RULES AND ORDERS OF THE General Infirmary AT LEEDS. LEEDS: Printed by GRIFFITH WRIGHT. MDCCLXXI. RULES AND ORDERS FOR THE GOVERNMENT, &c. 1. THAT this Society shall be known, and distinguished, by the Name of THE TRUSTEES OF THE GENERAL INFIRMARY AT LEEDS, and the Government thereof be placed in the Hands of Trustees, qualified as hereafter mentioned. 2. That all Benefactors of Twenty Guineas, or upwards, at one or two Payments, be Trustees during Life. 3. That all annual Subscribers of Two Guineas, or upwards, be Trustees during Payment. 4. That the Physicians and Surgeons shall be Trustees, during their Attendance upon this Infirmary. 5. That a general Board, which shall consist at least of five Trustees, be held at the Infirmary four stated Times in every Year, viz. on Wednesday next after the 29th of September, the 25th of December, the 25th of March, and the 24th of June, at Three o'Clock in the Afternoon. 6. That the Power of making and repealing Rules, of electing and removing Officers, be vested in the General Board only. 7. That there be a weekly Board of Trustees, which shall consist of Three at least, to meet every Friday at Three o'Clock in the Afternoon, at the Infirmary. 8. That at the General Board, held next after Michaelmas, a Treasurer be annually chosen out of the Trustees, who shall give Security to such Persons, as the General Board shall appoint, for the due accounting for, and paying of, the Money he shall receive for the Use of the Infirmary; and that all Subscriptions, Benefactions, and Legacies, be paid into the Hands of the Treasurer for the Time being, who shall pay all such Sum and Sums of Money as shall be ordered to be paid by any General or Weekly Board, signified to him under the Hand of the Secretary, or Chairman of such Board. 9. That at every Weekly Board, the Proceedings of the last Weekly Board, and at every General Board, the Proceedings of the last General Board, and the Orders and Resolutions of all the Weekly Boards, which have been held since the last General Board, be read over; and all Rules and Orders, made at any occasional General Board, shall be in force 'till the next Quarterly Board, but no longer, unless confirmed by two Thirds of the Trustees present at such subsequent Quarterly Board; and all Orders of the Weekly Board shall continue in force 'till repealed by some subsequent Quarterly Board. 10. That the Proceedings of every Board be fairly registered, and signed by the Chairman or or Secretary. 11. That the Members of every Board appoint their own Chairman, who shall have a casting Voice: That at all Meetings, every Person in speaking, address himself immediately to the Chairman, who shall propose all Questions; and if a Dispute or Difference should arise upon any Question, such Question shall be fairly stated by the Chairman: And when two Persons shall offer to speak at the same Time, the Chairman shall direct which of them is to proceed. 12. That the Chairman shall not refuse to propose any Question, nor have Power to adjourn or dissolve any Meeting, without the Consent of a Majority, until the Business be wholly finished: And in Case of such Refusal to propose any Question, or attempt to adjourn or dissolve any Meeting, the Majority of those that are present, may constitute and appoint some other Trustee to act as Chairman, in the same Manner as if such Chairman was absent. 13. That at the Quarterly Board held next after Michaelmas, two Trustees be annually chosen, to inspect and audit the Accounts of the Infirmary, and to report the same, from Time to Time, to the General Board; and at the End of the Year, viz. at the succeeding Michaelmes, to draw out the Accounts, with a Report of the State of the Infirmary, the Number of Patients received and discharged within the Year, and an Abstract of the Proceedings of the Trustees, and to produce the same at a General Board, to be appointed for that Purpose before Christmas, whose Approbation in this Case shall be sufficient without any Confirmation of the next Quarterly Board. 14. That such Physicians and Surgeons, as shall from Time to Time be agreed upon at the Quarterly Board next after Michaelmas, be nominated to attend the Infirmary. 15. That an Apothecary, Secretary, and Matron be appointed as Officers by the General Board, and such Nurses and Servants, as are necessary to attend the Infirmary, by the Weekly Board. 16. That the Clergy of LEEDS be desired to attend the Infirmary, and minister to the Patients, at a convenient Hour; and that Patients of all Persuasions, if they request it, may be attended by their respective Ministers. 