1838 Dramatis Personæ, and Costume. Colonel Chesham . Light blue broad skirted coat, trimmed with gold lace — Yellow cloth breeches — Buff sword belt, trimmed with gold lace — Black slouch hat, bound with gold, one white feather — High black boots. Mr. Perkins. Major Hans Mansfeldt . Same as Chesham, with steel cuirass — Brass spurs — Strait flaxen wig — Yellow gauntlets. Mr. Webster. Darby Donaghue . ( 1st dress .) White serge peasant's jacket — Green damask waistcoat — Blue apron — Brown cloth breeches. ( 2nd dress ). Brown Dutchman's dress — High dirty boots. Mr. Strickland. Phelim . Brown tab'd jacket — Blue cloth breeches — High russet boots — Drab hat. Mr. King. Monk . Friar's grey dress Mr. Gough. Portreeve . Old fashioned brown coat — Ditto waistcoat — Black breeches — Black worsted stockings — Yellow cloak. Mr. Matthews. Gerald Pepper . ( 1st dress .) Scarlet broad skirted coat, trimmed with silver lace and tassels — Buff serge trunks — Green silk sash, with silver fringe — Buff sword belt, trimmed with green ribbon — Black slouch hat and feather, bound with silver. ( 2nd dress .) The same as Rafferty. Mr. Power. Rafferty . Old scarlet waistcoat, patched — Old woollen jacket, without sleeves — Green cloth breeches, torn — Old hat. Mr. Bishop. Chorus , the same as Rafferty. Two Supreme Burgesses old fashioned suits — High boots — Three cornered hats. Two Servants old fashioned liveries. Magdelene Dove colored satin gown, trimmed with white satin, open in front — white satin petticoat. Miss Cooper. Agatha . ( 1st dress . Orange merino, trimmed with blue. ( 2nd dress .) Chintz bedgown — brown patched petticoat — handkerchief over the head. Mrs. Fitzwilliam Time of representation 1 hour and 35 minutes. Scene lies in Ireland in the year 1690. EXPLANATION OF THE STAGE DIRECTIONS. L. means first entrance, left. R, first entrance, right. S. E. L. second entrance, left. S. E. R. second entrance, right. U. E. L. upper entrance, left. U. E. R. upper entrance, right. C. centre. L. C. left centre. R. C. right centre. T. E. L. third entrance, left. T. E. R. third entrance right. Observing you are supposed to face the audience. ACT I. SCENE I. — An Interior of Ballygarth House. Magdalene discovered seated at a table — lights upon it — employed at needlework — handsome pictures hang round the room, in which an air of ancestral comfort prevails — an oriel window at the back, through which a moonlight view is seen. Contains 49 words in 3 sentences using 250 chars . Enter Agatha , R. Contains 25 words in 2 sentences using 136 chars . Contains 12 words in 2 sentences using 67 chars . Contains 17 words in 2 sentences using 81 chars . Contains 20 words in 2 sentences using 104 chars . Contains 32 words in 2 sentences using 141 chars . Contains 72 words in 7 sentences using 383 chars . (Looking out.) Contains 28 words in 4 sentences using 145 chars . Contains 4 words in 3 sentences using 29 chars . (Outside.) Contains 5 words in 2 sentences using 32 chars . Enter Gerald, Colonel Chesham , and Hans Mansfeldt. Magdalene rushes to Gerald's arms. Agatha exits, R. Contains 8 words in 3 sentences using 42 chars . Contains 9 words in 2 sentences using 42 chars . Contains 4 words in 2 sentences using 27 chars . Contains 39 words in 3 sentences using 223 chars . [Exit R. (Aside.) Contains 26 words in 3 sentences using 132 chars . Contains 55 words in 4 sentences using 292 chars . Contains 10 words in 2 sentences using 56 chars . Hans .) Contains 11 words in 4 sentences using 55 chars . Enter Agatha , R. Contains 14 words in 2 sentences using 70 chars . Contains 8 words in 3 sentences using 52 chars . [Exeunt Magdelene and Agatha , S.E.R. Contains 25 words in 4 sentences using 132 chars . Contains 29 words in 2 sentences using 151 chars . (Aside.) Contains 25 words in 3 sentences using 137 chars . Contains 6 words in 1 sentence using 27 chars . Contains 4 words in 2 sentences using 21 chars . Contains 16 words in 2 sentences using 86 chars . Contains 4 words in 2 sentences using 28 chars . Contains 1 word in 2 sentences using 5 chars . Contains 86 words in 4 sentences using 442 chars . Contains 5 words in 2 sentences using 20 chars . Contains 10 words in 2 sentences using 55 chars . Contains 48 words in 2 sentences using 220 chars . Contains 17 words in 2 sentences using 94 chars . (Aside, looking round.) Contains 11 words in 3 sentences using 52 chars . Enter Gerald , followed by a Servant bearing a handsome salver, silver claret jug, and glasses. Contains 8 words in 3 sentences using 46 chars . Enter Magdalene , S.E.R. Contains 19 words in 3 