1924 First performed: October 31, 1910 ACT I THE SCENE: The library of DUNCAN TWIMBLY'S town house in Manhattan in November . It is a magnificent room, finished in rich dark woods and heavy tapestries. The wall decorations and panelings are of dark tone. The hangings, draperies, paintings, furniture, ornaments and rugs are of the most expensive description, but not overdone or garish. Heavy cross-beams support the ceiling of carved wood of a dark rich tint with a dull reddish glow. The bookcases are of carved wood. The mantel, of splendid proportions and design, projects far into the room. A wide door well down at the right leads to a magnificent main hall. A large double doorway is placed at the right of the center on an oblique wall. This doorway is one which has recently been cut through to open into a new "extension" drawing room at the back. The framework and the doors themselves are very evidently new, having that first coat of paint or stain which is different from the surrounding woodwork and which gives a "washy" appearance. This doorway opens into a carpetless room with a bare flooring of new timber, which still contains carpenters' and builders' benches, odd pieces of lumber, and painters' materials. The walls are not yet entirely decorated and the floor is cluttered with workmen's débris. Decorators' ladders are seen against the back wall. A heavy chandelier hangs in the center of this room and is carefully draped with cloth so that it is entirely covered from view. The decoration which is being applied is of the most expensive description. Some of this may be seen on the back wall. At the left is a door of ordinary size, not a new door. It opens into a small but handsome reception room. Below this door the side wall extends beyond one's vision, indicating a spacious room. At the turn of the wall a large and ornate fireplace and mantel faces diagonally into the room. This mantel is massive and heavy, the lower portion especially extending out into the room. A magnificently carved table is covered with books. A grand piano stands at the left. A handsomely carved desk or table of moderate or small size is at the left against the lower arch. On it are a telephone book and other things. Stands, bookcases, lounges, chairs and ornaments "dress" the room. Tables and growing palms are arranged where the room is carried off to the left in such a way that a person could be concealed there, behind the projections of the fireplace and the mantel. At the right of the new doorway to the new drawing room is an opening made in the floor and in the wall where electric wires are being installed to connect with the fittings of the new drawing room at the back. The opening in the floor, for which carpets and rugs are torn up and rolled back, extends six feet down and across to the right side. The trap is opened so that a man can go down out of sight. There is room for two men to stand at work in the opening. A panel is taken out in the wall at the back. These openings in the floor and wall show timbers and joists and other sub-construction of the walls and the floor, and the boards or panels removed are carefully laid against the wall at the side. The furniture or bookcases near the openings are covered with sheeting or print cloths . A lighted lantern hangs above the opening in the wall and at a good height from the floor. Another stands on the floor close to the floor-opening and on the right side of it . The curtain rises on a partly dark scene. It is near dusk and only a little daylight comes in from the continuation of the room at the left. It strikes across to the place where the electrical work is going on. The hallway outside at the right is also rather dimly lighted, as if daylight were nearly gone . JOE MATHISON is discovered in the opening with his back to the audience. He is working with someone on the other side of the wall. Light hammering is heard outside. The hammering stops, and BILL BROCKWAY calls from outside in a muffled voice.) Contains 5 words in 1 sentence using 29 chars . (His head and shoulders only visible above the floor-level) Contains 3 words in 2 sentences using 15 chars . (Outside) Contains 10 words in 2 sentences using 48 chars . Contains 3 words in 2 sentences using 15 chars . Contains 4 words in 1 sentence using 14 chars . Contains 5 words in 1 sentence using 16 chars . Contains 1 word in 2 sentences using 4 chars . Contains 2 words in 1 sentence using 7 chars . Contains 1 word in 2 sentences using 4 chars . Contains 7 words in 3 sentences using 29 chars . (JOE works hard at something in the opening . BILL BROCKWAY hurries in. He leaves the door open, showing the new room outside and several carpenters or decorators working. It is lighter in the new room than in the library . BILL carries a lighted lantern or electrician's light and goes quickly into the opening with JOE. ) Contains 14 words in 2 sentences using 58 chars . Contains 3 words in 2 sentences using 15 chars . (Reaching down) Contains 15 words in 3 sentences using 74 chars . (As he crosses) Contains 17 words in 4 sentences using 86 chars . (Down below, scarcely audible) Contains 3 words in 2 sentences using 15 chars . Contains 30 words in 6 sentences using 157 chars . (Enter BOKER. He is a large, imposing, and altogether irreproachable butler of middle age and of an ultra-English type.) Contains 4 words in 1 sentence using 18 chars . Contains 8 words in 1 sentence using 42 chars . Contains 5 words in 1 sentence using 22 chars . Contains 6 words in 1 sentence using 25 chars . Contains 15 words in 2 sentences using 68 chars . (Moving up to the opening) Contains 17 words in 2 sentences using 85 chars . Contains 9 words in 1 sentence using 53 chars . Contains 39 words in 3 sentences using 188 chars . Contains 15 words in 1 sentence using 75 chars . (Interrupting) Contains 5 words in 1 sentence using 23 chars . Contains 12 words in 1 sentence using 56 chars . Contains 11 words in 3 sentences using 46 chars . (To JOE) Contains 24 words in 3 sentences using 108 chars . Contains 3 words in 2 sentences using 15 chars . Contains 5 words in 1 sentence using 29 chars . (Turning and rising a little) Contains 1 word in 1 sentence using 3 chars . (Moving a little nearer) Contains 6 words in 1 sentence using 31 chars . Contains 4 words in 1 sentence using 22 chars . Contains 3 words in 1 sentence using 20 chars . Contains 6 words in 1 sentence using 25 chars . Contains 10 words in 1 sentence using 41 chars . Contains 11 words in 3 sentences using 57 chars . (Turning quickly, he speaks in an undertone and disappears) Contains 3 words in 1 sentence using 14 chars . (BOKER stands looking at the opening where JOE went down. Enter DUNCAN K. TWIMBLY at the door down right. He wears a light overcoat and gloves and carries a hat and a cane. He is a soft-looking man of sixty. His hair is nearly white, and thin almost to baldness at the top. He is of medium height and inclined to be portly.) (As he comes in) Contains 5 words in 1 sentence using 25 chars . (Starting and recovering at once) Contains 11 words in 3 sentences using 51 chars . Contains 4 words in 1 sentence using 22 chars . Contains 9 words in 1 sentence using 43 chars . (Stopping up near the door) Contains 3 words in 1 sentence using 16 chars . Contains 17 words in 1 sentence using 89 chars . Contains 8 words in 1 sentence using 31 chars . Contains 5 words in 1 sentence using 19 chars . Contains 5 words in 1 sentence using 16 chars . Contains 3 words in 1 sentence using 15 chars . Contains 5 words in 2 sentences using 25 chars . Contains 19 words in 2 sentences using 83 chars . Contains 5 words in 1 sentence using 20 chars . Contains 3 words in 2 sentences using 16 chars . (TWIMBLY places his hat and cane on the piano and is drawing off his gloves when the sound of a heavy door closing and of voices in the hall attract his attention . RUTH DRAYCOTT and BOKER are heard speaking.) Contains 7 words in 1 sentence using 37 chars . Contains 4 words in 1 sentence using 17 chars . Contains 12 words in 2 sentences using 46 chars . Contains 6 words in 1 sentence using 26 chars . (As if starting toward stairway) Contains 9 words in 1 sentence using 36 chars . (Stepping quickly down and calling off) Contains 4 words in 2 sentences using 25 chars . (Outside) Contains 5 words in 3 sentences using 25 chars . Contains 2 words in 2 sentences using 14 chars . Contains 3 words in 1 sentence using 13 chars . Contains 5 words in 1 sentence using 23 chars . Contains 7 words in 1 sentence using 33 chars . Contains 19 words in 2 sentences using 82 chars . (Moving in a little and speaking very sincerely) Contains 27 words in 3 sentences using 125 chars . Contains 7 words in 1 sentence using 32 chars . Contains 6 words in 1 sentence using 24 chars . Contains 10 words in 1 sentence using 46 chars . Contains 30 words in 3 sentences using 138 chars . (Laughing) Contains 4 words in 1 sentence using 19 chars . Contains 8 words in 2 sentences using 40 chars . Contains 11 words in 2 sentences using 52 chars . Contains 14 words in 2 sentences using 76 chars . Contains 3 words in 2 sentences using 22 chars . (Innocently) Contains 15 words in 3 sentences using 73 chars . (Enter SAMUEL TWIMBLY, lounging in at the door at the right, a cigarette between his lips.) (Seeing SAM ) Contains 1 word in 1 sentence using 3 chars . Contains 1 word in 1 sentence using 6 chars . Contains 1 word in 2 sentences using 7 chars . Contains 3 words in 1 sentence using 19 chars . (Nods) Contains 1 word in 1 sentence using 4 chars . Contains 8 words in 1 sentence using 34 chars . Contains 8 words in 1 sentence using 44 chars . Contains 9 words in 2 sentences using 38 chars . Contains 3 words in 1 sentence using 13 chars . Contains 10 words in 1 sentence using 50 chars . Contains 18 words in 6 sentences using 88 chars . (Together) Contains 2 words in 1 sentence using 9 chars . Contains 2 words in 1 sentence using 14 chars . Contains 1 word in 1 sentence using 5 chars . (Taking his hat from the piano) Contains 10 words in 2 sentences using 44 chars . Contains 7 words in 1 sentence using 37 chars . (Stopping) Contains 4 words in 2 sentences using 24 chars . Contains 2 words in 1 sentence using 11 chars . Contains 4 words in 1 sentence using 21 chars . Contains 12 words in 1 sentence using 55 chars . Contains 4 words in 1 sentence using 20 chars . Contains 7 words in 1 sentence using 32 chars . Contains 8 words in 1 sentence using 38 chars . Contains 11 words in 2 sentences using 50 chars . Contains 6 words in 1 sentence using 28 chars . (Lounging about) Contains 11 words in 1 sentence using 49 chars . (Alarmed) Contains 7 words in 1 sentence using 27 chars . Contains 11 words in 2 sentences using 54 chars . (Interrupting) Contains 16 words in 3 sentences using 70 chars . Contains 30 words in 3 sentences using 139 chars . Contains 9 words in 1 sentence using 38 chars . Contains 39 words in 3 sentences using 188 chars . Contains 7 words in 1 sentence using 33 chars . Contains 26 words in 2 sentences using 113 chars . Contains 4 words in 1 sentence using 16 chars . Contains 2 words in 1 sentence using 9 chars . Contains 2 words in 1 sentence using 16 chars . Contains 5 words in 1 sentence using 22 chars . Contains 25 words in 5 sentences using 106 chars . Contains 6 words in 1 sentence using 24 chars . Contains 4 words in 1 sentence using 20 chars . Contains 2 words in 1 sentence using 9 chars . Contains 1 word in 1 sentence using 7 chars . Contains 9 words in 1 sentence using 39 chars . Contains 14 words in 1 sentence using 54 chars . (He shakes his head negatively and lights another cigarette) Contains 3 words in 1 sentence using 17 chars . Contains 11 words in 1 sentence using 44 chars . Contains 8 words in 2 sentences using 30 chars . Contains 10 words in 2 sentences using 50 chars . (Turning and coming down a little) Contains 106 words in 7 sentences using 528 chars . Contains 7 words in 1 sentence using 27 chars . (Puff) Contains 5 words in 1 sentence using 21 chars . Contains 21 words in 1 sentence using 88 chars . Contains 6 words in 1 sentence using 27 chars . Contains 43 words in 4 sentences using 255 chars . Contains 28 words in 3 sentences using 121 chars . Contains 32 words in 3 sentences using 161 chars . Contains 8 words in 2 sentences using 44 chars . Contains 8 words in 1 sentence using 43 chars . Contains 6 words in 1 sentence using 30 chars . Contains 4 words in 1 sentence using 16 chars . Contains 7 words in 3 sentences using 34 chars . (Glancing off, he speaks in a lower voice) Contains 22 words in 4 sentences using 102 chars . (Going off after TWIMBLY) Contains 6 words in 1 sentence using 30 chars . (Outside — as he closes the door) Contains 8 words in 2 sentences using 38 chars . (RUTH DRAYCOTT hurries in at the hall door almost as SAM and TWIMBLY are going out. She is followed to the door by BOKER.) Contains 7 words in 1 sentence using 24 chars . Contains 5 words in 1 sentence using 23 chars . Contains 10 words in 1 sentence using 47 chars . Contains 7 words in 1 sentence using 34 chars . Contains 7 words in 3 sentences using 32 chars . Contains 6 words in 1 sentence using 31 chars . Contains 28 words in 2 sentences using 132 chars . Contains 5 words in 1 sentence using 18 chars . (She speaks with anxious absent-mindedness) Contains 6 words in 2 sentences using 23 chars . (Enter EMELINE TWIMBLY at the door on the left. She has just come in from the street and wears a hat, gloves and a cloak. She also carries two small packages . BOKER sees her at once and calls after RUTH.) Contains 6 words in 1 sentence