17. That one or more of the Contributors residing in Town, be desired, in the Order in which they stand in the annual Report, at every Weekly Board, to visit the House once every Day, for the ensuing Week; each of whom, in case of Sickness, or necessary Avocation, may appoint another Contributor to be his Deputy; and that they enquire whether the Rules concerning Officers, Servants, and Patients, have been observed; particularly, whether the Patients have been duly attended; whether any of the Patients or Servants have been guilty of Swearing, Drunkenness, Indecency, using abusive Language, or any Immorality; whether the Provisions be good, and whether they have been carried out of the House, or any brought to the Patients, clandestinely; and that they enter their Observations in a Book to be provided for that Purpose, and attend the next Weekly Board. 18. That the Weekly Board inspect the Observations of the House-Visitors, regulate all Matters relating to the Admission or Discharge of Patients, enter new Subscriptions and Benefactions, the Death of Subscribers, or Subscriptions withdrawn, enquire into the Conduct of Officers and Servants, examine and pass Accounts, order Payments, execute the Orders of the General Board, and prepare such Matters, as are proper to be laid before the same, and transact any other Business that may occasionally occur, without interfering with the Business of the General Board. 19. That the Weekly Board, Five Members being present, have Power to suspend the Apothecary, Secretary, or Matron, for Misbehaviour, untill the next General Board, to appoint others during the Suspension, to remove Nurses and Servants, and chuse others in their Room. 20. That when any Vacancy shall happen in the Office of Treasurer, Physician, Surgeon, Apothecary, Secretary, or Matron, the Weekly Board shall summon a General Board to fill up the Vacancy, and may provide an Apothecary, Secretary or Matron, till such General Board. 21. That the Weekly Board, Five Members being present, have Power to summon a General Board, upon any special Occasion, giving public Notice, by Advertisement in the Leeds News-papers, Fourteen Days at the least before, specifying the Business to be transacted at such Board. 22. That all Elections and Questions be decided by a Majority of Votes, (except in the Case specified in the ninth Rule) to be taken by Ballot, if required; but no Yearly Subscriber, shall have a Vote at any General Board, in Case his Subscription be in Arrear. 23. That the Ladies, whose Benefactions or Subscriptions, entitle them to be Trustees, have Power to appoint any Trustee to be a Proxy, and vote for them at any General Board; but no Gentleman shall be permitted to vote on any Occasion, unless present. 24. That all Subscriptions for the current Year, be paid within three Months after the Year commences: and that all Subscriptions be deemed to commence on the Day of subscribing, unless the Subscriber desire otherwise. 25. That the Secretary shall send a Monitory Letter to all Persons, whose Subscriptions have not been paid within the Time mentioned, to prevent farther Delay of Payment; all Subscriptions being supposed to continue, unless the Subscriber orders the contrary by Letter: And no Subscriber's Recommendation shall be accepted, who hath not paid his Subscription within the first six Months of the current Year, unless he pay it at the Time of recommending. [ See the Form in the Appendix. ] 26. That no Treasurer, or Auditor, (and at the Instance of the Gentlemen of the Faculty) no Physician, or Surgeon, shall receive any Reward, Salary, or Gratuity, from the Infirmary for his Service. 27. That no Patient, or any Person bearing Office, or serving in the Infirmary, do at any Time presume, on Pain of Expulsion, to give to, or take from, any Tradesman, Patient, Servant, Stranger, or other Person whatsoever, any Fee, Reward, or Gratuity, directly or indirectly, for any Service done, or to be done, on Account of the Infirmary. 28. That a Table of the Rules and Orders, which relate to the Conduct of Patients and Servants, be hung up in each Ward, and publickly read over every Friday Morning, by a Person to be appointed by the Matron. 29. That an Inventory of all the Houshold Goods and Furniture belonging to the Infirmary, be kept by the Secretary, and a Copy thereof by the Matron, and that once every Year, at some convenient Time before the stated Board, after Michaelmas, the Auditors cause a fresh Inventory to be made, compare it with that of the preceding Year, as well as with the Account of what has been purchased since, and sign the same; and that as often as any Thing shall be wanting, it be immediately notified by the Matron, to the Visitors of the Week, or the Weekly Board. 