sentences using 106 chars . Contains 4 words in 2 sentences using 21 chars . Contains 6 words in 2 sentences using 36 chars . (To Servants.) Contains 1 word in 2 sentences using 7 chars . (The Servant pours out wine, and they drink with salutations to each other, all but Hans , who swigs his wine and has his cup filled twice. Contains 4 words in 2 sentences using 22 chars . Contains 24 words in 2 sentences using 123 chars . Contains 4 words in 2 sentences using 18 chars . Contains 24 words in 2 sentences using 115 chars . Contains 58 words in 1 sentence using 335 chars . Contains 4 words in 2 sentences using 21 chars . Contains 32 words in 2 sentences using 180 chars . Contains 4 words in 3 sentences using 25 chars . Contains 49 words in 3 sentences using 270 chars . Contains 10 words in 2 sentences using 48 chars . Contains 109 words in 4 sentences using 557 chars . Contains 14 words in 4 sentences using 84 chars . Contains 22 words in 2 sentences using 112 chars . Contains 6 words in 3 sentences using 32 chars . Contains 43 words in 2 sentences using 217 chars . Contains 63 words in 2 sentences using 322 chars . Contains 6 words in 3 sentences using 31 chars . Contains 18 words in 2 sentences using 91 chars . Contains 7 words in 2 sentences using 40 chars . Contains 24 words in 3 sentences using 123 chars . (Aside.) Contains 13 words in 2 sentences using 75 chars . Contains 21 words in 2 sentences using 115 chars . Contains 16 words in 2 sentences using 78 chars . Contains 34 words in 3 sentences using 167 chars . Contains 21 words in 2 sentences using 105 chars . Enter Servant , L. with a letter. Contains 16 words in 2 sentences using 88 chars . Contains 32 words in 5 sentences using 188 chars . Contains 4 words in 2 sentences using 28 chars . Contains 9 words in 2 sentences using 61 chars . Contains 21 words in 3 sentences using 115 chars . Contains 23 words in 2 sentences using 125 chars . Contains 7 words in 1 sentence using 43 chars . Contains 12 words in 2 sentences using 66 chars . Contains 34 words in 2 sentences using 172 chars . Contains 48 words in 2 sentences using 258 chars . Contains 24 words in 3 sentences using 122 chars . Contains 6 words in 2 sentences using 37 chars . Contains 7 words in 2 sentences using 44 chars . (With suppressed surprise.) Contains 1 word in 2 sentences using 12 chars . Contains 6 words in 2 sentences using 32 chars . Contains 10 words in 3 sentences using 48 chars . Contains 1 word in 2 sentences using 7 chars . Contains 23 words in 4 sentences using 118 chars . (Exit Colonel Chesham and Hans — the Colonel and Gerald exchanging salutation, and Hans retiring without acknowledging Gerald's bow.) (as Gerald looks after Hans takes his hand on the other side. Gerald looks round.) Contains 2 words in 2 sentences using 16 chars . Contains 6 words in 2 sentences using 38 chars . (Taking her tenderly in his arms.) Contains 13 words in 2 sentences using 68 chars . Contains 8 words in 2 sentences using 42 chars . Contains 55 words in 4 sentences using 285 chars . Contains 6 words in 4 sentences using 32 chars . Contains 26 words in 2 sentences using 143 chars . Contains 5 words in 2 sentences using 23 chars . Contains 85 words in 4 sentences using 467 chars . Contains 6 words in 3 sentences using 32 chars . Contains 38 words in 3 sentences using 204 chars . Contains 7 words in 2 sentences using 39 chars . Contains 12 words in 2 sentences using 59 chars . Contains 14 words in 2 sentences using 74 chars . Contains 40 words in 3 sentences using 189 chars . Contains 10 words in 2 sentences using 44 chars . Contains 46 words in 4 sentences using 231 chars . Contains 12 words in 2 sentences using 55 chars . Contains 78 words in 3 sentences using 417 chars . SCENE 2nd. — Another room in Ballygarth house. Enter Agatha and Phelim , L. Contains 14 words in 2 sentences using 84 chars . Contains 7 words in 3 sentences using 36 chars . Contains 5 words in 2 sentences using 25 chars . Contains 12 words in 2 sentences using 62 chars . Contains 28 words in 2 sentences using 132 chars . Contains 7 words in 2 sentences using 39 chars . Contains 20 words in 2 sentences using 85 chars . Contains 6 words in 2 sentences using 34 chars . Contains 2 words in 2 sentences using 15 chars . Contains 1 word in 2 sentences using 5 chars . Contains 43 words in 2 sentences using 194 chars . Contains 13 words in 2 sentences using 59 chars . Contains 39 words in 2 sentences using 198 chars . Contains 10 words in 2 sentences using 57 chars . Contains 9 words in 2 sentences using 41 chars . Contains 45 words in 4 sentences