1916 A Case of Suspension DRAMATIS PERSONÆ DOROTHY Young lady of the Seminary ALICE Young lady of the Seminary MILDRED Young lady of the Seminary HAROLD Undergraduate of a College near by TOM Undergraduate of a College near by JACK Undergraduate of a College near by MISS OPHELIA JUDKINS Of the Faculty PROFESSOR EMILIUS EDGERTON Of the Faculty KATHLEEN A Celtic maiden JONAS The Seminary "man" COSTUMES AS DESIRED. TIME OF PLAYING — One Hour SCENE. — A young ladies' sitting-room, entrance R., window L., sofa and piano at back of stage, chairs and other things as desired . ( Enter KATHLEEN, duster in hand .) Contains 183 words in 14 sentences using 910 chars . ( Hastily hides behind sofa as DOROTHY enters; DOROTHY carries two bottles of olives, and some fruit .) ( breathlessly ). Contains 107 words in 10 sentences using 542 chars . ( Enter ALICE.) Contains 11 words in 3 sentences using 54 chars . Contains 9 words in 2 sentences using 41 chars . Contains 14 words in 4 sentences using 75 chars . Contains 45 words in 3 sentences using 233 chars . Contains 4 words in 1 sentence using 15 chars . Contains 39 words in 1 sentence using 188 chars . Contains 5 words in 1 sentence using 20 chars . Contains 32 words in 3 sentences using 147 chars . Contains 35 words in 3 sentences using 170 chars . Contains 67 words in 5 sentences using 343 chars . Contains 18 words in 2 sentences using 96 chars . Contains 26 words in 3 sentences using 118 chars . (KATHLEEN carelessly raises head, so that hat comes just above edge of sofa .) ( looking across ). Contains 16 words in 2 sentences using 70 chars . Contains 11 words in 3 sentences using 54 chars . ( She attempts to seize it — hat suddenly disappears .) ( screams ). Contains 3 words in 1 sentence using 13 chars . Contains 4 words in 2 sentences using 20 chars . Contains 22 words in 2 sentences using 97 chars . Contains 35 words in 3 sentences using 161 chars . ( Wildly paces up and down the floor .) Contains 11 words in 2 sentences using 47 chars . ( Steps heard; girls in fear and trembling fly to door; open it a crack .) Contains 7 words in 3 sentences using 25 chars . ( Enter MILDRED, carrying box of crackers, etc. ) Contains 11 words in 2 sentences using 57 chars . Contains 11 words in 2 sentences using 40 chars . ( screams ). Contains 4 words in 3 sentences using 20 chars . Contains 21 words in 3 sentences using 87 chars . Contains 6 words in 1 sentence using 12 chars . Contains 28 words in 1 sentence using 129 chars . Contains 21 words in 3 sentences using 94 chars . Contains 22 words in 3 sentences using 84 chars . Contains 5 words in 1 sentence using 17 chars . Contains 3 words in 1 sentence using 10 chars . Contains 25 words in 3 sentences using 110 chars . ( Exit DOROTHY.) ( A movement from behind sofa; girls scream; presently JONAS enters, with a large pitchfork in one hand, and a piece of rope in the other . DOROTHY follows him .) Contains 8 words in 1 sentence using 37 chars . Contains 5 words in 1 sentence using 29 chars . Contains 8 words in 3 sentences using 39 chars . (JONAS very cautiously moves sofa and discloses KATHLEEN.) Contains 10 words in 2 sentences using 48 chars . Contains 5 words in 1 sentence using 18 chars . Contains 6 words in 2 sentences using 32 chars . Contains 7 words in 1 sentence using 42 chars . (KATHLEEN sobs .) Contains 31 words in 3 sentences using 142 chars . ( sobbing ). Contains 91 words in 4 sentences using 436 chars . Contains 10 words in 1 sentence using 46 chars . Contains 17 words in 2 sentences using 99 chars . ( drying tears ). Contains 72 words in 2 sentences using 357 chars . Contains 3 words in 1 sentence using 20 chars . ( All look blank .) ( chuckling ). Contains 26 words in 3 sentences using 