30. That the Weekly Board shall appoint, from Time to Time, one or more proper Persons to buy Provisions, for the Use of the Infirmary. 31. That Poor-Boxes be set up in the most convenient Places, to each of which there shall be two Locks; the Key of the one to be kept by the Treasurer, and of the other, as the Weekly Board shall appoint, and the Money, therein collected, applied to the Use of the Infirmary. 32. That the Apothecary, Matron, and Servants be ready to attend the Visitor in the Board-Room: That when the Visitor enters the Wards, the Matron and Servants withdraw, and the Patients, who are able, stand by their respective Beds. 33. That all Deeds, Evidences, and Writings relating to this Infirmary, or, where the Originals cannot be obtained, attested Copies thereof shall be preserved in a Chest provided for that Purpose, and secured by three Locks, the Keys whereof shall be kept by such Persons as shall be appointed by the General Board held next after Michaelmas annually. 34. That if any Person is desirous of bequeathing a Legacy to this charitable Institution, he is required to make use of the Form inserted in the Appendix. ADMISSION and DISCHARGE of PATIENTS. 35. THAT Patients be admitted and discharged every Friday by the Weekly Board, between the Hours of Three and Five in the Afternoon; and that the Candidates for Admission do attend at Two o'Clock. 36. That a Subscriber of One Guinea annually shall have a Right to recommend one Out-Patient at a Time; and a Subscriber of Two Guineas one In-Patient, or two Out-Patients at a Time, and for every larger Sum subscribed in the same Proportion: That a Benefactor, who has at one Time given to the Infirmary the Sum of Ten Guineas, shall have an equal Right with an annual Subscriber of One Guinea, and so in the like Proportions for greater Benefactions; that a Benefactor of Ten Guineas, who subscribes One Guinea annually, shall have the same Right to recommend an In-Patient during his Subscription, as an annual Subscriber of Two Guineas. 37. That the Head, or other Officer, for the Time being, of any Township, Body corporate, or Society, subscribing Three Guineas annually to the Infirmary, have Power of recommending one In, or two Out-Patients, at a Time, and so in the like proportion for greater Subscriptions; and that the Overseer or other head Officer of any Township, recommending Patients to this Infirmary, shall engage that such Patients shall not become chargeable to the Township of Leeds, on account of their Admission into the Infirmary. [ See the Form in the Appendix. ] 38. That no Person be admitted a Patient without the Recommendation of such Subscriber or Benefactor as before-named, except in Cases that will not admit of Delay; in which the Apothecary, or Matron, sending immediate Notice to the Physician or Surgeon of the Week, may give Admission. 39. That no Persons be admitted, who are able to subsist themselves, and pay for their Cure, nor any menial Servants, or Apprentices, whose Masters are able to provide for them. 40. That no one be admitted or suffered to remain as an In-Patient, who is capable of receiving equal Benefit as an Out-Patient. 41. That a Letter signed by the Secretary or Chairman of the Weekly Board, be sent to every Person recommending a Patient, to signify, that the Person recommended is admitted, postponed, or rejected, and that the like Notice be given to the Person who recommended, when a Patient is discharged. [ See the Form in the Appendix. ] 42. That Persons, who recommend Patients from distant Places, do send their Cases drawn up by some Physician, Surgeon, or Apothecary, (Postpaid) to which an Answer shall be returned, whether, and when they shall be admitted; but that the Board be still at Liberty to reject such Patients, if their Cases appear to have been mis-represented, or their Circumstances such as to enable them to provide for their Cure. 43. That the Names of Patients duly recommended and qualified, who cannot be admitted for want of Room in the Infirmary, be entered in a Book provided for that Purpose, and received into the House in the Order of Time, in which they have been admitted, (except in urgent Cases) and in the mean Time treated at Out-Patients. 44. That no Woman big with Child, no Child under Six Years of Age, (except in extraordinary Cases, as Fractures, or where Cutting for the Stone, or any other Operation is required) no Persons disordered in their Senses, suspected to have the Small Pox, Venereal Disease, Itch, or other Infectious Distempers; no Persons apprehended to be in a dying Condition, or incurable, be admitted as In-Patients, or, if inadvertently admitted, be suffered to continue. 