using 233 chars . DUETT. Contains 8 words in 1 sentence using 43 chars . Contains 8 words in 1 sentence using 49 chars . Contains 10 words in 1 sentence using 48 chars . Contains 5 words in 1 sentence using 34 chars . Contains 8 words in 1 sentence using 38 chars . Contains 6 words in 1 sentence using 31 chars . Contains 8 words in 1 sentence using 38 chars . Contains 6 words in 1 sentence using 34 chars . Contains 8 words in 1 sentence using 43 chars . Contains 13 words in 1 sentence using 55 chars . Contains 10 words in 1 sentence using 53 chars . Contains 9 words in 1 sentence using 49 chars . Contains 10 words in 1 sentence using 42 chars . Contains 8 words in 1 sentence using 37 chars . Contains 9 words in 1 sentence using 41 chars . Contains 6 words in 1 sentence using 33 chars . [Exeunt R ; SCENE III. — The village of Swords. — Round tower and Cathedral in the distance — stone cross in the middle of the street S. E. L. a Public House, the sign of the "Pig and whistle." Darby Donaghue , the Landlord, serving the peasants with drink. The Portreeve and a couple of Burgesses in consultation at the stone cross, they come forward when the curtain rises, and Darby Donaghue joins them. Contains 28 words in 5 sentences using 145 chars . Contains 44 words in 3 sentences using 222 chars . Contains 31 words in 3 sentences using 174 chars . Contains 23 words in 3 sentences using 111 chars . Contains 27 words in 3 sentences using 151 chars . Contains 71 words in 5 sentences using 332 chars . Contains 15 words in 2 sentences using 91 chars . Contains 31 words in 2 sentences using 156 chars . Contains 24 words in 4 sentences using 169 chars . Contains 20 words in 3 sentences using 101 chars . (Villagers shout.) Enter Gerald, Phelim , and Aggy . Contains 15 words in 2 sentences using 77 chars . Contains 9 words in 2 sentences using 60 chars . Contains 52 words in 2 sentences using 261 chars . Contains 8 words in 2 sentences using 50 chars . Contains 31 words in 3 sentences using 171 chars . Contains 16 words in 2 sentences using 84 chars . Contains 11 words in 2 sentences using 46 chars . Contains 7 words in 2 sentences using 44 chars . Contains 18 words in 2 sentences using 87 chars . Contains 2 words in 2 sentences using 15 chars . Contains 26 words in 3 sentences using 105 chars . (looking at the Burgesses dolefully) Contains 7 words in 2 sentences using 41 chars . (Exeunt Portreeve and Burgesses , L. ) Contains 27 words in 3 sentences using 115 chars . Contains 9 words in 2 sentences using 53 chars . Contains 20 words in 3 sentences using 97 chars . Contains 2 words in 3 sentences using 15 chars . Contains 30 words in 5 sentences using 141 chars . Contains 7 words in 2 sentences using 38 chars . Contains 10 words in 2 sentences using 57 chars . Contains 2 words in 3 sentences using 9 chars . Contains 41 words in 3 sentences using 197 chars . Contains 4 words in 2 sentences using 15 chars . Contains 72 words in 3 sentences using 365 chars . Contains 3 words in 2 sentences using 17 chars . Contains 9 words in 2 sentences using 41 chars . Contains 2 words in 2 sentences using 10 chars . Contains 50 words in 3 sentences using 240 chars . Contains 2 words in 3 sentences using 15 chars . Contains 46 words in 4 sentences using 212 chars . Contains 3 words in 1 sentence using 20 chars . Contains 49 words in 4 sentences using 235 chars . Contains 3 words in 2 sentences using 14 chars . Contains 9 words in 3 sentences using 43 chars . Contains 3 words in 2 sentences using 14 chars . Contains 41 words in 3 sentences using 194 chars . (Very ragged.) Contains 3 words in 2 sentences using 22 chars . Contains 19 words in 3 sentences using 92 chars . Contains 1 word in 2 sentences using 11 chars . Contains 114 words in 7 sentences using 544 chars . Contains 7 words in 2 sentences using 34 chars . Contains 87 words in 6 sentences using 404 chars . SONG. — Contains 57 words in 3 sentences using 323 chars . Contains 59 words in 2 sentences using 348 chars . Hans Mansfeldt shouts without, L.U.E. Contains 8 words in 4 sentences using 54 chars . Darby enters from house, S.E.L. Contains 4 words in 2 sentences using 26 chars . Contains 5 words in 2 sentences using 25 chars . [Exit. Darby , L.U.E. (Without.) Contains 2 words in 3 sentences using 13 chars . (Without.) Contains 13 words in 3 sentences using 71 chars . Contains 114 words in 18 sentences using 575 chars . (Looking into it.) Contains 6 words in 1 sentence using 28 chars . Contains 12 words in 3 sentences using 71 chars . Contains 4 words in 2 sentences using 26 chars . Contains 1 word in 2 