1856 First performed: December 31, 1856 AS PERFORMED AT Laura Keene's Theatre, Dec. 31, 1856. Prince D' Hennin Mr. J. A. Smith. Pierre Didier , ( a painter ,) Mr. C. Wheatleigh. The Chevalier Mr. Benson. Germain , ( a servant ,) Mr. J. Jackson. Coachman Mr. Kellogg. Maitre d' Hotel Mr. Williams. Sophie Arnould , ( Prima Donna Assoluta ,) Miss Laura Keene. Marion , ( a Lady's Maid ,) Miss C. Jefferson. The Scene is laid in Paris, in the Rue Richelieu, at the house of Sophie Arnould. Time, 1st of January. STAGE DIRECTIONS. EXITS AND ENTRANCES. L. means First Entrance, Left. R. First Entrance, Right. S. E. L. Second Entrance, Left. S. E. R. Second Entrance, Right. U. E. L. Upper Entrance, Left. U. E. R. Upper Entrance, Right. C. Centre. L. C. Left of Centre. R. C. Right of Centre. T. E. L. Third Entrance, Left. T. E. R. Third Entrance, Right. C. D. Centre Door. D. R. Door Right. D. L. Door Left. U. D. L. Upper Door, Left. U. D. R. Upper Door, Right. The Reader is supposed to be on the Stage, facing the Audience. Scene The Scene is laid in Paris, in the Rue Richelieu, at the house of Sophie Arnould. Time first of January. A boudoir — side doors — at the rear a mantel-piece, with handsome chimney-glass — rich and elegant furniture — boxes of sweetmeats, bonbons, bouquets, &c., &c., scattered around on the tables. Before the window, at the R., a toilette glass; mirrors, R. and L. Marion discovered, arranging the articles on the tables. Contains 59 words in 9 sentences using 345 chars . Contains 9 words in 3 sentences using 64 chars . Contains 11 words in 3 sentences using 57 chars . Second Footmanappears , R. [ With a jewel casket. Contains 6 words in 2 sentences using 35 chars . Contains 24 words in 6 sentences using 122 chars . [ With a box. Contains 7 words in 2 sentences using 45 chars . Goes out. Contains 25 words in 4 sentences using 132 chars . Enter Sophie , L., followed by the Chevalier. Contains 14 words in 2 sentences using 84 chars . Contains 28 words in 3 sentences using 144 chars . Contains 23 words in 3 sentences using 128 chars . Contains 7 words in 2 sentences using 38 chars . Contains 4 words in 2 sentences using 24 chars . Contains 10 words in 2 sentences using 51 chars . Contains 100 words in 8 sentences using 533 chars . Seats herself on sofa, laughing heartily. [ Coming forward. Contains 6 words in 2 sentences using 32 chars . Contains 5 words in 2 sentences using 27 chars . Contains 25 words in 3 sentences using 149 chars . Contains 11 words in 2 sentences using 55 chars . Contains 9 words in 3 sentences using 49 chars . [ Laughing. Contains 10 words in 3 sentences using 54 chars . Contains 7 words in 1 sentence using 38 chars . [ Giving her hand. Contains 19 words in 3 sentences using 104 chars . Contains 3 words in 2 sentences using 17 chars . Contains 3 words in 2 sentences using 14 chars . Contains 5 words in 2 sentences using 34 chars . Contains 7 words in 3 sentences using 42 chars . Contains 1 word in 2 sentences using 10 chars . Sighs again, and exits. Contains 2 words in 3 sentences using 13 chars . Contains 1 word in 2 sentences using 9 chars . Contains 15 words in 3 sentences using 91 chars . Pointing to one side of the mantel-piece. Contains 47 words in 7 sentences using 257 chars . [ Interrupting her. Contains 54 words in 7 sentences using 278 chars . Contains 13 words in 2 sentences using 74 chars . [ With ironical seriousness. Contains 47 words in 7 sentences using 248 chars . Contains 20 words in 2 sentences using 104 chars . [ Satirically. Contains 24 words in 4 sentences using 127 chars . Contains 2 words in 2 sentences using 14 chars . Contains 11 words in 3 sentences using 72 chars . Contains 1 word in 2 sentences using 9 chars . Contains 15 words in 2 sentences using 81 chars . Contains 6 words in 2 sentences using 34 chars . Contains 179 words in 11 sentences using 