131 chars . Contains 19 words in 3 sentences using 92 chars . Contains 20 words in 2 sentences using 86 chars . Contains 44 words in 3 sentences using 257 chars . Contains 30 words in 2 sentences using 153 chars . Contains 21 words in 2 sentences using 114 chars . Contains 2 words in 1 sentence using 9 chars . KATHLEEN exits .) ( calling ). Contains 2 words in 1 sentence using 13 chars . ( from outside ). Contains 2 words in 1 sentence using 9 chars . Contains 5 words in 1 sentence using 28 chars . Contains 2 words in 1 sentence using 9 chars . (JONAS picks up pitchfork and rope; moves toward door .) Contains 12 words in 3 sentences using 54 chars . Contains 12 words in 1 sentence using 58 chars . ( grinning ). Contains 8 words in 1 sentence using 34 chars . Contains 25 words in 3 sentences using 115 chars . Contains 24 words in 1 sentence using 117 chars . Contains 11 words in 1 sentence using 60 chars . Contains 36 words in 2 sentences using 164 chars . Contains 14 words in 2 sentences using 66 chars . Contains 22 words in 3 sentences using 117 chars . Contains 23 words in 2 sentences using 107 chars . Contains 15 words in 2 sentences using 93 chars . Contains 17 words in 1 sentence using 99 chars . Contains 3 words in 1 sentence using 19 chars . Contains 10 words in 2 sentences using 41 chars . Contains 4 words in 1 sentence using 31 chars . Contains 2 words in 2 sentences using 13 chars . Contains 8 words in 1 sentence using 42 chars . Contains 30 words in 3 sentences using 149 chars . Contains 29 words in 3 sentences using 140 chars . Contains 16 words in 3 sentences using 83 chars . Contains 17 words in 2 sentences using 77 chars . Contains 21 words in 1 sentence using 110 chars . Contains 11 words in 2 sentences using 51 chars . Contains 4 words in 1 sentence using 21 chars . Contains 50 words in 3 sentences using 222 chars . Contains 18 words in 1 sentence using 92 chars . Contains 6 words in 1 sentence using 32 chars . Contains 18 words in 1 sentence using 83 chars . Contains 44 words in 3 sentences using 233 chars . Contains 6 words in 2 sentences using 27 chars . Contains 21 words in 1 sentence using 108 chars . ( Exit JONAS.) ( examining rope ). Contains 19 words in 2 sentences using 85 chars . ( Enter KATHLEEN, with basket .) Contains 86 words in 4 sentences using 430 chars . Contains 2 words in 1 sentence using 10 chars . Contains 94 words in 4 sentences using 455 chars . Contains 22 words in 4 sentences using 111 chars . Contains 3 words in 1 sentence using 13 chars . ( Exit KATHLEEN.) Contains 46 words in 2 sentences using 225 chars . (KATHLEEN coughs, outside .) Contains 7 words in 2 sentences using 37 chars . Contains 35 words in 5 sentences using 171 chars . ( All exit .) ( Enter PROFESSOR EDGERTON.) Contains 183 words in 16 sentences using 1002 chars . ( Steps to one side of window, careful not to be seen from outside. Low whistle heard again .) ( Whistles same way .) ( Two short whistles .) ( Two short whistles .) ( One long, two short .) ( One long, two short .) ( Three prolonged .) ( Three prolonged .) ( in low voice ). Contains 18 words in 3 sentences using 83 chars . ( Whistles .) Contains 23 words in 2 sentences using 105 chars . ( silently shakes fists, unobserved. Then leans toward window ). Contains 5 words in 1 sentence using 10 chars . Contains 20 words in 3 sentences using 95 chars . ( Whistles .) ( voice still lower ). Contains 31 words in 3 sentences using 160 chars . ( Whistles .) Contains 22 words in 4 sentences using 93 chars . ( turning from window ). Contains 28 words in 2 sentences using 139 chars . ( Cautiously exits .) ( Enter ALICE, DOROTHY, MILDRED.) Contains 37 words in 4 sentences using 182 chars . ( While they are busy at