sentences using 13 chars . Contains 9 words in 2 sentences using 45 chars . Contains 13 words in 3 sentences using 73 chars . Contains 17 words in 3 sentences using 87 chars . Contains 2 words in 2 sentences using 17 chars . Contains 2 words in 2 sentences using 14 chars . Contains 10 words in 2 sentences using 54 chars . Contains 3 words in 2 sentences using 17 chars . Contains 9 words in 2 sentences using 46 chars . Contains 8 words in 3 sentences using 42 chars . Contains 1 word in 2 sentences using 11 chars . Contains 14 words in 6 sentences using 68 chars . Contains 13 words in 2 sentences using 66 chars . Contains 6 words in 3 sentences using 27 chars . (Calling.) Contains 3 words in 3 sentences using 27 chars . (Without.) Contains 5 words in 2 sentences using 23 chars . Enter Gerald disguised as a ragged, red-haired peasant. from house, S.E.L. Contains 6 words in 2 sentences using 25 chars . Contains 8 words in 2 sentences using 29 chars . Contains 4 words in 2 sentences using 18 chars . (Looking at his rags.) Contains 18 words in 3 sentences using 84 chars . Contains 5 words in 2 sentences using 21 chars . Contains 9 words in 2 sentences using 38 chars . Contains 5 words in 2 sentences using 28 chars . Contains 8 words in 2 sentences using 32 chars . Contains 8 words in 3 sentences using 34 chars . Contains 12 words in 2 sentences using 66 chars . Contains 9 words in 4 sentences using 46 chars . Contains 21 words in 3 sentences using 85 chars . Contains 5 words in 2 sentences using 21 chars . Contains 4 words in 2 sentences using 13 chars . Contains 6 words in 3 sentences using 27 chars . Contains 43 words in 7 sentences using 213 chars . Contains 6 words in 2 sentences using 29 chars . Contains 13 words in 2 sentences using 57 chars . Contains 2 words in 2 sentences using 13 chars . Contains 40 words in 4 sentences using 199 chars . Contains 1 word in 2 sentences using 9 chars . Contains 135 words in 3 sentences using 703 chars . Contains 3 words in 2 sentences using 15 chars . Contains 21 words in 3 sentences using 123 chars . Contains 9 words in 3 sentences using 50 chars . Contains 15 words in 3 sentences using 75 chars . Contains 17 words in 4 sentences using 83 chars . Contains 12 words in 2 sentences using 61 chars . Contains 1 word in 2 sentences using 7 chars . Contains 7 words in 2 sentences using 37 chars . Contains 3 words in 1 sentence using 12 chars . Contains 4 words in 2 sentences using 16 chars . Contains 10 words in 3 sentences using 46 chars . Contains 6 words in 2 sentences using 27 chars . Contains 1 word in 2 sentences using 5 chars . Contains 15 words in 2 sentences using 99 chars . Contains 15 words in 4 sentences using 81 chars . Contains 34 words in 2 sentences using 157 chars . Hans enters the house L.U.E. , with Darby . (looking about) Contains 5 words in 3 sentences using 30 chars . Contains 7 words in 2 sentences using 33 chars . Contains 236 words in 13 sentences using 1179 chars . Enter Hans and Darby from the house, S.E.L. Contains 9 words in 2 sentences using 40 chars . Contains 7 words in 2 sentences using 38 chars . Contains 71 words in 4 sentences using 375 chars . SONG. Contains 37 words in 3 sentences using 159 chars . Contains 40 words in 2 sentences using 199 chars . Contains 32 words in 2 sentences using 151 chars . Contains 42 words in 2 sentences using 193 chars . Contains 34 words in 2 sentences using 164 chars . Contains 45 words in 2 sentences using 200 chars . Contains 37 words in 2 sentences using 161 chars . Contains 32 words in 2 sentences using 161 chars . Contains 45 words in 2 sentences using 220 chars . Contains 36 words in 2 sentences using 195 chars . Contains 36 words in 2 sentences using 184 chars . ACT II. SCENE I. — The Snipe's Shallow — a low, sedgy plashy foreground, in the distance an extensive range of bog, small turf clamps heaped in rows along the surface of the bog. A group of men crouching under tall flaggers and bull-rushes. Phelim and Darby Donaghue looking out L.U.E. Contains 33 words in 2 sentences using 154 chars . Contains 6 words in 2 sentences using 26 chars . Contains 34 words in 3 sentences using 164 chars . Contains 47 words in 4 sentences using 214 chars . Contains 25 words in 2 sentences using 131 chars . Contains 16 words in 3 sentences using 81 chars . Contains 94 words in 13 sentences using 471 chars . (Outside.) Contains 4 words in 3 sentences using 25 chars . Contains 10 words in 4 sentences using 55 chars . Enter Gerald and Hans , L.U.E. , much splashed with mud. Contains 21 words in 3 sentences using 94 chars . Contains 11 words