using 35 chars . (As she runs back into the room) Contains 27 words in 5 sentences using 132 chars . (Quickly putting packages on the piano and speaking as she removes her street things) Contains 7 words in 1 sentence using 30 chars . Contains 3 words in 1 sentence using 13 chars . (She nods emphatically) Contains 37 words in 3 sentences using 198 chars . Contains 2 words in 1 sentence using 9 chars . Contains 12 words in 3 sentences using 53 chars . Contains 3 words in 1 sentence using 12 chars . Contains 37 words in 2 sentences using 167 chars . (Enter NINETTE. She quietly goes to the piano and takes the hat, cloak and gloves that EMELINE left there, but stops as she takes them up, giving them a glance of mild surprise.) (In a low voice to RUTH) Contains 4 words in 1 sentence using 20 chars . (Holding EMELINE'S hat out a little) Contains 7 words in 1 sentence using 41 chars . Contains 4 words in 2 sentences using 24 chars . (Holding out the cloak) Contains 8 words in 2 sentences using 42 chars . Contains 5 words in 2 sentences using 27 chars . Contains 11 words in 1 sentence using 65 chars . Contains 9 words in 3 sentences using 53 chars . (Holding out her feather boa) Contains 4 words in 1 sentence using 24 chars . Contains 7 words in 2 sentences using 51 chars . Contains 10 words in 3 sentences using 43 chars . Contains 2 words in 2 sentences using 19 chars . Contains 5 words in 1 sentence using 18 chars . Contains 1 word in 1 sentence using 5 chars . Contains 5 words in 1 sentence using 20 chars . Contains 58 words in 6 sentences using 272 chars . Contains 4 words in 1 sentence using 14 chars . (Nodding) Contains 7 words in 1 sentence using 30 chars . Contains 4 words in 1 sentence using 22 chars . Contains 3 words in 3 sentences using 14 chars . Contains 10 words in 1 sentence using 43 chars . Contains 33 words in 5 sentences using 156 chars . Contains 6 words in 1 sentence using 28 chars . Contains 56 words in 13 sentences using 256 chars . Contains 2 words in 2 sentences using 11 chars . Contains 16 words in 4 sentences using 85 chars . (Suddenly remembering) Contains 3 words in 2 sentences using 13 chars . Contains 1 word in 1 sentence using 5 chars . Contains 2 words in 1 sentence using 12 chars . Contains 1 word in 1 sentence using 5 chars . Contains 5 words in 1 sentence using 22 chars . Contains 4 words in 2 sentences using 17 chars . Contains 2 words in 1 sentence using 9 chars . Contains 4 words in 1 sentence using 23 chars . Contains 10 words in 2 sentences using 42 chars . Contains 6 words in 2 sentences using 30 chars . Contains 19 words in 2 sentences using 85 chars . Contains 6 words in 2 sentences using 31 chars . Contains 12 words in 2 sentences using 61 chars . Contains 10 words in 2 sentences using 36 chars . Contains 4 words in 2 sentences using 20 chars . Contains 21 words in 1 sentence using 104 chars . Contains 6 words in 1 sentence using 31 chars . Contains 38 words in 3 sentences using 191 chars . Contains 5 words in 1 sentence using 22 chars . Contains 24 words in 1 sentence using 113 chars . Contains 7 words in 2 sentences using 22 chars . Contains 100 words in 9 sentences using 471 chars . (A trifle pensively, as she looks down) Contains 5 words in 1 sentence using 17 chars . Contains 9 words in 3 sentences using 44 chars . (Aroused) Contains 11 words in 1 sentence using 47 chars . Contains 39 words in 8 sentences using 191 chars . Contains 10 words in 1 sentence using 54 chars . Contains 4 words in 1 sentence using 16 chars . Contains 24 words in 1 sentence using 130 chars . Contains 15 words in 4 sentences using 71 chars . Contains 2 words in 2 sentences using 11 chars . Contains 10 words in 2 sentences using 40 chars . (Following EMELINE quickly) Contains 3 words in 2 sentences using 14 chars . (Turning indignantly) Contains 7 words in 5 sentences using 34 chars . Contains 6 words in 1 sentence using 29 chars . Contains 2 words in 1 sentence using 8 chars . Contains 2 words in 1 sentence using 11 chars . Contains 4 words in 1 sentence using 19 chars . Contains 10 words in 1 sentence using 47 chars . Contains 1 word in 2 sentences using 4 chars . Contains 3 words in 2 sentences using 15 chars . Contains 6 words in 2 sentences using 29 chars . Contains 3 words in 1 sentence using 16 chars . Contains 5 words in 1 sentence using 26 chars . Contains 2 words in 2 sentences using 9 chars . Contains 8 words in 1 sentence using 45 chars . Contains 7 words in 1 sentence using 38 chars . Contains 14 words in 2 sentences using 60 chars . Contains 2 words in 1 sentence using 8 chars . Contains 1 word in 1 sentence using 3 chars . (After looking at her an instant) Contains 3 words in 2 sentences using 12 chars . Contains 16 words in 4 sentences using 69 chars . Contains 10 words in 2 sentences using 45 chars . Contains 14 words in 1 sentence using 68 chars . Contains 6 words in 2 sentences using 28 chars . Contains 6 words in 1 sentence using 24 chars . (Shaking his head) Contains 6 words in 1 sentence using 22 chars . Contains 4 words in 1 sentence using 17 chars . (Suddenly yelling in a loud voice outside) Contains 9 words in 2 sentences using 42 chars . (Turning quickly to work) Contains 3 words in 1 sentence using 11 chars . Contains 11 words in 1 sentence using 47 chars . (Working, but turning his head a little to speak) Contains 10 words in 1 sentence using 47 chars . Contains 9 words in 3 sentences using 40 chars . Contains 3 words in 1 sentence using 17 chars . Contains 12 words in 3 sentences using 55 chars . (Outside as they close the door) Contains 9 words in 2 sentences using 36 chars . (After a brief pause, enter JAMES LEE HOLLENDEN on the right , BOKER showing him in and disappearing at once with a card-tray . HOLLENDEN is a well-built young man of about twenty-four. He wears a cutaway suit and carries a hat and a cane. He walks easily into the room, glances about, and seats himself in a luxurious chair. A noise of hammering and wires is heard in the opening . HOLLENDEN turns and looks up, then rises and lounges up near the opening, looking at the work . JOE works down out of sight in the opening during the following scenes. Enter SAM at the door on the right.) (Easily) Contains 2 words in 1 sentence using 13 chars . (Starting toward HOLLENDEN, he speaks in lowered voice, as if afraid of being overheard.) Contains 21 words in 5 sentences using 105 chars . (Easily and good-naturedly) Contains 13 words in 2 sentences using 58 chars . (SAM glances nervously about, then crosses the room and pulls the portieres across the door on the right. He turns there and speaks across to HOLLENDEN.) Contains 6 words in 1 sentence using 25 chars . Contains 12 words in 2 sentences using 63 chars . (In a low voice) Contains 11 words in 1 sentence using 54 chars . Contains 30 words in 4 sentences using 134 chars . Contains 10 words in 1 sentence using 37 chars . Contains 20 words in 2 sentences using 91 chars . (Near him) Contains 29 words in 5 sentences using 122 chars . Contains 16 words in 1 sentence using 77 chars . Contains 3 words in 1 sentence using 8 chars . Contains 14 words in 3 sentences using 72 chars . Contains 5 words in 1 sentence using 24 chars . Contains 7 words in 2 sentences using 29 chars . Contains 10 words in 1 sentence using 46 chars . Contains 3 words in 1 sentence using 12 chars . Contains 62 words in 6 sentences using 298 chars . Contains 1 word in 1 sentence using 8 chars . Contains 10 words in 2 sentences using 44 chars . Contains 23 words in 1 sentence using 111 chars . Contains 53 words in 5 sentences using 259 chars . Contains 20 words in 1 sentence using 95 chars . Contains 7 words in 2 sentences using 27 chars . Contains 20 words in 1 sentence using 92 chars . Contains 18 words in 1 sentence using 82 chars . Contains 5 words in 1 sentence using 28 chars . Contains 4 words in 1 sentence using 15 chars . Contains 4 words in 1 sentence using 16 chars . (As she opens the door) Contains 8 words in 2 sentences using 38 chars . (Outside) Contains 5 words in 1 sentence using 22 chars . (Shoving HOLLENDEN to the left as he gives a quick glance about to see what he can do with him) Contains 4 words in 1 sentence using 18 chars . Contains 5 words in 1 sentence using 22 chars . Contains 9 words in 2 sentences using 47 chars . Contains 8 words in 1 sentence using 36 chars . (Pushing him out of sight) Contains 1 word in 2 sentences using 4 chars . (Entering with RUTH) Contains 12 words in 2 sentences using 48 chars . Contains 7 words in 2 sentences using 33 chars . (Suddenly turning to RUTH so that both stop at the piano) Contains 15 words in 2 sentences using 72 chars . Contains 6 words in 1 sentence using 23 chars . Contains 22 words in 2 sentences using 118 chars . Contains 4 words in 2 sentences using 16 chars . Contains 4 words in 2 sentences using 17 chars . (Following EMELINE) Contains 3 words in 2 sentences using 11 chars . (In a quick, sharp whisper to HOLLENDEN, but turning no further toward him than to the front) Contains 4 words in 2 sentences using 18 chars . (Turning back again with another idea) Contains 38 words in 4 sentences using 173 chars . (Weakly) Contains 6 words in 1 sentence using 30 chars . Contains 12 words in 1 sentence using 60 chars . Contains 6 words in 1 sentence using 21 chars . Contains 50 words in 6 sentences using 233 chars . Contains 4 words in 1 sentence using 16 chars . (Still more earnestly) Contains 35 words in 1 sentence using 186 chars . Contains 5 words in 1 sentence using 17 chars . (She turns and goes to the door with RUTH) Contains 7 words in 1 sentence using 37 chars . (Turning at door) Contains 13 words in 2 sentences using 62 chars . Contains 7 words in 1 sentence using 26 chars . Contains 8 words in 1 sentence using 35 chars . Contains 33 words in 2 sentences using 151 chars . Contains 16 words in 2 sentences using 70 chars . Contains 3 words in 2 sentences using 12 chars . Contains 4 words in 2 sentences using 18 chars . (Kissing RUTH) Contains 2 words in 1 sentence using 9 chars . (As she goes) Contains 9 words in 4 sentences using 47 chars . (EMELINE goes to the piano and gets her chocolates and powder box. Just as she has them she sees SAM standing by the fireplace with a book in his hand and an unlighted cigarette between his lips. She stops, her eyes fixed on him for a brief instant, and then moves down to him, holding out the bon-bon box.) Contains 9 words in 2 sentences using 35 chars . Contains 7 words in 1 sentence using 39 chars . (Taking the cigarette from his mouth) Contains 15 words in 2 sentences using 69 chars . Contains 13 words in 2 sentences using 59 chars . (Looking at her indignantly) Contains 16 words in 2 sentences using 72 chars . (Over her shoulder) Contains 14 words in 2 sentences using 64 chars . Contains 9 words in 1 sentence using 50 chars . (Enter TWIMBLY at the door, meeting EMELINE.) Contains 10 words in 4 sentences using 48 chars . Contains 19 words in 2 sentences using 88 chars . Contains 9 words in 1 sentence using 36 chars . Contains 12 words in 1 sentence using 51 chars . Contains 22 words in 2 sentences using 98 chars . (Nodding once) Contains 1 word in 1 sentence using 4 chars . Contains 15 words in 1 sentence using 85 chars . (She nods) Contains 3 words in 1 sentence using 14 chars . Contains 26 words in 1 sentence using 141 chars . Contains 1 word in 1 sentence using 4 chars . Contains 94 words in 7 sentences using 513 chars . Contains 3 words in 1 sentence using 12 chars . Contains 4 words in 1 sentence using 23 chars . Contains 6 words in 1 sentence using 23 chars . Contains 10 words in 1 sentence using 45 chars . Contains 9 words in 1 sentence using 36 chars . Contains 13 words in 1 sentence using 60 chars . Contains 5 words in 1 sentence using 23 chars . Contains 28 words in 2 sentences using 148 chars . Contains 2 words in 1 sentence using 8 chars . (Exasperated) Contains 24 words in 2 sentences using 113 chars . Contains 3 words in 1 sentence using 18 chars . Contains 12 words in 2 sentences using 69 chars . Contains 7 words in 1 sentence using 34 chars . Contains 13 words in 2 sentences using 64 chars . Contains 35 words in 2 sentences using 171 chars . Contains 17 words in 3 sentences using 86 chars . Contains 13 words in 1 sentence using 58 chars . (Who has been looking at her, motionless, turning and walking up and down) Contains 35 words in 5 sentences using 170 chars . Contains 7 words in 1 sentence using 28 chars . Contains 13 words in 2 sentences using 50 chars . Contains 15 words in 1 sentence using 63 chars . Contains 21 words in 3 sentences using 116 chars . Contains 1 word in 2 sentences using 4 chars . Contains 47 words in 4 sentences using 253 chars . (Shaking her head and smiling) Contains 9 words in 2 sentences using 41 chars . Contains 1 word in 1 sentence using 6 chars . Contains 45 words in 2 sentences using 233 chars . Contains 22 words in 3 sentences using 128 chars . (Helping him) Contains 1 word in 1 sentence using 10 chars . Contains 14 words in 3 sentences using 87 chars . (Easily) Contains 14 words in 1 sentence using 66 chars . Contains 2 words in 1 sentence using 12 chars . Contains 46 words in 2 sentences using 234 chars . Contains 5 words in 1 sentence using 24 chars . Contains 42 words in 4 sentences using 200 chars . Contains 8 words in 1 sentence using 45 chars . Contains 2 words in 1 sentence using 10 chars . Contains 39 words in 3 sentences using 191 chars . Contains 22 words in 3 sentences using 102 chars . Contains 1 word in 1 sentence using 6 chars . (Standing up) Contains 23 words in 2 sentences using 103 chars . Contains 11 words in 1 sentence using 52 chars . Contains 104 words in 8 sentences using 494 chars . (Who has been looking after EMELINE, recovering after a pause) Contains 4 words in 1 sentence using 20 chars . Contains 4 words in 1 sentence using 18 chars . (Starting to go) Contains 6 words in 1 sentence using 34 chars . Contains 6 words in 1 sentence using 30 chars . (Going off) Contains 16 words in 3 sentences using 93 chars . (Trying to stop TWIMBLY) Contains 14 words in 2 sentences using 66 chars . Contains 5 words in 1 sentence using 24 chars . Contains 1 word in 1 sentence using 5 chars . Contains 12 words in 1 sentence using 50 chars . Contains 10 words in 1 sentence using 43 chars . Contains 5 words in 1 sentence using 20 chars . Contains 1 word in 1 sentence using 3 chars . Contains 16 words in 3 sentences using 79 chars . Contains 2 words in 1 sentence using 11 chars . Contains 10 words in 2 sentences using 44 chars . (Enter BILL at the door with a hammer, screw-driver and cutting-pliers. He goes directly into the opening, where JOE now appears.) Contains 30 words in 4 sentences using 125 chars . (To SAM) Contains 14 words in 3 sentences using 67 chars . (Turning to HOLLENDEN) Contains 24 words in 3 sentences using 107 chars . (BOKER follows SAM off . HOLLENDEN stands motionless near the fireplace. Once he raises his head and looks about in desperation — clinching his fist in a sort of helpless rage. A quite loud sound of hammering rises from the opening where BILL and JOE are working . HOLLENDEN looks over toward the place carelessly. After a moment he seems to be interested as he thinks over something that has occurred to him. In a very short time he walks quickly to the opening and calls out to BILL.) Contains 7 words in 1 sentence using 30 chars . (Standing up in the opening) Contains 3 words in 1 sentence using 11 chars . Contains 5 words in 1 sentence using 24 chars . (Deliberately) Contains 2 words in 1 sentence using 11 chars . (Hurriedly) Contains 1 word in 1 sentence using 4 chars . Contains 6 words in 1 sentence using 26 chars . Contains 7 words in 1 sentence using 43 chars . (Regarding HOLLENDEN suspiciously) Contains 3 words in 1 sentence using 14 chars . (Speaking rapidly) Contains 7 words in 1 sentence using 32 chars . (Deliberately) Contains 2 words in 1 sentence using 8 chars . Contains 11 words in 1 sentence using 52 chars . Contains 13 words in 1 sentence using 60 chars . Contains 26 words in 3 sentences using 117 chars . (After looking at HOLLENDEN) Contains 18 words in 2 sentences using 80 chars . (At the edge of the opening, taking hold of BILL'S coat or shirt near the shoulder) Contains 32 words in 7 sentences using 148 chars . Contains 7 words in 1 sentence using 37 chars . Contains 11 words in 3 sentences using 50 chars . Contains 10 words in 2 sentences using 44 chars . Contains 5 words in 1 sentence using 21 chars . Contains 5 words in 1 sentence using 21 chars . Contains 8 words in 1 sentence using 38 chars . Contains 8 words in 2 sentences using 36 chars . (Pulling BILL up by the arm) Contains 6 words in 2 sentences using 27 chars . Contains 17 words in 1 sentence using 87 chars . Contains 17 words in 3 sentences using 70 chars . Contains 9 words in 3 sentences using 45 chars . (As he stops BILL) Contains 148 words in 14 sentences using 677 chars . (Enter SAM — hurrying in.) Contains 18 words in 1 sentence using 77 chars . Contains 33 words in 5 sentences using 138 chars . Contains 15 words in 3 sentences using 69 chars . Contains 16 words in 1 sentence using 67 chars . Contains 5 words in 2 sentences using 27 chars . (Who has looked deliberately from one to the other as each spoke) Contains 6 words in 1 sentence using 23 chars . Contains 6 words in 1 sentence using 23 chars . Contains 6 words in 1 sentence using 24 chars . Contains 24 words in 3 sentences using 125 chars . Contains 4 words in 1 sentence using 15 chars . Contains 4 words in 1 sentence using 17 chars . Contains 9 words in 1 sentence using 35 chars . Contains 3 words in 2 sentences using 16 chars . (In the midst of the hurried business) Contains 7 words in 1 sentence using 30 chars . (As he writes) Contains 8 words in 2 sentences using 35 chars . Contains 9 words in 2 sentences using 41 chars . Contains 7 words in 1 sentence using 34 chars . Contains 4 words in 1 sentence using 16 chars . (Coming with the paper he has written) Contains 21 words in 3 sentences using 105 chars . Contains 1 word in 1 sentence using 5 chars . Contains 1 word in 1 sentence using 4 chars . Contains 1 word in 1 sentence using 5 chars . (As he quickly writes in BILL'S name) Contains 18 words in 1 sentence using 88 chars . (Stupidly) Contains 1 word in 1 sentence using 5 chars . (Writing it in) Contains 39 words in 5 sentences using 210 chars . (Mumbles indistinctly) Contains 3 words in 1 sentence using 14 chars . Contains 17 words in 3 sentences using 78 chars . Contains 46 words in 2 sentences using 251 chars . (Under his breath) Contains 3 words in 2 sentences using 13 chars . Contains 10 words in 1 sentence using 48 chars . Contains 3 words in 1 sentence using 14 chars . (Pointing as he holds the door open) Contains 13 words in 3 sentences using 68 chars . (Listening) Contains 4 words in 1 sentence using 31 chars . Contains 4 words in 2 sentences using 21 chars . Contains 5 words in 1 sentence using 25 chars . Contains 22 words in 4 sentences using 111 chars . (Rising erect) Contains 21 words in 2 sentences using 90 chars . Contains 5 words in 1 sentence using 15 chars . Contains 3 words in 1 sentence using 16 chars . Contains 17 words in 2 sentences using 73 chars . (As he enters) Contains 10 words in 1 sentence using 42 chars . (Jumping for him) Contains 5 words in 1 sentence using 26 chars . (As he is being hustled out) Contains 11 words in 1 sentence using 50 chars . (As he goes) Contains 51 words in 4 sentences using 240 chars . Contains 13 words in 1 sentence using 62 chars . (HOLLENDEN stands for a moment near the opening. Then he makes one or two quick rearrangements of his recently acquired clothing. He snatches off his cap and rumples his hair over his forehead. Then he moves cautiously. Seeing BOKER outside, he tries to attract his attention.) Contains 6 words in 4 sentences using 34 chars . (Enter BOKER. He stops near HOLLENDEN.) Contains 2 words in 2 sentences using 10 chars . (In a low voice — but direct) Contains 10 words in 1 sentence using 52 chars . Contains 3 words in 1 sentence using 19 chars . Contains 26 words in 3 sentences using 121 chars . Contains 5 words in 1 sentence using 25 chars . Contains 7 words in 2 sentences using 33 chars . (Calling outside) Contains 4 words in 2 sentences using 21 chars . (HOLLENDEN runs for the opening and goes down into it.) (Turning quickly) Contains 2 words in 1 sentence using 9 chars . (Before BOKER can reach the door , TWIMBLY hurries in.) Contains 8 words in 2 sentences using 46 chars . Contains 6 words in 2 sentences using 25 chars . Contains 8 words in 2 sentences using 36 chars . Contains 5 words in 1 sentence using 25 chars . Contains 17 words in 4 sentences using 77 chars . Contains 2 words in 1 sentence using 9 chars . Contains 10 words in 4 sentences using 47 chars . (Following) Contains 3 words in 1 sentence using 15 chars . (Outside) Contains 9 words in 1 sentence using 43 chars . (HOLLENDEN looks up for an instant after the exit of TWIMBLY and BOKER, but soon hears footsteps outside and stoops to work again, making subdued sounds of hammering and filing as if tremendously busy . EMELINE enters as noiselessly as possible. She stands an instant with the doorknob or handle in her hands and glances about the room. Then, hardly having looked at HOLLENDEN or the opening where he is, she goes at once to him and speaks without an instant's hesitation.) Contains 8 words in 1 sentence using 32 chars . (Straightening up and looking at her, he pulls off his cap) Contains 2 words in 1 sentence using 9 chars . Contains 15 words in 2 sentences using 62 chars . Contains 6 words in 1 sentence using 22 chars . (She looks at him, staring a little surprised) Contains 8 words in 1 sentence using 36 chars . Contains 4 words in 1 sentence using 18 chars . Contains 7 words in 1 sentence using 34 chars . Contains 8 words in 1 sentence using 38 chars . Contains 28 words in 2 sentences using 119 chars . Contains 2 words in 1 sentence using 6 chars . Contains 9 words in 2 sentences using 43 chars . Contains 10 words in 2 sentences using 39 chars . (Quickly) Contains 25 words in 3 sentences using 112 chars . (Heartily) Contains 5 words in 1 sentence using 22 chars . Contains 7 words in 1 sentence using 26 chars . Contains 12 words in 2 sentences using 49 chars . Contains 7 words in 2 sentences using 29 chars . (Easily) Contains 6 words in 1 sentence using 29 chars . Contains 11 words in 2 sentences using 48 chars . Contains 2 words in 2 sentences using 9 chars . (With slight hesitation) Contains 20 words in 3 sentences using 96 chars . Contains 2 words in 1 sentence using 15 chars . Contains 17 words in 1 sentence using 87 chars . Contains 3 words in 1 sentence using 15 chars . (One deep nod) Contains 1 word in 1 sentence using 4 chars . Contains 9 words in 1 sentence using 31 chars . Contains 12 words in 1 sentence using 45 chars . (With a most engaging smile, very heartily and sincerely) Contains 3 words in 1 sentence using 15 chars . (Very slightly embarrassed) Contains 4 words in 2 sentences using 22 chars . (HOLLENDEN resumes work in the opening, but does not put his cap on again . EMELINE moves aimlessly to the lower corner of the piano, lingering there a moment. Then she begins to look over some music lying on the piano, with a combination of earnestness and absent-mindedness. She stops very soon and wavers at the corner of the piano. Then she slips dreamily down on the piano-seat and strikes a few notes almost meaninglessly — but giving a little whiff of some charming melody. She stops in the midst of a bar and, moving along to the upper end of the piano seat, rises and looks at some music there. Then she turns round toward HOLLENDEN, leaning back against the piano . HOLLENDEN is working, and continues a moment after EMELINE is looking at him, but happens to glance up and see her. A very slight pause ensues.) Contains 14 words in 1 sentence using 73 chars . Contains 3 words in 1 sentence using 12 chars . Contains 3 words in 1 sentence using 11 chars . Contains 10 words in 1 sentence using 45 chars . (Starting up, erect) Contains 28 words in 4 sentences using 139 chars . Contains 4 words in 1 sentence using 17 chars . Contains 4 words in 1 sentence using 15 chars . Contains 11 words in 1 sentence using 56 chars . Contains 20 words in 1 sentence using 81 chars . Contains 12 words in 1 sentence using 54 chars . Contains 3 words in 1 sentence using 14 chars . Contains 2 words in 2 sentences using 11 chars . Contains 6 words in 1 sentence using 25 chars . Contains 7 words in 2 sentences using 37 chars . Contains 8 words in 1 sentence using 34 chars . (Working at the wire) Contains 2 words in 1 sentence using 8 chars . Contains 5 words in 1 sentence using 25 chars . (Looking at her) Contains 1 word in 1 sentence using 4 chars . Contains 18 words in 2 sentences using 92 chars . (With quiet dignity) Contains 4 words in 1 sentence using 19 chars . (After an instant) Contains 9 words in 1 sentence using 39 chars . Contains 12 words in 2 sentences using 48 chars . Contains 3 words in 1 sentence using 12 chars . (Shaking his head) Contains 4 words in 2 sentences using 16 chars . Contains 13 words in 1 sentence using 65 chars . Contains 14 words in 1 sentence using 53 chars . Contains 7 words in 1 sentence using 31 chars . Contains 8 words in 1 sentence using 27 chars . Contains 11 words in 2 sentences using 56 chars . Contains 10 words in 1 sentence using 35 chars . Contains 12 words in 1 sentence using 56 chars . Contains 20 words in 2 sentences using 107 chars . Contains 32 words in 8 sentences using 142 chars . Contains 11 words in 1 sentence using 44 chars . Contains 11 words in 2 sentences using 62 chars . (Outside) Contains 8 words in 1 sentence using 41 chars . Contains 6 words in 1 sentence using 26 chars . (In a low voice to HOLLENDEN) Contains 5 words in 1 sentence using 22 chars . Contains 17 words in 3 sentences using 74 chars . (In a low voice) Contains 3 words in 2 sentences using 14 chars . Contains 13 words in 2 sentences using 61 chars . (Outside) Contains 10 words in 1 sentence using 53 chars . (Going off again) Contains 22 words in 4 sentences using 115 chars . (HOLLENDEN is working industriously . EMELINE opens the door a little way, looks in briefly, then opens it wider and enters, closing it after her. She stands there looking at HOLLENDEN. When she enters HOLLENDEN stops work and stands looking at her.) (In a low voice) Contains 6 words in 1 sentence using 26 chars . (In a low voice) Contains 5 words in 1 sentence using 17 chars . Contains 4 words in 1 sentence using 16 chars . Contains 29 words in 3 sentences using 133 chars . (Starting up quickly and going down near him at once) Contains 31 words in 3 sentences using 152 chars . (Looking at her) Contains 7 words in 1 sentence using 39 chars . (Looking questioningly at him, and speaking with her lips only) Contains 1 word in 1 sentence using 5 chars . Contains 11 words in 2 sentences using 46 chars . Contains 11 words in 1 sentence using 39 chars . (Slowly raising his eyes to hers) Contains 69 words in 6 sentences using 317 chars . (After a slight pause she looks at him) Contains 14 words in 2 