XML Schema ---------- The embedded PublishResponse XML schema can be found here: .. literalinclude:: publishResponse.xml :language: xml publishResponse Root Element ---------------------------- The publishResponse element has got the attribute dryRun, the element publishStatus and a list of publishObject elements. dryRun ^^^^^^ The attribute dryRun just tells if a publish process is or was running or just a publish test without any consequences. publishStatus ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This element tells about the current status of the overall publishing process. * module: Possibly a list of processed modules (not yet used by TG-publish). * progress : The overall progress in percent. Each module can implement updating this progress value. Please use it for progress bars or other nice things. * activeModule: Holds the currently activeModule, that is the qualified name of the corrresponding koLibRI Java ActionModule. * processStatus: The processStatusdescribes the current overall process status, and can contain the following values: * FINISHED: This TG-publish process is finished, either with failure or success * RUNNING: The current process is still running, just try again later... * FAILED: The TG-publish process has failed. See object list for reasons. * NOT_QUEUED: The given TextGrid URI is not yet queued in the TG-publish queue. Either you have not started a publish process with this URI, or the process has not yet begun. publishObject ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Each of the objects in the list holds the following data, the root Collection or Edition is alco contained, normally as the first element of the list. * uri: The URI of the object to publish. * pid: The generated PID of the object. * status: This status describes the status of the single object, and can contain: * OK: Object was processed successfully. * WARNING: Object was processed successfully, but there were warnings (can yet be published using the ignoreWarnings flag). * ERROR: An error occured while publishing. * NOT_YET_PUBLISHED: The object was not yet published (according to TG-auth*). * ALREADY_PUBLISHED: The object already is published (according to TG-auth*). * publishError: Errors occured processing this object. * AUTH * WRONG_CONTENT_TYPE * NO_PUBLISH_RIGHT * PID_GENERATION_FAILED * MISSING_METADATA * ALREADY_PUBLISHED * METADATA_WARNINGS_EXIST * SERVER_ERROR * NOT_SPECIFIED * referencedUris: List of URIs that are references from within this object, and NOT contained in the current Edition or Collection. * publishWarning: Warnings occured processing this object. * CHECK_REFERENCES: Check the referenced URIs. * NOT_SPECIFIED: Other warning.