45. That any Benefactor of Fifty Guineas, or annual Subscriber of Five Guineas, may, by a Note under his or her Hand, delivered to the Treasurer or Secretary, appoint a Person to recommend proper Objects to the Infirmary, in the Name of such Subscriber. 46. That all In-Patients be discharged at the End of two Months after their Admission, unless the Physician or Surgeon certify to the Weekly Board, that there is a Probability of their being cured, or receiving considerable Relief. PHYSICIANS and SURGEONS. 47. THAT the Physicians and Surgeons, one of each, attend in their Turns, at the Infirmary, every Friday at Three of the Clock in the Afternoon, to examine those who shall be recommended for Patients, to certify their Opinions of the several Cases to the Board, and to receive under their Care such as shall be admitted. 48. That the Physicians and Surgeons do meet at the Infirmary, every Wednesday, at eleven o'Clock, to visit their In-Patients, and to consult upon difficult Cases, to note down the Patients proper to be discharged on the Friday following, and to prescribe for their Out-Patients then on the Book. 49. That the Physicians and Surgeons visit their respective In-Patients at other Times, as they shall judge necessary, or shall have Notice of any sudden Emergency from the Apothecary or Matron. 50. That no Amputation or other great Operation, except an urgent Occasion require it, be performed, without a previous Consultation of the Physicians and Surgeons; and no one shall be admitted to see the Practice of the House without their Consent. 51. That no Physician or Surgeon belonging to the Infirmary, presume to order or intermeddle with the Patients, who are not under his own Care, except desired by the Person to whom they belong: And that no Physician, Surgeon, or Apothecary, not duly elected by the Trustees to attend the Infirmary, be admitted, on any Pretence, to examine the Cases of Patients. 52. That each Physician and Surgeon, whose Business or Indisposition shall oblige him to be absent, engage some other Physician or Surgeon of the Infirmary to attend for him. 53. That the Physicians and Surgeons do inspect the Drugs and Medicines made use of by the Apothecary, and see that he does his Duty; and that they enter their Observations in a Book to be provided for that Purpose. APOTHECARY. 54. THAT the Apothecary fix a Ticket on each Patient's Bed, specifying the Name of the Patient, together with that of the Physician or Surgeon, the Time of Admission, and also the Diet, according to the Prescription of the Physician or Surgeon; and that he give a List of the same to the Matron each prescribing Day. 55. That he visit the Wards every Morning, and be prepared to report the State of the Patients to the Physicians or Surgeons. 56. That an Account of the Number of Beds, which become vacant in each Ward, be delivered by him at the Weekly Board, with a List also of the Patients received into the House in the foregoing Week, and of such Patients as have been in the House two Months. 57. That he dispense no Medicines, without the Direction of the Physicians or Surgeons, except in Cases of Necessity, when they cannot be consulted: That he do not presume to practice for himself, or attend any other business than that of the Infirmary. 58. That there be a Committee appointed, whenever the General Board shall judge it convenient, to buy Drugs for the Use of the Infirmary, and till such Time, the Apothecary shall provide what is necessary, by Direction of the Physicians or Surgeons; and shall deliver in to the Weekly Board an Account of his incidental Expences once in every Month. 59. That the Apothecary be free from the Care of a Family; that he be never absent when the Physicians and Surgeons are to attend; or during the Absence of the Matron; that he always leave Notice with the Matron where he may be found; and in Case of Sickness, or other necessary Avocation, that he depute another Apothecary, who shall be approved of by the Physicians and Surgeons, to officiate in his Place. SECRETARY. 60. THAT the Secretary attend at every Board and Committee, to minute down and register all Proceedings; that he be always ready to produce the Books and Accounts of the Society fairly written; that he execute such Orders as shall be given him by the General or Weekly Board, and assist the Auditors. 61. That he enter in a Register the Names of the In-Patients, and Out-Patients, the Parish or Township they belong to, their Age and Distemper, when admitted, when discharged, and in what State. 