API Overview ------------ ==================== ================================================== ========================== ======== Method Request Parameters Response Examples ==================== ================================================== ========================== ======== copy sid, log, uri (repeatable), projectId, newRevision TG-copy UUID /tgpublish/copy?sid=SID&log=&uri=textgrid:1234&uri=textgrid:2345&projectId=TGPR&newRevision=FALSE getStatus TextGrid URI or TG-copy UUID publishResponse XML /tgpublish/textgrid:1234/status /tgpublish/tgcopy:fc1023a3-739e-4727-b4b2-64711650dfc1/status getVersion none Version String /tgpublish/version listWorldReadables none worldReadableMimetypes XML /tgpublish/listWorldReadables publish sid, log, ignoreWarnings, dryRun HTTP 201 OK /tgpublish/textgrid:1234/publish?sid=SID&log=&ignoreWarnings=TRUE&dryRun=FALSE publishSandboxData sid, log, ignoreWarnings, dryRun HTTP 201 OK /tgpublish/textgrid:1234/publishSandboxData?sid=SID&log=&ignoreWarnings=TRUE&dryRun=FALSE publishWorldReadable sid, log, ignoreWarnings, dryRun HTTP 201 OK /tgpublish/textgrid:1234/publishWorldReadable?sid=SID&log=&ignoreWarnings=TRUE&dryRun=FALSE ==================== ================================================== ========================== ======== API Methods ----------- getStatus() ^^^^^^^^^^^ Gets the status of a certain publish process using the specific TextGrid URI or the TG-copy UUID, e.g. http://textgridlab.org/1.0/tgpublish/textgrid:1234/status Optional parameters are * the RBAC Session ID, and * the log service parameter. The TextGrid URI or the TG-copy UUID is given in the RESTful URL path, see example above. You get back the publish response as an XML file, which is described below. getVersion() ^^^^^^^^^^^^ The current version of the TG-publish installation you can get using http://textgridlab.org/1.0/tgpublish/version listWorldReadables() ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The list of TextGrid objects that can be published as single WorldReadable objects you can get using http://textgridlab.org/1.0/tgpublish/listWorldReadables publish() ^^^^^^^^^ Publishes data from the TG-lab directly to the TextGrid Repository, needs a TextGrid URI as resource, and takes the following as input parameters: * The RBAC session ID (mandatory) [as used in the TG-lab] * The log parameter (optional – default is "") [as used in the TG-lab, too] * The ignoreWarnings trigger (default is FALSE) [Any warnings are ignored, if set to TRUE. Objects containing warnings will be published anyhow] * The dryRun trigger (default is TRUE) [If set to TRUE, nothing will really be published, but just checked] * The object to publish is given with the URI path parameter as following: http://textgridlab.org/1.0/tgpublish/textgrid:1234/publish?sid=MB896JHG&log=&ignoreWarnings=TRUE&dryRun=FALSE The publish call only returns an HTTP 201 OK, that indicates the service did queue the request and will be processing it as soon as possible. If an HTTP error is returned, the publishing process was NOT started and will not be! You can check your requests outcome by calling status(). No sandbox is involved here! publishSandboxData() ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Really publishes data finally to the TextGridRep that has been published to the sandbox before. At the moment this method is only used by the TG-import tool. publishWorldReadable() ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Publishes an object as WorldReadable. The same parameters as in publish() do apply. copy() ^^^^^^ Copies the objects belonging to the given URIs and all their aggregated objects (from aggregations/editions/collections) to the project belonging to the given project ID. You can copy objects from the TG-lab (non-public repository) and/or the public repository to your own projects, e.g. for further processing. * The following parameters do apply. * The RBAC session ID (mandatory) [as used in the TG-lab] * The log parameter (optional – default is "") [as used in the TG-lab, too] * The URIs of the objects to copy [This can be URIs of aggregations/collections/editions (in that case all subelements are gathered automatically) or URIs of single objects. This parameter is repeatable, so you can build a list of your favourite objects, and copy them allinto one of your projects.] * The Project ID [of the project to copy the objects to.] * newRevision [A boolean parameter to create new revisions from all copied objects (TRUE), or not (FALSE).] Here an HTTP example of the copy() method: http://textgridlab.org/1.0/tgpublish/copy?sid=MB896JHG&log=&uri=textgrid:1234&uri=textgrid:2345&projectId=TGPR&newRevision=FALSE The copy call returns a session UUID as a string, that **(a)** does indicate the service did queue the request and will be processing it as soon as possible, and that you can **(b)** query via the status() call your copy status. If an HTTP error is returned, the copying process was NOT started and will not be! To track the provenience of the copied objects, an isDerivedFrom relation is set in the TextGrid metadata of each copied object. The TG-publish WADL Service Description --------------------------------------- The WADL file of the TG-publish response you can find as `Service WADL `_.