. Anderson Richard, baker, Manor-chair, m. Anderson John, surgeon, Pilgrim-street, m. Anderson Charles, peruke-maker, Side, m. Anderson John, weaver, Ousburn. Andrew and J. Harrison and Co. iron-mongers, Skinner-burn. Angas Caleb, coach-maker, Biggmarket, m. Angus Thomas, printer, east side, St Nicholas church-yard. Angus Anthony, herd, Gallowgate, h. Askew John, writting master, Spital. Atkinson John, cooper, near Black horse pant, and salmon pickler, and dryer of ditto, Plumber-chair, Quayside. Atkinson Jacob, butcher, High-friar-chair, m. Atkinson Charles, Esq iron and tar-merchant, Side, f. Atkinson, L. & Son, ship and insurance-brokers, Quay-side, m. Atkinson and Rutherford, rope-makers, Quayside, m. Atkinson Jane, publican, black horse, Spicer-lane, h. Atkinson Joseph, bookseller, binder, stationer, & musical instrument-dealer, Groatmarket, h. Atkinson Joseph, peruke-maker, Back-row. Archbold James, slater, Gallowgate, m. Archbold Richard, gardener, ditto, m. Arrowsmith Jos. publican, rose, Grindon-chair. Avison Charles, organist, and teacher of music, Fleshmarket, m. Bailey, the Rev. John, Academy, Groatmar, m. Bailey Wm. publican, unicorn, Quayside, m Baker John, Esq fitter's office, Broad-chair, m. Baker John, dyer, &c. Close, m. Bainbridge Wm. gardener, Forth-banks, h. Bancks J. teacher of dancing, Westgate-str. f. Bancks Adam, carver and gilder, ditto. Bank, the Old, opposite Painter-heugh, Pilgrim-street, f. Bank, the Exchange, head of Silver-street, ditto. Bank, the Tyne, near north end, Tyne-bridge, Close. Barber Martin, bookseller, binder, and circulating library, Side, h. Barber John, attorney at law, without Pilgrim Gate. Barker Robert, perfumer, and flint-glass warehouse, Middle-street, f. Barker and Woolfall, merchts. n. side, Sandhill. Barron John, stay-maker, Silver-street, h. Barnes Jos. publican, ship, Close, m. Barras John, merchant, office, Fenwick's-entry, Quay-side. Barkas Robert, shoe-maker, Union-street, h. Barkas Edward, butcher, Low-friar-chair, f. Barkas Wm. peruke-maker, Pudding-chair, h. Barkas —, grocer and tea-dealer, middle-st. m. Barkas Wm. tanner, near the White-cross. Barkas Thomas, flater, Pilgrim-str. m. Baths, the new medicinal, without West Gate. Bearpark J. publican, red lion, Pandon. Bayles Cha. and Co. fitter's office, near Broad-chair, Quayside. Baxter John, cheese-monger and bacon-dealer, Side, h. Beilby and Bewick, engravers and plate-printers, Amen-corner, St Nicholas' Church-yard. Bell Wm. publican, peacock, Quayside, m. Bell Wm. portrait-painter, above Nun-gate. Bell Wm. painter and glazier, Newgate-str. h. Bell Joseph, painter, above Nun Gate. Bell David, publican, bell, near the Black Gate. Bell James, merchant, Side, f. Bell Wm. slater, Broad-gar. seven stars, Quayside. Bell Jeram. and Co. tallow-chandlers, Broad-chair, f. Bell Rob. hearses, mourning-coaches and chaises, to any part of Great-Britain, Side, h. Bell John, land-surveyor, east end of the Low-friar-chair, or at Mr Charnley's, bookseller. Bell M. and W. hair-dressers and perfumers, Biggmarkett, h. Bell John, merchant, Side, f. Bell Matthew, Esq fitter's office, Quayside, m. Bell Ralph, butcher, Butcher-bank, h. Bell Joseph, grocer and tea-dealer, ditto. Bella Alexander, portrait-painter, fleshmark. f. Bellany James, baker, head of the Side. Berry Henry, baker, Cowgate. Benney John, publican, ship, North Shore. Beech Patrick, goldsmith and hardware-dealer, Side, h. Blakey Wm. taylor, Groatmarket, f. Blakey Paul, patten-maker, Side, m. Blackett Christ. spirit and hop-merchant, Side, h. Blackett Tho. shoe-maker, Middle-str. h. Blenkinsop Th. sen. house-carpenter, Pilg.-str. m. Boag Wm. patten-maker, Side, m. Boak Wm. woolen-draper, east side Sand-hill. Bollam Rob. joiner, Castle, in Castle yard. Booth Mrs. maltster, Manor-chair, h. Bowker Tho. thread manufacturer, and Manchester-warehouse, Butcher-bank, f. Boyd Henry, attorney at law, Butcher-bank, h. Brand Rev. John, curate of St Andrew's church, Spital. Bracken John, cabinet and joiners' tool-maker, High-bridge. Brewster Sam. coach-maker, Westgate-str. h. Brelsford Rich. stocking-weaver, Pandon, m. Brodie Hugh, inn-keeper, turk's head, Bigg-market, h. Brass Sam. cork-cutter, Sandgate, m. Brown A. gingerbread-baker, Close, m. Brown James, taylor, High-bridge, m. Brown Ralph, upholsterer, Side, m. Brown —, physician, Pilgrim-str. h. Brown Geo. attorney at law, Painter-heugh, m. Brown the Rev. John, curate of St John's church, and schoolmaster, south end of St John's lane. Brow J. taylor, North Shore. Brockhouse Rob. cooper, east end Quayside. Brown Rich. wine-merchant, head of Side. Brown Thomas, book-binder, Groatmarket, f. Brown Mich. tanner, Darn crook, or Hanover-sq. Brown John, whip-maker, without West Gate. Brown E. publican, Ouseburn. Brown Thomas, flour-dealer, Nun Gate. Browel Matthew, joiner, &c. Fenkel-street, h. Bruce Wm. surveyor, Garth-heads. Brummell Geo. cabinet-maker, Pilgrim-street, m. Brummell Wm. shoe-maker, Middle-street, m. Brunton Benj. shoe-maker, Side, f. Brunton John, tanner, near White-cross. Brunting Rich. breeches-maker, King-street. Bryan Miss, school, Pilgrim-street, m. Buck John, peruke-maker, east corner, Sandhill. Buckham James, publican, half-moon, Ouseburn Bullman Tho. shoe-maker, Middle-street, m. Bullman Miss, linen-draper, Middle-street, m. Bullman John, sadler and hardware-man, Side, h. Bulmer Tho. butcher, Gallowgate, h. Burn James, taylor, Westgate-street, f. Burn Josh. flax-dresser and cheese-monger, High-bridge, m. Burnett Rob. carpenter and mill-wright, Pilgrim Gate. Burnep M. publican, bay horse, Barris-bridge. Burnep John, cart-wright, &c. without West Ga. Burton Tho. taylor, head of Long-stairs. Burrell John, taylor, head of Side. Burrell James, house-carpenter, Ballast-hills. Burrell Rich. publican, Adm. Rodney, Side, h. Burdon Tho. and Co. brewery, peacock-entry, Byker-Office, near Folly, Sandgate. Callender Mich. and John, nursery and seed-men, Middle-street, h. Callender Rob. nursery-man, Pudding-chair, m. Cameron and Stephenson, grocers and tea-dealers, Middle-street, f. Campbell Charles, builder, Pilgrim-street, f. Cant Rob. butcher, Butcher-bank, h. Cannaway Walter, carver and gilder, Flesh-m. h. Cansfield Geo. mason, Fenwick's-entry, Quay-si. Carr and Widderington Messrs. merchants; office, Hanover-square. Carr Wm. ingrosser and writer to attornies, Westgate-street, m. Carr Mrs. grocer and tea-dealer, Middle-str. h. Carr John, dyer, near Stock-bridge. Carr Matt. grocer and tea-dealer, Side, m. Carr John, peruke-maker, near Glass-house-bridge, North Shore. Carr Rich. weaver, Ouseburn. Carr Bewly, mast, block, and pump-maker, Quayside, h. Carr John, cooper, Scale-cross. Carr Cha. cooper and salmon-pickler, Grindon-chair. Carr James, publican, bear, Sandgate Gate. Carr David, wharfinger and spirit-dealer Scale-cr. Carus Isabella, silk-dyer, &c. Close, m. Cargill James, house-carpenter, Ballast-hills. Carnton Mrs. peruke-maker, flesh-market, h. Carnton Ann, grocer and tea-dealer, Quayside m. Carse Wm. ship-wright, near Glass-house Bridge. Carter and Gibson, milleners, Pudding-chair, h. Carter C. publican, Love-lane, f. Catchiside John, sadler and hardware-man, Side, f. Cathey Wm. tallow-chandler, Sandgate, h. Carver James, publican, ship, ditto, f. Cay Wm. bookbinder, High-bridge, m. Cay Ely, publican, dun cow, Sandgate, h. Chapman John, joiner, &c. Biggmarket, m. Chapman Lewis, publican, ship, Stock-bridge. Chapman, Wm and John, Folly, Sandgate. Chappell Wm. cutler and surgeon's instrument-maker, east side St Nicholas' church yard. Charnley Wm. bookseller binder, and stationer, Groatmarket, m. Charlton Geo. corn & brandy-mercht. north end of Tyne-bridge. Charlton John, mustard-manufact. Pandon-dean. Charlton Wm. ship-wright, North Shore, f. Chambers Rich. and Rob. tanners, White Cross. Chambers Miss, milliner, head of Side. Chein John, surveyor and school-m. Trinity-ch. Chicken Andw. butcher, Butcher-bank, h. Chipchase Tho. cooper, Close, m. Clark James, publican, cross-keys, Newgate-st. Clark —, physician, Pilgrim-street, m. Clark John, shoe-maker, Bailiff-gate, m. Clark James, shoe-maker, Side, h. Clark Ann, linen draper, ditto. Clark John, bacon and cheese-dealer, Side, m. Clark John, taylor, Biggmarket, m. Clark Cuth. lecturer on astronomy, North Shore. Clark Wm. publican, black horse, Groatmarket: Clapham and King's brewery, Javel-group. Clayton Nath. attorney at law, Westgate-st. m. Clayton Robert, merchant, Side, f. Clayton and Hornby, Esq woollen-drapers, north side of Sandhill. Clennel John, hatter, Side, f. Coates Fran. book-seller, binder, and stationer, Biggmarket, h. Codling George, publican, shoulder of mutt , White-cross. Cooke, —, taylor, Silver-street,. Cowans Wm. flour dealer, Quayside, m. Cockburn John, grocer and tea-dealer, Side, Cockburn Geo. beadle of St John's church, St John's Lane. Cook Benjamin, woollen-draper, east side Sandhill Cook Wm. stay-maker, Broad-chair, m. Cook Wm. flour-dealer, White Cross. Coulson Wm. merchant, Side, f. Coulson Thomas, butcher, Silverstreet, h. Coulson John, butcher, Butcher-bank, h. Couzans Wm. publican, Grindon-chair. Cowle John, joiner, &c. Fleshmarket, h. Collingwood Miss, milliner, Rose-mary Lane. Cooper