62. That he give Notice in Writing every Saturday to the Physician, Surgeon, and Clergyman whose turn it is to attend, and to the House-Visitors, who are appointed to visit the following Week; and that he acquaint the Treasurer with all new Subscriptions and Benefactions, the Death of Subscribers, or Subscriptions withdrawn, and the respective Dates thereof. MATRON. 63. THAT the Matron take Care of the Houshold Goods and Furniture, according to the Inventory, and be ready to give an Account thereof, when required. 64. That she visit the Wards and Offices every Day, and take Care that the Chambers, Beds, Cloths, Linen, and all Things within the Infirmary be kept clean. 65. That she keep a daily Account of the Provisions and other Necessaries, ready to lay before the Weekly Board, that she attend to the due Distribution of them, and never suffer any to be carried out of the House. 66. That she keep a Diet-Book, by which the Number of Patients on each Diet may be known. 67. That she cause the Names of the Patients in each Ward to be called over every Morning and Evening, and acquaint the House-Visitor with the Names of those who are absent, and that she suffer no In-Patient to go farther than the Inner-Court, without Leave. 68. That she take Care of the Keys of the Doors, and see that they be always locked at Nine in the Evening, from Michaelmas to Lady-Day, and at Ten in the Evening from Lady-Day to Michaelmas. 69. That she see that the Nurses, Servants, and Patients, observe the Rules of the House, and do their Duty; and in Case of Misbehaviour, or Neglect, acquaint the Weekly Board, or House-Visitors thereof: That she never be absent from the House at the same Time with the Apothecary; and that she be free from the Care of a Family. SERVANTS. 70. THAT the Nurses clean their respective Wards by Seven in the Morning, from Lady-Day to Michaelmas; and by Eight in the Morning, from Michaelmas to Lady-Day; and that they serve up Breakfast within an Hour after the Wards are cleaned. 71. That the Nurses and Servants obey the Apothecary as their Master, and the Matron as their Mistress; that they behave with Tenderness to the Patients, and Civility to Strangers; and that they permit no Persons, except those employed in the necessary Business of the House, to go into any of the Wards, without the Consent of the Apothecary or Matron. 72. That all Persons concerned as Servants in the House, be unmarried, and have no Family to take care for. PATIENTS. 73. THAT the Appointment of the particular Diet of the Patients be under the Regulation of their respective Physician or Surgeon; and that no other Provisions or Liquors be brought into the House to them, on any Pretence whatever. 74. That no In-Patient go out of the Infirmary, without Leave from the Physician or Surgeon, first signified to the Apothecary or Matron; or lie out of the House, on any Account whatsoever, on Pain of Expulsion. 75. That no Men-Patients go into the women's Wards, nor Women into the men's, without Leave of the Matron. 76. That they do not swear, curse, behave rudely or indecently, on Pain of Expulsion, after the first Admonition. 77. That no In-Patient presume to play at Cards, Dice, or any other Game, nor, without Leave from the Physician or Surgeon, first signified to the Matron, and specifying the Place, to smoke Tobacco. 78. That all Patients be obedient to the Apothecary and Matron, and do such Work as they shall appoint, unless otherwise directed by the Physicians or Surgeons. 79. That such In-Patients as are able, be allowed to go to their respective Places of Worship, on Sundays in the Forenoon and Afternoon; that they return to the Infirmary directly; and that no Persons be admitted to visit Patients on that Day, without special Leave of the Apothecary or Matron. 80. That Patients request that public Prayers be offered for them, during their Illness, and return public Thanks in their respective Places of divine Worship, on their Recovery. 81. That all Out-Patients do attend at such Times as the Physicians and Surgeons shall order, and if they make Default twice, that they shall be discharged for Non-attendance. 82. That no fresh Medicines be given them, 'till they deliver their Phials, or Gally-pots, cleaned, and such Medicines as they have not used. 83. That no Patient presume to loiter near the Infirmary, or go about asking Alms, on pain of being discharged for Irregularity. 