preparations, low whistle is heard .) ( jumping up ). Contains 5 words in 1 sentence using 19 chars . Contains 8 words in 1 sentence using 38 chars . Contains 9 words in 1 sentence using 31 chars . ( Basket is softly let down through window — then girls pull very hard, and HAROLD climbs in over sill .) Contains 40 words in 5 sentences using 182 chars . Contains 23 words in 3 sentences using 102 chars . ( Low whistle heard outside .) Contains 5 words in 1 sentence using 18 chars . Contains 7 words in 2 sentences using 33 chars . Contains 16 words in 2 sentences using 67 chars . ( Basket is hastily let down — they pull him in .) Contains 6 words in 1 sentence using 28 chars . (TOM climbs in over sill .) Contains 51 words in 4 sentences using 247 chars . Contains 8 words in 1 sentence using 32 chars . Contains 29 words in 1 sentence using 135 chars . Contains 7 words in 2 sentences using 31 chars . Contains 86 words in 6 sentences using 402 chars . Contains 11 words in 3 sentences using 48 chars . Contains 25 words in 3 sentences using 120 chars . Contains 19 words in 2 sentences using 82 chars . ( Another low whistle outside .) Contains 9 words in 2 sentences using 43 chars . ( Basket let down, rope drawn half way up .) ( leaning over sill ). Contains 17 words in 3 sentences using 67 chars . ( amazed ). Contains 6 words in 3 sentences using 28 chars . ( catching rope ). Contains 9 words in 2 sentences using 35 chars . Contains 4 words in 3 sentences using 19 chars . Contains 9 words in 1 sentence using 46 chars . Contains 8 words in 3 sentences using 26 chars . Contains 2 words in 1 sentence using 8 chars . Contains 6 words in 1 sentence using 25 chars . Contains 33 words in 3 sentences using 146 chars . Contains 9 words in 3 sentences using 48 chars . Contains 13 words in 2 sentences using 77 chars . Contains 58 words in 4 sentences using 323 chars . ( sweetly ). Contains 8 words in 1 sentence using 39 chars . Contains 14 words in 1 sentence using 70 chars . Contains 12 words in 3 sentences using 58 chars . Contains 14 words in 2 sentences using 79 chars . ( mockingly ). Contains 17 words in 1 sentence using 75 chars . Contains 16 words in 2 sentences using 86 chars . Contains 9 words in 1 sentence using 63 chars . Contains 21 words in 2 sentences using 109 chars . Contains 24 words in 2 sentences using 130 chars . Contains 15 words in 1 sentence using 81 chars . ( groans ). Contains 8 words in 2 sentences using 39 chars . ( with the energy of despair ). Contains 10 words in 1 sentence using 66 chars . Contains 27 words in 2 sentences using 139 chars . Contains 12 words in 1 sentence using 60 chars . Contains 20 words in 3 sentences using 110 chars . Contains 4 words in 1 sentence using 25 chars . Contains 21 words in 1 sentence using 110 chars . Contains 5 words in 1 sentence using 21 chars . Contains 19 words in 3 sentences using 107 chars . Contains 20 words in 1 sentence using 103 chars . Contains 22 words in 3 sentences using 113 chars . Contains 4 words in 1 sentence using 24 chars . Contains 4 words in 1 sentence using 24 chars . Contains 24 words in 4 sentences using 106 chars . ( Basket is pulled in .) ( climbing over sill ). Contains 22 words in 2 sentences using 118 chars . Contains 22 words in 2 sentences using 100 chars . Contains 45 words in 5 sentences using 241 chars . ( Seats PROFESSOR in chair. Low whistle heard outside .) Contains 8 words in 2 sentences using 42 chars . Contains 4 words in 1 sentence using 24 chars . Contains 13 words in 1 sentence using 67 chars . (JACK tumbles in .) Contains 19 words in 2 sentences using 91 chars . Contains 13 words in 1 sentence using 75 chars . Contains 3 words in 1 sentence using 20 chars . Contains 10 words in 1 sentence using 