in 2 sentences using 48 chars . Contains 5 words in 2 sentences using 24 chars . Contains 21 words in 2 sentences using 98 chars . Contains 6 words in 2 sentences using 28 chars . Contains 21 words in 2 sentences using 83 chars . Contains 8 words in 3 sentences using 38 chars . Contains 27 words in 3 sentences using 134 chars . Contains 6 words in 2 sentences using 27 chars . Contains 5 words in 2 sentences using 20 chars . Contains 1 word in 2 sentences using 5 chars . Contains 21 words in 3 sentences using 114 chars . Contains 10 words in 3 sentences using 55 chars . Contains 28 words in 2 sentences using 126 chars . Contains 9 words in 6 sentences using 44 chars . Contains 44 words in 4 sentences using 214 chars . Contains 12 words in 3 sentences using 66 chars . Contains 30 words in 3 sentences using 139 chars . Contains 28 words in 3 sentences using 129 chars . Contains 8 words in 5 sentences using 40 chars . Hans .) Contains 40 words in 3 sentences using 196 chars . Contains 6 words in 2 sentences using 30 chars . Contains 8 words in 3 sentences using 36 chars . Contains 8 words in 2 sentences using 48 chars . Contains 8 words in 2 sentences using 43 chars . Contains 28 words in 3 sentences using 154 chars . Contains 10 words in 2 sentences using 55 chars . Contains 12 words in 2 sentences using 64 chars . Contains 9 words in 2 sentences using 41 chars . Contains 13 words in 2 sentences using 57 chars . Contains 14 words in 5 sentences using 69 chars . Contains 33 words in 2 sentences using 171 chars . Contains 14 words in 2 sentences using 69 chars . Contains 28 words in 2 sentences using 117 chars . Contains 5 words in 2 sentences using 24 chars . Darby .) Contains 32 words in 2 sentences using 173 chars . Contains 5 words in 2 sentences using 20 chars . (Starting.) Contains 8 words in 3 sentences using 42 chars . Contains 7 words in 2 sentences using 46 chars . Contains 7 words in 3 sentences using 37 chars . Contains 9 words in 2 sentences using 41 chars . (Aside.) Contains 14 words in 3 sentences using 66 chars . Contains 71 words in 4 sentences using 349 chars . Contains 2 words in 3 sentences using 13 chars . Contains 35 words in 3 sentences using 160 chars . [Exeunt Hans and Gerald , L. Contains 14 words in 2 sentences using 73 chars . SCENE II. — The Priory of Tristernah. Enter Phelim and Agatha , from door in flat. Contains 4 words in 2 sentences using 28 chars . Contains 22 words in 3 sentences using 90 chars . Contains 1 word in 2 sentences using 6 chars . Contains 8 words in 2 sentences using 38 chars . Contains 1 word in 2 sentences using 6 chars . Contains 6 words in 2 sentences using 31 chars . Contains 6 words in 2 sentences using 29 chars . Contains 44 words in 5 sentences using 209 chars . Contains 6 words in 2 sentences using 31 chars . Contains 12 words in 2 sentences using 51 chars . Contains 14 words in 2 sentences using 59 chars . Contains 11 words in 2 sentences using 53 chars . Contains 5 words in 2 sentences using 23 chars . Contains 7 words in 2 sentences using 31 chars . Contains 23 words in 2 sentences using 116 chars . Contains 19 words in 2 sentences using 80 chars . Contains 5 words in 2 sentences using 22 chars . Enter Friar , R. (Slaps Phelim's face.) Contains 3 words in 2 sentences using 22 chars . [Exit Phelim , L. Contains 2 words in 3 sentences using 11 chars . (Aside.) Contains 5 words in 2 sentences using 22 chars . Contains 3 words in 2 sentences using 22 chars . Contains 21 words in 2 sentences using 94 chars . Contains 9 words in 1 sentence using 72 chars . Contains 7 words in 2 sentences using 42 chars . Contains 29 words in 3 sentences using 156 chars . [Exit door in flat. Contains 84 words in 4 sentences using 429 chars . SONG. — Agatha . Contains 104 words in 6 sentences using 519 chars . Contains 98 words in 5 sentences using 531 chars . [Exit Agatha , R. SCENE III. — Dusk. — A ruined Castellated House, greater part of the roof gone — the mullions of the windows broken — part of the walls fallen. — A window R.U.E. — the stage open at the back with staircase — broken ballusters — a table and rushlight upon it. Enter Gerald and Hans up the trap at the back, Contains 7 words in 1 sentence using 36 chars . (Horrified.) Contains 3 words in 2 sentences using 15 chars . Contains 6 words in 2 sentences using 32 chars . Contains 3 words in 2 sentences using 10 chars . Contains 21 words in 3 sentences using 110 chars . (Abstractedly.) Contains 10 words in 3 sentences using 61 chars . Contains 14 words in 2 sentences using 68 chars . Contains 15 words in 4 sentences using 77 