Margaret, weaver, gen. hospital, Manors Cooper Thomas, peruke-maker, Biggmarket, h. Colpits Geo. Esq fitter's office, Spicer-lane, h. Colpits Jos. butcher, High-friar-chair, m. Coulter, Shaftoe and John, merchants, north side Sandhill. Coleman John, publican, black house, m. Cooper Geo. joiner's tool-ma. & turner, Fleshm. h Common Francis, publican, Marquis of Granby, Quayside, m. Cowley John, beadle of St. Nicholas' church, east side of church yard. Cowling Edward, inn-keeper, spread eagle, Groatmarket, f. Coatsworth James, butcher, Pilgrim-street, f. Coventry Wm. clock and watch-maker, Low Br. Cook Roger, butcher, Fleshmarket, m. Cook Thomas, patten-maker, Middle-street, m. Cox Geo. peruke-maker, Side, f. Cox Wm. brass founder, Castle Yard, m. Cram —, shoe-maker, Pilgrim-street, m. Cramlington Wm. roper and fitter, office end of Broad-chair. Crawford James, gold-smith and jeweller, Side, h Crawford David, gold-smith and jeweller, ditto, f Crawford Ralph, shoe-maker, Side, h. Crawford Mrs. publican, cock, Percy-street, h. Crowe R. spirit-dealer, Quayside, m. Crisp Daniel, smith, Fenkle street, h. Curry J. appraiser and auctioneer, George-stairs. Curry T. ship-builder, Wide-open, North Shore. Curry Robert and co. upholsterers, Scale Cross. Curry Thomas, mason, Quayside, m. Curry Wm. school-master, St Ann's school. Curry Mrs, publican, globe, Spicer-lane, h. Cutty Tho. furrier, and Anderson's pill-maker, White Cross. arnel Wm. wine-merchant, Side, m. ale Shallet, attorney at law, Saville-Row, m. avison John, hosier, east side, Sandhill. avison Wm. gardener, Conduit-head. avison Edward, butcher, Butcher-bank, m. vison Wm. weaver, Ouseburn. vison Anthony, butcher, Grindon chair. vison John, weaver, High bridge, m. vison Thomas, butcher, Butcher-bank, m. vison John, tobacconist, Side, h. vison Jas. publican, ship, King-street. vidson Thomas, attorney at law, and collector of stamp duties for Newcastle, Northumberland, and Berwick, Biggmarket, m. Davidson John, attorney at law, and clerk of the peace for county of Northumb. Bigg-m. m. Davison Jos. butcher, Butcher-bank, h. Davison Tho. attorney at law, High-bridge, m. Davison —, publican, Adm. Keppel, Broad-ch. Davis Mary and Son, cheese-wareh. Close, m. Davenport J. paper-hanging manufact. Scale Cr. Davenport James, flax-merchant, Side, h. Dawson Thomas, shoe-maker, Middle-street, m. Dawson Thomas, joiner, &c. Fleshmarket, f. Dickson Wm. Ladies hair-dresser, High-br. h. Dixon Jos. publican, three kings, Quayside, m. Dixon Mrs, publican, Ballist-hills. Dixon Robt. shoe-maker, east end High-bridge. Dixon John, plumber, Westgate-street, h. Dixon R. publican, crown and cannon, Side, m Dispensary public, Pilgrimstreet, m. Dobinson Mrs. publican, cross keys, Spicer Lane Dobson S. persumer, Pilgrim-street, h. Dockwray the Rev. Dr. Charlotte Square Dodds Anthony, tanner, White Cross. Dodd Wm. peruke-maker, west end High. br. Dodds John, land-surveyor, Fleshmarket, h. Donaldson J. organ-builder, Northumb. str. m. Doughty and Parker, chymists and druggists, Biggmarket, h. Douglass Wm. gardener, publican, &c. boar head, without West Gate. Dove Roger, plumber, &c. Biggmarket, h. Dow Cha. broker and taylor, Castle-yard, m. Drummond Robt. publican, George, Fleshm. Dryden Benjamin, gold-smith and jeweller, north side Sandhill. Duke John, publican, harp & crown, Sandgate, h Duncan Tim. inn-keeper, black bull, Fleshm. h. Duntze Wm. white-smith, Pilgrim-street, m. Dunn Wm. publican, black boy, Sandgate, m. Dunn Anth. butcher, Butcher-bank, f. Easterby A. grocer & tea-dealer, east end of Close. Eden-Fra. cabinet-ma. and joiner, George-stairs. Edwards J. publican, smith's arms, Skinner-burn. Edwards Fra. buckle-maker, Groatmarket, m. Edwards J. wool-comber, Low-bridge. Edinburgh tea and spirit warehouse, Middle-st. m Eldridge Wm. painter, Stock-bridge. Elliot Jos. wire-wo. glasshouse-bridge, No. Shore. Elliot Robt. publican, queen's head, Close, m. Elliot Walter, white-smith, Newgate-street, h. lliot Mrs. publican, unicorn, Biggmarket, m. llison Rev Mr. curate of St Nicholas' church, and surrogate for granting marriage licences, Green-court, m. llison Rev Nath. lecturer of St Andrew's, east end of Saville-Row. tringham John, tin-plate-worker, and brazier, Union-street. lisons Miss, milliners, north side St Nicholas' church yard. mmerson Nich. hatter, Silver-street, f. mmerson John and Geo. iron-founders, Side, f. nglish John, weaver, Ouseburn. rington and Ward, fitter's-office, Quayside, f. Fadkin Wm. butcher, Butcher-bank, m. Fairbridge Geo. beadle of St Andrew's, White cr. Fairlam A. publican, Ballast-hills. Fairlam and Smith, glaziers and painters, Glass-houses, North Shore. Fairlam Mich. bone-setter and publican, New-castle arms, Quayside, m. Falconer Alex. school-master, east corner St Nicholas' church yard. Farrington Rich. carver and gilder, Painter-h. b. Faucus Anth. butcher, Gallowgate, h. Faucus Geo. house-carpenter and joiner, Ouseb. Fawcett Christ. Esq counsel at law, Westgate-street, m. Fawcett and Doubleday, merchants, Side, h. Fawcett and Doubleday, soap-makers, near the Close Gate. Featherstonhalgh John, iron-monger, east end of the Close. Fearnley Ann, hardware-dealer, &c. Side, f. Fenton Wm. clock and watch-maker, Groatm. f. Fenton Eliz. dealer in household furniture, palls, cloaks, &c. ditto. Fenton Tho. appraiser and auctioneer, Painterheugh, h. Fenwick Martin, skinner, Northumberland-st. f. Fenwick John, town's-surveyor, Pilgrim-str. h. Fenwick John, attorney at law, Pilgrim-street, m. Fenwick John, shoe-maker, Quayside, f. Ferguson James, shoe maker, Low-bridge. Fife John, publican, bulls' heads, Castle yard. Fife Geo. cabinet-maker, Postern. Fife John, stay-maker, Castle yard, m. Finley James, clock and watch-maker, Unionstr. Finley John, weaver, and captain of the watch, near Barras-bridge. Findley Daniel, publican, cock and anchor, Sandgate, m. Firth Wm. publican, blue posts, Pilgrimstreet, f. Fisher Rich. clerk of St Nicholas' church, circulating library, Fleshmarket, f. Fish John, and co. merchants and factors, Pilgrimstreet, m. Flemings Miss, milleners, east side Sandhill. Flemings Mrs. publican, Rodney's head, High bridge, h. Flintoff John, linen-draper and mercer, Side, h. Fiddes John, shoe-maker, east side St Nicholas' church yard. Fontonelle John, teacher of French, Fleshm. f. Forbes John, shoe-maker, Broad-chair, f. Forsy the Tho. slater, Pilgrimstreet, h. Forsy the —, woollen-draper, Castle yard, m. Fothergill A. publican, ship, North Shore, f. Forster Fran. Esq and co. sugar-refiners, Javel-group, Close. Forster Mich butcher, Butcher-bank, m. Forster Geo. peruke-maker, Close, m. Forster James, peruke-maker, near Glasshouse-bridge, North Shore. Fordyce William, wooll-comber, north side St Nicholas' church yard. Fortescue —, publican, rose, Castle yard. Francks Rich. taylor, Groatmarket, m. Frazer John, white-smith, Long-stairs. Fryer John, surveyor, Westgate-street, m. Galloway A. publican, Jacob's-well, Sandgate, h. Gale John, tallow-chandler, Biggmarket, h. Garton Mrs. paper-warehouse, Castle-stairs, f. Garrett John, peruke-maker, Groatmarket, h. Gaire —, shoe-maker, Low-friar chair, m. Gaul Thomas, wine-merchant, end of Javal-group, Close. Gaddes —, school-master, near White-cross. Giles Andrew, cooper, near Execution-dock. Gibson William, publican, vine, Flesh-mar. h. Gibson William, butcher Butcher-bank, f. Gibson Benjamin, linen-draper, Woolmarket. Gibson Thomas, butcher, Grindon-chair. Gibson Henry, surgeon, Westgate-street, f. Gibson Robert, taylor, High-bridge. m. Gibson Esther, cheese-monger, northside, Sand-hill. Gibson Joseph, butcher, dog-bank, m. Gibson Lancelot, butcher, Fleshmarket, m. Gillin W. publican, Sandgate, h. Good fellow Jos. publican & mason, near Ouseb. Goodrick J. cabinet-maker, Pudding-chair, m. Gordon James, woollen and linen-draper, west end of Quay. Gordon Mrs, grocer and tea-dealer, Wh. cross Gowland Wm. grocer and tea-dealer, west end of Quay. Gray J. sail-maker, Broad-chair, f. Gray Gilbert, book-binder, Stock-bridge. Grey John, White-smith, Fleshmarket, f. Grey John, taylor, Long-stairs, h. Grey George, taylor, near Ouseburn. Grey Robert, taylor, head of Side. Grey Robert, builder, above White Cross. Green Wm. iron-monger, &c. Groatmarket, m. Greenwell T. tallow-chandler, Fleshmarket, f. Greenwell Tho. tallow-chandler, cheese-monger, salmon-pickler and dryer, Side, f. Greenwell Robert, merchant, Side, f. Greenwell James, attorney at law, White Cross. Greenhill Thomas, hatter, Side, m. Graham J. Brewery, Pilgrim-street, h. Graham Tho. woollen-draper, Biggmarket, f. Graham T. publican, three kings, Quayside, m. Graham Wm. gingerbread-baker, Close, m. Graham Richard, cork-cutter, west end, Quay- Gregg Ivie, teacher of dancing, north side, High bridge, m. Greaves Mrs, publican, rose, Quayside, m. Greatrex J. publican, queen's head, near Closeg. Griffith A. Tho. merchant, east end of Close. Greaves Thomas, clock & watch-maker, Quayside, m. Griffin D. chairman, Low-friar-chair, m. Grundy Anth. house-carpenter, Pandongate. Guthrie Tho. warehouse-keeper, Pilgrim-str. m. Guthrie A. taylor, south side, St Nicolas' church yard. Guthrie D. peruke-maker, Biggmarket, f. Haigh John, gardener, Blackett's