sentences using 60 chars . Contains 46 words in 5 sentences using 213 chars . (Without looking at him, shakes her head a little) Contains 5 words in 1 sentence using 20 chars . Contains 16 words in 2 sentences using 72 chars . Contains 3 words in 1 sentence using 13 chars . Contains 2 words in 1 sentence using 7 chars . (With her eyes lowered — pushing something with the toe of her slipper) Contains 12 words in 1 sentence using 58 chars . (Going over toward her, he brings one end of a large wire he has been holding with him, the other end extending down in the opening) Contains 10 words in 1 sentence using 43 chars . Contains 7 words in 1 sentence using 31 chars . (Going quickly to her — bringing wire along unconsciously) Contains 13 words in 1 sentence using 67 chars . (Turning to him) Contains 9 words in 1 sentence using 36 chars . Contains 24 words in 5 sentences using 96 chars . (With one nod) Contains 1 word in 1 sentence using 4 chars . Contains 3 words in 1 sentence using 10 chars . (Nodding) Contains 1 word in 1 sentence using 4 chars . Contains 6 words in 2 sentences using 35 chars . (With one nod) Contains 1 word in 1 sentence using 4 chars . Contains 5 words in 1 sentence using 28 chars . (With a dreamy look) Contains 4 words in 1 sentence using 19 chars . (Reaching out, mad about her) Contains 2 words in 1 sentence using 10 chars . Contains 4 words in 2 sentences using 15 chars . (Turning as he hastens up to the opening) Contains 4 words in 2 sentences using 23 chars . (Moving toward the opening) Contains 5 words in 1 sentence using 17 chars . Contains 4 words in 1 sentence using 14 chars . (Voices are heard in the hall outside and in more distant parts of the house, calling for candles and the like. "What's the matter with these lights?" "They're all out!" "Get some candles!" "Yes, sir!" "I've sent Peter!" — a confused jumble of complaints and queries and orders.) (Soon after the voices outside begin) Contains 8 words in 1 sentence using 36 chars . (Working desperately) Contains 6 words in 1 sentence using 28 chars . Contains 19 words in 2 sentences using 94 chars . (Working) Contains 7 words in 2 sentences using 49 chars . Contains 5 words in 2 sentences using 24 chars . (TWIMBLY'S voice is much nearer, but not close at hand.) Contains 16 words in 3 sentences using 84 chars . Contains 6 words in 1 sentence using 26 chars . (Standing up and speaking earnestly) Contains 17 words in 5 sentences using 82 chars . Contains 13 words in 2 sentences using 47 chars . (As TWIMBLY and the others enter, she slides into the seat at the piano and begins playing something in the most casual manner . HOLLENDEN drops down into the opening and goes to work.) (Hurrying in, followed by the others with lighted candles) Contains 37 words in 9 sentences using 187 chars . (Who has risen and faced TWIMBLY) Contains 9 words in 1 sentence using 44 chars . Contains 41 words in 7 sentences using 213 chars . (Rising indignantly at piano) Contains 13 words in 3 sentences using 58 chars . Contains 10 words in 1 sentence using 45 chars . Contains 12 words in 1 sentence using 58 chars . Contains 3 words in 1 sentence using 12 chars . Contains 15 words in 1 sentence using 66 chars . Contains 36 words in 3 sentences using 172 chars . Contains 5 words in 1 sentence using 17 chars . Contains 37 words in 5 sentences using 186 chars . (BOKER quickly gets the other servants out and follows them off . EMELINE is starting slowly away from the piano to follow TWIMBLY, when HOLLENDEN, watching that all have gone off, glides over and, seizing her hand, presses it to his lips with mad devotion, kissing it again and again . EMELINE looks round at him, continuing to move slowly, until his having her hand detains her. He looks at her and she at him.) (Low voice) Contains 1 word in 1 sentence using 9 chars . Contains 1 word in 2 sentences using 5 chars . CURTAIN ACT II THE SCENE: The parlor at THOMAS BROCKWAY'S in the Bronx . The neat and modest room is finished with plain painted woodwork and wallpaper and furnished with comfortable but inexpensive furniture. Colored prints and reproductions hang on the walls. A few photographs are placed about. Albums and other books lie on the corner tables and stands. A print of a locomotive, cheaply framed, hangs on the back wall. Some atlases are seen on the table, and several engineers' and electricians' reference books, a signal code and manuals. The light fixtures are for gas, but none is turned on, as it is daylight. A good-sized single door at the left opens to a small hall giving exit to or entrance from the street. In the hall outside is a staircase ascending to the right. At the right is a single door. The interior wall is that of a sleeping room. On the left side are two windows of common size, through which is seen a rather ordinary city street in an unpretentious part of the Bronx. In size and in the arrangement of the sashes, these windows are the typical street windows of an inexpensive house. They have neat curtains and shades and modest white draperies — not of imitation lace, but of some thin cotton or linen fabric. There is an ample round table with a table cover, well toward the center of the room. Books, photographs and papers lie about on it. There is a low bookcase between the doors, filled with well-known books and having papers, magazines and photographs on the top shelf. At the right side are large double doors. These open off — a good thickness showing — to a back parlor, which the family uses as a dining room. Only the upper door is used, the lower one remaining closed during the act. A well-worn carpet is on the floor. A comfortable old settee-lounge is covered with old and worn upholstery and cushions. Everything, however, is neat and well kept . An excellent make of chronometer is on the wall above the bookcase — not a fancy clock in the least, but the finest variety of time-keeper. It is set at 4:17 on the opening of the act, and is going . At the rise of the curtain MARY BROCKWAY is looking anxiously out through the window at the left. She is a short, plump little woman with gray hair. As she looks out she moves so as to see first up and then down the street — holding the curtain or hangings aside as she does so. Soon she turns and comes a few steps away from the window, stopping there and standing in troubled thought. Then she recovers herself, and moves briskly to the table and busies herself arranging something on it. But a moment later she stops, and, after glancing at the clock, goes to the window and again looks anxiously out. Enter THOMAS BROCKWAY at the door at the right. He is a large, heavily built man of about fifty, with hair hardly at all gray, an open, frank face, clear and piercing eyes, and a fine physique. One of his chief characteristics is his clear, steady gaze. He wears an old house coat and slippers and has a handkerchief tied around his neck loosely — but not in any fancy way — in place of a collar. He has been asleep all day and has just got out of bed and put his clothes on.) (As he goes to the table — seeing MRS. BROCKWAY at the window) Contains 7 words in 3 sentences using 37 chars . Contains 12 words in 1 sentence using 49 chars . (As he looks about) Contains 1 word in 1 sentence using 5 chars . Contains 12 words in 3 sentences using 48 chars . Contains 22 words in 1 sentence using 103 chars . (She stops at a little distance) Contains 6 words in 1 sentence using 36 chars . Contains 16 words in 2 sentences using 67 chars . Contains 8 words in 1 sentence using 36 chars . (Turning to her) Contains 20 words in 1 sentence using 91 chars . Contains 8 words in 2 sentences using 36 chars . (Motioning her back) Contains 9 words in 1 sentence using 36 chars . Contains 15 words in 1 sentence using 55 chars . (As he crosses) Contains 4 words in 1 sentence using 16 chars . Contains 15 words in 2 sentences using 68 chars . (At the door) Contains 5 words in 2 sentences using 20 chars . Contains 5 words in 3 sentences using 25 chars . Contains 2 words in 1 sentence using 6 chars . (Going a little nearer to him) Contains 5 words in 1 sentence using 23 chars . Contains 1 word in 1 sentence using 5 chars . Contains 4 words in 1 sentence using 22 chars . Contains 2 words in 1 sentence using 9 chars . Contains 12 words in 1 sentence using 53 chars . Contains 2 words in 1 sentence using 6 chars . Contains 3 words in 1 sentence using 13 chars . Contains 2 words in 2 sentences using 9 chars . (On "you was" MRS. BROCKWAY makes the "tk-tw-tk!" sound of regret and pity.) (A step nearer) Contains 6 words in 1 sentence using 33 chars . Contains 7 words in 2 sentences using 29 chars . (MRS. BROCKWAY moves a few steps back and stops — with a glance at the clock — and again says, "Tk-tk-tk" — and then starts for the window at the left, giving a glance behind to make sure that BROCKWAY hasn't come in. Just as she reaches the window there is a double knock on the outside door — not the sound of a metal knocker, but as if made with the hand. She at once hurries off, and almost immediately her voice and that of JENNIE PARKS are heard outside.) Contains 12 words in 2 sentences using 49 chars . Contains 8 words in 1 sentence using 37 chars . Contains 22 words in 6 sentences using 115 chars . Contains 17 words in 2 sentences using 70 chars . Contains 19 words in 2 sentences using 89 chars . Contains 23 words in 3 sentences using 107 chars . Contains 20 words in 5 sentences using 95 chars . Contains 13 words in 1 sentence using 57 chars . Contains 4 words in 2 sentences using 23 chars . (Approaching) Contains 4 words in 3 sentences using 30 chars . Contains 22 words in 4 sentences using 116 chars . (BROCKWAY has been looking at the things and feeling of some of the cloth between his finger and thumb.) Contains 7 words in 1 sentence using 30 chars . Contains 11 words in 5 sentences using 59 chars . Contains 9 words in 1 sentence using 38 chars . Contains 6 words in 1 sentence using 22 chars . (He is about to open a box) Contains 4 words in 1 sentence using 15 chars . (Quickly) Contains 6 words in 2 sentences using 24 chars . (Still holding the box) Contains 12 words in 1 sentence using 49 chars . (Pulling it away) Contains 14 words in 4 sentences using 55 chars . Contains 4 words in 1 sentence using 15 chars . Contains 4 words in 1 sentence using 19 chars . Contains 5 words in 1 sentence using 21 chars . Contains 20 words in 4 sentences using 90 chars . (Putting box down) Contains 10 words in 2 sentences using 44 chars . Contains 9 words in 2 sentences using 44 chars . Contains 20 words in 4 sentences using 81 chars . Contains 17 words in 2 sentences using 77 chars . (Suddenly remembering) Contains 2 words in 2 sentences using 10 chars . Contains 5 words in 3 sentences using 27 chars . Contains 13 words in 3 sentences using 55 chars . Contains 6 words in 1 sentence using 28 chars . Contains 2 words in 1 sentence using 10 chars . Contains 1 word in 2 sentences using 4 chars . Contains 9 words in 1 sentence using 35 chars . Contains 4 words in 1 sentence using 28 chars . Contains 10 words in 1 sentence using 51 chars . (Now trying to comfort her) Contains 19 words in 2 sentences using 83 chars . Contains 12 words in 3 sentences using 55 chars . (Turning as she holds JENNIE) Contains 21 words in 3 sentences using 87 chars . (Between sobs) Contains 22 words in 2 sentences using 106 chars . Contains 44 words in 6 sentences using 207 chars . Contains 10 words in 1 sentence using 41 chars . (The doors close and nothing further can be heard. There is a brief pause, then the sound of a door outside. Immediately after , BILL appears at the door at the left and looks cautiously but clumsily in. He has been out all night and has had several drinks, but is not intoxicated to unsteadiness. He finds himself clumsy and confused; things appear to swing around some, and this irritates him considerably. Seeing no one in the room, he enters through the doorway, goes across toward the right a little way, and stands near the table — but without seeing the things on it. He wears the coat HOLLENDEN gave him in the first act, and also the hat and other articles exchanged. When BILL has crossed and come to a stop , SAM appears at the door up at the left and, coming in a little way, stands smoking a cigarette. After he has come to a stop , JOE shuffles in, standing near the bookcase, his eyes dreamily on BILL. BILL gazes about stupidly and a little sleepily. Occasionally he raises his hand to his head as if it aches . SAM is rather nonchalant as he puffs a cigarette . JOE keeps his eyes on BILL. There is a brief pause. Then BILL gazes about with a slow, heavy look, and in doing so his eyes light on SAM.) Contains 6 words in 1 sentence using 22 chars . Contains 8 words in 1 sentence using 38 chars . Contains 7 words in 1 sentence using 38 chars . Contains 3 words in 2 sentences using 14 chars . Contains 18 words in 2 sentences using 75 chars . Contains 6 words in 1 sentence using 27 chars . Contains 4 words in 1 sentence using 22 chars . Contains 1 word in 1 sentence using 9 chars . Contains 1 word in 1 sentence using 3 chars . Contains 4 words in 1 sentence using 17 chars . Contains 9 words in 2 sentences using 38 chars . Contains 10 words in 1 sentence using 45 chars . (He turns to SAM and gazes at him a moment before speaking) Contains 11 words in 1 sentence using 63 chars . Contains 10 words in 1 sentence using 43 chars . (Interrupting) Contains 18 words in 3 sentences using 67 chars . Contains 15 words in 2 sentences using 62 chars . (Interrupting) Contains 10 words in 2 sentences using 43 