1019 chars . Contains 5 words in 2 sentences using 34 chars . Contains 59 words in 6 sentences using 323 chars . Contains 6 words in 3 sentences using 30 chars . Contains 56 words in 7 sentences using 284 chars . [ Who has also gone up. Contains 8 words in 2 sentences using 42 chars . A noise is heard — Murmurs in the street, mingled with peals of laughter on the stairs. [ Sitting on sofa. Contains 4 words in 2 sentences using 21 chars . [ As Prince enters , C.] Contains 6 words in 2 sentences using 40 chars . Exit. The Prince enters laughing, and throws himself into a fauteuil R. of sofa C. of stage. Contains 8 words in 3 sentences using 44 chars . Contains 7 words in 2 sentences using 34 chars . Laughs. Contains 20 words in 2 sentences using 109 chars . Contains 14 words in 2 sentences using 64 chars . Contains 2 words in 2 sentences using 12 chars . Contains 31 words in 4 sentences using 175 chars . Contains 14 words in 1 sentence using 75 chars . Contains 56 words in 6 sentences using 298 chars . Laughs. [ Laughing. Contains 9 words in 2 sentences using 49 chars . Contains 122 words in 11 sentences using 678 chars . Contains 15 words in 3 sentences using 90 chars . Contains 14 words in 3 sentences using 72 chars . Kisses her hand. Contains 9 words in 2 sentences using 49 chars . Two servants prepare dinner table and retire. Contains 16 words in 4 sentences using 80 chars . Contains 13 words in 3 sentences using 70 chars . Contains 7 words in 4 sentences using 51 chars . Contains 1 word in 2 sentences using 13 chars . Contains 10 words in 3 sentences using 46 chars . Contains 18 words in 3 sentences using 86 chars . Contains 9 words in 2 sentences using 51 chars . Contains 1 word in 2 sentences using 6 chars . Contains 31 words in 3 sentences using 145 chars . Contains 3 words in 1 sentence using 19 chars . [ Rescating himself. Contains 163 words in 10 sentences using 884 chars . [ Tartly. Contains 14 words in 3 sentences using 76 chars . Contains 29 words in 3 sentences using 148 chars . [ Interrupting. Contains 6 words in 2 sentences using 31 chars . [ Continues. Contains 97 words in 8 sentences using 480 chars . Goes up. Contains 19 words in 4 sentences using 100 chars . Contains 40 words in 10 sentences using 202 chars . Contains 3 words in 2 sentences using 15 chars . Contains 2 words in 2 sentences using 9 chars . Contains 9 words in 2 sentences using 46 chars . Contains 10 words in 2 sentences using 48 chars . Contains 10 words in 4 sentences using 46 chars . [ Resolutely. Contains 5 words in 3 sentences using 28 chars . Contains 38 words in 3 sentences using 223 chars . Contains 1 word in 1 sentence using 7 chars . Contains 70 words in 9 sentences using 356 chars . [ Much moved. Contains 1 word in 2 sentences using 9 chars . Contains 7 words in 3 sentences using 30 chars . [ With firmness. Contains 55 words in 4 sentences using 295 chars . Contains 13 words in 4 sentences using 76 chars . Throws herself on a Fauteul. Contains 6 words in 2 sentences using 30 chars . Contains 6 words in 3 sentences using 32 chars . Contains 4 words in 2 sentences using 21 chars . Going. [ Aside. Contains 10 words in 3 sentences using 48 chars . [ With jealousy Contains 1 word in 2 sentences using 11 chars . [ Deliberately Contains 5 words in 2 sentences using 29 chars . [ After an inward struggle. Contains 3 words in 2 sentences using 16 chars . Exit. [ Alone — Rising. Contains 206 words in 31 sentences using 1103 chars . Contains 5 words in 1 sentence using 30 chars . Contains 1 word in 1 sentence using 10 chars . Contains 22 words in 6 sentences using 115 chars . Contains 3 words in 2 sentences using 17 chars . Contains 8 words in 2 sentences using 36 chars . Contains 11 words in 1 sentence using 54 chars . Contains 20 words in 3 sentences using 98 chars . Contains 2 words in 2 sentences using 13 chars . Contains 