lane. Haggie John, sailcloth-manufactory, Garth-hds. Hales Wm. hackney hearses, coaches, &c. Low-friar-chair, h Hall John, linen-draper, Kingstreet. Hall — physician, Pilgrimstreet, h. Hall Matth. inn-keeper, Cock, head of Side. Hall William, publican, dog & duck, Fleshm. f. Hall Mrs. publican, bay horse, Fleshmarket, h. Hall Mrs. publican, white swan, ditto. Hall Edwd. butcher, Butcher-bank, f. Hall M. poulterer, High-bridge. Hall Mrs, publican, sun, Percy-street, m. Halliday Wm. brick-layer and plaisterer, Flesh-market, h. Halbert William, woollen draper, Castlestairs, h. Hamilton, Rogerson and Scott, ship and insurance-brokers, Quayside, m. Hamilton David, ladies' shoe-maker, Denton-ch. Hamilton Mrs, pastery-cook, High-bridge, m. Hamby Mary, publican, rope-makers, Sandg. f. Hancock Tho. sadler and hardware-man, north end of Tyne-bridge. Handasyde Cha. shoe-maker, corner of King-str. Harris Jos. china, glass, and Staffordshire ware-house, Biggmarket, f. Harbottle Tho. merchant, north side Sandhill. Hardy Isabella, pastry-cook, north side, St Nichols' church yard. Harle Tho. cooper, Newgate-street, h. Hervey Thomas, attorney at law, Fenkle r. h Herveys, Miss, milliners, ditto. Harrison John, sailcloth-manufactory, Wall-knoll Harrison Jasper, attorney at law, Pilgrim-street, h Harrison John, baker, head of Side. Harrison John, clock and watch-maker, ditto. Hastie and Tinwell, school-masters, Pilgrim-fir. f. Hastey R. publican, bull and crown, Sandgate, m. Hawden Matthias, organist and music-teacher, Northumberland-street, f. Hawden Thomas, surgeon, Pilgrim street, f. Hayes John, tallow-chandler, and fruit-dealer, Low Bridge, m. Hedley Jacob, cheese, butter, and flour-dealer, Groat-market, h. Hedly John, Esq fitter's office end of Trinity-chair, Quayside. Hedley Wm. butcher, Low-friar-chair, h. Hedley Tho. pavior, Low-friar-chair. Henderson Geo. publican, D. of Cumb. Close, m. Henderson John, grocer and tea-dealer, east end Low-bridge. Henderson Mrs, hosier, Low-bridge. Henderson Rich. peruke-maker, Fleshmarket, h. Hendry John, shoe-maker, near White Cross. Henzell John, publican, ship, near New-bridge. Henzell Mrs, publican, black swan, Fleshm. f. Henzell Tim. publican, red lion, Ballast-hills. Henzell John, publican, stone cellar, No. Shore. Heron Thomas, butcher, All Saints church yard. Heron Ralph, attorney at law, Pilgrim-street, h. Heslop M. publican, white hart, west end of Quayside. ethrington James, gold-smith and jeweller, Groatmarket, f. eward —, linen-draper, Middle-street, f. eward —, linen-draper, Side, m. illcoat William, earthen-ware house, west end of Quayside. Hewitson John, butcher, Butcher-bank, m. Hills Wm. shoe-maker, Quayside, m. Hill John, glazier and painter, ditto. Hindmarsh and Blaylock, raff-merch. Pandon, m. Hindmarsh Ralph, clerk of St Andrew's church, Gallowgate, m. Hodgkinson Charles, flour and bacon-dealer, near Nun Gate. Hymers Mich. cooper, Side, f. Hodgson Ann, cheese, butter, and bacon-dealer, Love-lane. Hodges Rowland, anchor-smith, Glass-houses, North-shore. Hogg Wm. joiner, High-bridge, h. Hogg John, taylor, Groatmarket, m. Hogg John, cheese-monger, north side Sandhill. Hogg Edward, butcher, Execution-dock. Holmes Solomon, oil-leather-factory, Northumberland-street, m. Hope James, publican, half-moon, Blythe's-nock. Hopper Moses, publican, dun lion, Fleshmar. m. Hornby Tho. stay-maker, Low-bridge, m. Horsley Rob. butcher, Glass-house Bridge, North-shore. How Geo. hardware-man, Groatmarket, m. Hospital, St Luke's, north side of Leazes. Hudson John, spirit-dealer, south side St Nicholas' church yard. Hudson Mrs. millener, Fleshmarket, f. Hudspeth and son, cutlers and surgeons' instrument-makers, north side St Nicholas' church y. Hudspeth Jos. teacher of music, ditto. Hudspeth Miss, millener, High-bridge, h. Humble and Roddam, booksellers and stationers, Side, f. Humble Edward, licensed state-lottery office, and circulating library, ditto. Humble Geo. publican, Hon. Cha. Fox, Close, m. Huntley Roger, pavior, Silver-street, h. Huntley John, pavior, High-bridge, h. Hume James, inn-keeper, north end Tyne-br. Hume James, publican, ship, Sandgate, h. Hunter Ja. publican, ship, Sandgate, h. Hunt Thomas, tin-plate-w. and brazier, Side, m. Hunter John, grocer and tea-dealer, Quayside, m. Hunter Geo. publican, cross keys, south end of Grindon-chair. Hutchinson Mrs, boarding-sch. Westgate-str. m. Hutchinson Miss, boarding-sch. near Nun Gate. Hunter Mrs, publican, Ouseburn. Hutchinson John, butcher, Butcher bank, m. Hutchinson Wm. butcher, ditto. gham Wm. surgeon, Biggmarket, m. firmary, head of Firth-banks. ackson Paul, merchant and manufacturer of earthen ware, Pilgrim-street, m. ackson Tho. shoe-maker, Middle-street, h. ackson Tho. publican, half m. Fleshmarket, f. ackson John, hackney horse-keeper, Postern. ackson Tho. butcher, Butcher-bank, h. mes John, tobacconest and cheese-monger, east side of Sandhill. meson Thomas, engraver and plate-printer, east corner of St Nicholas' church-yard. Jameson J. butcher, Low-friar-chair, f. Jameson J. china-dealer, hosier, hardware-man, &c. Groatmarket, m. Jameson Wm. white-smith, close, m. Jefferson Henry, cooper, Broad-chair, m. Jefferson Geo. grocer and tea-dealer, north side Sandhill. Jinkens Tho. dyer, foot of Tuthill-stairs. Johson Mrs, publican, Side, h. Johnson Anthony, hatter and hosier, west end of High-bridge. Johnson S. publican, ship, Pandon, m. Johnson Stephen, butcher, Butcher-bank, f. Johnson Jacob, butcher, High-friar-chair. Jolly Tho. weaver, Ouseburn. Joplin R. publican, fox and lamb, Pilgrim-st. f. Joplin Wm. tinplate-worker, Side, m. Jubbs —, publican, Scots' arms, Biggmark. Kay R. school-master, east end of Bailiff gate. Kay Edward, taylor, Manor-chair, f. Kell Thomas, shoe-maker, Middle-street, h. Kelly Mich. peruke-maker, Biggmarket, m. Kelly Mrs, publican, sun, Quayside, m. Kennedy Rob. peruke maker, Biggmarket, h. Kearton Th. brass-founder, &c. Highbridge, m. Keenlyside Wm. surgeon, Pilgrim-street, f. Kent Bart. Upholsteer, &c. Side, m. Kidd John, flax-merchant, east end, Close. Kidd Thomas, flax-dresser and cheese-monger Groatmarket, h. Kidd George, spirit-merchant, burnt-house entry, Side. Kent Wm. fitter, Pilgrim-street, m. Kidd & Milburn, raff-merchants, Trinity-chair Kidd David, publican, golden anchor, Sandg. m. Kidd —, linen draper, butcher-bank, f. Kinear Andrew, taylor, Mount, Castle-yard. King, J. & Co. earthern-ware-manufactory, St. Anthony's. Kinlock Adam, teacher of dancing, Groatm. h. Killear John, taylor, near Stockbridge. Kirton Philip, sail-maker, Quayside, m. Kirsop John, linen-draper, Middle-street, m. Kirsop John, attorney at law, & notary public, head of Side. Kirsop —. smith, Percy-street, h. aing Eliz. mustard-manufactory, Broad-garth, Quayside. ake Wm. Sam. attorney at law, Silver-street, h. amb & Waldie, soap-makers, near Close Gate. amb T. carpenter and mill-wright, Barras-bri. ambert Jacob, attorney at law, Green-court. anglands and Robertson, gold-smiths and jewellers, Side, m. andell and Chambers, iron-mongers and hardware-men, Groatmarket, f. andell Mrs, hardware-dealer, north corner, Sandhill. andell G. joiners, tool-maker, Groatmark. m. auder George, tea-dealer, &c. Pilgrim-street m. awton Samuel, wharfinger, cheese-monger, & London agent, Folly, Sandgate. h. aws Wm. publican, king's arms, Fleshm. m. Lawson Thomas, printer, Vine-entry, Flesh-market, m. Lawson Thomas, butcher, Middle-street, h. Lawson Mrs, publican, beehive, Fleshma. m. Lawson Wm. taylor, Castle-yard, h. Lawsons Miss, milleners, east end Lowbridge. Laws Wm. butcher, Butcher-bank, m. Lee Cuth, butcher, Vine-lane. Lax Wm. herd, Barras-bridge. Lee Robert, butcher, Butcher-bank, h. Lee John, butcher & public. without West Gate Lee Edw. publican, sun, pandon, h. Leighton John, surgeon, Queen-street, m. Leighton Wm. shoe-marker, Castle-yard, f. Leighton John, clogger, foot of Castle-stairs. Leighton John, shoe-maker, Low-bridge. Lamb T. carpenter & will-wright, Barras-bridg Leishman Wm. sadler, Biggmark, f. Leishman Wm. publican, blackbull, Quaysi. m. Leslie James, baker, Quayside, m. Leslie Wm. ship-builder, Mushroom. Levy Is. glass-engraver, & cutter, Woolmarket Learmond R. publican, 3 castles, Sandgate, f. Liddell James, fitter's-office, Water-gate, Sandh. Liddell and Tallentire, raff-merchants, Broad-chair, h. Liddell Jos. flax-merchant, foot of Long-stairs, f. Liddell J. publican, sun, Spicer-lane. Lippit John, taylor, Mount, Castle Yard. Lisle Robt. Esq fitter; office Broad-chair, h. Lisle Devirgy, cabinet-maker, Pilgrim-street, m Littlejohn James, weaver, Ouseburn. Livestone D. publican, red lion, Sandgate, m. Loftus Wm. inn-keeper, white hart, Fleshmar. m Lockley Rich, carver and guilder, Postern. Loggie W. publican, golden anch. Grindon ch. Longstaff R. clerk of All Saints, Pilgrim-str. f. Longstaff Geo. attorney, ditto. Long Miss, hosier and perfumer, Union-street. Lowdon John, painter, Armourers-ch. Quayside. Lowe David, weaver, Ouseburn. Lowrey Tho. publican, George, Quayside, m. Lowry-Rob. whip and pocket-book-maker, Peppercorn-chair, Quayside. upton Tho. peruke-maker, Pilgrim-street, f. umfden John, hardware-man, &c. Cowgate. uke Alex. publican, cannon, near Close Gate. unatic Hospital, Back-lane, without West Gate. 