chars . (In a quiet, pleading voice) Contains 7 words in 1 sentence using 32 chars . (Breaking in) Contains 48 words in 6 sentences using 226 chars . (Blinking) Contains 6 words in 1 sentence using 23 chars . Contains 3 words in 1 sentence using 15 chars . Contains 2 words in 1 sentence using 6 chars . (Grabbing JOE — not loud but low) Contains 1 word in 1 sentence using 5 chars . (Blinking up at BILL weakly — in a small voice) Contains 2 words in 1 sentence using 6 chars . Contains 1 word in 2 sentences using 4 chars . (He sprawls on a chair as he lands — but assumes no burlesque position or attempt to be funny — mumbling out) Contains 3 words in 1 sentence using 14 chars . (Standing as he was when he pushed JOE aside — facing SAM) Contains 4 words in 1 sentence using 20 chars . Contains 8 words in 1 sentence using 37 chars . (BILL turns round clumsily and looks at SAM.) (After a very slight pause — taking it in) Contains 2 words in 1 sentence using 11 chars . Contains 3 words in 1 sentence using 16 chars . Contains 2 words in 1 sentence using 8 chars . Contains 3 words in 1 sentence using 13 chars . Contains 2 words in 1 sentence using 16 chars . Contains 3 words in 2 sentences using 14 chars . Contains 8 words in 1 sentence using 29 chars . Contains 13 words in 2 sentences using 57 chars . Contains 19 words in 5 sentences using 91 chars . Contains 7 words in 2 sentences using 28 chars . Contains 9 words in 2 sentences using 29 chars . (Speaking back through the door) Contains 9 words in 1 sentence using 38 chars . (Outside) Contains 5 words in 2 sentences using 22 chars . (JENNIE closes the door and turns into the room, going at once to the table to gather up her things. She is somewhat agitated still, and shows signs of her recent grief. Once she wipes her eyes with her handkerchief, just as she is about to begin to get her wedding things put up to carry.) (Who has been watching JENNIE) Contains 1 word in 1 sentence using 3 chars . (Seeing SAM) Contains 1 word in 2 sentences using 4 chars . (Rising — in a low voice) Contains 3 words in 2 sentences using 14 chars . Contains 12 words in 1 sentence using 50 chars . (Keeping his voice low) Contains 5 words in 2 sentences using 32 chars . Contains 7 words in 2 sentences using 33 chars . Contains 10 words in 2 sentences using 51 chars . (Embarrassed) Contains 8 words in 2 sentences using 40 chars . Contains 9 words in 2 sentences using 35 chars . (Who is not far from the door, glancing at it now and then to make sure it is there) Contains 14 words in 1 sentence using 62 chars . Contains 4 words in 1 sentence using 15 chars . Contains 3 words in 1 sentence using 10 chars . Contains 24 words in 4 sentences using 102 chars . Contains 1 word in 1 sentence using 5 chars . Contains 8 words in 1 sentence using 37 chars . (Shaking her head a little and speaking with scarcely more than lips) Contains 1 word in 1 sentence using 3 chars . Contains 9 words in 1 sentence using 42 chars . (Hypnotized by his impertinence) Contains 1 word in 1 sentence using 6 chars . (Now not far from her) Contains 21 words in 5 sentences using 96 chars . (Under her breath) Contains 1 word in 1 sentence using 3 chars . Contains 23 words in 4 sentences using 98 chars . (Breaking in suddenly) Contains 4 words in 1 sentence using 15 chars . Contains 3 words in 1 sentence using 14 chars . (Desperately, and not knowing whether to stay or retreat through the door) Contains 1 word in 2 sentences using 5 chars . (Pleadingly and now quite near her) Contains 10 words in 2 sentences using 46 chars . Contains 1 word in 2 sentences using 4 chars . Contains 4 words in 2 sentences using 17 chars . (Pushing his hands away) Contains 9 words in 4 sentences using 40 chars . (Enter BILL, followed closely by JOE. BILL carries a package hastily tied up and has a pair of old slippers in one coat pocket and a rather well-worn hairbrush and comb in the other. The coat is an old sack. He has left HOLLENDEN'S coat and hat upstairs, and now he wears an old straw hat. He stops at the door, seeing SAM. Then he enters and crosses quickly to him.) (With his back to BILL) Contains 15 words in 3 sentences using 71 chars . Contains 2 words in 2 sentences using 12 chars . Contains 13 words in 1 sentence using 60 chars . (BILL seizes SAM by the coat and, swinging him round, shoves him roughly back, going part way with him and then giving a final push. The package he had drops to the floor . JOE stands in the doorway looking on . SAM is thrown against the chair where he was sitting, sending it over and falling with it in a confused heap. He scrambles to his feet at once and stands dusting himself.) (Retreating a little) Contains 2 words in 1 sentence using 9 chars . (As he dusts himself off) Contains 16 words in 2 sentences using 85 chars . Contains 3 words in 1 sentence using 14 chars . (Enter MRS. BROCKWAY, followed by BROCKWAY.) (Catching sight of BILL) Contains 15 words in 4 sentences using 72 chars . (Sullenly) Contains 12 words in 1 sentence using 49 chars . Contains 11 words in 2 sentences using 54 chars . (Sullenly) Contains 7 words in 3 sentences using 34 chars . (Making an effort, steps toward BILL a little way) Contains 9 words in 1 sentence using 41 chars . (After looking at her vacantly for a moment, during which he sways slightly) Contains 11 words in 3 sentences using 51 chars . Contains 5 words in 1 sentence using 24 chars . (Turning — briefly) Contains 2 words in 1 sentence using 8 chars . Contains 11 words in 3 sentences using 53 chars . (Turning to him) Contains 1 word in 2 sentences using 9 chars . Contains 5 words in 1 sentence using 25 chars . Contains 5 words in 1 sentence using 17 chars . Contains 2 words in 1 sentence using 8 chars . Contains 6 words in 1 sentence using 25 chars . Contains 6 words in 1 sentence using 21 chars . (Indicating SAM with a wave of his left hand, but without turning) Contains 5 words in 1 sentence using 27 chars . Contains 3 words in 1 sentence using 13 chars . Contains 2 words in 1 sentence using 8 chars . Contains 7 words in 1 sentence using 24 chars . Contains 15 words in 1 sentence using 66 chars . (Stepping down a little, and speaking politely) Contains 28 words in 3 sentences using 139 chars . (To BILL) Contains 10 words in 2 sentences using 44 chars . (Quickly) Contains 19 words in 5 sentences using 88 chars . (There is a brief pause as BROCKWAY looks at BILL and the others watch them with some anxiety.) Contains 6 words in 1 sentence using 30 chars . Contains 4 words in 1 sentence using 17 chars . Contains 2 words in 1 sentence using 11 chars . Contains 4 words in 1 sentence using 14 chars . Contains 8 words in 1 sentence using 34 chars . (Louder — beginning to get surly) Contains 9 words in 1 sentence using 43 chars . Contains 2 words in 1 sentence using 14 chars . (Louder) Contains 7 words in 1 sentence using 32 chars . Contains 51 words in 4 sentences using 240 chars . Contains 9 words in 1 sentence using 46 chars . Contains 24 words in 2 sentences using 116 chars . Contains 8 words in 1 sentence using 36 chars . (Glancing at his watch) Contains 13 words in 2 sentences using 58 chars . Contains 7 words in 1 sentence using 38 chars . Contains 30 words in 2 sentences using 146 chars . Contains 3 words in 1 sentence using 12 chars . Contains 6 words in 1 sentence using 28 chars . Contains 12 words in 1 sentence using 51 chars . (Turning back to him vigorously) Contains 46 words in 4 sentences using 205 chars . (BILL, who has watched BROCKWAY'S exit, stands an instant looking at the door where he disappeared. Then, turning, he starts toward the opposite door . JENNIE and MRS. BROCKWAY give one another a hurried and despairing glance — and JENNIE, unable to bear his going, suddenly bursts out — ) (Taking a step toward him) Contains 7 words in 2 sentences using 34 chars . (Stopping) Contains 3 words in 2 sentences using 15 chars . (Seeing the hairbrush and slippers, and pointing to them as she moves toward him) Contains 6 words in 1 sentence using 28 chars . (Hardly audible) Contains 1 word in 2 sentences using 4 chars . Contains 3 words in 1 sentence using 11 chars . Contains 9 words in 1 sentence using 40 chars . Contains 10 words in 3 sentences using 44 chars . (Running across and calling) Contains 6 words in 1 sentence using 31 chars . (Outside) Contains 2 words in 1 sentence using 9 chars . (The front door is heard closing heavily, but not unnaturally. There is a moment's pause. Soon JENNIE turns vacantly and then lowers her eyes and walks slowly toward the table. She pauses near it — but not looking at it — or at anything.) (Shaking her head sadly) Contains 14 words in 2 sentences using 73 chars . (Without turning to MRS. BROCKWAY) Contains 9 words in 3 sentences using 48 chars . (Standing over JENNIE with her hand on her shoulder) Contains 13 words in 1 sentence using 54 chars . (In a tearful voice ) Contains 11 words in 1 sentence using 59 chars . Contains 42 words in 8 sentences using 180 chars . (JENNIE goes to the table and begins to put up the things, sadly folding and laying them away. She does not get them into boxes. A motor sounds outside — as the house stands quite close to the street. There is no tooting of the horn, but the clatter as it comes near, and the puffing and vibration of the engine after it has stopped . JENNIE looks up from her work and stands listening. Then she goes across to the window and looks out. Almost immediately she leaves the window and hurries across to call MRS. BROCKWAY. The bell of the front door — a simple little high-sounding gong in the hall — rings just as JENNIE is calling.) Contains 17 words in 4 sentences using 105 chars . (Outside) Contains 2 words in 1 sentence using 9 chars . Contains 1 word in 1 sentence using 4 chars . Contains 12 words in 2 sentences using 47 chars . (Under her breath) Contains 4 words in 2 sentences using 14 chars . (Outside) Contains 5 words in 2 sentences using 25 chars . (Outside) Contains 7 words in 2 sentences using 29 chars . (Outside) Contains 2 words in 1 sentence using 13 chars . (After a very brief pause , JENNIE appears standing back a little to let EMELINE and RUTH enter. The two go in a little way, quite close together , EMELINE glancing back at JENNIE. JENNIE glances doubtfully off, as if waiting for someone. In a moment, however, she comes in a step or two.) Contains 7 words in 1 sentence using 29 chars . Contains 10 words in 1 sentence using 45 chars . Contains 9 words in 2 sentences using 44 chars . Contains 1 word in 1 sentence using 4 chars . Contains 10 words in 2 sentences using 38 chars . (Not understanding) Contains 1 word in 1 sentence using 5 chars . Contains 13 words in 1 sentence using 61 chars . Contains 10 words in 3 sentences using 46 chars . (Drawing in her breath just a little) Contains 4 words in 2 sentences using 17 chars . (Opening her cardcase) Contains 18 words in 3 sentences using 92 chars . (JENNIE looks at EMELINE an instant and then turns and moves toward the door. As she nears it something crosses her mind and she hesitates and then stops. She glances back at EMELINE and then turns and goes up to the table rather hurriedly, and coming round on the upper side of it, quickly gathers up all her things in her arms, glancing across at EMELINE just once as she does so, and goes off with them — the door closing after her . EMELINE and RUTH have watched JENNIE'S movements with a little effort at not appearing to do so — and are mildly surprised.) (In a low tone) Contains 4 words in 1 sentence using 18 chars . Contains 3 words in 1 sentence using 11 chars . Contains 9 words in 1 sentence using 44 chars . Contains 4 words in 1 sentence using 18 chars . Contains 8 words in 2 sentences using 43 chars . Contains 3 words in 2 sentences using 12 chars . Contains 1 word in 2 sentences using 9 chars . Contains 2 words in 2 sentences using 19 chars . (To NINETTE) Contains 6 words in 1 sentence using 23 chars . Contains 2 words in 1 sentence using 18 chars . (As NINETTE reaches the door) Contains 12 words in 2 sentences using 72 chars . Contains 6 words in 2 sentences using 44 chars . (In a low voice) Contains 25 words in 3 sentences using 122 chars . Contains 5 words in 1 sentence using 21 chars . Contains 83 words in 10 sentences using 407 chars . Contains 5 words in 1 sentence using 21 chars . (In a low voice) Contains 32 words in 3 sentences using 152 chars . Contains 5 words in 1 sentence using 19 chars . Contains 9 words in 1 sentence using 42 chars . Contains 11 words in 1 sentence using 52 chars . Contains 1 word in 1 sentence using 5 chars . Contains 4 words in 1 sentence using 22 chars . Contains 1 word in 1 sentence using 5 chars . Contains 7 words in 1 sentence using 32 chars . Contains 1 word in 1 sentence using 5 chars . Contains 7 words in 1 sentence using 31 chars . Contains 4 words in 2 sentences using 17 chars . Contains 10 words in 1 sentence using 51 chars . Contains 1 word in 1 sentence using 6 chars . (MRS. BROCKWAY enters . EMELINE and RUTH rise and EMELINE goes across to meet MRS. BROCKWAY. MRS. BROCKWAY, who hesitates slightly at the door, comes forward, meeting EMELINE rather nervously.) Contains 5 words in 2 sentences using 24 chars . Contains 1 word in 1 sentence using 4 chars . (Holding out her hand) Contains 7 words in 1 sentence using 37 chars . (Taking EMELINE'S hand) Contains 11 words in 2 sentences using 45 chars . Contains 13 words in 3 sentences using 62 chars . (Shaking hands with MRS. BROCKWAY) Contains 5 words in 1 sentence using 20 chars . (Mumbling — a little awkwardly) Contains 14 words in 3 sentences using 56 