1 word in 2 sentences using 7 chars . Contains 3 words in 1 sentence using 24 chars . Contains 1 word in 2 sentences using 7 chars . Contains 13 words in 2 sentences using 68 chars . Contains 7 words in 2 sentences using 29 chars . Contains 3 words in 1 sentence using 21 chars . Contains 1 word in 2 sentences using 5 chars . Contains 10 words in 2 sentences using 45 chars . Contains 12 words in 4 sentences using 56 chars . Contains 2 words in 2 sentences using 13 chars . Contains 15 words in 2 sentences using 74 chars . Contains 15 words in 1 sentence using 73 chars . [ Sharply. Contains 4 words in 2 sentences using 18 chars . Contains 20 words in 2 sentences using 96 chars . Contains 11 words in 3 sentences using 56 chars . Contains 49 words in 3 sentences using 223 chars . Contains 9 words in 2 sentences using 44 chars . Contains 6 words in 1 sentence using 39 chars . Contains 3 words in 2 sentences using 14 chars . Contains 5 words in 1 sentence using 25 chars . Contains 1 word in 2 sentences using 7 chars . Contains 4 words in 2 sentences using 23 chars . [ Rising. Contains 5 words in 2 sentences using 22 chars . Contains 3 words in 2 sentences using 19 chars . Contains 27 words in 5 sentences using 128 chars . [ Supplicatingly. Contains 3 words in 1 sentence using 22 chars . Contains 33 words in 5 sentences using 188 chars . Contains 3 words in 1 sentence using 20 chars . [ Ringing all the bells Contains 25 words in 4 sentences using 119 chars . Goes to R. H. — Several servants enter hurriedly. Contains 2 words in 2 sentences using 14 chars . Contains 22 words in 4 sentences using 113 chars . Contains 4 words in 2 sentences using 24 chars . [ Passing to L.] Contains 49 words in 5 sentences using 257 chars . Germain opens windows , L. H. — Marion takes the flowers on a console to the left. — Sophie in front of scene to L. — Marion behind sofa — next , Germain, Maitre d'Hotel and Coachman. Contains 2 words in 2 sentences using 13 chars . Contains 33 words in 7 sentences using 161 chars . Contains 7 words in 2 sentences using 45 chars . Contains 18 words in 4 sentences using 95 chars . [ Amazed. Contains 6 words in 2 sentences using 45 chars . Contains 49 words in 7 sentences using 266 chars . Enter Didier , announcing himself. Contains 59 words in 9 sentences using 353 chars . Contains 3 words in 3 sentences using 15 chars . Contains 18 words in 4 sentences using 85 chars . Contains 8 words in 2 sentences using 44 chars . Contains 286 words in 18 sentences using 1583 chars . [ Warmly. Contains 2 words in 2 sentences using 12 chars . Contains 10 words in 2 sentences using 55 chars . Contains 14 words in 2 sentences using 76 chars . Contains 4 words in 2 sentences using 16 chars . Contains 19 words in 3 sentences using 97 chars . Contains 1 word in 2 sentences using 6 chars . Contains 15 words in 2 sentences using 81 chars . Contains 11 words in 3 sentences using 57 chars . Contains 83 words in 6 sentences using 441 chars . Contains 37 words in 4 sentences using 206 chars . Contains 9 words in 2 sentences using 41 chars . Contains 6 words in 1 sentence using 39 chars . Contains 3 words in 2 sentences using 14 chars . Contains 3 words in 1 sentence using 15 chars . [ Smiling sadly. Contains 16 words in 3 sentences using 82 chars . Walks up stage. Contains 22 words in 4 sentences using 102 chars . [ Anxiously. Contains 4 words in 2 sentences using 21 chars . Contains 41 words in 5 sentences using 193 chars . Contains 5 words in 2 sentences using 27 chars . Contains 24 words in 4 sentences using 122 chars . Contains 6 words in 1 sentence using 33 chars . Contains 14 words in 2 sentences using 80 chars . Contains 5 words in 2 sentences using 27 chars . Contains 6 words in 3 sentences using 28 chars . Contains 8 words in 2 sentences using 38 chars . Contains 49 words in 4 sentences using 265 chars . Contains 3 