'Donald, Donald, wine-mercht. Quayside, m. 'Gill Tho. publican, ship, Sandgate, f. 'Nab Cha. grocer and tea-dealer, Union-street. 'Nees Rich. shuttle and slay-maker, Ouseburn. Mackenzie John, school-master, Cowgate, m. addison Tho. builder High-bridge, m. arr —, joiner, Groatmarket, m. arshall Tho. glazier and painter, south side of St Nicholas' church yard. arshall Mrs, publican, crown, Fenkle-street. arshall Miss, pastry-school, Low-bridge, m. arshall Geo. butcher, north side St Nicholas' church yard. arley W. publican, three tuns, east side Sandh. aughan Miss, milliner, Biggmarket, f. aughan Edward, nett-maker, High-bridge, m. March Wm. builder and publican, Glynn's head, Westgate-street, f. Martin David, spirit-dealer, east end of Quayside. Maxwell Wm. surgeon, east corner, Sandhill. Mason Wm. butcher, High-friar-chair, m. Menham and Hodgson, iron-manufacturers, west end of Close. Meinard L. teacher of French, Westgate-str. f. Meggison Geo. butcher, Fleshmarket, h. Melrose Alex. school-master, near White Cross. Melrose Tho. taylor, head of the Side. Mewburn Henry, surgeon, Bigg-market, f. Mewburn Wm. butcher, Gallowgate, h. Mickle Wm. baker and hackney-horse keeper, Sandgate Gate. Middlemas Wm. publican, queen's head, Ruecastle-chair, Quayside. Milburn Wm. plumber, tin-plate-worker, brazier, &c. High-bridge, m. Milburn John, flour-dealer, Cowgate. Mills Isaac, breeches-maker, Castle-yard, m. Miller Wm. book-binder, Fleshmarket, m. Miller John, publican, cross-keys, Stock-bridge Mitchell, Rob. linen-draper, Side, f. Moises, Rev Mr, lecturer of All Saints, Spital. Moses Thomas, butcher, Butcher-bank, m. Moody Wm. taylor, Quayside, m. Moody —, currier, Castle, Castle Yard. Moor T. inn-keeper, nag's head, Butcher-b. f. Monckhouse and Hopper, wine-merchts, Side, f Mordue M. inn-keeper, pack horse, Side, f. Morlin John, taylor, Groat market, m. Moralee Wm. rope-maker. Fleshmarket, h. Morrison Wm. turner, Fleshmarket, f. Morrison D. publican, orange tree, South Shore. Morris Tho peruke-maker, near Ouseburn. Morton Ralph, publican, hare and hound in Armorer's-chair. Morton Edw. butcher, Blind-lane. Mosley Esq and Airey; fitter's office east end of Quayside. Mossman George, publican, hen and chickens, Butcher-bank, h. Motley and Mills, chymists and druggists, Middle street, f. Mould Hugh, wheel-wright, Low-bridge. Mowtrey W. publican, anchor, Sandgate, m. Murray Fra. butcher, Butcher-bank, h. Murray Alex. school-master, Garth-heads. Murray Reginald, white-smith, Painter-heugh. Murdoch J. girth and twine-maker, Northumberland-street, h. Mowbray Daniel, flax-merchant, Side, m. Myers W. publican, A. Rodney, Armoure s ch. Naters Jos. brewery, Sandiford-stone. Nesbit Wm. policy and ship-broker, south end of Broad-chair. Nesbit Roger, peruke-maker, Pilgrim street, m. Nesbit Thomas publican, lion, Newgate-street, h. Nelson J. inn-keeper, black bull, west end of High-bridge. Nelson John, hat-manufacturer, Side, m. Neile John, skinner, and oil-leath r-dresser, High friar-chair, m. Nellum Henry, turner, Bank-side. Newton Wm. architect, Charlotte Square. Newton James, publican, sun, east end of Close. Nicholson Mrs, pub. boar's head, Trinity-chair. Nicholson Matt. taylor, Black-boy-chair, h. Nicholson John, linen-draper, Union-street. Nicholson Mrs, milliner, Groatmarket, h. Nicholson Wm. sadler, Biggmarket, h. Nichole Anth. wharfinger, high crane, Quayside. Nixon and Fish, linen-drapers, Side, f. Nixon, Dale, and Naters, wine-merchants, Pilgrim-street, m. Notman Ja. leather-cutter and grocer, Nun Gate. Oliver Robt. linnen-draper. Side, f. Oliver John, publican, angel, Butcher-bank, f. Oliver Ja. hackney-horse keeper, Sandgate Gate. Ord Jacob, peruke-maker, Quayside, m. Oswald W. lace and fringe-weaver, Groatm. m. Oxley Hen. butcher, Silver-street, h. Parkins Jos. hosier, Groatmarket, h. Parker George, at Miss Smith's, Pilgrim-str. m. Parsonage Miss, milliner, High-bridge, m. Patterson John, white-smith, High-bridge, m. Patterson J. malster, Silver-street, m. Patterson R. publican, Flesh-mar. m. Patterson Dorothy, publican, Cowgate. Park, R. publican, blue bell, Side, h. Parrot Ant. attorney at law, Painter-heugh, h. Patrick Tho. flour-dealer, Quayside, m. Pattison & Young's Manchester ware-ho. Side, f. Pearcy Wm. publican, pack horse, Pilgrim-st. m. Pearson Tho. clock and watch-maker, Fleshm. h. Peel John, chair-man, Pilgrim-street, m. Pemberton —, physician, Westgate-street, f. Peacock and Smith, rope-makers, Quayside, m. Peacock Jos. anchor-smith, Sandgate Gate. Peters Wm. attorney at law, Pilgrim-street, h. Permit Office, foot of Side. Philipson Miss, millener, Pilgrim-street, f. Philip David, publican, cock, Low-bridge. Pigg Cuthbert, house-carpenter and joiner, Groatmarket, m. Plummer Philoman, stay-maker, Black Gate. Pinkney and Scott, gold-smiths and jewellers, Side, h. Pinkney Rob. grocer and tea-dealer, near post-office, head of Side. Pinkney Mrs. grocer and tea-dealer, Fleshmar. h. Pitt Geo. taylor, Quayside, m. Pollard Wm. flax-merchant, head of Side. Pollard James, flax-merchant, Fleshmarket, h. Pollard Wm. baker, Castle Yard, m. Pollock John, dyer and cloth-dresser, Close, m. Potts Thomas, book-binder and publican, unicorn, Byker-chair, m. Potts Wm. surgeon, Groatmarket, m. Potts Wm. publican, hackney horses and chaises, fighting cocks, Biggmarket, h. Potts Mrs. peruke-maker, Execution dock. Potts Mrs. spirit-dealer, east corner Sandhill. Preston Tho. flax-merchant and thread-maker, east end Quayside. Pringle Matth. baker and flour-merchant, Denton-chair. Price Tho. farrier, Garth-heads. Proctor John, chymist and druggist, head of Side. Pryor Matth. assay-master, Side, m. Punshon Nath. attorney at law, Westgate-str. f. Punshon Tho. butcher, Percy-street, h. Purvis Peter, publican and hackney-horse keeper, cannon, east end of Quayside. Purvis John, cork-cutter, west end of Quayside. Radcliff Tho. breeches-maker and glover, Gallowgate, h. Raisbeck Wm woollen-draper, Groatmarket, f. Rankin John, cabinet-maker, near White C . s. Rankin Rob. merchant, Biggmarket, m. Rankin Ann, confectioner, Middle-street, f. Rayne John, weaver, Ouseburn. Rayne Cha. publican, Robin Hood, Pilgrim-st. f. Redford Burdus, joiner and cabinet-maker, Dog-bank, m. Reed John, joiner and looking-glass-maker, Pilgrim-street, f. Reed Joshua, hackney-horse keeper, Fleshmar. h. Reed Colin, gardener, near Conduit-head. Reed Miss, millener, Groatmarket, h. Reed John, mercer and linen-draper, Union-str. Reavely —, linen-draper, Middle-street. Rennoldson Geo. publican, Highlander, Sand-gate, h. Rewcastle John, publican and joiner, goat, nea Nun Gate. Richardson Tho. glazier and painter, Painter heugh, h. Richardson Wm. butter-dealer, Black-boy-chair Richardson David, linen-draper, Side, h. Richardson Jos. salt-office, north side Sandhill. Richardson P. publican, bull's head, Westg. st. f. Richarby Latus, ingrosser and writer to attornies, Pudding-chair. Richley John, publican and hackney horse keeper, angel, Biggmarket, m. Richey Wm. publican and spirit-dealer, king's head, Groatmarket, h. Ridley Rev. Mr. lecturer of All Saints, Charlotte-square. Ridley Geo. publican, blue bell, North Shore. Riddle Mary, grocer and tea-dealer, east end of Quayside. Robb Alex. peruke-maker, west end Denton-ch. Roberts & Spencer, wollen-drap. Quayside. m. Roberts J. hair-dresser and perfumer, west end High-bridge. Robertson John, glover and breeches-maker, Groatmarket, h. Robertson John, breeches-maker and cheese-monger, Pilgrim-street, f. Robertson Peter, haberdasher, Side, h. Robertson Dan. publican, North Shore. Robson Lionel, publican and maltster, Broad-chair, h. obson Tho. printer and bookseller, Groatm. h. obson Cha. taylor, Back-row, m. obson Tho. taylor, Pilgrim-street, f. obson Wm. peruke-maker, &c. Queen's-street. obson Cuth. butcher, Northumberland-str. f. obinson Tho. and Co. merchants, Scale Cross. obinson John, brush-maker, east side St Nicholas' church yard. Robinson Tho. publican, sun, Spicer-lane, m. Robinsons Miss, milleners, Biggmarket, m. Romney John, linen-draper, &c. Middle-str. m. Ronald R. shoe-maker, Middle-street, h. Roper Mrs. hosier, west end of Quayside. Rotherham —, physician, Westgate-street, f. Ross Tho. teacher of music, Groatmarket, h. Rowe Wm. merchant, Broad-chair, h. Roy Alex. currier, Biggmarket, h. Rudman James, merchant, east side Sandhill. Rumney Rob. paper-warehouse, Bewick's-entry, Close, m. Rowell Geo. butcher, High-friar-chair, m. Russel John, spirit-merchant and publican, Old Customhouse-entry. Rutherford Rich. butcher, Silver-street, m. Rutherford Wm. butcher, Shield-field. Rutherford Mary and Son, wine-merchants, Scale Cross. Rutherford Edmund, bell man, Close, m. Rutherford Tho. breeches-maker and glover, King-street. Rutherford Geo. heckle-maker, without West G. Rutherford Mrs. publican, crown and cannon, Sandgate, m. Rutter Wm. attorney at law, Westgate-street, m. Saint Tho. printer and bookseller, Pilgrim-st. m. Sadler George, pewterer, &c. Side, h. Salmon Catherine, cheese-monger, Butcher-b. f. anderson George, publican and upholsterer, crown, Biggmarket, m. Sanderson Wm. weaver, Percy-street, h. Sayer Thomas, hair-merchant, Plummer-chair, Quayside. Saunderson