chars . Contains 8 words in 1 sentence using 37 chars . Contains 6 words in 2 sentences using 34 chars . Contains 13 words in 2 sentences using 60 chars . Contains 13 words in 2 sentences using 64 chars . (She looks at MRS. BROCKWAY an instant, not comprehending) Contains 12 words in 2 sentences using 60 chars . Contains 7 words in 3 sentences using 37 chars . Contains 3 words in 1 sentence using 11 chars . (Nodding) Contains 21 words in 1 sentence using 102 chars . Contains 10 words in 1 sentence using 52 chars . (With a surprised look) Contains 13 words in 1 sentence using 57 chars . Contains 11 words in 1 sentence using 57 chars . (Thinking she understands) Contains 22 words in 5 sentences using 121 chars . Contains 7 words in 1 sentence using 32 chars . Contains 22 words in 3 sentences using 107 chars . Contains 15 words in 5 sentences using 76 chars . Contains 3 words in 1 sentence using 12 chars . Contains 16 words in 2 sentences using 73 chars . (MRS. BROCKWAY, whose eyes happened to be lowered, raises them and looks at EMELINE with a singular stare . EMELINE looks at MRS. BROCKWAY, wondering why she looks at her in that way.) Contains 1 word in 1 sentence using 4 chars . Contains 16 words in 1 sentence using 74 chars . (After a very brief pause, with a slight tremor in her voice) Contains 4 words in 1 sentence using 18 chars . Contains 6 words in 2 sentences using 34 chars . Contains 5 words in 1 sentence using 24 chars . (With a slow head-shake) Contains 18 words in 3 sentences using 74 chars . Contains 1 word in 1 sentence using 3 chars . (Shaking her head) Contains 16 words in 2 sentences using 77 chars . (Mechanically and hardly audibly) Contains 2 words in 1 sentence using 9 chars . Contains 12 words in 1 sentence using 46 chars . (Shaking her head a little) Contains 2 words in 1 sentence using 7 chars . Contains 8 words in 1 sentence using 43 chars . (MRS. BROCKWAY looks in EMELINE'S face a moment and then rises to her feet hesitatingly, her eyes still on EMELINE. She stands looking down on her . EMELINE soon rises, looking rather anxiously at MRS. BROCKWAY. RUTH rises soon after EMELINE.) Contains 10 words in 1 sentence using 44 chars . Contains 6 words in 1 sentence using 25 chars . Contains 2 words in 1 sentence using 11 chars . (Turning) Contains 2 words in 1 sentence using 9 chars . Contains 4 words in 1 sentence using 15 chars . Contains 26 words in 5 sentences using 110 chars . Contains 14 words in 3 sentences using 74 chars . Contains 9 words in 1 sentence using 34 chars . (Hesitatingly) Contains 16 words in 4 sentences using 63 chars . (Turning to RUTH as soon as MRS. BROCKWAY has closed the door) Contains 4 words in 1 sentence using 15 chars . (In a low voice) Contains 6 words in 1 sentence using 29 chars . (In a low voice) Contains 8 words in 1 sentence using 31 chars . Contains 8 words in 1 sentence using 34 chars . Contains 14 words in 3 sentences using 50 chars . Contains 2 words in 1 sentence using 8 chars . (After a slight pause, enter BROCKWAY. He has on his blue "jumpers" — blackened with oil and coal — and an engine-driver's cap — or one such as they are apt to wear. He comes down at once, taking off his cap . MRS. BROCKWAY follows him to introduce the ladies.) Contains 8 words in 2 sentences using 49 chars . (Going to BROCKWAY and offering him her hand) Contains 10 words in 3 sentences using 42 chars . Contains 13 words in 1 sentence using 54 chars . (Quickly) Contains 2 words in 1 sentence using 14 chars . Contains 12 words in 4 sentences using 66 chars . Contains 10 words in 2 sentences using 43 chars . (Quietly) Contains 51 words in 7 sentences using 247 chars . Contains 8 words in 2 sentences using 30 chars . Contains 21 words in 2 sentences using 91 chars . Contains 14 words in 1 sentence using 57 chars . Contains 8 words in 1 sentence using 37 chars . Contains 18 words in 2 sentences using 82 chars . Contains 31 words in 3 sentences using 140 chars . Contains 18 words in 3 sentences using 73 chars . Contains 7 words in 1 sentence using 40 chars . Contains 19 words in 5 sentences using 89 chars . Contains 3 words in 1 sentence using 12 chars . Contains 33 words in 2 sentences using 142 chars . Contains 3 words in 1 sentence using 11 chars . Contains 163 words in 17 sentences using 776 chars . Contains 6 words in 2 sentences using 32 chars . Contains 27 words in 4 sentences using 117 chars . Contains 23 words in 2 sentences using 114 chars . Contains 3 words in 2 sentences using 18 chars . Contains 15 words in 1 sentence using 73 chars . Contains 7 words in 1 sentence using 26 chars . Contains 11 words in 1 sentence using 54 chars . (A heavy motor drives up to the curb outside and stops. The "chugging" and vibration are heard for a while close at hand, but no horn sounds . RUTH runs to the window, and almost instantly turns back and speaks.) Contains 3 words in 2 sentences using 21 chars . Contains 1 word in 1 sentence using 5 chars . Contains 8 words in 3 sentences using 38 chars . (The bell of the front door rings . BROCKWAY moves backward a little, standing motionless, looking to the front — but seeing nothing. After a pause the bell rings again.) (After a glance at BROCKWAY) Contains 8 words in 2 sentences using 35 chars . Contains 3 words in 1 sentence using 16 chars . Contains 5 words in 1 sentence using 21 chars . (Enter TWIMBLY, stalking a little way in. He wears a fur-lined overcoat. When he sees EMELINE he stops . RUTH quietly comes in after TWIMBLY. NINETTE enters after RUTH and stands just within the door , EMELINE'S cloak on her arm . BROCKWAY glances at TWIMBLY, but at once turns away quietly, as if not wishing to intrude in a family discussion.) (To EMELINE) Contains 4 words in 1 sentence using 17 chars . Contains 2 words in 1 sentence using 10 chars . Contains 3 words in 1 sentence using 16 chars . Contains 8 words in 3 sentences using 38 chars . Contains 10 words in 1 sentence using 50 chars . Contains 9 words in 1 sentence using 41 chars . Contains 6 words in 1 sentence using 25 chars . Contains 35 words in 4 sentences using 175 chars . Contains 28 words in 5 sentences using 127 chars . Contains 15 words in 1 sentence using 59 chars . Contains 10 words in 2 sentences using 56 chars . (After a little pause of making up her mind) Contains 10 words in 3 sentences using 45 chars . (Turning with a slight motion of stopping her, but not moving down) Contains 19 words in 2 sentences using 94 chars . Contains 4 words in 1 sentence using 16 chars . Contains 8 words in 1 sentence using 39 chars . Contains 12 words in 2 sentences using 61 chars . Contains 2 words in 1 sentence using 9 chars . Contains 7 words in 1 sentence using 28 chars . (Who has been watching it all closely — very angry) Contains 17 words in 4 sentences using 91 chars . (Turning with a sudden blaze) Contains 8 words in 1 sentence using 31 chars . Contains 21 words in 2 sentences using 97 chars . (Swinging round and speaking with penetrating directness — yet quietly) Contains 11 words in 3 sentences using 56 chars . (Hot and blustering) Contains 18 words in 1 sentence using 77 chars . (Quiet but incisive) Contains 6 words in 1 sentence using 26 chars . Contains 18 words in 2 sentences using 93 chars . (Quiet and incisive) Contains 5 words in 1 sentence using 20 chars . Contains 12 words in 2 sentences using 54 chars . Contains 9 words in 1 sentence using 36 chars . Contains 24 words in 1 sentence using 118 chars . (Rousing a little) Contains 19 words in 3 sentences using 78 chars . (Sneeringly) Contains 3 words in 2 sentences using 20 chars . (Getting angry) Contains 40 words in 2 sentences using 199 chars . Contains 5 words in 2 sentences using 19 chars . Contains 22 words in 1 sentence using 117 chars . Contains 9 words in 2 sentences using 40 chars . Contains 32 words in 1 sentence using 171 chars . (Going as near BROCKWAY as she dares) Contains 11 words in 2 sentences using 48 chars . Contains 11 words in 2 sentences using 58 chars . Contains 49 words in 4 sentences using 233 chars . (Running to RUTH) Contains 5 words in 2 sentences using 23 chars . Contains 2 words in 1 sentence using 8 chars . (The girls back away) Contains 3 words in 1 sentence using 10 chars . (RUTH gets near the door, ready to leave . TWIMBLY, who has been boiling with anger he has been unable to express, bursts out again.) Contains 16 words in 2 sentences using 83 chars . (Thoroughly enraged — MRS. BROCKWAY tries to restrain him.) Contains 52 words in 3 sentences using 263 chars . (Moving toward door) Contains 8 words in 1 sentence using 35 chars . Contains 7 words in 1 sentence using 39 chars . (At the top of his voice) Contains 5 words in 3 sentences using 27 chars . (EMELINE runs to BROCKWAY and seizes his hand.) Contains 25 words in 5 sentences using 117 chars . Contains 6 words in 1 sentence using 29 chars . Contains 17 words in 5 sentences using 94 chars . (BROCKWAY and his wife are in the center and JENNIE at the right, looking after EMELINE and RUTH.) CURTAIN ACT III THE SCENE: The Twimbly library again . The set is the same as in the First Act. It is late in the afternoon — nearly six o'clock — and daylight has gone. There are no electric lights on in the room, or in any part of the house. The curtain rises on a nearly dark scene, the only lights showing being the two lanterns used by the electricians. The arrangement of the furniture is that of Act I, excepting that the piano lid is closed down . No one is in the room at the rise of the curtain. It is so dark, excepting for the lanterns, that at first nothing can be distinguished. After a moment BOKER, the butler, is seen outside the wide door with PETER, a footman, carrying several lighted candles set in cheap tin candlesticks. The room is so dark that these lights make an effect . PETER holds the candles while BOKER places them. The two men go about the room, placing a candle on the mantel, one on a table at the left and well off in the part of the room extending beyond one's vision, another on the piano, and one on some other table, or stand, or cabinet . BOKER looks about as he does this, considering where to put the candles. He does not place them with the certainty of habit — but experimentally, rather . (To PETER) Contains 16 words in 2 sentences using 72 chars . (PETER leaves . BOKER goes about, pushing the candles into better positions. The low-toned trill of the front door electric gong is heard in a distant part of the house — barely audible . BOKER turns and goes out. In three seconds the voices of TWIMBLY and BOKER are heard outside . TWIMBLY has control of himself and is repressed — but with a forced calm that indicates wrath.) (Outside) Contains 12 words in 2 sentences using 55 chars . Contains 2 words in 1 sentence using 9 chars . (TWIMBLY walks in. He wears the same furtrimmed overcoat which he had on earlier . BOKER follows him, holding TWIMBLY'S hat in his hand.) Contains 12 words in 2 sentences using 67 chars . Contains 3 words in 1 sentence using 19 chars . (Looking about and realizing the state of things for the first time) Contains 12 words in 1 sentence using 54 chars . (With his usual unruffled suavity) Contains 8 words in 1 sentence using 38 chars . Contains 6 words in 1 sentence using 30 chars . Contains 12 words in 1 sentence using 56 chars . (Interrupting) Contains 7 words in 1 sentence using 33 chars . Contains 6 words in 1 sentence using 26 chars . (Forcing himself to be calm) Contains 3 words in 1 sentence using 12 chars . Contains 13 words in 1 sentence using 57 chars . Contains 11 words in 2 sentences using 54 chars . Contains 10 words in 1 sentence using 50 chars . Contains 3 words in 1 sentence using 13 chars . Contains 8 words in 1 sentence using 40 chars . Contains 4 words in 1 sentence using 17 chars . Contains 8 words in 1 sentence using 43 chars . Contains 5 words in 1 sentence using 31 chars . Contains 6 words in 2 sentences using 23 chars . (Who has been waiting motionless — with a horrible calm. Into 'phone) Contains 13 words in 4 sentences using 61 chars . Contains 8 words in 1 sentence using 31 chars . (Into 'phone) Contains 4 words in 2 sentences using 24 chars . (Trying to speak unobtrusively and yet reach TWIMBLY) Contains 2 words in 1 sentence using 11 chars . (TWIMBLY looks rapidly along with the same fearful calm — and, finding the number, drops the book and speaks into the 'phone.) Contains 188 words in 24 sentences using 925 chars . Contains 3 words in 2 sentences using 13 chars . (The low trill of an electric bell sounds in a distant part of the house . BOKER goes across and out quickly. In a moment the voices of SAM and BILL are heard outside . SAM, during the following scene with BILL, tries to keep his voice down as much as he can — so that people in the house won't hear.) Contains 19 words in 4 sentences using 89 chars . (Outside. Speaking off and on while SAM speaks) Contains 21 words in 3 sentences using 83 chars . (Enter BILL, with SAM trying to hold him back, and JOE following unsteadily . BILL is somewhat more intoxicated than he was in his home, but not at all disgustingly so . SAM is not affected to any extent . BILL goes toward the opening in the floor.) Contains 19 words in 4 sentences using 99 chars . (Trying to urge BILL out) Contains 9 words in 1 sentence using 43 chars . (Still blinking at the candles about the room) Contains 18 words in 2 sentences using 87 chars . Contains 2 words in 2 sentences using 13 chars . (To JOE — sharply) Contains 10 words in 4 sentences using 42 chars . (Starting toward the opening) Contains 3 words in 1 sentence using 13 chars . (Protesting