chars . Contains 39 words in 2 sentences using 201 chars . Contains 7 words in 2 sentences using 33 chars . Contains 11 words in 2 sentences using 51 chars . Contains 9 words in 3 sentences using 45 chars . Contains 70 words in 2 sentences using 348 chars . Contains 4 words in 1 sentence using 21 chars . Contains 2 words in 2 sentences using 10 chars . Contains 19 words in 2 sentences using 98 chars . Contains 17 words in 2 sentences using 98 chars . Contains 10 words in 1 sentence using 43 chars . Contains 9 words in 2 sentences using 49 chars . Contains 8 words in 4 sentences using 43 chars . Contains 23 words in 3 sentences using 111 chars . Contains 6 words in 2 sentences using 30 chars . Contains 30 words in 2 sentences using 153 chars . Contains 4 words in 2 sentences using 24 chars . Contains 20 words in 2 sentences using 99 chars . Contains 6 words in 3 sentences using 34 chars . Contains 15 words in 2 sentences using 72 chars . Contains 5 words in 2 sentences using 30 chars . Contains 18 words in 3 sentences using 93 chars . Contains 9 words in 1 sentence using 39 chars . Contains 9 words in 3 sentences using 43 chars . Enter Agatha , T.E.L. Contains 5 words in 2 sentences using 23 chars . Contains 2 words in 2 sentences using 14 chars . (Astonished.) Contains 3 words in 2 sentences using 17 chars . Contains 19 words in 2 sentences using 90 chars . Contains 7 words in 2 sentences using 37 chars . Contains 6 words in 2 sentences using 37 chars . (Aside.) Contains 14 words in 3 sentences using 61 chars . Contains 6 words in 2 sentences using 30 chars . Contains 23 words in 2 sentences using 110 chars . Contains 4 words in 2 sentences using 22 chars . (Points to his ears.) Contains 4 words in 2 sentences using 20 chars . Contains 32 words in 8 sentences using 164 chars . Contains 6 words in 2 sentences using 29 chars . Contains 25 words in 2 sentences using 138 chars . Contains 8 words in 2 sentences using 32 chars . Contains 21 words in 2 sentences using 93 chars . Contains 1 word in 2 sentences using 11 chars . Contains 25 words in 2 sentences using 121 chars . (Aside.) Contains 10 words in 2 sentences using 46 chars . Contains 11 words in 2 sentences using 53 chars . Contains 10 words in 2 sentences using 52 chars . Contains 6 words in 2 sentences using 29 chars . Contains 7 words in 2 sentences using 28 chars . Contains 6 words in 2 sentences using 36 chars . Contains 11 words in 3 sentences using 52 chars . Contains 30 words in 4 sentences using 141 chars . Exit down the stage. Contains 8 words in 2 sentences using 37 chars . Contains 7 words in 2 sentences using 28 chars . Contains 18 words in 4 sentences using 104 chars . Contains 5 words in 2 sentences using 24 chars . Contains 5 words in 2 sentences using 26 chars . Contains 10 words in 2 sentences using 55 chars . Contains 18 words in 2 sentences using 94 chars . Contains 11 words in 2 sentences using 58 chars . Contains 15 words in 2 sentences using 77 chars . Contains 8 words in 2 sentences using 38 chars . Contains 34 words in 2 sentences using 174 chars . Re-enter Agatha with a dish of boiled potatoes and a herring from trap. Contains 9 words in 2 sentences using 46 chars . Contains 13 words in 3 sentences using 66 chars . Contains 8 words in 3 sentences using 34 chars . Contains 11 words in 2 sentences using 53 chars . [Exeunt Agatha and Gerald , R (Draws up the table, lifts the dish upon it, and seats himseft.) Contains 20 words in 4 sentences using 100 chars . He is going to cut the herring, when Gerald comes in and stops him. Contains 9 words in 4 sentences using 50 chars . Contains 4 words in 2 sentences using 21 chars . Contains 15 words in 2 sentences using 74 chars . Contains 7 words in 2 sentences using 35 chars . Contains 11 words in 2 sentences using 65 chars . Contains 9 words in 3 sentences using 35 chars . Contains 39 words in 3 sentences using 189 chars . Contains 5 words in 3 sentences using 26 chars . Contains 45 words in 4 sentences using 205 chars . Contains 9 words in 2 sentences using 43 chars . Contains 20 words in 2 sentences using 101 chars . Contains 13 words in 3 sentences using 64 chars . Contains 38 words in 2 sentences using 165 chars . (Rubs his potatoe to herring and eats.) Contains 4 words in 3 sentences using 21 chars . Contains 34 words in 2 sentences using 172 chars . (drinks) Contains 3 words in 2 sentences using 14 chars . Contains 43 words in 3 sentences using 211 chars . Contains 5 words in 2 sentences using 31 chars . Contains 11 words in 2 sentences using 53 chars . Contains 1 word in 2 sentences using 7 chars . Contains 126 words in 6 sentences using 640 chars . Contains 8 words in 3 sentences using 37 chars . Contains 13 words in 2 sentences using 61 chars . Contains 4 words in 2 sentences using 19 chars . Contains 66 words in 4 sentences using 330 chars . Contains 5 words in 2 sentences using 21 chars . Contains 90 words in 3 sentences using 436 chars . (Noise of many voices speaking, and a pistol shot is heard.) Contains 3 words in 2 sentences using 14 chars . Contains 15 words in 2 sentences using 79 chars . Contains 5 words in 2 sentences using 20 chars . Contains 23 words in 2 sentences using 120 chars . Contains 80 words in 9 sentences using 365 chars . Re-enter Gerald up the staircase. Contains 7 words in 2 sentences using 37 chars . Contains 25 words in 2 sentences using 124 chars . Contains 50 words in 4 sentences using 270 chars . Contains 5 words in 2 sentences using 31 chars . Contains 15 words in 2 sentences using 63 chars . (very uneasy) Contains 8 words in 2 sentences using 37 chars . Contains 71 words in 4 sentences using 345 chars . Contains 5 words in 2 sentences using 25 chars . Contains 18 words in 2 sentences using 96 chars . Contains 4 words in 3 sentences using 23 chars . Contains 19 words in 2 sentences using 94 chars . Contains 6 words in 2 sentences using 30 chars . Contains 23 words in 2 sentences using 113 chars . Contains 10 words in 2 sentences using 50 chars . Contains 87 words in 4 sentences using 451 chars . (writhing in imagined agony.) Contains 3 words in 3 sentences using 20 chars . Contains 13 words in 3 sentences using 74 chars . Contains 4 words in 2 sentences using 20 chars . Contains 2 words in 2 sentences using 9 chars . Contains 2 words in 2 sentences using 12 chars . Contains 23 words in 2 sentences using 134 chars . Contains 8 words in 2 sentences using 38 chars . Contains 21 words in 2 sentences using 108 chars . Contains 8 words in 2 sentences using 36 chars . Contains 50 words in 2 sentences using 223 chars . Contains 10 words in 4 sentences using 55 chars . Contains 13 words in 2 sentences using 66 chars . (looking down from window.) Contains 5 words in 2 sentences using 23 chars . Contains 59 words in 2 sentences using 286 chars . Contains 8 words in 2 sentences using 38 chars . Contains 102 words in 8 sentences using 491 chars . [Exit L. U. E. Contains 75 words in 2 sentences using 361 chars . SONG. — Contains 56 words in 6 sentences using 324 chars . Contains 63 words in 7 sentences using 334 chars . Contains 63 words in 5 sentences using 327 chars . Scene closes. SCENE IV. — The Heath, Night. — Thunder, wind and rain. Enter Agatha and Hans , R. Contains 52 words in 11 sentences using 261 chars . Contains 17 words in 2 sentences using 74 chars . Contains 4 words in 3 sentences using 26 chars . Contains 11 words in 3 sentences using 58 chars . Contains 13 words in 3 sentences using 79 chars . Contains 18 words in 2 sentences using 87 chars . Contains 29 words in 6 sentences using 154 chars . Contains 14 words in 4 sentences using 70 chars . (starting.) Contains 3 words in 2 sentences using 13 chars . Contains 28 words in 2 sentences using 143 chars . (aside.) Contains 9 words in 3 sentences using 41 chars . Contains 13 words in 2 sentences using 57 chars . Contains 6 words in 2 sentences using 28 chars . Contains 1 word in 2 sentences using 6 chars . Contains 6 words in 2 sentences using 24 chars . [Exit running L. Contains 35 words in 8 sentences using 162 chars . Enter Darby and peasants. Contains 5 words in 3 sentences using 28 chars . Contains 8 words in 4 sentences using 29 chars . Contains 11 words in 2 sentences using 56 chars . Contains 14 words in 5 sentences using 70 chars . Contains 4 words in 2 sentences using 18 chars . Contains 16 words in 2 sentences using 74 chars . Contains 8 words in 2 sentences using 39 chars . Contains 50 words in 3 sentences using 233 chars . [Exeunt omnes, shouting " Follow! follow! " SCENE V. — The interior of Ballygarth, same as first scene — first act. Enter Magdalene and Dillon , L. Contains 8 words in 2 sentences using 42 chars . Contains 13 words in 2 sentences using 72 chars . Contains 36 words in 1 sentence using 200 chars . Contains 21 words in 5 sentences using 112 chars . Contains 31 words in 3 sentences using 157 chars . Contains 21 words in 3 sentences using 97 chars . Enter Gerald in his former dress, L. Contains 13 words in 2 sentences using 70 chars . Contains 14 words in 2 sentences using 82 chars . Contains 7 words in 2 sentences using 29 chars . Contains 14 words in 2 sentences using 73 chars . Contains 10 words in 2 