G. publican, halfmoon, Castle-yd. f. Scott Geo. publican, queen's head, Gr. mar. m. Scott T. ladies' hair-dresser & perfumer, Pud. c. Scott Wm. linen-draper, head of Side. Scott Tho. writting-master, Westgate-street, f. Scott Wm. clock and watch-maker, Quay-si. m. Scott John, clock & watch-maker, Sandg. Gate. Scott John, publican, Wilkes's head, Flesh-market, f. Scott Wm. publican, blue bell, Sandgate, h. Scott David, scourer and dyer, near Wh. Cross. Scott Wm. cart-wright, without West Gate. Scott J. publican, crown & thistle, dog-bank, h. Scouler J. mustard-maker, Garth-heads. St Clair Mrs, teacher of music, head of Side. Seymour Wm. attorney at law, east end of Close Seymour Wm. jun. chair-man, Low-friar-ch. f. Seymour Wm. sen. chair-man, Groatmarket, h. Shepherd Matth. breeches-mak. Low-friar-ch. m. hadforth Rob. sail-maker, Broad garth. hadforth Hen. captain of the pilots, Silv. str. f. hadforth Rob. teacher of music, Middle-st. m. aw Hilton, attorney at law, Fleshmarket, m. aw John, pewterer, Side, f. een Tho. upholsterer and auctioneer, end of Javel group, Close. evil Ralph, shoe-maker, Side, h. otton George, taylor, Back-row. otton Wm. cabinet-maker, Fleshmarket, otton Roger, tanner, without West Gate. rader —, hair-dresser, Biggmarket, h. Silvertop & Dunn, brandy & hop-merchants, west end, Quayside. Simm James, weaver, Ous burn. Simpson & Blackett, Esqrs. fitter's office, Broad-chair, h. Simpson James, publican, and hackney-horse keeper, flying horse, Side, h. Simpson John, organist and music-teacher, Northumberland-street, h. Simpson Tho. publican, three tuns, Sandg. m. Singleton John, publican, grapes, Fenkel-st. h. Skelton Jonathan, dry-salter, Close, m. Skipsey Thomas, taylor, Lowbridge. Slack Thomas, printer and bookseller, Union-street, and insurance-office from fire. Slater Wm. Manchester-warehouse, Pilgr. str. f. Slater J. D. attorney at law, Pilgrim-street, f. Smales George, attorney at law, and notary public, Broad-chair, f. Smiles Wm. glazier & painter, Quayside, m. Smith Ralph, slater, Pilgrim-street, h. Smith Mrs, Pastry-school, ditto. Smith W. currier and leather-seller, Castle-yd. Smith Wm. surgeon, head of Side. Smith Wm. tobacconist, Side, f. Smith and Batson, merchants, east end of Clos Smith R. cheese and flour-dealer, Quayside, m Smith Hen. grocer and tea-dealer, Newgate-st. Smith Matt. publican, bull, Sandgate, h. Smith grocer and flour-dea. without Pilgrim Smith, Harvey and Co. earthen-ware-manufa near Stepney. Smith Miss, milliner, near Nun Gate. Saunders Peter, school-master, near Stock-bridge. Smallum J. taylor, Bank-side. Smith John, and Co. paper-warehouse, east end of Close. Smith John, publican, Grindon-chair, h. Snowdon Lancelot, publican, red lion, Newgate-street, h. Snowdon —, sail-maker, Quayside, m. Snaith John, grocer and tea-dealer, Quayside, m. Soulsby John, woollen-draper, north side Sandhill. S rsbie Jonathan, merchant, Pilgrim-street, m. Spence Tho. school-master, St Ann's school. Spence Tho. grocer and tea-dealer, King-street. Spencer and Liddel, fruit-dealers, Cutter's entry, Close. Spencer Rob. cooper and salmon-pickler, Side f. talker & Mitchison, goldsm. & jewellers, Side f. arch manufact. Barker and Co. Pilgrim-str. m. ead T. publican and cart-wright, black horse, near White Cross. tephenson, Rev. Mr, curate of All Saints church, Northumberland-street, h. tephenson John, joiner, cabinet-maker, &c. Long-stairs, h. ephenson Ja. pipe-maker, Pandon Gate. ephenson & Verty, linen-drapers, Middle-st. f. phenson Jon. shoe-maker, Middle-street, m. wart Dan. chairman, Groat-market, m. phenson Miss, milliner, near White Cross. ward Alex. shoe-maker, east end of Close. bbs John, auctioneer, Biggmarket, m. bbs John, glazier and painter, Pudding-ch. h. Stoddart Babington, clock and watch-maker, Middle-street, h. Stoddart J. and Co. rope-makers, Quayside, m Stoddart Edm. woollen-draper, Groatmarket, h Stodhart D. farrier, High-bridge, m. Stokoe John, scrivener, Silver-street, m. Story Tho. cooper, Middle-street, h. Story Nich. school-master, Fleshmarket, h. Story Robt, tanner, Northumberland-street, f. Story Jos. grocer and tea-dealer, above Whi Cross. Story John, leather-seller, east corner, Sandhill Story Robert, leather-seller, Side, m. Strachan Archib. clock and watch-maker, Hig bridge, m. Straker Jos. house-carpenter, Ballast-hills. Summers Ra. school-master, High-bridge, m. Summerbell Tho. peruke-maker, Butcher-b. Summerbell John, butcher, Spicer-lane. Surtees Aubone, Esq and Co. iron-foundry, Skinner-burn. Surtees, Johnson, and Dale, wine-merchants, Close, m. Surtees and Liddle, raff-merchants, Pandon Ga Surtees Wm. taylor, Pilgrim-street, m. Sutton David, grocer and tea-dealer, Quayside, Swann Margt. publican, ship, near Ballast-hil Swarley R. inn-keeper, black boy, Groatma. Sweet W. baker and flour-dealer, Castle Yard Swinbourn Wm. butcher, Butcher-bank, h. Taylor Anth. enameller on glass, near Close G. Taylor John, writing-master, Westgate street, f. Taylor Martin, pavior, Fleshmarket, m. Taylor Jos. joiner's tool-maker, Pudding-ch. h. Taylor John, taylor, Denton-chair. Taylor Geo. cheese and flour-dealer, east corner Sandhill. Taylor —, publican, waggon, near Close Ga. Taylor Jos. peruke-maker, without West Gate. Taylor Henry, beadle of All Saints, church yd. Tate Tho. hatter and hosier, Groatmarket, f. Tate John, publican, black bull, Pilgrim-str. h. Temple Geo. printer, Burnt-house entry, Side. Temple P. shoe-maker, Peacock entry, Quayside. Temperley John, grocer and tea-dealer, north corner of Sandhill. Thistlewaite Fran. tallow-chandler and grocer, Quayside, m. Thompson Bart. glazier and painter, Fleshm, m. Thompson John, breeches-maker, and teacher of music, Side, h. Thompson J. teacher of mathematics, Pandon, f Thompson James shoe-maker, head of Side Thompson W. clock and watch-maker, north side of St Nicholas' church yard. Thompson John, brewery, Broad-chair, f. Thompson Wm. peruke-maker, Queen-street. Thompson Geo. inn-keeper, queen's-head, Pilgrim-street, f. Thompson Tho. publican, sun, North Shore. Thomlinson, Lloyd, and Burdon, iron and tarmerchants, Water Gate, Sandhill. Tickle W. clock and watch-maker, Woolmarket. Tindall John, weaver, Ouseburn. Todd Ann, mourning coaches, hearses, & chaises, Pudding-chair, h. Todd Susannah, perfumer, &c. east side of St Nicholas' church yard. Todd Dorothy, hatter, perfumer, and mineral water-warehouse, Side, m. Todd Cha. white-smith, High-bridge, m. Todd John, taylor, Close, m. Turner Cha. new inn, Pilgrim-street, m. Turner Rob. butcher, Fleshmarket, m. Turner, Eliz. coffee-house, north corner Sandhill Turner —, school-master, Low-bridge. Turner James, looking-glass-maker, &c. Pilgrim-street, m. Turner Wm. taylor, above White Cross. Turnbull Ja. tobacconist, west end Quayside. Turnbull John, publican, half moon, east side Sandhill. Turnbull Mrs, publican, crown, without We Gate. Turnbull Jos. ladies shoe and clogg-maker, Black-boy chair. Turnbull Mrs, bookseller, Low-bridge, m, Turnbull J. publican, three bulls heads, Broa chair, m. Turnbull W. house carpenter & joiner, Stock- Tweedale Edw. cork-cutter, Scale Cross. Umfreville Tho. clerk of St John's, west end Denton-chair. Urron Abraham, publican, sun, Nun Gate. Valens Alex, weaver, Ouseburn. Veitch John, heel-maker, Fleshmarket, f. Vickerson Ralph, cabinet-maker, Pilgrim-str. m. Vickerson Mark, shoe-maker, Middle-street, m. Vickerson Jos. cheese and flour-dealer, Middle-street, m. Vogan Fra. cork-cutter, east corner, Sandhill. Wakeman Jos. silk-dyer, Javel-group, Close. Wallis Ogle, wine-merchant, east side Sandhill. Wallis R. smith and farrier, Pudding-chair, m. Wallace Geo. glover and breeches-maker, Kingstreet. Walker Mrs, mustard manufactory, Side, m. Walker Jane, clock and watch-maker, east end of Close. Walker J. sadler and hardware-m. Middle-st. m. Walker, Fishwick, and Co. white lead manufactory, above Skinner-burn. Walker Tho. coffee-house, north side Sandhill. Walker & Bulmer, carpenters and mill-wrights, White Cross. Walker W. publican, white swan, Newgate st. b Wallace T. carpenter and joiner, Biggmark. m. Wallace Matt. peruke-maker, Cowgate. Wallace Wm. grocer and tea-dealer, Black Gate Walton Tho. slater, High-friar-chair. Wanlass Tho. bricklayer, Dent's-hole. Ward Gilfred, woollen-draper, Groatmarket, m. Wardle and Smith, joiners and cabinet-makers, Westgate-street, f. Wardle Joshua, peruke-maker, Pilgrim-street, f. Wardle Wm. flour-dealer, Gallowgate, f. Wardle Rich. butcher, Butcher-bank, m. Warran Wm. shoe-maker, near Execution-dock. Warburton J. earthen-warehouse, Quayside, m. Waterwood Nelly, coffee-house, north side of the Sandhill. Waters Matt. Esq fitter's office, Fenwick's entry, Quayside. Waters Ra. sen. painter, Biggmarket, h. Waters Ra. jun. drawing-master, ditto. Watson Sarah, leather-cutter, grocer and tea-dealer, Groatmarket, m. Watson Geo. peruke-maker, High-bridge, h. Watson G. inn-keeper, bird in bush, Pilgrim-str Watson James, white-smith, Castle-yard, f. Watson Wm. publican, Fleshmarket, m. Watson Wm. plumber, &c. High-bridge, m. Watson John, cabinet-maker, Rose-mary-lane, Watch-chrystal-manufactory, Beilby and Co. Painter-heugh, m. Waugh Mrs, sadler, Middle street, m. Waugh Edw. shoe-maker, Butcher-bank, f. Weatherhead