in a low voice as he is thrown off) Contains 10 words in 2 sentences using 46 chars . (BILL reaches the opening on one side as JOE gets to the opposite side, and at once starts to go down into it by sitting on the floor with his legs in the opening . JOE stands watching him . SAM is glancing about anxiously and trying to think what to do.) (Looking up at JOE) Contains 10 words in 2 sentences using 49 chars . Contains 6 words in 1 sentence using 33 chars . (Turning back to the opening) Contains 23 words in 5 sentences using 106 chars . (Picking up telephone, listening and sliding into the chair at the same time.) Contains 58 words in 16 sentences using 297 chars . Contains 31 words in 7 sentences using 164 chars . Contains 7 words in 1 sentence using 32 chars . Contains 10 words in 2 sentences using 51 chars . (BILL, who has been weeping, turns and blinks at TWIMBLY.) Contains 11 words in 2 sentences using 43 chars . (To BILL) Contains 69 words in 5 sentences using 336 chars . Contains 10 words in 3 sentences using 41 chars . (Looking at SAM) Contains 6 words in 1 sentence using 24 chars . Contains 13 words in 3 sentences using 58 chars . Contains 5 words in 1 sentence using 23 chars . Contains 21 words in 10 sentences using 93 chars . (Stopping and addressing SAM — holding to him a little unsteadily) Contains 17 words in 1 sentence using 84 chars . Contains 4 words in 1 sentence using 16 chars . Contains 4 words in 1 sentence using 19 chars . Contains 4 words in 2 sentences using 23 chars . Contains 6 words in 1 sentence using 33 chars . Contains 17 words in 2 sentences using 70 chars . (Balking near the door) Contains 14 words in 1 sentence using 64 chars . Contains 10 words in 1 sentence using 43 chars . Contains 10 words in 2 sentences using 56 chars . Contains 22 words in 3 sentences using 97 chars . (JOE follows BILL and SAM off unsteadily. After a brief pause the door opens, and EMELINE and HOLLENDEN come in . HOLLENDEN has several books in his hands and various tools in his pockets . EMELINE is carrying some clumsy tool for him — a wrench or drill. While they are trying to close the door , HOLLENDEN manages very briefly to kiss her hand — which happens to be against the door frame. They go down to the library table, placing the books on it and getting chairs for themselves . HOLLENDEN gets two candles — one from the mantel and one from the piano — and places them together on the left part of the table to give light enough to read by. While he is doing this , EMELINE carefully closes the portières. Then they draw up chairs and sit quite close together at the upper corner of the table . HOLLENDEN finds a place in one of the books and opens it, laying it on the table between them, and they both look eagerly at it . HOLLENDEN'S left elbow is on the table and he is holding EMELINE'S right hand to his lips as he scans the book.) (After a moment) Contains 6 words in 2 sentences using 35 chars . (Moving her hand only far enough aside to let him speak) Contains 4 words in 1 sentence using 14 chars . Contains 8 words in 1 sentence using 36 chars . Contains 8 words in 1 sentence using 27 chars . Contains 2 words in 1 sentence using 8 chars . (Turning to her) Contains 26 words in 2 sentences using 116 chars . Contains 10 words in 1 sentence using 47 chars . Contains 1 word in 1 sentence using 6 chars . Contains 6 words in 1 sentence using 26 chars . (Looking down into her face) Contains 18 words in 1 sentence using 96 chars . Contains 7 words in 1 sentence using 27 chars . Contains 8 words in 1 sentence using 29 chars . (Looking up at him without raising her head) Contains 1 word in 1 sentence using 4 chars . Contains 1 word in 1 sentence using 5 chars . Contains 4 words in 4 sentences using 19 chars . Contains 7 words in 1 sentence using 35 chars . Contains 6 words in 1 sentence using 27 chars . Contains 32 words in 1 sentence using 173 chars . (Starting up erect and looking at him) Contains 6 words in 1 sentence using 24 chars . (Absently) Contains 2 words in 1 sentence using 7 chars . Contains 13 words in 2 sentences using 54 chars . Contains 3 words in 1 sentence using 14 chars . Contains 2 words in 1 sentence using 12 chars . Contains 3 words in 1 sentence using 14 chars . Contains 2 words in 1 sentence using 10 chars . Contains 20 words in 5 sentences using 122 chars . Contains 10 words in 1 sentence using 49 chars . (In an undertone — half to himself) Contains 7 words in 1 sentence using 27 chars . (Sitting away from him) Contains 3 words in 1 sentence using 13 chars . Contains 13 words in 2 sentences using 69 chars . Contains 2 words in 1 sentence using 8 chars . (Quite forgetting himself) Contains 17 words in 2 sentences using 74 chars . Contains 8 words in 1 sentence using 36 chars . (Recalled to his situation) Contains 14 words in 2 sentences using 70 chars . Contains 13 words in 1 sentence using 63 chars . Contains 14 words in 2 sentences using 65 chars . Contains 3 words in 1 sentence using 10 chars . Contains 39 words in 2 sentences using 181 chars . Contains 2 words in 1 sentence using 9 chars . Contains 16 words in 2 sentences using 75 chars . (Rising) Contains 6 words in 1 sentence using 27 chars . Contains 10 words in 3 sentences using 50 chars . Contains 10 words in 3 sentences using 41 chars . Contains 7 words in 3 sentences using 38 chars . Contains 20 words in 3 sentences using 80 chars . (Rising and holding her hand) Contains 3 words in 2 sentences using 17 chars . Contains 16 words in 2 sentences using 66 chars . (In the opening) Contains 8 words in 4 sentences using 39 chars . Contains 6 words in 4 sentences using 25 chars . (Rising) Contains 4 words in 1 sentence using 17 chars . Contains 4 words in 1 sentence using 18 chars . Contains 1 word in 2 sentences using 6 chars . Contains 8 words in 1 sentence using 40 chars . Contains 6 words in 1 sentence using 24 chars . (Running down and pulling back the portières — she speaks in a lowered voice) Contains 7 words in 1 sentence using 26 chars . Contains 3 words in 2 sentences using 15 chars . Contains 4 words in 3 sentences using 21 chars . (Rising up) Contains 11 words in 1 sentence using 43 chars . (Enter BOKER quickly and quietly.) Contains 7 words in 1 sentence using 30 chars . Contains 5 words in 2 sentences using 25 chars . Contains 2 words in 2 sentences using 11 chars . (At the edge of the opening — turning to HOLLENDEN) Contains 19 words in 2 sentences using 80 chars . (HOLLENDEN stands looking at her. He is in the opening so that his head is a few inches below the level of hers.) Contains 2 words in 1 sentence using 8 chars . Contains 1 word in 1 sentence using 4 chars . (HOLLENDEN takes her hand and looks at it, then looks up at her.) Contains 3 words in 1 sentence using 15 chars . Contains 1 word in 1 sentence using 4 chars . Contains 8 words in 2 sentences using 30 chars . (Watching him, she speaks anxiously) Contains 3 words in 2 sentences using 12 chars . (With a gesture of "let it go") Contains 20 words in 2 sentences using 92 chars . Contains 8 words in 1 sentence using 29 chars . (Moving to the door and turning to her) Contains 7 words in 3 sentences using 31 chars . (Just as they are going off) Contains 12 words in 2 sentences using 49 chars . (Outside) Contains 2 words in 1 sentence using 10 chars . (EMELINE runs to the table and looks hurriedly about on it. Enter BOKER, looking at EMELINE with a slightly hesitating aspect . EMELINE catches sight of BOKER after he has been standing there two seconds, and stops looking for what she wanted.) (In a low voice) Contains 5 words in 1 sentence using 22 chars . Contains 7 words in 2 sentences using 28 chars . Contains 3 words in 1 sentence using 17 chars . Contains 4 words in 1 sentence using 20 chars . (In a low voice) Contains 18 words in 1 sentence using 83 chars . Contains 1 word in 1 sentence using 3 chars . Contains 13 words in 1 sentence using 62 chars . Contains 2 words in 1 sentence using 10 chars . (As BOKER leaves , EMELINE glances about and, seeing that HOLLENDEN has left the door open, goes up and closes it quietly . BOKER appears outside ushering in the ladies and at once disappearing. Enter MRS. BROCKWAY and JENNIE PARKS. They have dresses of dark material and wear modest coats or cloaks. They enter with the slight timidity of poorer people coming suddenly into the grandeur of a rich family's house, and stop rather near each other . EMELINE, after one quick look, sees who they are and hurries down to greet them.) Contains 9 words in 4 sentences using 47 chars . (Shaking hands with EMELINE in a timid and reserved way) Contains 1 word in 1 sentence using 4 chars . Contains 21 words in 2 sentences using 91 chars . Contains 14 words in 1 sentence using 64 chars . (First looking at MRS. BROCKWAY — briefly ) Contains 1 word in 1 sentence using 3 chars . (Shaking her head) Contains 2 words in 1 sentence using 7 chars . (After a very slight pause) Contains 17 words in 1 sentence using 84 chars . Contains 1 word in 1 sentence using 4 chars . (JENNIE sits silent, her eyes lowered, her hands folded rather awkwardly in her lap.) (After another slight pause) Contains 7 words in 1 sentence using 32 chars . Contains 11 words in 2 sentences using 58 chars . (JENNIE nods a little affirmatively without looking up, then lowers her head a little more.) Contains 6 words in 2 sentences using 35 chars . Contains 2 words in 2 sentences using 8 chars . Contains 19 words in 2 sentences using 80 chars . Contains 7 words in 2 sentences using 44 chars . (On EMELINE'S hesitation) Contains 8 words in 2 sentences using 39 chars . (JENNIE lowers her eyes still further and her head sinks forward a little more . EMELINE looks at her.) Contains 5 words in 1 sentence using 22 chars . Contains 45 words in 2 sentences using 219 chars . (Who has begun to realize something, in a lower voice) Contains 5 words in 5 sentences using 30 chars . (Finding it very hard to begin, her eyes glance about restlessly once or twice) Contains 29 words in 1 sentence using 136 chars . (To MRS. BROCKWAY — after a very slight pause. She speaks in a lower voice) Contains 13 words in 2 sentences using 64 chars . (Nodding) Contains 13 words in 2 sentences using 67 chars . Contains 31 words in 5 sentences using 140 chars . Contains 4 words in 1 sentence using 19 chars . (Almost in a whisper) Contains 21 words in 2 sentences using 88 chars . (Rising) Contains 3 words in 2 sentences using 18 chars . (Shaking her head a little) Contains 71 words in 7 sentences using 346 chars . Contains 3 words in 1 sentence using 17 chars . (JENNIE, on "have to do it," rises and, going to EMELINE, falls into her arms.) (Trying to comfort JENNIE as she holds her) Contains 61 words in 7 sentences using 286 chars . (At the door) Contains 3 words in 1 sentence using 14 chars . Contains 8 words in 2 sentences using 34 chars . (MRS. BROCKWAY sits again at the left — pushing her chair so that the table somewhat hides her from anyone near the piano . EMELINE stands near the door a moment. Soon she stands erect and walks calmly to the door at the right and opens it. As she does so a faint hammering is heard outside.) (Calling) Contains 2 words in 3 sentences using 14 chars . (Outside) Contains 2 words in 1 sentence using 10 chars . Contains 5 words in 1 sentence using 27 chars . Contains 2 words in 2 sentences using 16 chars . Contains 3 words in 1 sentence using 16 chars . (Motioning him off and movi ng away a few steps) Contains 4 words in 2 sentences using 17 chars . (Coming near her) Contains 7 words in 1 sentence using 42 chars . Contains 8 words in 3 sentences using 32 chars . Contains 23 words in 2 sentences using 108 chars . Contains 11 words in 1 sentence using 51 chars . Contains 15 words in 2 sentences using 73 chars . (Stepping toward them, timid but determined) Contains 2 words in 1 sentence using 13 chars . (HOLLENDEN, surprised, releases EMELINE and looks round at MRS. BROCKWAY.) (Looking at MRS. BROCKWAY) Contains 3 words in 1 sentence using 11 chars . Contains 11 words in 1 sentence using 50 chars . (Coming to MRS. BROCKWAY) Contains 28 words in 4 sentences using 115 chars . (MRS. BROCKWAY goes back and again seats herself, looking anxious and uncomfortable . HOLLENDEN has been watching MRS. BROCKWAY and EMELINE, trying to get at the situation. When MRS. BROCKWAY is seated , EMELINE turns to HOLLENDEN.) Contains 16 words in 3 sentences using 80 chars . (After watching her, and seeing her wipe away her tears, he starts suddenly toward her and speaks earnestly) Contains 18 words in 3 sentences using 77 chars . (Turning to him a little, leaning back against the piano) Contains 5 words in 2 sentences using 28 chars . Contains 2 words in 1 sentence using 11 chars . Contains 4 words in 2 sentences using 22 chars . Contains 12 words in 1 sentence using 50 chars . Contains 4 words in 1 sentence using 20 chars . Contains 1 word in 1 sentence using 7 chars . Contains 1 word in 2 sentences using 5 chars . Contains 6 words in 1 sentence using 25 chars . (Going rapidly back to EMELINE) Contains 15 words in 1 sentence using 83 chars . (Looking round at him) Contains 13 words in 2 sentences using 60 chars . Contains 5 words in 2 sentences using 27 chars . Contains 6 words in 1 sentence using 30 chars . Contains 1 word in 1 sentence using 3 chars . Contains 8 words in 3 sentences using 37 chars . Contains 2 words in 1 sentence using 12 chars . (Turning away) Contains 55 words in 5 sentences using 240 chars . Contains 13 words in 3 sentences using 64 chars . (Turning and stopping him with a motion, she shakes her head sadly before