84. That no Person discharged for Irregularity, be admitted again a Patient of the Infirmary, except in such extraordinary Cases as will not admit of Delay. TABLE of DIET. COMMON-DIET. BREAKFAST. A Pint of Panado, Milk-Pottage, or Water-Gruel. DINNER. SUNDAY and THURSDAY. Eight Ounces of boiled Mutton, Beef, or Veal, with eight Ounces of Roots. MONDAY and FRIDAY. A Pint of Rice-Milk, or Twelve Ounces of baked Pudding. TUESDAY and SATURDAY. A Pint of Broth, Four Ounces of boiled Mutton, and eight Ounces of Roots. WEDNESDAY. Twelve Ounces of baked Pudding or Roots. SUPPER. MONDAY and FRIDAY. One Ounce of Butter, or Three Ounces of Cheese. The rest of the Week, a Pint of Broth, or Milk-Pottage. Every Day Bread and Beer sufficient without Waste. For every Gallon of Broth put in Three Pounds of Mutton or Veal, or Two Pounds of lean Beef, over and above the common Allowance for Meat. LOW-DIET. BREAKFAST. A Pint of Panado, Water-Gruel, or Milk-Pottage. DINNER. SUNDAY and THURSDAY. A Pint of Broth, Two Ounces of Veal, or Four Ounces of Roots. MONDAY. A Pint of Rice-Milk. TUESDAY and SATURDAY. A Pint of Broth and Roots. FRIDAY. Roots boiled, or Bread-Pudding. SUPPER. MONDAY and FRIDAY. One Ounce of Butter, or Two Ounces of Cheese. Every other Day in the Week, a Pint of Water-Gruel, or Milk-Pottage. Bread sufficient without Waste. Beer not exceeding a Pint a Day. These Patients to be first served. MILK-DIET. BREAKFAST. A Pint of Water-Gruel, or Milk pottage. DINNER. SUNDAY and THURSDAY. A Pint of Rice-Milk, or boiled Milk. MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, and FRIDAY. Bread-Pudding, or Rice-Pudding. TUESDAY and SATURDAY. A Pint of Rice-Milk, or Roots. SUPPER. SUNDAY and THURSDAY. A Pint of Milk-Pottage, or Water-Gruel. MONDAY and FRIDAY. A Pint of Milk-Pottage. TUESDAY and SATURDAY. A Pint of boiled Milk. WEDNESDAY. One Ounce of Butter, or Two Ounces of Cheese Every Day Bread sufficient, without Waste. Drink, Two Pints of Water, to one of Milk. DRY-DIET. BREAKFAST. One Ounce of Butter, or Two Ounces of Cheese. DINNER. SUNDAY, TUESDAY, THURSDAY, and SATURDAY. Six ounces of Mutton or Veal, and Eight ounces of Roots. MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, and FRIDAY. Rice-Pudding, or Bread-Pudding. SUPPER. One ounce of Butter, or Two ounces of Cheese. Every Day Bread, or Sea-Biscuit, sufficient, without Waste. APPENDIX. Form of a Recommendatory LETTER. GENTLEMEN, I Recommend to your Examination of whom I believe to be a real Object of Charity, and desire may be admitted an Patient of the Infirmary, if duly qualified. Age, How long ill, To the TRUSTEES of the GENERAL INFIRMARY at LEEDS. Form of a recommendatory Letter to be signed by the Overseer, or other Head-Officer of Townships. GENTLEMEN, I Recommend to your Examination of whom I believe to be a real Object of Charity, and desire may be admitted an Patient of the Infirmary, if duly qualified, and do hereby engage, that such Patient shall not become chargeable to the Township of Leeds, on account of Admission into the Infirmary. Form of a Monitory LETTER. SIR, IN Compliance with the Twenty-fifth Rule of this Society, I am to acquaint you, that it appears by the TREASURER'S Book, that your Subscription of per Ann. payable last has not yet been received. It is therefore the Request of the Board, that you will be pleased to pay it to the TREASURER; and excuse this Application, as it is the constant Usage of other Infirmaries. Form of an Answer when a Person is admitted. General-Infirmary at Leeds. SIR, BY Order of the Weekly Board now sitting, I beg leave to acquaint you, That this Day recommended by you to the Board of Trustees, is admitted an [In or Out] Patient of the Infirmary. Secretary. Form of an Answer when the House is full. GENERAL-INFIRMARY at LEEDS. SIR, BY Order of the Weekly Board now sitting, I beg Leave to acquaint you, That recommended by you for an In-Patient, cannot yet be received into the House for want of Room; but is now entered in the Books, and will be treated as an Out-Patient 'till a Bed is provided for him [or her.] Secretary. Form of an Answer when a Person recommended is thought improper to be admitted. General-Infirmary at Leeds. SIR, BY Order of the Weekly Board now sitting, I beg Leave to acquaint you, That recommended by you as an [In or Out] Patient, appears, upon Examination, improper to be admitted. Secretary Form of a Letter, when a Patient is discharged. General-Infirmary at LEEDS. SIR, BY Order of the Weekly Board now sitting, I beg Leave to acquaint you, That recommended by you as an [In or Out] Patient, is discharged [Cured] [Relieved] [at his own Request,] [Incurable] [Dead] [For Non-Attendance] [For Irregularity] Secretary. The Form of bequeathing a LEGACY for the Benefit of this INFIRMARY. I Give and bequeath unto A. B. and C. D. the Sum of upon Trust, and to the Intent that they do pay the same to the TREASURER for the Time being of a Society who call themselves the TRUSTEES OF THE GENERAL INFIRMARY AT LEEDS, which said Sum of I desire may be paid out of my personal Estate, and applied towards carrying on the charitable Designs of the said Society.