Luke, publican, queen's head, without West Gate. Weatherhead J. publican, and slater, three tun Fleshmarket, f, Weatherly Peter, shoe-maker, head of Side. Weddell Geo. peruke-maker, Broad-chair, f. Weddell Ja. school-master, south side of St N cholas' church yard. Westgarth Geo. butcher, Darn-crook. Westgarth M. linen-draper, &c. Newgate-str. Westgarth J. beadle of All Saints, Butch. ba. Westmoreland R. publican, cannon, Close. Wharton J. peruke-maker above Nun Gate. Wharton Lanct. cheese-monger, Close, m. Wheatley Tho. shoe-maker, near the glass-house bridge, North Shore. Wheeler Mrs, cheese-monger, Middle-street, f. Whitehead John, baker, High bridge, m. White T. glazier and painter, High-bridge, m. Whitehead Wm. musical instrument-maker and turner, ditto. Whitefield Joseph, book-binder, and stationer, &c. north end Tyne-bridge. Whitefield Matth. publican, golden lion, Bigg-market. Wibbersley John, merchant, Side, f. Widderington M. shoe-maker, Fleshmar. m. Widdrington Robert, Middle-street, f. Wightman Ralph, tin-plate-worker, Side, h. Wilkes Tho. bleacher, &c. north corner, Leazes. Wilkin Ann. peruke-maker, Quay-side, m. Wilkinson W. attorney at law, High-bridge, m. Wilkinson Christ. iron-merchant, south si. Sandh. Wilkinson J. woollen-draper, east side, Sandh. Wilkinson Rich. attorney at law, Percy-str. h. Wilkinson Wm. farrier, Pilgrim-street, m. Wilkinson John, stay-maker, end of Queen-str. Wilkinson Fenwick, tin-plate-worker, brazier, &c. Pilgrim-street, f. Wilkinson Wm. butcher, Low-bridge, m. Wilkinson Steph. book-binder, east end, Close. Wilson John, taylor, Corner-house, Queen-street. Wilson Rev. Mr, curate of St Nicholas' church and surrogate for granting marriage licences, Green Court. Wilson Ann, inn-keeper, crown and thistle, Groat-market, m. Wilson Mich. slater, Bailiff-gate, m. Wilson Mich. shoe-maker, Middle-street, h. Wilson Rowland, merchant, Side, f. Wilson John, tobacconist, north side Sandhill. Wilson J. publican, plough, Spicer-lane, m. Wilson Wm. grocer and tea dealer, Pilgr st. m. Wilson John, clock and watch-maker, cuttler, &c. Flesh-market, f. Wilson Jacob, publican, Ballist-hills. Wilson Wm. plumber, &c. Pilgrim-street, f. Wilson Cath. brush-maker, painter-heugh, f. Wilson John, hatter, Fleshmarket, m. Wilson Robert, taylor, south side, St Nicholas' church-yard. Willis —, wheel-wright, Sandgate, f. Williamson W. grocer & tea-dearer, Bigg-m. f. Williamson Mrs, publican, bay-horse, near Barras-bridge, m. Wilkie Wm. taylor, High-bridge, m. Wingate John, sadler, &c. Middle-street, h. Windram Wm, taylor, without West Gate. Windram Ralph, hatter, Side, h. Winter Simon, lace-weaver, and worsted-deale Groatmarket, h. Winship Edw. publican, black bull, Dog-b. h Winship Tho. wire-worker, Denton-chair, m. Winship Jane, appraiser and auctioneer, ditto Wood Tho. publican, engine, near St Ann's. Wood A. publican, ship, south end Broad-ch. Wood John, publican, new bridge, east end of Quayside. Wood Lancelot, butcher, High-friar-chair, m. Woodman John, publican, rose and crown, Biggmarket, h. Woodville Isaac, Irish-factor, &c. Fleshmark. m. Worthington John, cheese-monger, Side, f. Wren and Airey, attornies at law, Pilgrim-str. f. Wright John, attorney at law, Saville-row. Wright Jane, coffee-house, east corner Sandhill. Wright John, publican, white bear; Sandgate. f. Wright Percival, butcher, Butcher-bank, m. Wright John, butcher, ditto. Wright John, butcher, Silver-street, h. Yielder Wm. tanner, Low-friar-chair. Yooll Graham, Anderson's pill-maker, and successor to her father, the late James Yooll, west end Quayside. Yooll Andrew, gardener, Postern Gate. Young Rob. cooper, &c. Side, f. Young Rob. attorney at law, opposite Nun Gate. Young James, weaver, Fenkel-street, f. Young Ralph, taylor, Queen-street, f. Young Richard, publican, carpenters' arms, Silver-street, h. Younger Henry, peruke-maker, near Stock-br. ALPHABETICAL LIST OF THE PEOPLE IN TRADE, &c. IN GATESHEAD, COUNTY OF DURHAM. ALLEN Andrew, distiller of waters, above Tolbooth. Allanson S. publican, below Tolbooth. Andrews Nich. tallow-chandler and hopp-merchant, Pipewelgate, m. Anderson Tho. shoe-maker, Battle-bank, h. Anderson Geo. weaver, above Tolbooth. Anderson Steph. publican, and apparator to th spiritual court of Durham, near Tolbooth. Ansell Mary, pipe-manufactury, Low-church chair. Atkinson John, attorney at law, Battle-bank, h Atkinson John, grocer, tea-dealer, &c. Battle bank, h. Atkinson John, lace-dealer, ditto. Atkinson Jos. clock and watch-maker, Battle-b. h Atkinson and Proctor, grocers and tea-dealers Battle-bank, m. Armstrong —, school-master, below Old Chape Bainbridge Ralph, grocer, tea-dealer, &c. Battle-bank, f. Barras Mrs. sadler and iron-monger, Battle-b. Bates J. publican, blue bell, Pipewelgate, m. Beck Tho. taylor, below Tolbooth. Bell Tho. publican, queen's head, Pipewelg. h. Birch John, publican, half moon, Battle-bank, h. Black David, publican, blue bell, Hilgate, m. Bowman J. parish-clerk, Oakwelgate. Bowlt John, boat-builder, east end Hilgate. Brown Christ. peruke-maker, Battle-bank, h. Bullman Geo. grocer and tea-dealer, Battle-b. f. Bullman A. publican, blue anchor, Battle-ba. h. Chambers Geo. clock and watch-maker, Pipewelgate, h. Chambers Mrs. dyer, Battle-bank, f. Charlton Grace, corn and spirit-dealer, Hilg. m. Charlton Geo. merchant, Battle-bank, m. Charlton John, mason, Oakwelgate. Clark John and Co. stove-grate-makers, Battle-bank, h. Clark Wm. grocer and tea-dealer, Battle-ba. h. Clark Lancelot, cabinet-maker, ditto. Clogan James, medical professor, Pipewelgate, h. Cowing W. publican, fountain, Pipewelgate, h. Crossier Jos. publican, Duke of Cumberland, Battle-bank, h. Cuthbertson's H. and. W. brewery, near Fellonhole, South Shore. Davie Joseph, publican, cross keys, Pipewelg. m. Daglish Wm. cabinet-maker, below Tolbooth. Dimpsey C. publican and joiner, Pipewelgate, h. Dipper Tho. shoe-maker, ditto. Dobson John, tallow-chandler, Battle-bank, h. Dodshan Wm. builder, Hilgate, m. Donkin N. mast, block and pump-maker, Hilg. h. Donkin Lewin. joiner and carpenter, ditto. Dunn James, publican, half moon, Battle-b. f. Duncan Mrs. publican, blue bell, ditto. Dungett Rich. inn-keeper, George, ditto. Fairbairn Adam, shoe-maker, above Royal-oak. Fairliss James, baker and flour-dealer, Pipewelgate, m. Ferier, Rev. Mr, curate, near church gate. Finley Wm. publican, ship, South Shore. Foggin R. publican, red lion, High-church-chair. Gibson Messrs. and Bedlingtons, brewery, Pipewelgate, f. Gallon Wm. publican, three horse shoes, abov Tolbooth. Gibb Geo. publican, vine, Battle-bank, h. Green John, merchant, ditto. Grey Wm. school-master, ditto. Grundy Wm. carpenter, above Tolbooth. Guthrie Tho. publican, nag's head, below ditt Hall John, publican, royal oak, Battle-bank, h Hall Tho. publican, fountain, Pipewelgate, m Haggerston Tho. shoe-maker, Battle-bank, f. Hamilton —, peruke-maker, ditto. Hardy W. publican, artichoke, Gateshead, h. Harvey's raff-yard, east end of Rope-walk. Harrison Ralph, brass and iron-foundery, Pipewelgate, m. aggerston John, beadle, Battle-bank, f. eadlam Tho. Emmerson, ship-builder, South Shore. eadlam C. publican, ditto. enderson John, cooper, Battle-bank. h. eppel Geo. brewery, Hilgate, m. ill John, glazier and painter, Battle-bank, m. olliday R. taylor, Pipewelgate, m. untley James, chymist and druggist, Battle-b. f. untley John, attorney at, law, near Tolbooth. utchinson Rob. merchant, Battle-bank, h. uthwaite Sam. chymist and druggist, ditto, m. erton Cha. attorney at law, ditto, f. pling Isaac, marble and free-stone-cutter, ditto, h. rdan John, publican, ditto. yce and Duffield, nursery and seeds-men, above Old Chapel. bourn Rob. publican, ship, Pipewelgate. shley T. publican, sun, Hilgate, m. ycock Jos. white-smith and hinge-maker, near Tolbooth. gat John, scale-beam-maker, and repairer of ditto, Battle-bank, m. abane Mrs, shoe-maker, south end Tyne Bridge. arley John and Co. brewery, below Tolbooth. arshall Tho. pipe-manufactory, Hilgate, h. arshall Geo. cheese and flour-dealer, Battle-bank, h. Martin David, publican, ship-launch, Battlebank, f. M'Leod John and Co. brewery, below Tolbooth Midford Edward, peruke-maker, Battle-bank, h Midford Tho. ditto, ditto. Miller G. clock and watch-maker, Battle-b h. Murray Alex. publican, Shakespeare's head below Tolbooth. Newton Wm. grocer, tea-dealer, and salt-office Battle-bank, h. Nicholson Ann, publican, fox, Pipewelgate, m. Nissbett David, glazier and painter, above Duk of Cumberland. Parkinson R. publican, smiths' arms, Pipewe gate, m. Patten Tho. woollen-draper, south end Tyne B Post-office, Battle-bank, h. Potts John, publican, three tuns, above Tolbooth Rawling Ralph Richardson, watch-chrystal manufactory, Low-church-chair, h. Rawling Geo. publican, ship, South Shore. Redpath Wm. shoe-maker, Battle-bank, f. Ridley Sam. iron-monger, ditto. Robson Wm. shoe-maker, above Tolbooth. Robson John, plaisterer, Oakwelgate, f. Robson Jos. flour-dealer, Battle-bank, b. Roddam John, linen-draper, &c. Battle-bank, Rutherford John, stay-maker, ditto. Scott Adam, hair-merchant, near Tolbooth. Scotland A. school-master, near old chapel. Simpson John, taylor, Low church-chair. Sharp