speaking) Contains 9 words in 2 sentences using 41 chars . Contains 11 words in 3 sentences using 48 chars . Contains 4 words in 2 sentences using 22 chars . Contains 3 words in 2 sentences using 13 chars . (Holding out her hand to him) Contains 2 words in 2 sentences using 9 chars . Contains 26 words in 2 sentences using 112 chars . (Turning back to MRS. BROCKWAY) Contains 6 words in 1 sentence using 24 chars . Contains 10 words in 2 sentences using 43 chars . Contains 5 words in 1 sentence using 28 chars . (Quickly turning to her) Contains 2 words in 1 sentence using 7 chars . Contains 9 words in 2 sentences using 38 chars . (Moving nearer to her) Contains 22 words in 2 sentences using 94 chars . Contains 10 words in 1 sentence using 47 chars . Contains 12 words in 1 sentence using 59 chars . (Pointing to the door through which JENNIE passed) Contains 6 words in 2 sentences using 26 chars . (Pointing)) Contains 1 word in 1 sentence using 6 chars . Contains 1 word in 1 sentence using 4 chars . Contains 4 words in 1 sentence using 15 chars . Contains 3 words in 3 sentences using 11 chars . (In a low voice — almost a whisper) Contains 2 words in 1 sentence using 9 chars . (HOLLENDEN looks at her, puzzled, an instant, then turns and goes off . EMELINE stands for a little, looking at the closed door, after HOLLENDEN has disappeared, then turns suddenly and goes quickly down to the table where she and HOLLENDEN were looking over the electric books a while ago, and seats herself, hastily brushing the handkerchief across her eyes once. Then, getting notepaper and pen, she hurriedly writes . MRS. BROCKWAY, at the dialogue regarding HOLLENDEN'S going into the next room, has started up erect in her chair and looked on in some consternation. On the exit of HOLLENDEN she has risen to her feet, standing where she is, not knowing what to do. When EMELINE begins to write at the table, she goes to her at once.) (To EMELINE, who is writing) Contains 5 words in 1 sentence using 31 chars . (Looking up — and speaking with tears in her voice) Contains 1 word in 1 sentence using 4 chars . Contains 7 words in 1 sentence using 29 chars . (Though looking at MRS. BROCKWAY, hardly paying attention) Contains 1 word in 1 sentence using 5 chars . Contains 10 words in 1 sentence using 37 chars . (Looking up at MRS. BROCKWAY in surprise) Contains 20 words in 4 sentences using 90 chars . Contains 5 words in 3 sentences using 25 chars . (Speaks with a quiet calmness) Contains 43 words in 5 sentences using 208 chars . (Holding the note as it was given her, without a voluntary effort to do so) Contains 6 words in 1 sentence using 26 chars . (Nods once deeply) Contains 1 word in 1 sentence using 4 chars . (Helplessly) Contains 7 words in 1 sentence using 25 chars . (With a slight motion back of her) Contains 5 words in 1 sentence using 22 chars . Contains 6 words in 1 sentence using 27 chars . (After a second's surprised look at her) Contains 63 words in 8 sentences using 302 chars . (MRS. BROCKWAY watches EMELINE cross, with much sympathy.) (Moving after EMELINE) Contains 8 words in 2 sentences using 38 chars . Contains 51 words in 6 sentences using 213 chars . (MRS. BROCKWAY looks after EMELINE for a moment. Then she goes up toward the door where JENNIE is, a little way. The sounds of heavy steps and voices are heard outside. Enter BILL, coming in quite desperate . SAM enters with him — trying to hold him back . JOE follows them after several seconds and remains at the door . MRS. BROCKWAY shrinks back — watching anxiously.) (Outside — forcefully, yet keeping his voice down) Contains 12 words in 2 sentences using 52 chars . (Desperately, trying to get loose from SAM, but keeping his voice down) Contains 19 words in 2 sentences using 82 chars . (Going quickly toward the center — speaking across to MRS. BROCKWAY) Contains 34 words in 5 sentences using 156 chars . Contains 8 words in 2 sentences using 37 chars . (Who has been looking vacantly at MRS. BROCKWAY) Contains 5 words in 1 sentence using 18 chars . Contains 4 words in 1 sentence using 20 chars . (After a second's pause) Contains 5 words in 1 sentence using 23 chars . Contains 13 words in 1 sentence using 57 chars . (After a second's pause) Contains 1 word in 1 sentence using 3 chars . Contains 2 words in 2 sentences using 11 chars . (Reading) Contains 14 words in 2 sentences using 60 chars . Contains 5 words in 1 sentence using 18 chars . Contains 1 word in 1 sentence using 4 chars . Contains 2 words in 1 sentence using 13 chars . (After a second) Contains 1 word in 1 sentence using 9 chars . (Nodding) Contains 25 words in 1 sentence using 117 chars . (Breaking in) Contains 15 words in 2 sentences using 63 chars . Contains 11 words in 4 sentences using 51 chars . (Hoarsely) Contains 8 words in 2 sentences using 26 chars . (Alarmed) Contains 11 words in 2 sentences using 51 chars . (After staring blankly at her an instant) Contains 3 words in 1 sentence using 11 chars . Contains 9 words in 1 sentence using 40 chars . (Getting the idea) Contains 13 words in 2 sentences using 60 chars . Contains 15 words in 3 sentences using 73 chars . (Hardly stopping) Contains 20 words in 4 sentences using 97 chars . (MRS. BROCKWAY stands terrified . JOE watches from near the door. There is a crash of falling furniture, such as is made by a heavy table or stand thrown over, with vases on it, and chairs knocked about at the same time . JENNIE, outside, gives a short little scream .) (Starting up toward the door) Contains 1 word in 1 sentence using 3 chars . (Enter BILL and HOLLENDEN clutched together , HOLLENDEN shoving BILL backward into the room with a quick rush and down against the piano-seat, forcing him down on it and over backward on the piano, where he holds him. The piano lid is closed . JENNIE follows them in great alarm, stopping at the door and looking on with a frightened stare.) (Growling out under his breath — the words not easily understood) Contains 20 words in 3 sentences using 80 chars . (In a low voice, but strong) Contains 6 words in 3 sentences using 29 chars . Contains 1 word in 1 sentence using 3 chars . (JOE, who has been standing unobserved, suddenly plunges down and throws himself on HOLLENDEN, clutching his back and his waist . HOLLENDEN turns on the instant and shoves him off with a throw of the right shoulder and arm . BILL makes a struggle, but is at once held again . JOE stands dazed and blinking.) (Running toward HOLLENDEN and BILL) Contains 7 words in 3 sentences using 31 chars . Contains 5 words in 2 sentences using 22 chars . (In a low voice — subdued but strong) Contains 8 words in 2 sentences using 32 chars . (JENNIE and MRS. BROCKWAY hold to each other, looking on anxiously.) Contains 2 words in 2 sentences using 11 chars . (Holding BILL) Contains 18 words in 2 sentences using 78 chars . (Held down) Contains 3 words in 1 sentence using 19 chars . Contains 36 words in 4 sentences using 176 chars . (In a low voice) Contains 4 words in 1 sentence using 17 chars . Contains 8 words in 1 sentence using 32 chars . Contains 7 words in 1 sentence using 30 chars . Contains 5 words in 2 sentences using 26 chars . Contains 8 words in 1 sentence using 32 chars . Contains 5 words in 1 sentence using 27 chars . (Grasping HOLLENDEN'S hands) Contains 8 words in 2 sentences using 40 chars . Contains 11 words in 1 sentence using 43 chars . Contains 41 words in 7 sentences using 212 chars . Contains 11 words in 1 sentence using 47 chars . Contains 10 words in 2 sentences using 57 chars . (Rising) Contains 23 words in 1 sentence using 104 chars . Contains 8 words in 2 sentences using 38 chars . (Mumbling half to himself) Contains 8 words in 1 sentence using 39 chars . Contains 6 words in 2 sentences using 29 chars . (Hardly more than with her lips) Contains 2 words in 1 sentence using 8 chars . (Coming down and speaking to JENNIE and MRS. BROCKWAY) Contains 17 words in 2 sentences using 72 chars . (Suddenly ploughing in between JENNIE and SAM) Contains 4 words in 1 sentence using 17 chars . (MRS. BROCKWAY, JENNIE and BILL move toward the door . TWIMBLY pushes a bell in the wall . BOKER appears outside the door and just above it, waiting to show the BROCKWAYS and JENNIE out.) Contains 11 words in 3 sentences using 72 chars . (Stopping) Contains 14 words in 1 sentence using 65 chars . Contains 5 words in 1 sentence using 20 chars . Contains 16 words in 2 sentences using 73 chars . Contains 8 words in 3 sentences using 51 chars . Contains 3 words in 1 sentence using 16 chars . Contains 2 words in 2 sentences using 12 chars . (Getting BILL'S hand) Contains 13 words in 2 sentences using 61 chars . (Emphatically) Contains 20 words in 3 sentences using 90 chars . Contains 3 words in 1 sentence using 13 chars . (Outside) Contains 3 words in 2 sentences using 16 chars . (TWIMBLY and SAM turn and hurry up to HOLLENDEN, who has been standing near the piano in thought.) Contains 10 words in 2 sentences using 55 chars . Contains 11 words in 1 sentence using 52 chars . (In a low voice) Contains 18 words in 3 sentences using 79 chars . (Interrupting. He speaks forcefully — but in a low voice) Contains 21 words in 3 sentences using 94 chars . (Keeping his voice down) Contains 12 words in 2 sentences using 61 chars . (In a low voice) Contains 7 words in 1 sentence using 29 chars . Contains 7 words in 1 sentence using 36 chars . Contains 9 words in 1 sentence using 42 chars . Contains 12 words in 2 sentences using 51 chars . (Grasping HOLLENDEN'S hand) Contains 4 words in 1 sentence using 19 chars . Contains 12 words in 1 sentence using 50 chars . Contains 5 words in 1 sentence using 22 chars . Contains 16 words in 2 sentences using 67 chars . (In a low voice) Contains 80 words in 6 sentences using 384 chars . (Enter EMELINE. She stops and HOLLENDEN turns and sees her. They look at each other a moment. Then HOLLENDEN moves a step or two toward her.) (After a brief pause. In a low voice) Contains 88 words in 7 sentences using 401 chars . (Quiet, subdued, serious, with a very slight indication in the following questions that he is somewhat of a criminal) Contains 4 words in 1 sentence using 17 chars . (In answering these questions he shows that he considers himself an outcast) Contains 2 words in 1 sentence using 16 chars . Contains 3 words in 1 sentence using 12 chars . (With a slight nod) Contains 1 word in 1 sentence using 4 chars . Contains 6 words in 1 sentence using 28 chars . Contains 8 words in 1 sentence using 29 chars . Contains 6 words in 1 sentence using 29 chars . Contains 3 words in 2 sentences using 17 chars . Contains 5 words in 1 sentence using 21 chars . Contains 2 words in 1 sentence using 10 chars . Contains 1 word in 1 sentence using 4 chars . Contains 7 words in 2 sentences using 28 chars . (A slight softness) Contains 8 words in 2 sentences using 31 chars . Contains 4 words in 1 sentence using 17 chars . Contains 1 word in 1 sentence using 4 chars . Contains 7 words in 1 sentence using 44 chars . Contains 6 words in 1 sentence using 33 chars . Contains 8 words in 2 sentences using 38 chars . Contains 11 words in 2 sentences using 46 chars . Contains 106 words in 9 sentences using 493 chars . (After a second EMELINE rises and moves slowly away . HOLLENDEN remains on the floor, leaning against the piano-seat, not turning. She stops at the electric opening and looks sadly into it.) Contains 9 words in 1 sentence using 44 chars . (HOLLENDEN turns and puts his head quietly down on the piano-seat, resting it on his arm. The sound of a door closing is heard and BOKER'S voice.) Contains 6 words in 2 sentences using 28 chars . Contains 9 words in 5 sentences using 51 chars . (Almost absently) Contains 2 words in 1 sentence using 9 chars . Contains 20 words in 4 sentences using 89 chars . Contains 5 words in 1 sentence using 24 chars . (Raising her head) Contains 9 words in 1 sentence using 39 chars . (After a pause) Contains 8 words in 1 sentence using 33 chars . (In a crying voice) Contains 26 words in 3 sentences using 118 chars . Contains 5 words in 1 sentence using 21 chars . Contains 19 words in 4 sentences using 80 chars . Contains 6 words in 1 sentence using 26 chars . Contains 15 words in 3 sentences using 76 chars . Contains 6 words in 2 sentences using 26 chars . Contains 2 words in 1 sentence using 9 chars . (Nodding a little at first — not quite able to speak easily) Contains 13 words in 1 sentence using 61 chars . Contains 9 words in 2 sentences using 39 chars . (Nodding gravely) Contains 11 words in 1 sentence using 44 chars . Contains 7 words in 1 sentence using 27 chars . Contains 1 word in 2 sentences using 4 chars . Contains 20 words in 4 sentences using 90 chars . (HOLLENDEN, after the door closes outside, comes quietly down back of EMELINE and slowly puts his arms about her. After a little pause, she lets her head fall lightly back on his breast, giving up. He bends over and looks down into her face. She lets her eyes look up into his — then they fall again. Soon with a thought in her mind, she raises her head.) Contains 18 words in 1 sentence using 73 chars . (In a low voice) Contains 4 words in 1 sentence using 24 chars . (Raising her head again) Contains 16 words in 2 sentences using 73 chars . Contains 15 words in 1 sentence using 58 chars . Contains 4 words in 2 sentences using 16 chars . Contains 13 words in 1 sentence using 58 chars . Contains 3 words in 2 sentences using 20 chars . Contains 1 word in 1 sentence using 12 chars . (Murmuring as she lets her head fall back on his shoulder) Contains 5 words in 1 sentence using 21 chars . CURTAIN