sentences using 39 chars . Contains 3 words in 2 sentences using 16 chars . Contains 10 words in 2 sentences using 56 chars . Contains 16 words in 2 sentences using 93 chars . Contains 155 words in 4 sentences using 796 chars . Contains 10 words in 2 sentences using 43 chars . Contains 24 words in 4 sentences using 127 chars . Enter Agatha , L. Contains 13 words in 3 sentences using 65 chars . Contains 6 words in 2 sentences using 34 chars . Contains 13 words in 2 sentences using 67 chars . Contains 20 words in 6 sentences using 109 chars . (outside.) Contains 2 words in 3 sentences using 17 chars . Contains 19 words in 4 sentences using 113 chars . (outside.) Contains 11 words in 5 sentences using 43 chars . Contains 6 words in 3 sentences using 33 chars . Contains 10 words in 4 sentences using 46 chars . Contains 7 words in 2 sentences using 34 chars . Contains 5 words in 4 sentences using 23 chars . Contains 35 words in 4 sentences using 174 chars . Contains 4 words in 3 sentences using 23 chars . Contains 13 words in 3 sentences using 58 chars . Contains 9 words in 3 sentences using 36 chars . Contains 29 words in 4 sentences using 129 chars . Contains 8 words in 2 sentences using 38 chars . Contains 9 words in 2 sentences using 44 chars . Contains 1 word in 2 sentences using 13 chars . Contains 5 words in 2 sentences using 31 chars . Contains 12 words in 4 sentences using 60 chars . Contains 21 words in 4 sentences using 97 chars . Contains 6 words in 2 sentences using 27 chars . Contains 36 words in 2 sentences using 182 chars . Contains 7 words in 1 sentence using 39 chars . Contains 6 words in 2 sentences using 27 chars . Contains 1 word in 2 sentences using 5 chars . Contains 51 words in 2 sentences using 233 chars . Contains 8 words in 2 sentences using 37 chars . Contains 6 words in 2 sentences using 30 chars . Contains 6 words in 2 sentences using 28 chars . Contains 19 words in 2 sentences using 93 chars . Contains 4 words in 2 sentences using 15 chars . Contains 14 words in 2 sentences using 79 chars . Contains 29 words in 4 sentences using 139 chars . Contains 29 words in 2 sentences using 140 chars . Contains 25 words in 4 sentences using 132 chars . Contains 9 words in 2 sentences using 46 chars . Contains 27 words in 4 sentences using 131 chars . Contains 8 words in 2 sentences using 30 chars . Contains 1 word in 2 sentences using 7 chars . Contains 4 words in 2 sentences using 18 chars . Contains 2 words in 2 sentences using 9 chars . Contains 16 words in 1 sentence using 76 chars . Contains 21 words in 2 sentences using 97 chars . Contains 7 words in 2 sentences using 33 chars . Contains 5 words in 2 sentences using 32 chars . Contains 6 words in 2 sentences using 32 chars . Contains 28 words in 2 sentences using 120 chars . Contains 4 words in 2 sentences using 25 chars . Contains 10 words in 2 sentences using 47 chars . Contains 12 words in 1 sentence using 55 chars . Contains 9 words in 2 sentences using 45 chars . Contains 8 words in 2 sentences using 39 chars . Contains 11 words in 4 sentences using 58 chars . Contains 16 words in 2 sentences using 85 chars . (exulting) Contains 10 words in 6 sentences using 50 chars . (locks up the assignment and debenture in box.) Contains 29 words in 7 sentences using 151 chars . Contains 18 words in 6 sentences using 76 chars . Contains 22 words in 6 sentences using 102 chars . (outside) Contains 2 words in 2 sentences using 18 chars . Contains 9 words in 2 sentences using 59 chars . Contains 10 words in 2 sentences using 45 chars . Contains 14 words in 3 sentences using 87 chars . Agatha and Phelim , enter. Contains 28 words in 4 sentences using 141 chars . Contains 45 words in 6 sentences using 205 chars . Contains 37 words in 3 sentences using 210 chars . Contains 45 words in 3 sentences using 256 chars . Contains 5 words in 3 sentences using 31 chars . Contains 25 words in 2 sentences using 139 chars . Contains 8 words in 3 sentences using 48 chars . Contains 16 words in 2 sentences using 81 chars . Contains 19 words in 2 sentences using 91 chars . Contains 47 words in 3 sentences using 237 chars . Contains 8 words in 2 sentences using 40 chars . (hands it from box.) Contains 2 words in 2 sentences using 16 chars . Contains 4 words in 2 sentences using 16 chars . Contains 80 words in 4 sentences using 444 chars . Contains 7 words in 2 sentences using 33 chars . (as the old woman.) Contains 7 words in 2 sentences using 38 chars . Contains 14 words in 3 sentences using 61 chars . Contains 57 words in 2 sentences using 291 chars . DISPOSITION OF THE CHARACTERS