Char. peruke-maker, Pipewelgate, f. Sharp John, shoe-maker, Battle-bank, h. Smith Henry, cheese-monger, &c. south end Tyne-bridge. Smith J. publican, turk's head, Pipewell-gate. Smith R. publican, queen's head, Battle-bank, h Softley Ed. publican, rope-makers, south-shore. Stark John, weaver, Oakwell-gate, m. Storey M. joiner, &c. above Tolbooth. Stuart Edward, attorney at law, below ditto. Summers John, ship-builder, south-shore. Taylor T. & W. iron-mongers, Pipewell-gate. h. Thompson J. public. Glynn's head, Battle-b. h. Thorp, Rev. Mr, rector, Oakwelgate, f. Trotter Mrs. publican, goat, Battle-bank, h. Turnbull —, flour & bacon-dealer, Battle-b. m. Watson R. shoe-maker, Battle-bank, h. Wake Thomas, publican, cock & anchor, High church-chair. Weatherby Nich. woollen-draper, Battle-ba. f. Wheldon Wm. breeches-maker, Battle-bank, h. White John, school-master, Battle-bank, h. Wilson Edw. shoe-maker, Battle-bank, h. Wilson G. publican, qeen's head, Pipewelgate, h Woodward Geo, brick-layer, Battle-band, h. Woodward Rob. distiller of waters, above Tolb. From the difficulty which always attends a work this kind, especially when done alphabetically the following names have been omitted in the proper places. NEWCASTLE. AINSWORTH Tho. brackham-maker, nea head of Fenkell-street. Alder Caleb, upholdsterer, Groatmarket, h. Atkinson Henry, fitter's-office, Quay-side, m. Aubone Thomas, Sun-Fire-office, Close, m. Bainbridge Wm. publican, Firth-Banks, h. Bilton Wm. glover, High-bridge, m. Boutflower John, flour-merch. Butcher-ba. f. Bryson James, shoe-maker, Westgate-street, m. Coates Mrs, tin-plate-worker, &c. Side, f. Greenwell & Brown, iron-mongers and Sadle Middle-street, f. Humble Edward, Royal Exchange, Insurance office from Fire, Side, f. Hadderwick Aaron, ingrosser and writer to a tornies, east end of Quayside. Lushington, Rev. Mr, vicar, Westgate-street, Smith Alex. china-mender, Northumb. str. m. Young —, grocer and tea-dealer, Side, m. GATESHEAD. Mitchel Alexander, flour-dealer, Pipewelgate, Bell Mrs, publican, Pipewelgate, f. Bowman John, parish clerk, Oakwelgate, m. Craig James, peruke-maker, Pipewelgate, h. Emmerson Nich. peruke-maker, Pipewelgate, m Falcon Rev. John, curate and school-master, Hilgate, m. Hawks Wm. and Co. iron-mongers, anchorsmiths, and founders, Battle-bank, h. Henderson G. publican, Ad. Rodney, Battleb f. ERRATA. Page 3, line 8, for Pilgrim-street, read Charlotte-square. Page 21, line 13, for T. read James. HALLS OF THE SEVERAL COMPANIES IN THE TOWN AND COUNTY OF NEWCASTLE UPON TYN MERCHANTS —East end adjoining th Guild-hall, Sand-hill. Skinners and Glovers. —West corner of the Friar near West Gate. Taylors. —Head of Manor-chair, Pilgrim-stree Bakers and Brewers. —North corner of Friar near West Gate. Tanners. —East side of Friars, near West Gate. Cordwainers. —Foot of the Fleshmarket. Sadlers. —West side of the Friars, near West Ga Butchers. —South side of the Friars, near W Gate. Smiths. —East corner of the Friars, near W Gate. Fullers and Dyers. —East corner of the Fria near West Gate. Masters and Mariners. —Trinity Yard, head of t Broad-chair. Barber-Surgeons. —East end of the Hospital, n Carliol-croft. Ship Wrights. —Head of the Wall-knolls, Ga Heads. Coopers. —West end of the Guild-hall, Sand-hill. House Carpenters — West Gate. Mason . —East side of the Carliol-croft. Joiners —Pilgrim Gate. Felt-makers and Curriers. —Wall leading from West Gate to Newgate. Paviors. —Wall leading from West Gate to Newgate. Plumb rs, Pewt rers, and Glaziers. —Wall leading from West Gate to Newgate. Slaters. —West end of the Guild-hall, Sand-hill. Hoastmen. —Mayors' Chamber, Guild-hall, Sand-hill. Bricklayers and Plasterers. —Postern-gate. pe-makers. —Foot of the Carliol-croft. Weavers. —Head of the Carliol-croft. pholsterers, Stationers, & Tin-plate-workers. Above the Guildhall, Sand-hill. riveners. —Above the Guild-hall, Sandhill Goldsmiths. —The middle of Painter-heugh. LODGES OF FREE MASONS. John's. —Middle of the Low friar-chair. Nicholas. —Robert Patterson's, middle of the Fleshmarket. CHARITY SCHOOLS. Nicholas. —Mr Charleton, master, foot of Fleshmarket. Saints. —Mr Johnson, master, near Freeman's hospital. John's. —Mr Coulson, mast. head of Fenkel-st. Andrew's. —Mr Thomson, master, Nun-gate. The RATES of CARRIAGE from LONDON to NEWCASTLE, also from NEWCASTLE to other TOWNS, as settled by the Magistrates. To NEWCASTLE. FROM London, for every parcel six pounds or under, 1s. Above six pounds, and not exceeding twenty-one pounds, 2d. per pound. Exceeding twenty-one pounds, 14s. per cwt. From Doncaster, 11d. per stone. From York, 8d. per stone. From Pontefract, 7d. per stone, From Rippon, 5d. per stone. From Leeds, 6d. From Edinburgh, 9d. per stone. From Hexham, one penny and three-farthings per stone. From Carlisle, 4d. per stone. And for every parcel under seven pounds brought from London into any part of Durham the sum of 10d. ‖§‖The above weights are averdupois. REGULATIONS of the POST at NEWCASTLE. Arrives from Lond. Goes out to Lond. Arrives from Scotl. Goes out to Scotl . Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday Monday Monday Tuesday Monday Tuesday Tuesday Wednesd. Tuesday Thursday Wednes. Friday Thursd Friday Friday Saturday Friday Saturday Saturday     ‖=‖ The South Post arrives between two a four o'clock in the afternoon, and goes out nine at night—The North Post sets out immediately after the arrival of that from the sou and comes in about nine at night. LIST of CARRIERS, that come weekly to NEWCASTLE. MONDAY's CARRIERS. Place from. Carrier's Name. Quarters. Go out. At home. Hexham J. Corbet These are in town on Friday again, and get home on Saturday night. Pack-horse, Side. That day Tuesday aftern. at Hexham. Hexham J. Johnson Allendale & Aldston Durham and Stockton Robert Lamb These are in town every working-day commonly. Sandhill Ditto That night at Durham John Hewison Tho. Harbert Mark Hall Chester Mark Scott This carrier is likewise in town generally every day. Ditto Ditto That night Lanchester Wm. Toward He is generally in town on Wednesday or Saturday. Gateshead Ditto Ditto TUESDAY's CARRIERS. Alston Tho. Potts Sandhill Ditto Thursd. aftern. Allendale Ralph Shields Carlisle Nich. Wright Ra. Pickering Pack-horse, Side Ditto Saturday at Carlisle Dumfries Cockermouth Whitehaven, &c Haltwhistle Ro. Pickering Ditto Ditto Wednesday Morpeth John Russel All these are in town on Thursday and Saturday following. Oatmarket. Ditto Same night Cath. Simpson ho. Bruce Felton, Alnwi. & Warkworth Wm. Graham Fox & lamb Ditto Wednesday at Alnwick Wm. Horsley Bird in bush Sunderland Thomas Douglas All these are in town on Thursday and Saturday following. Pack h. Side Ditto Same night WEDNESDAY's CARRIERS. Brough John Railton Matthew Dent Pa horse, Side Ditto Thursd. morn. Same day Friday night Friday Appleby Kirbysteven Penrith Kendal, &c. THURSDAY's CARRIERS. Wakefield Richard and John Pickersgill Pa. horse, Side Same day At Manchester on Thursday following, & at Leeds on the Saturday se'enight following. Leeds Sh ffield B rmingham Hallifax B ckburn Manchester Liverpool, &c Brampton Thomas Bell Sandhill Same day Saturday Carlisle Edw. Tweddell J. Jefferson, goes thro' W te aven Pa. horse, Side Ditto Monday morning at Carlisle Dumfries Whitehaven, &c Chappel Matt. Watson John Rain Matt. Bainbridge H-m. Gatshd. & Pack horse, Side Ditto Next morning Saturday Stanhope in Weardale Wolsingham John Dobson Half m. Garshd. & Pa. h r. Side Frid. morn. Friday night Thropton and Rothbury John Potts His day uncertain, but generally in town on the Thursday or Friday. Pack horse Pilgrim-str. Same day Ditto Felton Cath. Horsley Blue posts, Pilst. That day At Alnwick on Friday night Alnwick W rkworth Belford Mrs Guthrie Bird in bush Ditto Saturday night at Berwick Berwick Haddington, &c Wooler and Kello And. Riddle Fox and lamb Ditto Ditto at Kelso FRIDAY's CARRIERS. Brough John Robinson Jos. Raine Nag's h ad, & pa. horse, Side That morning Saturday night Ki bysteven Middleton, &c. Barnard Castle Rob. Appl garth Wm Crawford T. Scott goes thro' to K n al Sandhill, and pa. horse, Side That day At Bar. Cast. on Saturday night Kendal Lancaster, &c. H msterly Wm. Henderson Half. m Gatshd. & pa. ho. Side Saturday morn. That night Stockton George Maxon goes through. Pa horse, Side. Same day Saturday at Darlington Richmond Darlington York, Hull Nottingham, &c B sh p A kl. &c. Welsh and Loggie Sandhill That day Saturday night Felton John P ak Oat-market Ditto Saturday night Je bur. & Selkirk James Partis Pa. horse, Side Ditto Ditto Jedburgh George & James Ormstone Ditto Ditto Thursd. foll. at Eginb. Edinbugh Hawick Tho. Thompson Nag's head and pa. horse, Side Sat. morn. Tuesday morn. Wooler Henry Howey Pilgrim-str. and Pa. horse, Side Sat. morn. Thursday following at Edinburgh. Edinburgh Glasgow or any part of Scotland LONDON, o any part of that road Fran. Ridley Bird in Bush Sat. morning At London on that day fourteen days J. Jackson Fran. Ridley Tho. Jennings What Inn-holders may allow Soldiers quartered on them, instead of Meat. Abstracted from the Act in that case made and Provided. PROVIDED always, That in case any inn-holder, or other person on whom any non-commission officers or private men shall be