58 chars . ( blankly ). Contains 25 words in 2 sentences using 131 chars . Contains 4 words in 1 sentence using 19 chars . ( They whisper in corner; JACK seems greatly amused .) Contains 24 words in 3 sentences using 112 chars . Contains 21 words in 2 sentences using 98 chars . Contains 19 words in 3 sentences using 104 chars . Contains 30 words in 2 sentences using 178 chars . Contains 24 words in 3 sentences using 108 chars . Contains 37 words in 2 sentences using 177 chars . ( Seats herself at piano and plays lively jig .) Contains 6 words in 1 sentence using 32 chars . ( They force PROFESSOR to circle awkwardly with them .) ( circling ). Contains 23 words in 1 sentence using 133 chars . Contains 8 words in 3 sentences using 40 chars . Contains 6 words in 1 sentence using 36 chars . Contains 6 words in 2 sentences using 30 chars . (DOROTHY plays "We won't go home till morning." All join in the song. Door opens and MISS JUDKINS stands in view. Sudden stoppage .) ( from piano ). Contains 19 words in 4 sentences using 92 chars . ( Wheels around, sees MISS JUDKINS, hides head and screams .) Contains 9 words in 3 sentences using 66 chars . Contains 20 words in 3 sentences using 119 chars . Contains 5 words in 1 sentence using 32 chars . ( seriously ). Contains 11 words in 1 sentence using 59 chars . Contains 14 words in 2 sentences using 75 chars . Contains 37 words in 4 sentences using 234 chars . ( Whistle heard outside . DOROTHY answers with similar whistle .) Contains 18 words in 2 sentences using 91 chars . ( smothering a laugh ). Contains 5 words in 2 sentences using 28 chars . Contains 4 words in 1 sentence using 22 chars . ( from doorway ). Contains 25 words in 1 sentence using 140 chars . Contains 7 words in 1 sentence using 37 chars . Contains 36 words in 3 sentences using 191 chars . Contains 18 words in 2 sentences using 103 chars . Contains 43 words in 5 sentences using 213 chars . ( Shrieks of laughter .) Contains 25 words in 2 sentences using 124 chars . Contains 42 words in 2 sentences using 198 chars . Contains 3 words in 2 sentences using 19 chars . Contains 67 words in 4 sentences using 335 chars . Contains 32 words in 1 sentence using 174 chars . Contains 45 words in 4 sentences using 249 chars . Contains 5 words in 1 sentence using 26 chars . Contains 8 words in 2 sentences using 39 chars . Contains 30 words in 1 sentence using 162 chars . Contains 8 words in 2 sentences using 47 chars . ( They seat themselves. Enter KATHLEEN, breathless .) Contains 21 words in 2 sentences using 117 chars . ( Stares in open-mouthed astonishment .) ( entering ). Contains 25 words in 2 sentences using 118 chars . Contains 24 words in 3 sentences using 113 chars . Contains 11 words in 2 sentences using 52 chars . ( sings ). Contains 6 words in 2 sentences using 25 chars . Contains 35 words in 3 sentences using 161 chars . ( dryly ). Contains 6 words in 1 sentence using 24 chars . Contains 72 words in 2 sentences using 351 chars . Contains 22 words in 2 sentences using 102 chars . Contains 16 words in 1 sentence using 96 chars . Contains 11 words in 4 sentences using 60 chars . ( Tuning of guitars is heard; then a college song is sung by a male quartet .) Contains 30 words in 6 sentences using 156 chars . (DOROTHY plays .) Contains 23 words in 2 sentences using 134 chars . ( breathlessly ). Contains 20 words in 1 sentence using 111 chars . Contains 19 words in 2 sentences using 96 chars . Contains 5 words in 1 sentence using 33 chars . Contains 7 words in 1 sentence using 34 chars . Contains 7 words in 1 sentence using 38 chars . Contains 22 words in 1 sentence using 119 chars . Contains 7 words in 1 sentence using 32 chars . Contains 4 words in 1 sentence using 23 chars . CURTAIN