words in 2 sentences using 16 chars . Calls Marion and Rings — Opens door R. H. Contains 10 words in 2 sentences using 56 chars . Contains 22 words in 4 sentences using 115 chars . Contains 7 words in 4 sentences using 39 chars . Contains 4 words in 1 sentence using 26 chars . Contains 3 words in 2 sentences using 19 chars . Enter Marion , her eyes red, and carrying a large bandbox. Contains 13 words in 1 sentence using 59 chars . Contains 6 words in 2 sentences using 47 chars . [ Letting box fall. Contains 5 words in 3 sentences using 25 chars . Contains 10 words in 2 sentences using 50 chars . Contains 13 words in 3 sentences using 59 chars . Contains 12 words in 2 sentences using 62 chars . Contains 10 words in 3 sentences using 56 chars . Contains 8 words in 2 sentences using 37 chars . [ Opening box. Contains 7 words in 1 sentence using 36 chars . [ Selecting one. Contains 7 words in 2 sentences using 36 chars . Contains 11 words in 2 sentences using 50 chars . Contains 4 words in 3 sentences using 30 chars . Contains 1 word in 2 sentences using 9 chars . Contains 9 words in 2 sentences using 39 chars . Contains 4 words in 3 sentences using 22 chars . Sits on sofa. Contains 5 words in 2 sentences using 23 chars . Contains 3 words in 2 sentences using 16 chars . Turns half round. Contains 1 word in 2 sentences using 5 chars . Contains 4 words in 3 sentences using 25 chars . Turns his back. Contains 8 words in 2 sentences using 39 chars . Contains 16 words in 3 sentences using 92 chars . Contains 6 words in 3 sentences using 38 chars . Marion dresses Sophie before toilette. Contains 10 words in 2 sentences using 58 chars . Contains 4 words in 2 sentences using 23 chars . Contains 23 words in 2 sentences using 118 chars . Contains 2 words in 2 sentences using 14 chars . [ Resuming position. Contains 52 words in 6 sentences using 283 chars . Contains 6 words in 3 sentences using 28 chars . Contains 5 words in 3 sentences using 31 chars . Contains 2 words in 2 sentences using 13 chars . [ Coming forward. Contains 2 words in 2 sentences using 15 chars . [ Rising. Contains 5 words in 2 sentences using 26 chars . Contains 14 words in 4 sentences using 69 chars . Contains 7 words in 2 sentences using 37 chars . Contains 9 words in 2 sentences using 39 chars . Contains 10 words in 2 sentences using 48 chars . Contains 5 words in 2 sentences using 21 chars . Contains 5 words in 2 sentences using 24 chars . Contains 9 words in 2 sentences using 52 chars . Contains 15 words in 2 sentences using 82 chars . Contains 1 word in 2 sentences using 8 chars . [ Gravely. Contains 123 words in 9 sentences using 642 chars . Sophie takes his arm, reaches the door, and stops. Contains 1 word in 2 sentences using 9 chars . Contains 4 words in 2 sentences using 31 chars . Contains 26 words in 5 sentences using 130 chars . Coming forward. Contains 8 words in 3 sentences using 45 chars . Contains 51 words in 4 sentences using 272 chars . Contains 6 words in 3 sentences using 34 chars . Contains 56 words in 6 sentences using 307 chars . Contains 3 words in 2 sentences using 18 chars . Contains 2 words in 2 sentences using 7 chars . Contains 41 words in 9 sentences using 217 chars . Exit. Contains 43 words in 6 sentences using 236 chars . She presses the picture to her breast. — As she speaks she approaches the table, and places it on a chair, sitting opposite to it. Marion enters hurriedly. Contains 2 words in 3 sentences using 17 chars . Contains 5 words in 2 sentences using 27 chars . Contains 21 words in 2 sentences using 101 chars . Contains 17 words in 2 sentences using 80 chars . Contains 10 words in 2 sentences using 46 chars . [ Gayly. Contains 15 words in 3 sentences using 71 chars . She takes picture, falls upon her knees, and bends affectionately over it. The Curtain falls slowly to the air of "Home, Sweet Home." THE END.