quartered, by virtue of this Act, (except on a march, or employed in recruiting, and likewise except the recruits by them raised, for the space of seven days at most for such non-commissioned officers and soldiers who are recruiting, and recruits by them raised), shall be desirous to furnish such non-commission officers, or soldiers, with candles, vinegar and salt, and with either small-beer or cyder, not exceeding five pints for each man per diem, gratis, and allow to each non-commission officers or soldiers the use of fire, and the necessary utensils for dressing and eating their meat, and shall give notice of such his desire to the commanding-officer, and shall furnish and allow the same accordingly; then, and in such case, the non-commission officers and soldiers so quartered shall provide their own victuals; and the officer to whom it belongs to receive, or that does actually receive the pay and subsistence of such non commission officers and soldiers, shall pay the several sums herein after-mentioned, to be payable out of the subsistence-money for diet and small-beer, to the non-commission officers and soldiers aforesaid, and not to the inn-holder, or other person on whom such non-commission officers and soldiers are quartered; any thing herein contained to the contrary notwithstanding. Rates of Subsistence to be paid to Inn-keepers, &c for Soldiers' Quarters. For a commission officer of horse, being under the degree of a captain, for such officer's diet and small-beer, per diem, 2 s. For one commission officer of dragoons, being under the degree of a captain, for such officer's diet and small-beer, per diem, 1 s. For one commission officer of foot, under the degree of a captain, for such officer's diet and small-beer, per diem, 1 s. and if such office shall have a horse, or horses, for each horse or horses, for their hay and straw, per diem, 6 d. For one light-horseman's diet and small-beer per diem, 6 d. and hay and straw for his horse per diem, 6 d. For one dragoon's diet and small-beer, per diem 6 d. and hay and straw for his horse, per diem 6 d. For one foot soldier's diet and small-beer, pe diem, 4 d. N. B. Persons aggrieved by being quartere on, may complain to any Justice, and be relieved. REGULATION OF THE FLYS, COACHES, &c. that set out from Newcastle. THE Newcastle and London Post Coach (with a guard) sets out from Mr Nelson's, he Bull and Post-Boy-Inn, Newcastle, every ay (Sundays excepted) at 3 o'clock the said ornings, by way of Boroughbridge and Wea erby: Carries six inside passengers; each to ay 2l. 2s. A Diligence sets out from Mr Nelson's as a ove, every day in the week, (Sundays excepted) ach passenger to pay 1l. 14s. to Edinbugh: arries three inside passengers. A Diligence sets out from Mr Hall's, the ock Inn, Newcastle, every evening about o'clock (Saturdays excepted) each passenger to y to London 2l. 10s.—To Leeds 1l. 5s.— rom Leeds to Manchester 14 s. 6 d. —From Manchester to Liverpool 8s. A Coach sets out from Mrs Wilson's, Crown d Thistle Inn, Groatmarket, Newcastle, ondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, d Fridays, at eight o'clock in the mornings, Sunderland: Carries four inside passengers; th-passenger to pay 3s. 2d. and passengers that return the same day to pay only 5s.—Seats are taken at Mr Robert Bell's, head of Side; or at Mr Hall's, the Royal Oak, Gateshead.— N. B. A carriage ready on call every Saturday and Sunday. A Coach sets out from Mr Mordue's, Pack-Horse-Inn, Newcastle, for London, every morning at 3 o'clock (Sundays excepted): Carries six inside passengers, each passenger to pay 2l. 10s.—A Diligence sets out every morning as above, from the above place, for London, by way of York: Carries three inside passengers each passenger to pay to York 1l. 1s. and to London 3l. 3s. A Diligence sets out from Mrs Wilson's, th Crown and Thistle Inn, Groatmarket, wit a guard, Newcastle, by way of York for London, every day in the week (Sundays excepted at 3 o'clock each morning: Carries three insid passengers; each passenger to pay from Newcast to York 1l. 1s.—From Newcastle to Londo 2l. 10s. A Diligence sets out from the above place 1 o'Clock in the morning for Edinburgh, b way of Wooler and Kelso, every day in the we (Sundays excepted): Carries three passenger each passenger to pay from Newcastle to Edi burgh 1l. 14s. REGULATION of the different COACHES, &c. that set out from NEWCASTLE for NORTH SHIELDS.     WINTER. SUMMER. Proprietors Names. Sets out from. Forenoon Afternoon Forenoon. Afternoon Robt. Bell, 3 Kings, Quayside 8 o'Clock 3 o'Clock 8 o'Clock 2 o'Clock Robt. Bell, Rose, Quayside 9 o'Clock 4 o'Clock 9 o'Clock 3 o'Clock Cuthbertson and Younghusband, Peacock, ditto 11 o'Clock 5 o'Clock 11 o'Clock 5 o'Clock J. Clemmison Queen's Head, ditto 8 o'Clock 3 o'Clock 8 o'Clock 5 o'Clock G. Ditchburn Peacock, ditto   3 o'Clock   4 o'Clock REGULATION of the Different COACHES, &c. that set out from NEWCASTLE for NORTH SHIELDS.     SUMMER. WINTER. Proprietors Names. Sets out from. Forenoon. Afternoon. Foren. Aft.   N. SHIELDS.         Robert Bell, 3 Kings, Quayside. 8 o'Clock. 3 o'Clock. 8 o'Clock 2 Robert Bell, Rose, Quayside. 9 o'Clock 4 o'Clock 9 o'Clock 3 Cuthbertson and Younghusband, Peacock, Quayside. 11 o'Clock 5 o'Clock 11 o'Clock 5 John Clemenson, Queen's Head, ditto 8 o'Clock. 3 o'Clock. 8 o'Clock 5 George Ditchburn In Summer he goes through to Tynemouth. Peacock, ditto.   3 o'Clock.   4 TABLE OF EXPENCES, Occurring in travelling post from EDINBURGH to LONDON, At NINE-PENCE per Mile. Names of the Stages. Miles Chaise hire at 9 d per m. Chaise Tolls. Expences per stage. Personal Expences. Hostlers and Drivers.     £. s. d. £. s. d. £. . d. £. s. d. £. s. d. Blackshiels 14 0 10 6 0 0 4 0 10 10             Norton 11 0 8 3 0 1 4 0 9 7             Greenlaw 11 0 8 3 0 0 6 0 8 9             Cornhill 12 0 9 0 0 1 6 0 10 6             Woolerhaughead 14 0 10 6 0 0 0 0 10 6             Whittingham 11 0 8 3 0 0 0 0 8 3             Morpeth 19 0 14 3 0 1 6 0 15 9             Newcastle 14 0 10 6 0 1 0 0 11 6             Durham 15 0 11 3 0 1 1½ 0 12 4½             Darlington 18 0 13 6 0 1 1 0 14 7             Northallerton 15 0 11 5 0 1 0 0 12 3             Borrowbridge 19 0 14 3 0 1 0 0 15 3             Weatherby 12 0 9 0 0 0 6 0 9 6             Ferrybridge 16 0 12 0 0 1 3 0 13 3             Doncaster 15 0 11 3 0 1 0 0 12 3             Barnby Moor 14 0 10 6 0 1 6 0 12 0             Scarthing Moor 12 0 9 0 0 1 0 0 10 0             Newark 12 0 9 0 0 1 0 0 10 0             Grantham 14 0 10 6 0 1 9 0 12 3             Witham Common 10 0 7 6 0 0 9 0 8 3             Stamford 11 0 8 3 0 0 9 0 9 0             Stilton 14 0 10 6 0 1 3 0 11 9             Buckdon 14 0 10 6 0 0 9 0 11 3             Biggleswade 16 0 12 0 0 0 9 0 12 9             Stevenage 14 0 10 6 0 1 0 0 11 6             Hatfield 12 0 9 0 0 0 6 0 9 6             Barnet 9 0 6 9 0 0 2 0 5 11             London, & two Miles for Streets 12 0 9 0 0 0 7 0 9 7               380 14 5 2 1 4 10½ 15 8 10½             NOTE. There is also one Toll on Newcastle Bridge; and the Gates next London pay double Toll on Sundays. TABLE OF EXPENCES. Occurring in travelling post from EDINBURGH to LONDON, at 1s. 6d. per Mile. NAMES of the STAGES. Miles Chaise hire at 15 d. per mile Carriage Tolls. Saddle-ho. hire at 3 d per mile. Saddle-ho. Tolls. Expences per Stage. Personal Expences. Hostiers and Drivers.     £. s. d. £. s. d. £. s. d. s. d. £. s. d. £. s. d. £. s. d. Blackshiels 14 0 17 6 0 0 10 0 3 6 0 1 1 1 11             Norton 11 0 13 9 0 2 10 0 2 9 0 4 0 19 8             Greenlaw 11 0 13 9 0 1 0 0 2 9 0 1½ 0 17 7½             Cornhill 12 0 15 0 0 3 0 0 3 0½ 0 4½ 1 1 4½             Woolerhaughead 14 0 17 6 0 3 6 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0             Whittingham 11 0 13 9 0 0 0 0 2 9 0 0 0 16 6             Morpeth 19 1 3 9 0 3 0 0 4 9 0 4½ 1 11 10½             Newcastle 14 0 17 6 0 2 0 0 3 6 0 3 1 3 3             Durham 15 0 18 9 0 3 0 0 3 9 0 4½ 1 5 10½             Darlington 18 1 2 6 0 1 6 0 4 6 0 2½ 1 8 8½             Northallerton 15 0 18 9 0 1 3 0 3 9 0 2½ 1 3 11½             Borrowbridge 19 1 3 9 0 1 3 0 4 9 0 2½ 1 9 11½             Weatherby 12 0 15 0 0 1 0 0 3 0 0 1 0 19 1             Ferrybridge 16 1 0 0 0 1 8 0 4 0 0 2 1 5 10             Doncaster 15 0 18 9 0 0 8 0 3 9 0 1 1 3 3             Barnby Moor 14 0 17 6 0 2 2 0 3 6 0 2 1 3 4             Scarthing Moor 12 0 15 0 0 0 2 0 3 0 0 1½ 1 0 1½             Newark 12 0 15 0 0 0 2 0 3 0 0 1½ 1 0 1½             Grantham 14 0 17 6 0 3 0 0 3 6 0 3 1 4 3             Witham Common 10 0 12 6 0 1 0 0 2 6 0 1½ 0 16 1½             Stamford 11 0 13 9 0 1 0 0 2 9 0 1½ 0 17 7½             Stilton 14 0 17 6 0 1 9 0 3 6 0 2 1 2 11             Buckdon 14 0 17 6 0 1 0 0 3 6 0 1 1 2 1             Bigleswade 16 1 0 0 0 1 6 0 4 0 0 1 1 5 7             Stevenage 14 0 17 6 0 1 6 0 3 6 0 1 1 2 7             Hatfield 12 0 15 0 0 1 0 0 3 0 0 1 0 19 1             Barnet 9 0 11 3 0 0 4 0 2 3 0 1 0 13 9             London, & two Miles for Streets 12 0 15 0 0 0 10 0 3 0 0 3½ 0 19 1½               380 23 15 0 2 1 11 4 11 6½ 4 8 30 16 7             NOTE. There is also a Toll on Newcastle Bridge; and the Gates next London pay double Toll on Sundays.